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Has anyone ever heard of 5 Million baht sin sod being asked before.


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Highest I am aware of a farang paying is 30 million bht!

Actually a guy in Roi-et paid 1 million! Any sinsod is too much in my opinion. The idea that if they want a Farang THEY adopt our rules . If they want sinsod then marry a Thai. There are plenty of good women here that understand this concept. We marry for love .......they sell their daughters! And folks..there are plenty that disappear after the ceremony !

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They say that should Sin Sot be a prerequisite for marrying then the amount, if any can and should be negotiated.However Sin Sot is not a custom that is adhered too should a farang be involved. it is an opportunity for a shakedown!what would happen if you said I am not paying Sin Sot as in my culture we don't do it..then see how long your wife will stick around. a while ago I was seeing a 42 year widowed lady with 2 children and she told me her father wanted a 100k.. I quietly told the father that although his daughter was a lovely lady I am not paying a sin sot but I am willing to discuss the amount you can pay me for taking her off your hands..the look on his face was priceless..needless to say I was found to be unsuitable...got out of that still alive me thinks..

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You may want to tell the older siblings to not meddle in your affair. Raising kids isn't cheap. You are man enough to take on the responsibility. If they insist on disallowing marriage without a sin sod then don't get married. Once she realizes how expensive it is to raise a child, then maybe she will tell them to pay for raising her kid or shut their traps. She had sex prior to marriage which is a no no in Thai tradition. If she broke that one, then so can the tradition of sin sod.

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You were with her and she got pregnant and now they want money.

Just tell them that you can't marry just now since you don't have enough money. And in your country it is customary that the brides family pays dowry (like in mine).

If their attitudes and especially your future wife's deteriorate, just do what every Thai man would do.


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Let me just add that there is no village, they live in bkk.

there are no debts. They are pretty loaded.

There are just way too many stories here in Thailand about foreigners being stuck with a high sin sot demand. My advice is to not pay anything, especially if they're loaded. And if it's a real issue than get married outside of Thailand or just get married here and don't tell them. If they stick you with such a high demand I really doubt it's to buy you a house as you could do that yourself. And the fact that they want that much says a lot about their obliviousness to the fact you are going to have a child (last time I checked they don't come cheap).

And for those who give this "it's Thai culture" b.s., speak with all the Thais who don't give sin sot because of the cost of raising a family. Last time I checked, if you are marrying outside of your culture then your partner is too. If the idea of giving them money (because it sure won't come back to you) upsets you then don't do it. Your beliefs are just as important as theirs. Wash your hands of them and go start a family on your own.

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Highest I am aware of a farang paying is 30 million bht!

Now that was cheap sin sod, this Canadien guy paid 100 million, and don't try to marry a lady from Roy Et and think her family will accept less than 1 million from any falang in the future :-)


Edited by bander
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Time for trolling??? whistling.gif

She's 30 and a princess right? lol

No way would I pay that. I know (if the stories true) the OP loves her but c'mon, you can BUY many ladies at a far cheaper price. thumbsup.gif

What did the partner's of the older siblings pay??

Sounds like the Thais we love and hate on TV shows!

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Marry her outside of Thailand. That confuses the whole sin sod bs.

5 million is about 5 million more than I paid.

If you aren't trolling us, her family is trolling you.

Gooooood Luck mate!....you will need it by the sounds.

She is used goods,pay nothing,what are they gunna do.

Yep 2nd hand.

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I think you're asking for too much. Getting your girl pregnant is one thing, but then asking the family to give you for an astronomical amount of money is another thing.

Reconsider your demands.

Edited by Morakot
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Let me just add that there is no village, they live in bkk.

there are no debts. They are pretty loaded.

Sounds like they used to live in a village, but after her older sisters got married they moved to Bangkok and got loadet (how many sisters does she have?), Now the mother want the final retirement payment from you. Good luck to you and bye bye to your 5 million and 20 bath gold (approx. 430.000.-) Just another story of a guy falling in love and start building an air castle coffee1.gif

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A Canadian guy paid 100 million bath sinsod to his Roi Et girlfriend last year (madness if you ask me) Rumors is that everybody in her village have new houses and drive Mercedes Benz clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif

If you not believe: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/643974-canadian-man-weds-roi-et-woman-offers-dowry-worth-bt100-million/


A sinsod of 100,000,000 Bhat yes, in value, but only 1,700,000 in cash so for "every body in her village have new houses and drive Mercedes Benz" I would like to understand blink.png

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You say "Whilst we are madly in love, this is in part to keep her older conservative siblings happy."

Already doomed from the start if you are partly marrying her to keep ger family happy. Shouldnt it be a 100% bond between you and her, nothing to do with her family.

That's where you are wrong misterphil, it has everything to do with her family, she have a 100% bond to her family and 0% bond to her BF thumbsup.gif Welcome to Thailand!

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I said it before and I say it again: sin sod is illegal for most farang. In my (Western) country it is not allowed to buy a woman, and that is exactly what modern sin sod has become: a dowry, to buy the daughter.

Explain that they should also respect your culture (like you respect their culture) and that your culture forbids you to buy a woman, end of story.

If you really want to pay, pay what Thai men pay: 99,999 baht. With that money they "own" the woman, talk to Thai men and you will find out, as this is exactly what it is. A woman cannot divorce without permission of the man, as the man paid money for her.... The suppression of Thai (and other) women is partly caused by the low legal postion of women, they are considered "owned" by the men.

No need for paying more than a Thai, she will have a better life, probably financially speaking too, so that should be the interest of the family.

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