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US Secretary of State Kerry tells Russia of 'deep concern' over Ukraine - US official


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Kerry tells Russia of 'deep concern' over Ukraine - US official

WASHINGTON: -- US Secretary of State John Kerry told Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov of his "deep concern" Tuesday over Moscow's attempts to de-escalate tensions in Ukraine, a senior State Department official said. Kerry also warned that a lack of Russian progress on a deal struck in Geneva last week would lead to more sanctions, the official added.

The latest worry of US diplomacy came as Ukraine relaunched military operations against federalization supporters, AFP reports.

In a phone call to Lavrov, Kerry "expressed deep concern over the lack of positive Russian steps to de-escalate, cited mounting evidence that separatists continue to increase the number of buildings under occupation and take journalists and other civilians captive," the senior official said.

Ukraine must urgently implement Geneva agreement - Lavrov

"He urged Russia to tone down escalatory rhetoric, engage diplomatically in the east with the OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) and Ukrainian government, and issue public statements calling for those occupying buildings to disarm and stand down in exchange for amnesty."

Full story: http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2014_04_23/Kerry-tells-Russia-of-deep-concern-over-Ukraine-US-official-3150/

-- Voice of Russia 2014-04-23

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My Kerry, the world is deeply concerned at you policing the world without being asked.

Yeah... go on Kerry... You go ahead and threaten more sanctions and you may well get the war you are provoking, and maybe most of the eastern seaboard of the USA will be turned into a smoking hole in the ground. Same as Russia will be... yeah, the world really needs that.

America..... You are very dangerous people indeed and the sooner you are put in your place the better it will be.

That goes for the EU too.

Their agenda is to back a neo nazi fascist regime hell bent on the irradiation of all Jews and Russians from Ukrainian soil..... where have we seen that before?

Obama...... listen to your people for once, the majority don't back your meddling in world affairs that do not affect them directly.

Edited by WoopyDoo
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My Kerry, the world is deeply concerned at you policing the world without being asked.

Yeah... go on Kerry... You go ahead and threaten more sanctions and you may well get the war you are provoking, and maybe most of the eastern seaboard of the USA will be turned into a smoking hole in the ground. Same as Russia will be... yeah, the world really needs that.

America..... You are very dangerous people indeed and the sooner you are put in your place the better it will be.

That goes for the EU too.

Their agenda is to back a neo nazi fascist regime hell bent on the irradiation of all Jews and Russians from Ukrainian soil..... where have we seen that before?

Obama...... listen to your people for once, the majority don't back your meddling in world affairs that do not affect them directly.

your last paragraph....was spot-on.....but I will add the American people are sick of Obama...period

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Putin & boys are turning into a little Hitler and Gestapo to confiscate lands of freedom loving people. He will eventually be stopped but he may cause a lot of pain before he comes to his senses or joins Hitler in the history books.

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There once was a man named Neville Chamberlain who saw a land grab by a most ambitious of leaders who just finished a very successful Olympic games. There was no way for Mr. Chamberlain to see the future back then, but I wonder what he would whisper in Mr. Kerry's ear today?

Edited by nomimusic
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Much more recently there was a US President that invaded Iraq and Afghanistan and caused the deaths of millions of civilians, many of them children. Mind your own business USA.

...did Russia tried to grab Afghanistan before...?! I wished everybody just minded their own business.

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This is what you get when the satellite countries.....as previously in Georgia.....don't play by the rules.

The rules being, Russia lets them run themselves completely with one caveat. They remain as a defensive buffer zone for Russia, who remember suffered as no one else suffered last time they were invaded which will never be erased.

(Remember, The Russians effectively won the Second World War.)

Doesn't seem too much to ask.

Meantime you get non stop machinations and provocations from US from missiles in Poland (imagine Russian missiles in Canada!) to Sakashvili spitting in Russia's face the minute he was elected (and doing his best to suck the West in) to a Kiev coup plot made public in the "Fxxx the EU" conversation, to it being prepared in detail in Poland.

What do they expect from Russia?

Putin is merely reminding them of the rules.

Let's hope they don't make him give them a beating for ignoring them.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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