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US to consider clemency requests from thousands of prisoners


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You're chasing your tail and deliberately obfuscating the current reality with the way YOU think things OUGHT to be. The FACT is that the use IS illegal ( and not just in the US) and users ARE financing the violence. Go sell your tired drug use justifications somewhere else; most Americans are not buying. If someone wants to participate in the violence, they can do some time for it as far as I'm concerned.

Just an FYI .. But I am not a drug user and do agree that I am saying what i think the reality should be ...

At one time the current reality was that white people were able to own black people... Did that make is right? Of course not...

Sorry but if the best argument for doing something is because "that's how it currently is"... That just don't cut it

Also agree that currently drug users are financing gangsters and terrorists and I place the blame for that reality squarely on the shoulders of the US government

A policy of prohibition actually creates more crime... Ever heard the saying... The solution is worse than the problem

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Quoting your post number 81.

I have no idea what you are talking about , this thread is about the clemency list that Obama has requested, and not a discussion of the constitutionality of decisions he has made in his term as president. If you wish to discuss that I suggest you start a new thread.

I have no idea what you are talking about

How has Obama betrayed his oath to the constitution?

Why would it be constitutional for every other president, but not for Obama?

What makes you think he will not wait until the end of his term to release his list of pardons?

1. How has Obama betrayed his oath?

Just one of many but, how about the over 30 changes to an established law that he has claimed is the benchmark of his administration?

2. Why would it be constitutional for every other President but not Obama?

Perhaps you can point out where I made any such claim. My opinion is should any President act as this one has, they, too, would be acting unconstitutionally.

3. What makes me think he will wait until the end of his term?

This one is easy. He will need to know which of his donors, bundlers, aides, Chicago politicians, etc. are under indictment or in jail by then and he will need to do it on the last day. They all do it so it will be nothing unusual.

Edit in: I just did a little research and find that GWBush at the same five year mark of his Presidency had pardoned 69 citizens, versus the 61 of Obama. Bush did not pardon anyone on the 20th of January but he did pardon 19 people on 1 January 2009.

The rest of your reply makes even less sense.

You might want to stop changing a post after you have made it and your edit time has run out. It's rather naughty.

Following is what your real post made at 14:54 hours today actually said...See post number 77.


"How has Obama betrayed his oath to the constitution?

Why would it be constitutional for every other president, but not for Obama?
What makes you think he will not wait until the end of his term to release his list of pardons?"
Notice any difference?

I have not edited any of my posts

when answering a post reply I remove some of them and leave only the ones that I am replying to because this forum will not allow you to have too many quotes with in a reply.

So let me ask you again

How is Obama offering clemency, unconstitutional

and what makes you think he will publish the list before the end of his term

Keep in mind, this is a thread about the clemency proposal of the Obama administration .

PS: notice the large number of quotes in this reply, soon if you like to reply you might need to remove some of them, otherwise the TVF system will not allow you.

I never said you had edited a post. I said you had changed a post you made earlier by adding a sentence that completely alters the tone of your earlier post.

Now follow the bouncing ball and try to keep up.

1. In your post number 77 posted at 14:54 on April 28, you posted the following:


How has Obama betrayed his oath to the constitution?
Why would it be constitutional for every other president, but not for Obama?
What makes you think he will not wait until the end of his term to release his list of pardons?
2. My post number 79 posted at 15:25 on April 28 quoted your post number 77 precisely as you posted it.
3. You re-entered the fray on post humber 81 at 15:50 on April 28 by posting the following, to include your post from 77, which now said:
I have no idea what you are talking about
How has Obama betrayed his oath to the constitution?
Why would it be constitutional for every other president, but not for Obama?
What makes you think he will not wait until the end of his term to release his list of pardons?
4. Suddenly, "I have no idea what you are talking about." entered the quote. Now I would call that a material addition to a post that had been quoted two times by me correctly but no longer seemed to fit into your ever changing position.
5. You changed it either by accident or on purpose. It matters not why, but it does matter that the post was changed and it was changed by you in following posts.
6. Now it seems you are asking a different set of questions than those originally posed by you in post 77.
Your original questions have evolved from this...
"How has Obama betrayed his oath to the constitution?
Why would it be constitutional for every other president, but not for Obama?
What makes you think he will not wait until the end of his term to release his list of pardons?"
To this...
"So let me ask you again
How is Obama offering clemency, unconstitutional
and what makes you think he will publish the list before the end of his term
Keep in mind, this is a thread about the clemency proposal of the Obama administration ."
I have already answered your first set of questions so let me sail forth into this tumultous sea with answers to your ever changing queries.
Obama offering clemency is not unconstitutional. I never said it was.
I never made the claim he was going to publish his list of pardons before the end of his term. I would be greatly surprised if he didn't make a few pardons before the end of his term on 20 January 2017 but, if he is anything like the last two Democratic Presidents, he will save the bulk of his pardons for his political cronies and announce the list on his last day in office. This saves him the problem of defending his choices and he can go play golf...but not on Air Force One.
I never brought up the pardons granted by previous Presidents. You did it in post number 74 which you made at 00:03 on April 28. It was so full of nonsense, it prompted my response which has brought us to here.
The Presidential pardons can also include clemency so the President could, all by himself, grant clemency to all those 6,000 plus convicted drug offenders if he so wished. Knowing his former fondness for smoking marijuana, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he did exactly that.
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Even more sad that some are so openly contemptuous of the rule of law...

It's a democracy. If the law is truly a bad one, get it changed!! But if in your arrogance you're just going to go ahead and subsidize the killing & violence, then you're nearly as bad as they are. Sad that such after-the-fact accomplices are free to roam the streets as if their hands didn't have so much blood on them. Very sad. (And so when one DOES manage to wind up in the slammer for a spell, it's the LEAST he deserves.)

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