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All Thai women want to marry a foreigner?!?


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Generally all Thai bar girl will want to marry farangs.

And then she will divorce him as soon as he have bought her a house, car, land in her village, 10 buffaloes and 20 bath gold, another happy ending for the bar girl clap2.gif

Edited by bander
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Reality 1: Most of the Thai women that I see with farangs are not the sort of women Thai guys would be remotely interested in

Cobblers. Have you seen some Thai women? They're not all stunning white skinned princesses...Some blokes I know would give their right arms to have the chance to be with a Bar Girl type and when you see their wives, you'll understand why....

I'm not sure if you're agreeing with me or not. But it's not that some farangs marry bargirls, it's that they always marry the least attractive ones. If she's a young BG hottie, then it's almost guaranteed she's a short term rental.

No, I'm saying it's cobblers.

I know a fair few blokes whose wives would easily lose beauty contests against warthogs that would probably give their right arms to have the chance of a sniff at even a ropier former/current BG which makes a nonsense of the Stickman myth that Thai women with Westerners are only so because Thai blokes don't want them....

Spot on. Only the other day a taxi driver was telling me he can't believe how attractive the girls are at the massage places he drops Koreans and Chinese passengers off too. He said he wished his girlfriend was that pretty. If you have a Thai wife of GF, ask her about Thai men and how shallow they are when it comes to women. They are obsessed with beauty, as is Thailand. She's either suuway or mai suuway. The more suuway, the better.

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All individuals, I have met thai girls who live well who like farang above thai men, I have met poor girls who would not touch a farang and vice versa.

It's not always money, some may have been mistreated by a thai and now look elsewhere, others may just be attracted to farang for other reasons besides cash only.

you mean because they will get white babies from us?

yes, that is exactly what they want,

father or not, they want the white kid

Yes that's why there are million upon millions of mixed race kids running around. They all want a white baby cheesy.gif

You still have the audacity to cast yourself as some kind of authority on Thai women even though your only experience was gleaned while you spent 6 months shacked up with a soapy massage hooker.

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Most Thai woman are same as western woman want to marry to improve their standing in life and in the community dinner parties on an evening at the big country house, getting all dressed up in the real designer clothes to show off in front of their friends and neighbours , my Thai wife said she married me because I made her laugh and make her happy and all Thai men are butterflies and she is absolutely not bothered about living in the UK or Thailand she is happy any ware as long as we are together, but I am sure not all Thai woman are of the same opinion, I think many Thai ladies would be heavily influenced by lovely money money and more money

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generically, only women who WANT to marry farang is the girls who respectable thai boys dont want.

And the racism continues. Only w...... Marry foreigners.

The statement, "Only whores marry falangs" is not racism. It is a generality based on a common belief bolstered by frequent occurrence.

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I think most Thai women want to marry someone with whom they can be happy. Unfortunately, many Thai women cannot attract the quality of Thai men they can be happy together, often because of her poorly planned decisions earlier in life, such as not studying hard or forgetting to use a condom. As a consequence, they look for a foreigner as he is more accepting of her lack of education, Thai male spawn, etc.

I see it more as a choice of last resorts for many Thai females. There are some well educated, childless young Thai women who look for foreign husbands as they believe, rightly or wrongly that western men make better fathers, are less likely to cheat and so on. I don't know if money has so much to do with it as money will never make you happy long term.

so whats different in west even for most call calls or here bar girls Most girls woman just want some security someone who cares and a man who they can love While when young many can be as horny as any man most consider that side secondary and only pretend otherwise to catch their mate

Sorry guys its not size of your great prick or skills (although some like thaT) that at tracks its nature way of survival

Well thats what I tell myself when looking at those type of movies on which subject all woman I've ever known (or 99%) feel same way about their as my children used to put it boobies and assume all men want that

But what do I know after 75+ years

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Generally all Thai bar girl will want to marry farangs.

And then she will divorce him as soon as he have bought her a house, car, land in her village, 10 buffaloes and 20 bath gold, another happy ending for the bar girl clap2.gif

and got a spanking brand new passport from his country.

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Must admit that the vast % of folk here are marrying for cash, the simple truth. Mrs.Trans had it both ways, cos I am sooooooooooooo hansum too.......giggle.gif

Mrs Trans had it both ways,well what ever turns you on.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Generally all Thai bar girl will want to marry farangs.

And then she will divorce him as soon as he have bought her a house, car, land in her village, 10 buffaloes and 20 bath gold, another happy ending for the bar girl clap2.gif

and got a spanking brand new passport from his country.

Thai women don't want a passport from your country.

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This thread has gone downhill fast. Multiple posts have been removed for flaming, trolling, and racism.

Please get back on topic and post in a civilized manner, or suspensions could be given and the thread closed.


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If you were back home among all your English friends, English culture, and English women... then one day you met some French girl at your work/café/bar/etc, would you be interested or more attracted because she was French? "She has the cute accent, she looks different to English girls, france is a cool country".... hell yes i'm more attracted to her.

Same for thai girls seeing foreign guys. It's exciting, the unknown. Unless their ugly of course.

I see people posting the usual cliché 'foreigners get the rejected girls thai men don't want'. It's such a retarded idea.

1. Not all western guys like the same type of girl. Some like dark skin, some like pale skin. Some like westernised, some like non-westernised. Party girls, hippy girls, artistic types, career women, bar girls, etc.

2. Not all thai guys like the same type of girl.

3. It implies thai girls are passive, with no choice or initiative of their own.

4. Bangkokians are terrible at actually meeting people from the opposite sex. -I work in an office full of intelligent, good looking girls, most are single because in their day to day life they never come into contact with single blokes.- Blame it on the lack of drinking culture, shyness, etc, I don't know. But the cliché implies an efficient dating culture that in reality Bangkok does not have.

Edited by celso
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I've a friend in Chiang mai who is possibly the only Master's degree level Occupational Health RN in the country. She realizes that should she move to America she'll may 10x what she makes now, but she is also smart enough to realize that the cost of living in America is maybe 5x as much. In summation, I think she'll marry for love when she finds it.

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If you were back home among all your English friends, English culture, and English women... then one day you met some French girl at your work/café/bar/etc, would you be interested or more attracted because she was French? "She has the cute accent, she looks different to English girls, france is a cool country".... hell yes i'm more attracted to her.

Same for thai girls seeing foreign guys. It's exciting, the unknown. Unless their ugly of course.

I see people posting the usual cliché 'foreigners get the rejected girls thai men don't want'. It's such a retarded idea.

1. Not all western guys like the same type of girl. Some like dark skin, some like pale skin. Some like westernised, some like non-westernised. Party girls, hippy girls, artistic types, career women, bar girls, etc.

2. Not all thai guys like the same type of girl.

3. It implies thai girls are passive, with no choice or initiative of their own.

4. Bangkokians are terrible at actually meeting people from the opposite sex. -I work in an office full of intelligent, good looking girls, most are single because in their day to day life they never come into contact with single blokes.- Blame it on the lack of drinking culture, shyness, etc, I don't know. But the cliché implies an efficient dating culture that in reality Bangkok does not have.

ROFL.... good looking girls in Thailand get hit up faster than one can say hit. They are meeting and bumping and grinding guys every week but you just don't see and know. Don't you know and especially office girls don't want work and pleasure intertwine. They all keep it secret from their coleagues at work. ALL good looking thai girls have giks. Fact. Learn the Thai culture. It's fantastic.

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I've a friend in Chiang mai who is possibly the only Master's degree level Occupational Health RN in the country. She realizes that should she move to America she'll may 10x what she makes now, but she is also smart enough to realize that the cost of living in America is maybe 5x as much. In summation, I think she'll marry for love when she finds it.

BS. She couldn't get an RN license in the US without going back to school. She'd have to pass a rigorous English exam, and a rigorous medical terminology exam.

She'd need a green card.

Her master's degree if from a Thai uni wouldn't be recognized.

After a lot of hard work and some luck she could be a floor nurse. She would then get health insurance.

BS that it costs 5x as much to live in the US. The only thing that costs more in the US is housing and utilities. Everything else is cheaper unless you live poor like a Thai, which you could do in the US.

Expats returning to visit the US usually stock up on consumer items such as shoes and clothes, a new laptop and smartphone, etc. because they are so much cheaper.

Too bad they can't get a new $18,000 (580,000 baht) Camry in their suitcase.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Generally all Thai bar girl will want to marry farangs.

And then she will divorce him as soon as he have bought her a house, car, land in her village, 10 buffaloes and 20 bath gold, another happy ending for the bar girl clap2.gif

and got a spanking brand new passport from his country.

Thai women don't want a passport from your country.

When did you do a survey of all Thai women then? Got a link?

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Must admit that the vast % of folk here are marrying for cash, the simple truth. Mrs.Trans had it both ways, cos I am sooooooooooooo hansum too.......giggle.gif

Mrs Trans had it both ways,well what ever turns you on.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Hey, yeh I don't mind her looking at my hansum photos, bet you wish you had hansum photos smile.png ...BUT wait......................

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Must admit that the vast % of folk here are marrying for cash, the simple truth. Mrs.Trans had it both ways, cos I am sooooooooooooo hansum too.......giggle.gif

Mrs Trans had it both ways,well what ever turns you on.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Hey, yeh I don't mind her looking at my hansum photos, bet you wish you had hansum photos smile.png ...BUT wait......................

In some way it was funny to read and in another it was sad to read. What do we as Foreigners or as we are seen here know about Thailand? Most of us know nothing about and we don't even want to learn about it.

I have come to Thailand for medical reason when I got sick in 1989 at Christmas Eve at Pokahara, landed in Bangkok and get cured through Thai medical service, good and cheap compared with my Home Country.

And settled down here as a consultant, worked in many COmpanies all over Thailand and have meet all kind of Thai People and as well fellow Foreigners. Fact is that here a different culture exists as we know it from our Countries and what we see as normal at home can be a big offense here. So I learned what is going on here and how does it work, and become so good at it that often my Thai friends saying. Steve you should go home you know to much about Thailand".

I remember a 6 month consulting job where on pay day plenty of woman where waiting for their husbands and taken the money away from them because if not he would come home the next day and all would have gone, some guys did not even get the money it was given right to their wifes.

Who is holding the family together? who is paying the bills? who has the responsibility? It is the Girls, their brothers go for a couple of days in to monkhood and so they have done their duty to the family.

Yes Thai Woman want to marry Foreigners and that goes through all society, I have talked with many Woman, working as Secretary, Manager, Sales in department stores, as more educated the Woman are as more they tend to be open for a Foreign Husband, I am together with a Thai for 21 Years now and what we have learned from each other are the fact that respect and hoensty are the corner stones for a relation ship, we had our downs as well but we managed that in polite and human ways and we still do.

I am registered owner 50% of the house we are living in district office. and it works out well including the neighborhood or the market as well. I often wonder when I say how some foreign guys behave and talk to their wifes, would they do that at the home country? sure not! Here they think I got the money now you do as I want, which generally ends then up in disaster, no matter how we see it as foreigners this Face action, here in Thailand it is all about lose Face, you make her lose face then you will pay heavy for it.

I have foreign friends who are married with Thai woman and all of them are happy, possible for one reason non of them was looking for their wife at the Beer Bars. Simple question would you go in your country and look for your wife in an Nightclub? Sure not but here you do it!

Here like everywhere in the world it is the attitude who makes a difference.

Edited by sehervomstein
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If you were back home among all your English friends, English culture, and English women... then one day you met some French girl at your work/café/bar/etc, would you be interested or more attracted because she was French? "She has the cute accent, she looks different to English girls, france is a cool country".... hell yes i'm more attracted to her.

Same for thai girls seeing foreign guys. It's exciting, the unknown. Unless their ugly of course.

I see people posting the usual cliché 'foreigners get the rejected girls thai men don't want'. It's such a retarded idea.

1. Not all western guys like the same type of girl. Some like dark skin, some like pale skin. Some like westernised, some like non-westernised. Party girls, hippy girls, artistic types, career women, bar girls, etc.

2. Not all thai guys like the same type of girl.

3. It implies thai girls are passive, with no choice or initiative of their own.

4. Bangkokians are terrible at actually meeting people from the opposite sex. -I work in an office full of intelligent, good looking girls, most are single because in their day to day life they never come into contact with single blokes.- Blame it on the lack of drinking culture, shyness, etc, I don't know. But the cliché implies an efficient dating culture that in reality Bangkok does not have.

ROFL.... good looking girls in Thailand get hit up faster than one can say hit. They are meeting and bumping and grinding guys every week but you just don't see and know. Don't you know and especially office girls don't want work and pleasure intertwine. They all keep it secret from their coleagues at work. ALL good looking thai girls have giks. Fact. Learn the Thai culture. It's fantastic.

Yeah i really met a hot thai girl. I dont expect she is thai but she really is a thai.

Sent from my SM-T210 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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after reading this again,

let me try and put another spin on it,

so we can say that, every good looking lady model in the uk, want to marry a professinal footballer, no matter what they look like, black, white, yellow, its dosnt matter to them,,

they want the life that comes with that footballer,

and believe me ive seen some ugly footballers with some f££££ng cracking looking girls,,,

do they want kids, of course they do,, things could go wrong,, they need to have money coming in,,,

just about the same as what we are talking about,

if a thai girl can better herself by marrying a falang, why not,

good looking models do it,,,,,,,


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after reading this again,

let me try and put another spin on it,

so we can say that, every good looking lady model in the uk, want to marry a professinal footballer, no matter what they look like, black, white, yellow, its dosnt matter to them,,

they want the life that comes with that footballer,

and believe me ive seen some ugly footballers with some f££££ng cracking looking girls,,,

do they want kids, of course they do,, things could go wrong,, they need to have money coming in,,,

just about the same as what we are talking about,

if a thai girl can better herself by marrying a falang, why not,

good looking models do it,,,,,,,


You really make a good point on it. So all pretty women are materialised?

Sent from my SM-T210 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Money is the root of all love.

A Thai woman not employed in some kind of "government" job is, when she gets to 35-50 with her one child fathered by an absentee scum ex-husband , getting to be anxious about her future.

If a farang turns up without a beer belly and has a nice smile and is "nam jai" (generous) and does not smoke and doesn't let alcohol dominate his life, then a Thai woman may see him as her passport to security. If he is a genuinely nice guy, who treats a woman well, she will reciprocate his generosity in spades and something close to what we usually call "love" will develop.

I like that end quote, "something close to love" will develop,

I hold out no such fantasy about love, after two marriages

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Money is the root of all love.

A Thai woman not employed in some kind of "government" job is, when she gets to 35-50 with her one child fathered by an absentee scum ex-husband , getting to be anxious about her future.

If a farang turns up without a beer belly and has a nice smile and is "nam jai" (generous) and does not smoke and doesn't let alcohol dominate his life, then a Thai woman may see him as her passport to security. If he is a genuinely nice guy, who treats a woman well, she will reciprocate his generosity in spades and something close to what we usually call "love" will develop.

I like that end quote, "something close to love" will develop,

I hold out no such fantasy about love, after two marriages

Its really true. I am glad that i havent got married yet and still i could feel such fantasic feeling.

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To post 43

Your are so right. Meet my girl to a friends party. We was dating 3-4 weeks before we trying to sleep and live together. I speak basic thai and she almost not a word English. We was using iPad for deeper conversion. After 2 years we live together in harmony and she speak broken English.

I've have seen a lot farang hanging in bars with the thai wife drunk,( a friend of mine has a restaurant ) and even eat together they don't even say a word to each other.

that loss of interest comes from a lack of interest in the other person,

this can be why many here on TV promote the renting philosophy,

after a certain age, this is not a worthwhile gamble, expecting happiness from a poor foundation

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Money is the root of all love.

A Thai woman not employed in some kind of "government" job is, when she gets to 35-50 with her one child fathered by an absentee scum ex-husband , getting to be anxious about her future.

If a farang turns up without a beer belly and has a nice smile and is "nam jai" (generous) and does not smoke and doesn't let alcohol dominate his life, then a Thai woman may see him as her passport to security. If he is a genuinely nice guy, who treats a woman well, she will reciprocate his generosity in spades and something close to what we usually call "love" will develop.

I like that end quote, "something close to love" will develop,

I hold out no such fantasy about love, after two marriages

Its really true. I am glad that i havent got married yet and still i could feel such fantasic feeling.

my brother was able to avoid marriages and instead, found a way to have several long term commitment relationships and have never been fleeced, as I have been, with my permission of course

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