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All Thai women want to marry a foreigner?!?


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Furk me, another contestant for a Nobel prize. Who let's these brain dreads loose on the public.

Thanks to your post...I'm still laughing...now...can't think of anything clever to post myself...lol

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One thing I have seen quite a bit of is in the families where the Chinese influence is still strong, the often seemingly flawless women would often date a bloke who looks a bit like Azog the goblin's beer gutted brother because he's from that background himself. In a way it's because it's expected of them. Not easy to break in to that from the outside

There are middle class women who do or have started to date foreigners as well though. A lot of it is down to increased globalization and maybe a little bit more liberalism in families(within reason), with the realization that they no longer have to date short, chain smoking, pissed up, mysogynistic and chronically unfaithful local fellas because that's all there is on offer. Plus the children get lots of attention, luckily my baby daughter loves being stared at when we are out, but maybe when she has kids it may be more normal, may be heading that way (pre Vietnam war when our parents were growing up, it was unheard of, but now it's becoming more noticeable across the social spectrum)

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In my case I learnt the hard way very quickly. I tend to not just trust any old pretty face. I met my wife at a school that I was teaching at. Before she met me my wife had never even considered marrying a farang. She is NOT uncommon in that respect. If you get your small head out of the tourist areas, learn to communicate at least to a reasonable level you will find that a new world opens up to you. This is when you start to meet women that will date you for more palatable reasons. I made it clear from the start that I was not a rich guy, but that I had a reasonable salary in Thai Baht, that I enjoyed living here and that I really had no intention of going home. This further weeded out any women that may have looked at me as a meal ticket. At the end of the day though, speaking reasonable Thai can often put off those looking to pull the wool over your eyes.

My advice….get out of the tourist areas where a lot of people are jaded with farang anyway, get off ThaiFriendly, learn to actually speak the language of the country you are in (yes the Thais should learn more English) and go out and meet women from ALL walks of life……not just in a freaking bar area!

Very good advice, all around. I find that the best Thai women prospects are the ones who aren't interested in a farang in the first place. Strangely, these are also the top quality ones. (And for those nit-pickers, figure out for yourself what is meant by a "quality" Thai woman)

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"The idea of living in a foreign country 10.000 km away from their own culture (and food) is not an attractive option for many Thais."

Ahem... as someone posting to TV, what makes you think that marrying a foreigner means living outside of Thailand?

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BTW, before we get too stuck on the farang thing, I know a number of Thai women who would only be interested in Chinese Malaysians, Singaporeans, Koreans, and Japanese. Typically, Bangkok hiso-wannabes with fair skin and semi-Chinese features who are themselves appealing to these men. Darker skinned (usu. Isaan) ladies know that farangs have a particular preference for their looks and aim their sights in that direction. At least this is my experience...

Edited by Docno
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I see it more as a choice of last resort for many Thai females.

You see it or they see it?

I've never had a bad experience with a Thai woman in my 14 years here but I only dated one for about 6 months back in 2007.

She was nice, educated, pleasant enough woman but like most of them she didn't really know who she was and was irreparably conditioned by her culture, despite many years living overseas.

Spend five minutes watching any daytime TV show and ask yourself what growing up with that would do to a person.

I have nothing against the Thais but to date one would be a last resort for me.

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To post 43

Your are so right. Meet my girl to a friends party. We was dating 3-4 weeks before we trying to sleep and live together. I speak basic thai and she almost not a word English. We was using iPad for deeper conversion. After 2 years we live together in harmony and she speak broken English.

I've have seen a lot farang hanging in bars with the thai wife drunk,( a friend of mine has a restaurant ) and even eat together they don't even say a word to each other.

Edited by carstenp
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We've been here before!

It depends - most things do.

It depends, in this case, particularly on the socio-economic background. Many, many Thai women, possibly most, wouldn't remotely consider marrying a foreigner, or doing anything else with a foreigner, for that matter - just not in the mindset. That said, the mindset might change through, for instance, workplace contact.

Sure, of course, there are some who see us as rich, and are unable to see when that's patently not the case (though arguments about relative wealth are still likely to apply).

Strangely, though, the discussion I've had with Thai women revolves, not around the advantages of marrying a foreigner, but the disadvantages of marrying a Thai. I hear about alcohol (very, very often), sometimes drugs, domestic violence (often) and unfaithfulness (very often). Don't know how you guys feel about being a default option, but that's what I hear; and it, surely, doesn't suit me.

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You accuse "them" of being so shallow, grow up!

True, grow up, every woman wants to merry a rich man...

Learn about the Thai culture...

and you will learn that Thaigirls also merry you if you'r sweet with them... and not cheat on them... ;-)

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No. In general, foreigners get the leftovers. There are plenty of exceptions of course, but most that specifically chase foreigners seem to have something undesirable to most Thai men. Single mother, too old, unattractive, unemployable, ex prostitute (sometimes never stoped), gold digger etc. Some of these aren't bad, nothing wrong with a 35 year old single mother who has a job and is a nice person, but it definitely is undesirable for a great many men, both Thai and foreign. A huge number of farang guys though are dating the absolute bottom of barrel, ugly ex prostitute gold diggers who are taking them for everything they have. Thai guys don't envy us, they laugh at us. I've had so many Thai guys ask me why farang like ugly prostitutes, they seriously don't understand what's going on.

There are nice young chicks with real jobs who are in to foreigners, but they generally want someone at least relatively young and good looking like themselves.

Edited by DP25
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No, they don't. Millions of them marry Thais each year, while only a few marry foreigners. Maybe your "friend", has spent too long time in the gold digger community in Isaan, because among native Bangkok women there are not many marrying, and among Southerners it's downright rare with mixed marriages.

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generically, only women who WANT to marry farang is the girls who respectable thai boys dont want.

generically? That would be the poor quality, cheap stuff in the supermarket? You might just be onto something there.

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Most Thia women would prefer to marry a Thai man, but they settle for the over weight, rich, old farang. That way they don't have to work, or support their faimly. Plus most farang men are delusional and actually think these girls really love him despite his deficianices. A farang man has lower social status then a Thai man even if that Thai man is a drunk motor bike taxi driver.

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Most Thia women would prefer to marry a Thai man, but they settle for the over weight, rich, old farang. That way they don't have to work, or support their faimly. Plus most farang men are delusional and actually think these girls really love him despite his deficianices. A farang man has lower social status then a Thai man even if that Thai man is a drunk motor bike taxi driver.

laugh.png , what a load of tosh.........laugh.png

YOU must stop wearing flip flops to wedding parties, then your perception of your life might change.........thumbsup.gif

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The truth is simple. People marry for different reasons all over the world regardless of nationality.

The man who said that they all marry foreigners for money must be a boy who has no experience with women whatsoever.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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This tolls thread went south in a hurry and stayed there throughout. Where are the moderators? Was this thread about spawn, English or marriage? I need a drink after reading this threads swill..

It was partly my fault. I took exception to referring to Thai children in animal terms (spawn and litter). Then the bigots brigade jumped to squash anyone (me) who would question their dominance.

It's easy. If spawn is a normally a synonym for child and if litter is normally a synonym family then I'm wrong.

Spawn is common slang in the US for children, usually used by people who don't have children and don't like them. Nothing to do with Thais. I've heard it used countless times back home by young childless people.

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Some of them were married before and had to "support" their husbands, they bet the shit out of them, etc...so they know from "hearsay" that foreigners are different.

So some of them just want to have a functioning relationship, financial support and the chance for a better life.

Then those "bar women", who're only looking for a foreigner to play games, lose a lot of money and do what they always did. - Cheating them...

Another group of poor Thai women with kids from first, or second marriage know that a Thai guy wouldn't support any other guy's kids. So they hide the kids in a village and tell them that they're still virgins...

But some do tell their foreign boy friends that they've got a child, or more and the foreigner knows that he'll have to support kids that are not their biological ones.

Another kind of Thai women already had a few relationships with foreigners, had built several houses and they still continue looking for the next victim.

The last group is a chemical reaction, also called love. Not easy through the language and cultural barrier. Met my wife 12 years ago, we still love and respect each other.


But to answer your question.Not all Thai women want to marry a foreigner, that''s utter rubbish, coming from some bar stool conversations about a topic they obviously don't know much about. wai.gif

Edited by sirchai
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The reality is this. Thailand men are the 4th largest consumer of Alcohol in the world.And on top of that Thai society holds woman as second class citizens behind men. And a lot of Thai men ( not all) but a lot treat woman as such.

In our western culture woman are treated as equals to men and men by and large including myself have a lot of respect for woman .

This double standard in Thailand forces a lot of woman to rethink their options , Many and I mean many Thai woman are not interested in Thai men because of those reasons and opt for someone that is more respective of her.

In general this is a matriarchal society

So what is a womans choice She has many but sees the grass can in fact be greener on the other side

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I don't know of any women back home who want to marry a poor man who drinks every night and treats women like crap. The "rich farang" thing is overstated. A Thai woman, like any other woman, wants a man who can provide for his family and takes pride in being a man capable of doing so. Also a man who treats his wife as an equal, not as a maid or baby machine - and doesn't judge her by where she was born, the shade of her skin, her family name...etc etc etc.

Of course there are gold diggers in Thailand, but I'll tell you something for nothing, I meet far more of those back in the UK than I do here.

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All Thai women want to merry a foreigner?!?

Eat, drink and be merry, yes.

But wait. I've been reading Thai Visa for some time, and it is clear to me now (I missed it for many years, thank you so much Thai Visa) that all Thais hate all farang! Wouldn't that mean that NO Thai women want to marry a foreigner, or at least a Caucasian?


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