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Abhisit Skips EC Forum Because of ‘Death Threats’

Lite Beer

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Naaa politicians get death threats all the time, this is just another weak excuse and peddled to the press to sound serious, Its not.

With all the backing he has and all the private security options about he could have attended in safety had he chosen to.....thats if if he cared enough or believed in the show must go on no matter what.... he dosnt.

Believe whatever you wish but Abbhist is simply acting exactly as expected all along right on que... same attitude, same results.... the dems are going to do exactly what they did last time and the PDRC has said they will again derail the election.... wont that be fun ? coffee1.gif

Look out for new marketing gimmicks and pink tshirts next

Pathetic ... you refuse to accept the shame that you should feel for supporting these terrorists, so you put a spin on it to justify your misguided support for them. I must assume that you, the brave English Oak would have ignored such serious threats and attended the meeting, right...?! Wrong...!!

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Naaa politicians get death threats all the time, this is just another weak excuse and peddled to the press to sound serious, Its not.

With all the backing he has and all the private security options about he could have attended in safety had he chosen to.....thats if if he cared enough or believed in the show must go on no matter what.... he dosnt.

Believe whatever you wish but Abbhist is simply acting exactly as expected all along right on que... same attitude, same results.... the dems are going to do exactly what they did last time and the PDRC has said they will again derail the election.... wont that be fun ? coffee1.gif

Look out for new marketing gimmicks and pink tshirts next

Pathetic ... you refuse to accept the shame that you should feel for supporting these terrorists, so you put a spin on it to justify your misguided support for them. I must assume that you, the brave English Oak would have ignored such serious threats and attended the meeting, right...?! Wrong...!!

If I were leading a political party and believed that change was that important and all this blah blah blah ? damned right, nothing would keep me from attending even be it in the back of a blacked out vehicle or with armed ( plenty of those for sale here ) bodyguards.

PS you like so many others conclude because I dont get taken in by Marks little game of ooo too dangerous whine I must be supporting terrorists ?? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif drama queen or what.

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The more likely reason is because his heart is not in democracy , something he lost a few years ago

Well he should simply go back to his native home of England ( yes he is actually British) go back to Oxford and learn about it all again. No wonder he can't connect with the Thai populace, he is a farang lol. What a joke!

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Naaa politicians get death threats all the time, this is just another weak excuse and peddled to the press to sound serious, Its not.

With all the backing he has and all the private security options about he could have attended in safety had he chosen to.....thats if if he cared enough or believed in the show must go on no matter what.... he dosnt.

Believe whatever you wish but Abbhist is simply acting exactly as expected all along right on que... same attitude, same results.... the dems are going to do exactly what they did last time and the PDRC has said they will again derail the election.... wont that be fun ? coffee1.gif

Look out for new marketing gimmicks and pink tshirts next

Where was brave Miss Yingluck while all thus was going on? At the meeting or hiding in CM?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Naaa politicians get death threats all the time, this is just another weak excuse and peddled to the press to sound serious, Its not.

With all the backing he has and all the private security options about he could have attended in safety had he chosen to.....thats if if he cared enough or believed in the show must go on no matter what.... he dosnt.

Believe whatever you wish but Abbhist is simply acting exactly as expected all along right on que... same attitude, same results.... the dems are going to do exactly what they did last time and the PDRC has said they will again derail the election.... wont that be fun ? coffee1.gif

Look out for new marketing gimmicks and pink tshirts next

Death threats all the time? WOW, reform is urgently needed then. Can't have election if death threats of politicians in Thailand is a common occurrence. Thanks for highlighting that free and fair elections cannot be held under the current circumstances. I didn't know it was that rampant actually.

If he cared enough. I can just imagine him telling his family - "I know people have threatened to kill me and posted threats on FB, but you know threats of death is common in Thailand in the political arena and I care too much about this meeting to worry about my safety and my life with my family"…….I bet his wife would love that excuse.

Here is one for you;

What if Ahbisit was an accused terrorist that went into hiding and stating he was sick when he was supposed to be at the criminal court for a bail hearing? Would that be an acceptable reason not to attend?

What if Jatuporn was threatened with death if he attended an EC meeting and decided not to go for fear of his safety? Would that be an acceptable excuse?

Because if Jatuporn's excuse of being sick (when he wasn't) is acceptable then death threats might just make the grade too heay.

Of course being sick does not happen all the time to politicians in Thailand were as death threats do!

PTP logic right there folks.

Couldnt care less about PTP or what ifs. I dont care about an idiot like Jatuporn or Abhisit or the excuses they come up with, its always BS

sorry but threats go on all the time, this one is is just an excuse to avoid the obvious.... and its perfect timing funny that.

If I had a vote ( which I dont I wouldnt waste it on any of the main parties ) and neither does the family.

You seem to think people who see through the excuses of one side as BS must support the other..... how wrong you are. Some just want a free and democratic election without numbskulls and elites attempting to derail it or the country further.

Your family doesn't have a vote?

Are they not Thai?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I wonder how long it will take, for the caretaker-PM or the head of CAPO, to speak out and condemn the person who made the threat, as having frustrated their own plans to regain power through election ?

Pause ... long silence ... denial from Chalerm ... more silence wink.png

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Abhisit is actually a good opposition for the government in terms of electoral success because of his dismal failure and inability to attract voters in numbers that will win an election. They are pretty much guaranteed success while he is leader of the opposition.

For this reason, if an assasination attempt is made it will most likely be an inside job.

But its not for this reason why I believe he should step aside, apart from the fact that his political career is in tatters, its because he has been used and abused to the point of uselessness, and the fool blames it on Thaksin, he doesn't realize its the group of people standing right behind him

I've never met a crack head before but I've always imagined that their thought processes are similar to yours

I've met crackheads and your supposition is accurate.


To equate this poster with a crack-head is being unjust to any crack-head.

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Lies & propaganda from the weasel boy. Just waiting for his chance to slither into the PM's chair without the people's mandate again.

Is this on a par with the "kidnap" threat to Yingluck's son a while back which was proven to be completely made up by her own security personnel?

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The more likely reason is because his heart is not in democracy , something he lost a few years ago

Well he should simply go back to his native home of England ( yes he is actually British) go back to Oxford and learn about it all again. No wonder he can't connect with the Thai populace, he is a farang lol. What a joke!

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Suggest you check a few facts before running off at the mouth (nothing unusual of course) - he is about as British as you are Thai. Being born in the UK and holding a UK passport will never make him British.

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Of course it to be expected from people that support terrorism to gloss over the threats made to Ahbisit on the FB page that was set up in May 2010 that is littered with condescension, demonizing, belittling and intimidation towards the Right Honorable Ahbisit. The page is there. The threats are written plainly for all to see. It is not lies. Not propaganda. Look the site up. It is not a belief. It is a fact. Facts - The PTP's greatest enemy.

One still manages to denounce Ahbisit who is openly threatened by a terrorist on a social networking site yet defends two accused terrorists that said they could not attend a criminal court hearing because they were sick.

Does one understand the lack of logic in this. Gloss over terrorist threats that is documented and proven to denounce Ahbisit's lack of appearance at a meeting. Defend terrorists lack of appearance at a court because of a "belief" they were sick when they, you me and Thailand knew they were not sick.

When one starts to defend accused terrorists and ignore other terrorist threats to defend a regime it is certainly time to start realizing that mental health in Thailand is a very serious health concern that needs to be addressed. How a grown adult from the west can ignore terrorist threats against someone yet at the same time defend accused terrorists as well as cheer terrorist attacks in Trat is beyond reproach and highlights the power of propaganda of this regime.

I am glad you are safe Right Honorable Ahbisit. It is a shame when we live in a world were threats of violence and terrorist threats go unaccountable. If nothing else this further highlights free and fair elections are a long long way away. I can only thank the red shirt Yim for reflecting that one message.

RIP 14 principles of democracy. May reform come swift and hard.

condescending, check

demonising, check,

belittling, see condescension, check

intimidation, that's a new one , check

Anything on that site, out of context, subject changing or cherry picking?

Seriously though, you really need to ask yourself who come up with the terrorist tag for the UDD and why. You learn that much, then you'll understand real demonising, the fatal kind. Clue: it was a "politician" whose initials are a, b, h, i, s, i, t.

I thought it was actually Suthep that called them (correctly) "terrorists" . . . and he got sued for it . . . besides which, their actions over the years have justified the use of the word "terrorist" quite aptly . . . they are the militant wing of PT/Thaksin, simple as that.

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The more likely reason is because his heart is not in democracy , something he lost a few years ago

They do cite a facebook page that has been used to issue threats that came true before. So it would seem to be a reasonably credible threat. Attending would have irresponsible in that case.

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The more likely reason is because his heart is not in democracy , something he lost a few years ago

They do cite a facebook page that has been used to issue threats that came true before. So it would seem to be a reasonably credible threat. Attending would have irresponsible in that case.

Threats that came true? Would you please enlighten me. Which threats and when?

The fact is that Abhisit has a large security entourage. He can count on the military looking out for him. If Abhisit had thought the meeting worthwhile, he would have attended. He was given a timely excuse for not attending.

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The more likely reason is because his heart is not in democracy , something he lost a few years ago

They do cite a facebook page that has been used to issue threats that came true before. So it would seem to be a reasonably credible threat. Attending would have irresponsible in that case.

Threats that came true? Would you please enlighten me. Which threats and when?

The fact is that Abhisit has a large security entourage. He can count on the military looking out for him. If Abhisit had thought the meeting worthwhile, he would have attended. He was given a timely excuse for not attending.

He doe's not miss as many meetings as your darling from Issan.coffee1.gif

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If I was Abhisit I too would take a death threat from Suthep seriously. First Abhisit says he will vote in the Feb. 2, 2014 election because it's his constitutional right. Then the next day he announces he will not vote, even to vote "no vote." Suthep said no Dmocrat will vote and he meant it. Now Abhisit says he will attend the EC meeting to organize the next election date. Then within days he announces he has to cancel because of "death threats" despite the presence of 30 PDRC security guards. It looks like Suthep has again smacked this puppy down.

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If I was Abhisit I too would take a death threat from Suthep seriously. First Abhisit says he will vote in the Feb. 2, 2014 election because it's his constitutional right. Then the next day he announces he will not vote, even to vote "no vote." Suthep said no Dmocrat will vote and he meant it. Now Abhisit says he will attend the EC meeting to organize the next election date. Then within days he announces he has to cancel because of "death threats" despite the presence of 30 PDRC security guards. It looks like Suthep has again smacked this puppy down.

So Suthep is issuing threats against Abhisit through a notorious Red Shirt personality. How to put this delicately... have you ever considered, I don't know, engaging your brain before you spew embarrasing nonsense? Believe me, it doesn't do the side you support any favours.

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well I suppose this is the best we can expect of reds, threatening to assasinate their oposition and their comrades in here defending them, shows exactly how craven they all are. Death to them means nothing if it suits their purposes, those trying to make it meaningless in here are no less pathetic, I am sure you would all be running to hide at the first hint of anyoine threatening the same with you. You lot are simply beneath contempt just as you were when you defended the reds cheering after killing the kids, sick mindset.

hahahahahahaa....ur just sad!

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For all you stupid red sheeple. If Abhisit said there was a threat and there was no proof given, I would be with you in thinking it was just a convenient excuse. However this was a public threat on FB - this is proovable. Is this the same guy who told them not to take the bus on the expressway aa few weeks back, then the red detritus shot at them and murdered someone ? Not sure. But when Chalerm says there could be violence, there is. When red detritus threaten violence, there is. If there was a direct threat made against someone by red terrorists, you would have to be an idiot not to take it seriously.

There are probably pages on facebook saying that the Pope is an alien, it doesn't mean it's proof that he is.

"Is this the same guy who told them not to take the bus on the expressway aa few weeks back, then the red detritus shot at them and murdered someone ? Not sure."

But you thought you'd mention it anyway, even though it didn't happen?

Wow, you've convinced me, perhaps it's your way with words and open minded nature that does it.....................

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The more likely reason is because his heart is not in democracy , something he lost a few years ago

They do cite a facebook page that has been used to issue threats that came true before. So it would seem to be a reasonably credible threat. Attending would have irresponsible in that case.

Threats that came true? Would you please enlighten me. Which threats and when?

The fact is that Abhisit has a large security entourage. He can count on the military looking out for him. If Abhisit had thought the meeting worthwhile, he would have attended. He was given a timely excuse for not attending.

He doe's not miss as many meetings as your darling from Issan.coffee1.gif

Can you please provide a coherent statement? My darling from Issan (sic) ? Yes, my best friend is from Isan, but he is now currently deployed protecting people like you from insurgent's IEDs.. I hope his girlfriend doesn't mind the competition. BTW he faces the bonafide risk of death as does his unit. If he can put his life on the line protecting the nation, I reckon Abhisit and his pals can take a brief foray into an important meeting since Thailand's national security is at stake.

I thought you might have being making a reference to the PM, but anyone who knows anything about Thailand, knows that Chiang Mai province is not part of Isan. I appreciate that you are not well educated, but I can't believe you would be so clueless as to Thailand's geography to make that mistake, especially since you live here.

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well I suppose this is the best we can expect of reds, threatening to assasinate their oposition and their comrades in here defending them, shows exactly how craven they all are. Death to them means nothing if it suits their purposes, those trying to make it meaningless in here are no less pathetic, I am sure you would all be running to hide at the first hint of anyoine threatening the same with you. You lot are simply beneath contempt just as you were when you defended the reds cheering after killing the kids, sick mindset.

What proof do we have of the source of these threats? Perhaps he is simply making it up to avoid the prospect of facing an election?

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" Mr. Chavanond also cited a Facebook post by a Redshirt activist called Uncle Yim Tasawang who wrote that he planned to fire "several rounds of shot" inside the meeting room and cause chaos among forum participants. "

We have a facebook post with a threat on it of a most disturbing nature. It's not a rumour. It's a facebook post from a redshirt activist with an explicit threat. Naturally, that is ignored by Pheu Thai supporters. They're not big on reading, apparently, and besides, they have more important things to do. One doesn't usually comment on such things, but the photograph that Khaosod uses of Abhisit has got to be the most unflattering one in history, of any politician, anywhere. Photographs of politicians accompanying stories are a very common thing. But this has got to be the first photograph of a politician in history taken entirely from an ant's point of view. Khaosod, please get off the floor. The facebook post was not directed at you. In the meantime, it's time for the police to pursue this. They have the evidence already. In the West, if a former prime minister were the subject of such a threat, to be sure it would be followed up with dizzying speed. And speaking of this facebook posting, doesn't the redshirt activist who posted it realize that by causing " chaos among forum participants " ( i.e. sheer terror ) he is disrupting the very election process his Pheu Thai compatriots want desperately to succeed ? Well, apparently not. Like Pheu Thai supporters, you see,the UDD doesn't waste much time on thinking either.

good point. the police should pursue this. Such irresponsible talk simply causes unnecessary choas and prevents an orderly electoral process.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yeah sure. Funny how this gutless bunch always seems to find another in their string of excuses not to get trashed in an electoral process. Surely, their man Suthep speaks for the people? Or at least he says he does. So why so scared of running candidates Dems?

SO IT WAS FINE FOR A RED SHIRT TO STATE THAT HE WOULD CAUSE CARNAGE, NORMAL BEHAVIOUS I SUPPOSE. And are you, as an obvious red supporter going to take your AR15 and do the same? What would you do in the same circumstances? Talk is easy,! The thing is we should stay out of things that do not concern us . We cannot change their way of life their and complete disrespect for human life. Voting should be by province (area), not the numbers of people in the province. Things here will continue the same as history dictates. Coups, killings, media suppression.the list is endless...........................

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For all you stupid red sheeple. If Abhisit said there was a threat and there was no proof given, I would be with you in thinking it was just a convenient excuse. However this was a public threat on FB - this is proovable. Is this the same guy who told them not to take the bus on the expressway aa few weeks back, then the red detritus shot at them and murdered someone ? Not sure. But when Chalerm says there could be violence, there is. When red detritus threaten violence, there is. If there was a direct threat made against someone by red terrorists, you would have to be an idiot not to take it seriously.

There are probably pages on facebook saying that the Pope is an alien, it doesn't mean it's proof that he is.

"Is this the same guy who told them not to take the bus on the expressway aa few weeks back, then the red detritus shot at them and murdered someone ? Not sure."

But you thought you'd mention it anyway, even though it didn't happen?

Wow, you've convinced me, perhaps it's your way with words and open minded nature that does it.....................

So now this didn't happen neither:

BANGKOK: -- A security guard for the Students and People Network for Thailand's Reform was shot dead and three STR-led protesters were injured in an ambush on Tuesday afternoon.

But go on, stick to stupid arguments like comparing a threat to attack a group, followed by an actual attack that leaves one dead and three injured with calling the Pope an alien; it serves to exemplify the mentality of those that support the UDD and PTP government.

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[snip snip ] In the meantime, it's time for the police to pursue this. They have the evidence already. In the West, if a former prime minister were the subject of such a threat, to be sure it would be followed up with dizzying speed.

It's almost as if the police are treating this assassination plot with the same serious attitude and urgency they treated the Thaksin assassination plot at the Burmese border.


What grabbed and kept my attention yesterday is that Abhisit (claims he) received this threat of a suicide bomber and shooter so he stayed away from the meeting. But he didn't talk about it until the meeting started, and AFTER the meeting started his spokesman gave a lot of details (if I may use the term loosely.)

If we take Abhisit at his word (hahaha) we believe that he was convinced there was a suicide bomber and shooter in the room BUT it was okay if every other political party and the EC went ahead with the meeting.

This says something about Abhisit. Exactly what it says, that's up to you.


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