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Looking for a deep fat fryer


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Here’s another one for the good shoppers of Pattaya.

I’m looking for an electric fryer to cook french fries, (a deep fat fryer with a basket).

Homeworks have a small one that I doubt would cook more than 2 portions of chips in one go for the price of 4,000 Baht, which I think is excessive. Macro and Big C at Pattaya Tai didn't have any in stock.

Has anyone seen one for sale at a more reasonable price – or maybe a bigger one for the same price - in and around Pattaya?

Or does anyone have one at home that has been gathering dust and they would like to get rid of??


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if Phuket is anything to go by then you will have numerous Hotel equipment outlets. They will be offering new equipment (of course) but will have second hand stuff from all the wannabes who paid for new and then their venture collapsed.

Fill yer boots..... as a blog follower I just hope you don't fall into their same misery.

Your staff will know where these outlets are.

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Another and healthier option is airfrying. Rapid Air technology makes hot air circulate very fast around the ingredients in the basket, no added frying oil is needed. I’ve been using Philips Airfryer in every day cooking for over an year now. I am still amazed how evenly it cook/fries and the tasty results, also the variety of food you can make is vast, e.g. fries, steaks, chicken, vegetable chips, fish, even muffins. The nonstick basket is easy to clean, it’s also dishwasher safe. I bought mine in PowerBuy next to Foodland for 7000 baht, well worth it.

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seen them at Makro they start at ฿ 2000 upwards

Went there today. Out of stock, but 2k is a lot better than 4k for the smallest deep fat fryer I've ever seen.

Banglay is correct, I saw them at Makro today as well. They are close to the entrance where the TVs are on display.

Saw two different types, both 3 liters, priced at 1,990 and 3,990.

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The 2000 baht one from Makro is good for home use and for individual portions at a restaurant that is not serving several customers at once (like a new lakeside bar). However, if there are any specials like fish & chips that are of sufficient quality that word spreads and the place gets busy (like a new lakeside bar), then I would get a couple of them.

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What is the best oil to use for deep frying chips?

All opinions welcome.

I made some real chips the other day for the kids and they wanted to know why they taste so different to the frozen crap from the supermarket, I made a rod for my back as they want the real ones all the time now,

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What is the best oil to use for deep frying chips?

There is an art to doing chips: http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/thebestchipsyouhavee_93121

They should be cooked once at a lower temperature and finished (crisped) at a higher temperature. Frozen chips supposedly have the first cooking stage already done in the factory, so in theory all you need to do is the second stage. Another part of the problem in Thailand is that the oils commonly used don't get hot enough.

I would go for peanut (groundnut) or sunflower oil here. Neither has too much flavour and both will support the temperatures needed. Rice bran oil might be worth trying.

Ideally you could forget oil altogether and use beef dripping or lard, but that is unlikely to be practical in a domestic setting.

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Another and healthier option is airfrying. Rapid Air technology makes hot air circulate very fast around the ingredients in the basket, no added frying oil is needed. I’ve been using Philips Airfryer in every day cooking for over an year now. I am still amazed how evenly it cook/fries and the tasty results, also the variety of food you can make is vast, e.g. fries, steaks, chicken, vegetable chips, fish, even muffins. The nonstick basket is easy to clean, it’s also dishwasher safe. I bought mine in PowerBuy next to Foodland for 7000 baht, well worth it.

Does it actually get hot enough to cook chipped potatoes properly? Do you par-cook them first at a lower temperature or just do it in one go? Or do you use frozen chips?

I've seen these devices for 1000B (no-name brands) and often wondered about them. I suppose the cheaper ones may not get as hot as the named brands.

I have a combi convection/microwave oven that bakes bread and does yorkshire puddings etc and I would like to try frozen oven chips in it, but no one seems to sell them here.

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What is the best oil to use for deep frying chips?

All opinions welcome.

I made some real chips the other day for the kids and they wanted to know why they taste so different to the frozen crap from the supermarket, I made a rod for my back as they want the real ones all the time now,

my mate in the uk.had a 5* inn-restaurant and he never used anything but corn oil,and to get the best chips,cut them chunky size deep fry at 130deg.cool and put in the fridge overnight for best results,then heat the oil to 190 or till its bubbling

drop them straight in cook few minutes till brown and crispy.

oh those fish and chips in Yorkshire cooked in beef dripping[heart attack on a news paper].

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The 2000 baht one from Makro is good for home use and for individual portions at a restaurant that is not serving several customers at once (like a new lakeside bar). However, if there are any specials like fish & chips that are of sufficient quality that word spreads and the place gets busy (like a new lakeside bar), then I would get a couple of them.

A 'new lakeside bar' is going to proceed with great caution as far as food is concerned.

It might start with hot dogs, (it is very difficult for anyone to screw up a hot dog), and follow up with portions of french fries. It should stop there until a decent cook can be located and hired. If it does food, it must be reasonably priced and be of good quality, otherwise it will fail....

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seen them at Makro they start at ฿ 2000 upwards

Went there today. Out of stock, but 2k is a lot better than 4k for the smallest deep fat fryer I've ever seen.

Banglay is correct, I saw them at Makro today as well. They are close to the entrance where the TVs are on display.

Saw two different types, both 3 liters, priced at 1,990 and 3,990.

I don't doubt you are right. I will take another look.

It's remarkable how 3 pairs of eyes plus a Macro shop assistant, ('if not there' - pointing - 'no have'), failed to spot them yesterday.....obviously all looking in the wrong place.

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seen them at Makro they start at ฿ 2000 upwards

Went there today. Out of stock, but 2k is a lot better than 4k for the smallest deep fat fryer I've ever seen.

Banglay is correct, I saw them at Makro today as well. They are close to the entrance where the TVs are on display.

Saw two different types, both 3 liters, priced at 1,990 and 3,990.

I don't doubt you are right. I will take another look.

It's remarkable how 3 pairs of eyes plus a Macro shop assistant, ('if not there' - pointing - 'no have'), failed to spot them yesterday.....obviously all looking in the wrong place.

Most of them wouldn't be able to find their right or left hand.

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Another and healthier option is airfrying. Rapid Air technology makes hot air circulate very fast around the ingredients in the basket, no added frying oil is needed. I’ve been using Philips Airfryer in every day cooking for over an year now. I am still amazed how evenly it cook/fries and the tasty results, also the variety of food you can make is vast, e.g. fries, steaks, chicken, vegetable chips, fish, even muffins. The nonstick basket is easy to clean, it’s also dishwasher safe. I bought mine in PowerBuy next to Foodland for 7000 baht, well worth it.

Does it actually get hot enough to cook chipped potatoes properly? Do you par-cook them first at a lower temperature or just do it in one go? Or do you use frozen chips?

I've seen these devices for 1000B (no-name brands) and often wondered about them. I suppose the cheaper ones may not get as hot as the named brands.

I have a combi convection/microwave oven that bakes bread and does yorkshire puddings etc and I would like to try frozen oven chips in it, but no one seems to sell them here.

Yes, the Philips airfryer gets hot enough to cook everything evenly, I have no experience on how the lower cost brands manage. No precooking for potatoes is required. The frozen potato chips are a pretty straight-forward process, preheating the airfryer takes 3 mins, cooking 15 mins, the basket needs to be shaked once at halfway point, no added oil is necessary.

Peeled potatos take a bit more effort. For the best result, after peeling and cutting, the chips are soaked in water for 30 mins, then wiped dry and added a couple teaspoons of oil. Cooking time is 20-30 minutes depending on how thick the chips are, the basket needs to be shaked 2-3 times during. Delicious! I’ve done peeled potato chips also without soaking in water and no oil, quite edible.

My airfryer’s basket cooks up to 800 grams of frozen chips, peeled potatos about 500 gr. The new “XL” model has a capacity of 1,2 kg. Here’s one review of making frozen and peeled potatos


In the West I ate way too much processed and pre-made food and never really bothered to learn to cook, especially meats. Now with the airfryer even I can manage to prepare a meal. These days I use airfryer mostly for cooking chicken (drumsticks, legs, wings), salmon fillet and an occasional pork chop. What I like most about the airfryer is that you don’t have to use much or none oil. Also the hassle-free and time saving cooking suits me best. While I don’t have to stir pots and pans I’m free to prepare a salad, clean the kitchen or read a book : )

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seen them at Makro they start at ฿ 2000 upwards

Went there today. Out of stock, but 2k is a lot better than 4k for the smallest deep fat fryer I've ever seen.

Banglay is correct, I saw them at Makro today as well. They are close to the entrance where the TVs are on display.

Saw two different types, both 3 liters, priced at 1,990 and 3,990.

I don't doubt you are right. I will take another look.

It's remarkable how 3 pairs of eyes plus a Macro shop assistant, ('if not there' - pointing - 'no have'), failed to spot them yesterday.....obviously all looking in the wrong place.

Wouldn't send you off on a wild goose chase would I whistling.gif

Makro sells Princess brand kitchen appliances. This one looks like cheaper version they had.

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I use Rice Bran oil for all frying but I thought maybe there is a better one for Frying chips etc.

I boil the potatoes first to par cook them for chips, just the way my dear ole mum taught me.

Your mum was right. That first oil-fry at low temperature is basically the same as par-boiling them. But doing it in oil does mean that you don't get a huge rush of boiling water when you finally put them into the hotter oil.

Rice bran oil has a high smoke point so should be fine. I've seen it in Makro and I think the price was about the same as canola but I've never tried it. Does it have much flavour?

Here I tend to use just olive oil or canola or sunflower, depending on what I'm doing.

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Can you buy beef dripping in Thailand? Best for the Sunday roast.

I make my own with the fat off the beef from the pon-yang-kham beef co-operative.

I render it down then fridge it,i can use it for pastry[suet] or roast pots.

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