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Abhisit says election is not answer, warns of coup


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Only in Thailand would a supposedly major political party say that elections arnt the answer....... clearly they must believe, even after all this they still cannot win. coffee1.gif

Not exactly oozing confidence our Marky boy is he ? . ​

You know there seems to be quite a few posters dribbling of at the mouth about how an election would solve all the problems. But for the life of me how can electing the same crooks solve the problem they are still going to steal all your money.

The Government needs reform it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that. Why a Foreigner would support this bunch of corrupt people is beyond me unless they themselves are involved in it and receiving special favors. I can think of no other reason. Well on second thought Thai Visa does seem to have a fair amount of Thai haters they might enjoy seeing the Thai's get it with out the grease.

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Only in Thailand would a supposedly major political party say that elections arnt the answer....... clearly they must believe, even after all this they still cannot win. coffee1.gif

Not exactly oozing confidence our Marky boy is he ? . ​

You know there seems to be quite a few posters dribbling of at the mouth about how an election would solve all the problems. But for the life of me how can electing the same crooks solve the problem they are still going to steal all your money.

The Government needs reform it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that. Why a Foreigner would support this bunch of corrupt people is beyond me unless they themselves are involved in it and receiving special favors. I can think of no other reason. Well on second thought Thai Visa does seem to have a fair amount of Thai haters they might enjoy seeing the Thai's get it with out the grease.

No it doesn't solve all the problems but it represents a movement forward, as opposed to so called reform which represents god knows how many steps backwards and sideways and ends up where.

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Only in Thailand would a supposedly major political party say that elections arnt the answer....... clearly they must believe, even after all this they still cannot win. coffee1.gif

Not exactly oozing confidence our Marky boy is he ? . ​

You know there seems to be quite a few posters dribbling of at the mouth about how an election would solve all the problems. But for the life of me how can electing the same crooks solve the problem they are still going to steal all your money.

The Government needs reform it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that. Why a Foreigner would support this bunch of corrupt people is beyond me unless they themselves are involved in it and receiving special favors. I can think of no other reason. Well on second thought Thai Visa does seem to have a fair amount of Thai haters they might enjoy seeing the Thai's get it with out the grease.

Thailand is nothing special, it wont slide into the sea because it has an election, it wont collapse but it may well settle down and stop tearing itself apart. The only time there is serious violence here is when the elected choice of the people or process is violated....

No it dosnt solve all the problems, nothing will until after the unthinkable happens but it will let the country get back to some normality, dont kid yourself this is a crusade for reform, its nothing more than a power grab as its the only way for the democrats to come to power and they know it. They are no less than a failed political party with little support in real terms and they know it. This is why time after time you see them trying to derail or stall.

If there is such a support for reform or that so many are fed up with things the way they are then PTP would be out, fact is about political parties here is they are ALL corrupt, no one is going to reform their little perks voluntarily, im not sure where youve been hiding but to pretend its only PTP that are corrupt is being as little naive to say the least. If the people were that fed up they would simply vote out the offending party..... and no its not all about vote buying,

Where are we ? oh yea about 7 mths since the calls for reform and little further..... Thailand must have a serving PM soon and elections are the way forward, It is beyond me how so many westerners here think that its perfectly ok to suspend the electoral process, you wouldnt stand for it in your own country for one moment.

Thailand will get what it deserves and who it wants in an election, fact is it isnt what the rich lot want, they want their own way and are not happy with the election process....

IF the country wants a corrupt incompetent ruling party, so what, that IS the choice of the people, they have the right to choose their own fate and it is NOT for the few to tell everyone what they are going to get... or what they can and cant vote for.... especially an appointed leadership.

We are right back at square one ... an election in the offing and the same dinosaurs trying yet again to block it.....and the same gullible posters thinking the way forward is a non elected appointed committee put in place by a few elite ( and quite possibly just as corrupt ) ..... not in a million years would you go for that in your own country. You would be screaming blue murder ... but not here ... now why is that ?

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Thailand needs to tear itself apart actually.

Apart from all those dead head red shirts and stomp them into the ground along with the pro Thaksin red farangs that crawl out from under their slime covered stones whenever Khaosod releases a new Thaksin propaganda BS news bite.

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Only in Thailand would a supposedly major political party say that elections arnt the answer....... clearly they must believe, even after all this they still cannot win. coffee1.gif

Not exactly oozing confidence our Marky boy is he ? . ​

You know there seems to be quite a few posters dribbling of at the mouth about how an election would solve all the problems. But for the life of me how can electing the same crooks solve the problem they are still going to steal all your money.

The Government needs reform it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that. Why a Foreigner would support this bunch of corrupt people is beyond me unless they themselves are involved in it and receiving special favors. I can think of no other reason. Well on second thought Thai Visa does seem to have a fair amount of Thai haters they might enjoy seeing the Thai's get it with out the grease.

Thailand is nothing special, it wont slide into the sea because it has an election, it wont collapse but it may well settle down and stop tearing itself apart. The only time there is serious violence here is when the elected choice of the people or process is violated....

No it dosnt solve all the problems, nothing will until after the unthinkable happens but it will let the country get back to some normality, dont kid yourself this is a crusade for reform, its nothing more than a power grab as its the only way for the democrats to come to power and they know it. They are no less than a failed political party with little support in real terms and they know it. This is why time after time you see them trying to derail or stall.

If there is such a support for reform or that so many are fed up with things the way they are then PTP would be out, fact is about political parties here is they are ALL corrupt, no one is going to reform their little perks voluntarily, im not sure where youve been hiding but to pretend its only PTP that are corrupt is being as little naive to say the least. If the people were that fed up they would simply vote out the offending party..... and no its not all about vote buying,

Where are we ? oh yea about 7 mths since the calls for reform and little further..... Thailand must have a serving PM soon and elections are the way forward, It is beyond me how so many westerners here think that its perfectly ok to suspend the electoral process, you wouldnt stand for it in your own country for one moment.

Thailand will get what it deserves and who it wants in an election, fact is it isnt what the rich lot want, they want their own way and are not happy with the election process....

IF the country wants a corrupt incompetent ruling party, so what, that IS the choice of the people, they have the right to choose their own fate and it is NOT for the few to tell everyone what they are going to get... or what they can and cant vote for.... especially an appointed leadership.

We are right back at square one ... an election in the offing and the same dinosaurs trying yet again to block it.....and the same gullible posters thinking the way forward is a non elected appointed committee put in place by a few elite ( and quite possibly just as corrupt ) ..... not in a million years would you go for that in your own country. You would be screaming blue murder ... but not here ... now why is that ?

the downturn is getting worse,

drought is on the table

60% of the country is in drought now

this does not appear to be getting settled

violence seems inevitable

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Abhisit, waiting in the wings, ready to pounce on a chance to seize power without a mandate just like in 2008. Almost, but not fully supporting Suthep, paying lip service to elections, but doing his best to obstruct the democratic process. Nothing but a manipulative little slime-ball, born with a silver-spoon in his mouth, put there by his father, a government minister in a military junta. Like father, like son. When Abhisit was installed as PM by Commander in Chief, Anupong Poachinda, he promptly appointed his own father as director of Charoen Pokphand Foods, Thailands largest agribusiness firm. Abhisit's government presided over a 63% increase in unemployment and the largest budget deficit since the Chuan administration.


"I'm not ready for an election, but I'm ready to be PM"

"Me too"

Once a big hope for this country, but then he sold his soul to the Junta and their quiet sponsors.

With his background, no wonder.

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Abhisit, waiting in the wings, ready to pounce on a chance to seize power without a mandate just like in 2008. Almost, but not fully supporting Suthep, paying lip service to elections, but doing his best to obstruct the democratic process. Nothing but a manipulative little slime-ball, born with a silver-spoon in his mouth, put there by his father, a government minister in a military junta. Like father, like son. When Abhisit was installed as PM by Commander in Chief, Anupong Poachinda, he promptly appointed his own father as director of Charoen Pokphand Foods, Thailands largest agribusiness firm. Abhisit's government presided over a 63% increase in unemployment and the largest budget deficit since the Chuan administration.


"I'm not ready for an election, but I'm ready to be PM"

"Me too"

Once a big hope for this country, but then he sold his soul to the Junta and their quiet sponsors.

With his background, no wonder.

He can't even be bothered to be subtle about it anymore.

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Lance Armstrong won 7 times the Tour de France.

Thaksin's Parties won the elections and have been disqualified (sometimes)

The Dems only want an Antidoping System for the next elections.

who needs doping when its lance armstrong vs a sore loser suffering from political paralysis ?

Too much citric acid in your system Manao, it's making you sour.

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Not sure if this chap understands how silly he sounds when he, as the the head of the Democratic party, says that elections are "not the answer"?

Maybe he should first frame the question, then offer a solution. Clearly not the best, nor the brightest, so much for the allure of an Old Etonian.

Agreed. A perfectly good education wastes on this empty suit.

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what a loser, still no solutions, just some mumbling about a "discussion".

whats he still doing in politics, he is doing more damage than good, besides shouldn't he be preparing his defense for the murder charges he is up against ?

As usual in there with your hand high waving a flag saying look at me I know nothing. The Bangkok post actually said that all Shinawatra's will with draw from politics if justice is returned to the people. If all Shinawatra's withdraw from the government what about his paid stooge's?

If he with draws them also justice will automatically be returned to the people. In my opinion and not pointing fingers any one that thinks an election now with no changes will make every thing good is a complete idiot. Remember I am stating my opinion not pointing fingers.

My opinion stands if the Democrats or one of the small parties win it will still not solve the political situation in Thailand. The PTP has had control for abut 2 and 1/2 years and the only changes they have made harm the Thais. Higher family debt. Higher prices non payment to rice growers and new car buyers reduction in the teaching standards in the schools. For sure that has to end and the only way is to reform the government so it can not do things like that. Not going to happen with a Shinawatra and there extended family including the red shirts in the picture

Besides that I think Thaksin is looking for a way out and save face at the same time. He knows as things stand now he can not win.

"reduction in the teaching standards in the schools." Are you taking the p*ss? according to you in just 2 1/2 years the PTP has done this to schools,,, care to enlighten us just how and why? I have worked in the education system for almost 10 years so I know just how hard it can be to get teachers to change the way they do things,

Please if you could answer as I have asked this question before but still don't have an answer or maybe I missed it, Can Mark contest the next election as he did not vote in Feb 2 election and according to EC rules if a PM dose not vote they can not contest the next election,

(To any who may have answered this question please forgive me as I may have missed it)

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Ohhh Khun Abhisit is scared of losing again.

You lot are just so utterly boring that I am starting to feel sorry for you.

I am sure your problems are not insurmountable, maybe you should seek a course that specialises in promoting 'reality checks' as that would transform your lives and make you happier people!!

You don't have to admit your mistakes just realise that they are there, correct them and come over to our side - which is the sensible way.

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We cannot win, so therefore elections are not the answer. What is this guy the modern day thai philosopher? The new Socrates? What a wimp. What a tiny man. What a lack of imagination. And I once thought he was the answer for Thailand's problems. Imagine my level of delusion to have embraced a thought like that. He is an empty suit. A man without ideas. A rich guy with nothing to say. Do we want to listen to what he has to say? Absolutely not. Of course his counterpart in power does not have much to say either. The incredible lack of talent and imagination in politics here in Thailand reminds me of the US. Same deal there. No talent. No leadership. No creativity. Very little goodwill.

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Abhisit, waiting in the wings, ready to pounce on a chance to seize power without a mandate just like in 2008. Almost, but not fully supporting Suthep, paying lip service to elections, but doing his best to obstruct the democratic process. Nothing but a manipulative little slime-ball, born with a silver-spoon in his mouth, put there by his father, a government minister in a military junta. Like father, like son. When Abhisit was installed as PM by Commander in Chief, Anupong Poachinda, he promptly appointed his own father as director of Charoen Pokphand Foods, Thailands largest agribusiness firm. Abhisit's government presided over a 63% increase in unemployment and the largest budget deficit since the Chuan administration.


"I'm not ready for an election, but I'm ready to be PM"

"Me too"

You do have a talent for mindless, colorful, name calling. Sigh!

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Unbelievable! The leader of one of the main parties in a democracy threatening a coup if elections are held.

The fascists worldwide are getting restless, what with one democracy destroyed in Ukraine, and Thailand and Venezuela creaking under the strain of reactionary forces, we are in dangerous times.

You are absolutely right - there is nothing believable in your comment.

First take a long deep breath and clear out any thoughts of a dangerous fascist world out there - then read the original post again, you might now spot that there is no-one "threating a coup if elections are held".

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Writing is on the wall

We can't win an election, the army doesn't want to ......... so a coup - judicial coup will be the path. And we hope everyone just accepts it and lets us rule


As over half the population does not support the dems, PDRC and PAD, I would suggest moving funds offshore if you haven't already. When this happens the thai baht will take a major 5 point hit as it will be long term instability and sadly violence.

You forgot to include the PTP in the list. Over halfthe population does NOT support the PTP, the UDD etc.

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Not sure if this chap understands how silly he sounds when he, as the the head of the Democratic party, says that elections are "not the answer"?

Maybe he should first frame the question, then offer a solution. Clearly not the best, nor the brightest, so much for the allure of an Old Etonian.

Eton is the best school in the world. Are you envious you did not get that kind of education? Or just sprouting working class prejudices

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what a loser, still no solutions, just some mumbling about a "discussion".

whats he still doing in politics, he is doing more damage than good, besides shouldn't he be preparing his defense for the murder charges he is up against ?

There seems to be little interest in the trumped up murder charges which most agree wont fly, most are still waiting for answers as to why thaksin a convicted criminal on the run was issued a passport.

A corrupt judicial system of course.. Next

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

So corrupt that they refused to take Thaksins pastry box bribe

2 million baht wasn't it ? And the judge refused to take the bribe. I wonder where that judge is now, I don't know who it was. I hope he is in the CC or the NACC right now - he seems to be a good honest man...

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Not sure if this chap understands how silly he sounds when he, as the the head of the Democratic party, says that elections are "not the answer"?

Maybe he should first frame the question, then offer a solution. Clearly not the best, nor the brightest, so much for the allure of an Old Etonian.

Eton is the best school in the world. Are you envious you did not get that kind of education? Or just sprouting working class prejudices

Appears your education went drastically wobbly. Sprouts are found in the vegetable garden.

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You should watch Liverpool vs Milan 1995 Champions league final.

If you think a come-back by what you perceive as losers is impossible.... you might get a wake-up call.

You think he has no half-time soilutions, as a manager of his Dem party?

WHAT charges are applicable to big daddy in Dubai?... is he still preparing his defence against those?

Dream on buddy.... the impossible is more than possible..

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what a loser, still no solutions, just some mumbling about a "discussion".

whats he still doing in politics, he is doing more damage than good, besides shouldn't he be preparing his defense for the murder charges he is up against ?

It's amazing. A post of a Khaosod article goes up and 3 minutes later you post. I do believe you had a heads up from your master. I believe if Abhisit had offered a list of solutions then you would complain that he was trying to "dictate" to the people. Abhisit can't satisfy you like the Prince of Dubai does when he rubs your belly. Instead Abhisit says this: He went on, "I hope the discussion on 22 April will not see fights between different parties. The talk should be a discussion about the needs of every side, how to help the country move forward, without violence and coups." Which apparently you don't see any merit in. Keep in mind your beloved PTP will also take part in these talks/discussions so they must see some merit in them and they will be seen on live TV as ordered by the apparently "true" caretaker Chalerm of CAPO fame. Your Princess? ...Well she will be resting in the North because she really doesn't have any position or power in the PTP does she.

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"At this moment many think ... a smooth, problem-free election is an adequate solution," Abhisit Vejjajiva said at a press conference today. "But that is not the truth."

Excellent trolling. Absolutely no statements to support such a claim. Classic trolling.

"I want all sides to look at the events of 2006. The date of the election was already set, political parties already began vote canvassing, but it ended in a military coup,"

Abhisit really knows how to push PTP and UDD's buttons. He's telling the PTP (in its previous incarnation TRT) it was responsible for the 2006 coup and it there is another coup, the PTP and UDD's supporters clashing with Suthep and his groups will be the reason. He's also threatening negative consequences for PTP if they don't cooperate during the EC meeting. Yes, Abhisit is a world-class troll. I think it is good when K. Abhisit gives the PTP and UDD back a taste of what they are dishing out every day. Look at this forum: pro-government trolls outnumber anti-government troll 10 to 1. (Everyone can troll)

"I hope the discussion on 22 April will not see fights between different parties. The talk should be a discussion about the needs of every side, how to help the country move forward, without violence and coups."

Abhisit is good. He's implying that the only trouble-makers expected at the EC meeting will be the PTP government and then, after subtly accusing them of violence, threatens them with a coup if they don't appreciate. "the needs of every side". Whatever side you're on, you have to admit that Abhisit is one smart cookie.

"....threatens them with a coup if they don't appreciate "the needs of every side". Whatever side you're on, you have to admit that Abhisit is one smart cookie."

Where do you see a "threat with a coup"?

IMHO Abhisit makes a realistic and pragmatic statement nothing else. He certainly should be smart enough to know that a coup is not beneficial for Thailand. It would not solve any of the root causes, only provide a last means of them trying to cling to power and stage a comeback in disguise later on.

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