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Cops to crackdown on illegal Bangkok nightlife

Jonathan Fairfield

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The Thai government has this strange love/hate relationship with nightlife. They do everything they can to encourage it and bring in foreign tourists to engage in all those things Thailand is known for (for good or bad let's just admit it -- bars and women are a huge part of the tourism industry here). Then they do everything they can to restrict it and complain all the while about the types of tourists they purposefully attract.

Why not just allow them to stay open until 2 or 3am? Or are these new fines just another way to create an extra revenue stream, fining establishments for staying open past 1am and then allowing them to do so anyway? My guess is bars and clubs won't close early, they'll just have to pay higher fines to do so.

It's called trying to balance the two things that Thais hold most sacred in their culture: "face" and "baht"....you can figure out the details wink.png

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What goes around comes around. About a dozen years ago there was a zealous government minister, whose name rhymed with widget, who decided to become the Thai Mary Whitehouse and be known as Mr Clean. He instigated a draconian set of crackdown measures on Bangkok's nightlife, which lasted for all of a year, until one suspects that the BIB were so brassed off about the lack of income that they simply ignored him. This being Thailand, I suspect the same thing will happen again. Someone reckoned there might be a Ministry of Crackdowns - actually it is pretty close to The Ministry of Cunning Plans (otherwise known as TAT).

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This will never happen, this is all about money. If the official penalties are much stiffer then the tea money paid to turn a blind eye will be higher.

i am willing to bet that a lot of these bars make a lot of money after 1:00am, take that revenue stream away and what happens,,, you lose a load of bars.

As i said it will never happen.

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Take your most upstanding, just and honest policeman from your western hometown and put him on the streets of Bangkok to walk the beat, in the sweltering heat, for 15,000 baht per month: how long would he stay on the straight and narrow?

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Take something that's free and unregulated, and make you get a license to do it. Step one in the modern slavery manual I think. The more they regulate it, the more they'll make a complete eunuch's omelette of it. That's a given. I know my ideal way to keep a chicken coup safe from foxes would be to send in a python to regulate.

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Police feel that these proposed stiffer penalties would give them more power to crackdown and stop illegal after hours trading.

Shouldn't it read: to give them more spending power to buy luxury cars, posh houses and promotions?

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while the penalties and fees are increasing for business, the killers on the road remain unaddressed

In Hollywood CA, at closing time oin the strip, the motorcycle cops come out and sit right in front of the bars they have trouble with,

the bar owners do not want any trouble anbd the doors get locked.

there is then a choice, stay and be harrassed, drive drunk and get caught in the DUI check points up the road, or get in a taxi

this is a huge step in the right direction for BKK,

fines in the 60,000 to 200,000 baht range, are exactly what is required.

will some stay open, with protection, perhaps,

but the vast majority of problems will fast fade,

this is a smart move

I admire your faith in the motive of the police to clean up Bangkok of drunks and after hours drinking.

But I am surprised that you believe it. I suspect this all about money, nothing more.

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while the penalties and fees are increasing for business, the killers on the road remain unaddressed

In Hollywood CA, at closing time oin the strip, the motorcycle cops come out and sit right in front of the bars they have trouble with,

the bar owners do not want any trouble anbd the doors get locked.

there is then a choice, stay and be harrassed, drive drunk and get caught in the DUI check points up the road, or get in a taxi

this is a huge step in the right direction for BKK,

fines in the 60,000 to 200,000 baht range, are exactly what is required.

will some stay open, with protection, perhaps,

but the vast majority of problems will fast fade,

this is a smart move

I admire your faith in the motive of the police to clean up Bangkok of drunks and after hours drinking.

But I am surprised that you believe it. I suspect this all about money, nothing more.

it appears the intent is to raise revenue via the very hefty fine

most bar owners are not going to get stung, and will comply

tie this in to the murder recently and the reassingment of the local commander,

this may take hold and if it does, thailand as a whole, will benefit

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Take your most upstanding, just and honest policeman from your western hometown and put him on the streets of Bangkok to walk the beat, in the sweltering heat, for 15,000 baht per month: how long would he stay on the straight and narrow?

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Are you saying that the Thai's create a situation for the police that justifies bribery and corruption? Thus creating a police force that is thoroughly ineffective at enforcing the law and keeping the public safe?

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while the penalties and fees are increasing for business, the killers on the road remain unaddressed

In Hollywood CA, at closing time oin the strip, the motorcycle cops come out and sit right in front of the bars they have trouble with,

the bar owners do not want any trouble anbd the doors get locked.

there is then a choice, stay and be harrassed, drive drunk and get caught in the DUI check points up the road, or get in a taxi

this is a huge step in the right direction for BKK,

fines in the 60,000 to 200,000 baht range, are exactly what is required.

will some stay open, with protection, perhaps,

but the vast majority of problems will fast fade,

this is a smart move

I admire your faith in the motive of the police to clean up Bangkok of drunks and after hours drinking.

But I am surprised that you believe it. I suspect this all about money, nothing more.

it appears the intent is to raise revenue via the very hefty fine

most bar owners are not going to get stung, and will comply

tie this in to the murder recently and the reassingment of the local commander,

this may take hold and if it does, thailand as a whole, will benefit

you could be right, I hope you are.

by the way, where did they reassign the commander to after he was murdered?giggle.gif

Didn't see that article by the way, let me know where i can read it, thanks

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The police can't stop Suthep taking over the city by occupying government ministries and blocking intersections, but if you want a drink after 1am, the Boys in Brown can stop that....unless, of course, you drink in a bar that has paid the appropriate 'fee' - much increased with this 'new' 'clampdown'

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Good Idea! not everyone comes to Thailand to get smashed all night, but do have to put up with drunks and belligerence whilst having breakfast. if you want to keep on drinking go home at 1.00am you will not cause trouble there.

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I don't understand why they close doors so early?

Mostly tourists spending money. It does nothing to stop drunk behaviour when you get served till your blind anyway.

Agreed. More drunk people with no place to go.

whattaya mean no place to go,

they didnt say anything about whore houses

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I don't understand why they close doors so early?

Mostly tourists spending money. It does nothing to stop drunk behaviour when you get served till your blind anyway.

Agreed. More drunk people with no place to go.

whattaya mean no place to go,

they didnt say anything about whore houses

once they can clean up the night traffic, they will bring in more high rises and raise taxes,

then, there will be bars inside, and everything will be quiet, the real thai way

you will notice, they also mentioned loud music,

they want, higher costs

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It is this after hours trading that often results in an increase of brawls and other crimes, according to the police.

Crime of enjoying yourself ? Right now Thailand needs all the help it can get with bringing in tourists. Many European countries abolished a government imposed closing time because it threw lots of people out at the same time on to the street, then the brawls started. Closing bars and clubs later allows the drunks to drift away with less violence. Also what about the large numbers of football fans who want to watch evening matches in Europe ? No Champions League ? Now that could start some brawls.

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rametindallas, on 22 Apr 2014 - 08:53, said:

With so many illegal venues, where do the police begin? They begin with the slow payers and irregular payers unless the whole announcement was to put everyone on notice that the price of staying open was going to go up.

This 'stay out until sun-up' is ingrained in the culture and this crackdown won't be popular with the citizenry. Some of my favorite restaurants stay open until 6 a.m.. If the illegal clubs aren't keeping people up late, then their restaurant businesses will suffer. Most of the people who don't like these places are in bed early and shouldn't be bothering what grown-up want to do at 3:30 in the morning.

What I find very typical way of thinking, is instead of closing the many "illegal" venues, they want to increase revenue....oops, sorry fines.

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rametindallas, on 22 Apr 2014 - 08:53, said:

With so many illegal venues, where do the police begin? They begin with the slow payers and irregular payers unless the whole announcement was to put everyone on notice that the price of staying open was going to go up.

This 'stay out until sun-up' is ingrained in the culture and this crackdown won't be popular with the citizenry. Some of my favorite restaurants stay open until 6 a.m.. If the illegal clubs aren't keeping people up late, then their restaurant businesses will suffer. Most of the people who don't like these places are in bed early and shouldn't be bothering what grown-up want to do at 3:30 in the morning.

What I find very typical way of thinking, is instead of closing the many "illegal" venues, they want to increase revenue....oops, sorry fines.

they want both

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They just want more bribe money plane and simple. Let's hope they don't just focus on Sukhumvit and the foreign owned bars but if they really want to cause problems start shutting down Thong Lo, Ekkamai, RCA, Ratchada promptly at 1am see how long that lasts. Last time I checked Whip Ekkamai and Safehouse are all opened late and frequented by the sons and daughters of these corrupt cops.

Simple Economics though if bars are going to have to pay more brides then they will raise the prices of these already expensive venues driving away customers.

I doubt anything will come of this.

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They just want more bribe money plane and simple. Let's hope they don't just focus on Sukhumvit and the foreign owned bars but if they really want to cause problems start shutting down Thong Lo, Ekkamai, RCA, Ratchada promptly at 1am see how long that lasts. Last time I checked Whip Ekkamai and Safehouse are all opened late and frequented by the sons and daughters of these corrupt cops.

Simple Economics though if bars are going to have to pay more brides then they will raise the prices of these already expensive venues driving away customers.

I doubt anything will come of this.

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I don't understand why they close doors so early?

Mostly tourists spending money. It does nothing to stop drunk behaviour when you get served till your blind anyway.

Agreed. More drunk people with no place to go.

whattaya mean no place to go,

they didnt say anything about whore houses

once they can clean up the night traffic, they will bring in more high rises and raise taxes,

then, there will be bars inside, and everything will be quiet, the real thai way

you will notice, they also mentioned loud music,

they want, higher costs

Lol, "the real thai way". The noisiest after hour bars and clubs are Thai.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

They just want more bribe money plane and simple. Let's hope they don't just focus on Sukhumvit and the foreign owned bars but if they really want to cause problems start shutting down Thong Lo, Ekkamai, RCA, Ratchada promptly at 1am see how long that lasts. Last time I checked Whip Ekkamai and Safehouse are all opened late and frequented by the sons and daughters of these corrupt cops.

Simple Economics though if bars are going to have to pay more brides then they will raise the prices of these already expensive venues driving away customers.

I doubt anything will come of this.

Most of the places you've listed are in Entertainment Zones which means they are permitted to stay open later.

According to the OP, they are thinking of creating more Entertainment Zones which makes a lot of sense.

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Be intersting to see if all the street bars get closed down after 1am.

Sorry police bars.

Thats it go after the legitimate business owner who pays rent and taxes.

Street bars pay the local chiefs pension fund.

Exactly why i would never invest in a business here,you get punished for being above board.

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Crackdown on non licensed curbside bars who have no toilets, no control over the sale of alcohol is what the police chief should be targeting.

This is where most of the problems come from.

Leave the fully licensed, controlled bars alone. They are paying enough to the boys in brown already

What about the World Cup times? Can't watch in a quiet airconditioned bar with a beer, this is stupidity

They need to think this through not just a gut reflex action again

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