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Farang slandering by Thais

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Isn't the word farang slanderous in itself? It's not meant to be a compliment.

Thais teach their young to identify farang and to stay away. I've had 3 year olds (maybe younger) pointing and saying farang! farang! Then the mother grabs them and ducks out of sight.

No matter now the PC crowd tries to spin this, Thais use the word farang as a demeaning way.

Good innit...I love it when that happens.

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Isn't the word farang slanderous in itself? It's not meant to be a compliment.

Thais teach their young to identify farang and to stay away. I've had 3 year olds (maybe younger) pointing and saying farang! farang! Then the mother grabs them and ducks out of sight.

No matter now the PC crowd tries to spin this, Thais use the word farang as a demeaning way.

you are right, of course it is, even little beat racist I would say, but many foreigners who blindly love thailand did not realize it yet, or perhaps their thai wives don't allow them to complain about it

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I've been here 80 years. Fluent in Thai for 60 of those years. I've never once heard Thais slander farangs. Perhaps you're hanging around with whores and those educated to the age of 7 months?

after all this time you should know thais are not as stupid as to say what they really thing about farangs to your face

There is only 1 thing they think about foreigners.......money.....oh ....and money.... Yes some have been, so stupid, as you write, to say it upon asking.....at least i admired that honesty.

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Isn't the word farang slanderous in itself? It's not meant to be a compliment.

Thais teach their young to identify farang and to stay away. I've had 3 year olds (maybe younger) pointing and saying farang! farang! Then the mother grabs them and ducks out of sight.

No matter now the PC crowd tries to spin this, Thais use the word farang as a demeaning way.

you are right, of course it is, even little beat racist I would say, but many foreigners who blindly love thailand did not realize it yet, or perhaps their thai wives don't allow them to complain about it

I mean who needs a name or nationality. Farang is just so much simpler and polite. I do it all the time with my Thai guests, pointing them out as the Asian guys. They just love it, being described that way.

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I've been here 80 years. Fluent in Thai for 60 of those years. I've never once heard Thais slander farangs. Perhaps you're hanging around with whores and those educated to the age of 7 months?

I marvel that you are fluent. I spoke my first Thai in 1966, with bouts of learning via books and schools and I still cannot hear the difference between shirt, tiger and floormat...

Context helps, as most folks say 'sua pa', but one wonders if they are referring to a forest tiger...LOL

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First we have to determine what "slandering" means. Let's be honest about this. We all know farang have a different tolerance level compared to asians and we all know even being called a farang is a racial slur to some farangs here. Of course back in farang land they call thais all sorts of names like "asian" I don't know man perhaps asian should be considered a slur and gook and so on.

Secondly we all need to know that it occurs everywhere. The thai kid and the thai people living in say australia aren't having a good time either. They are being called sons of whores and all sorts of racial slurs.

Thirdly we need to know that in asian countries people in general don't try to with you if you leave them alone. This is very important because it is different in farang countries. There is a specific term in the UK that they call "taking the piss" out of someone. This is where they purposely provoke someone and when someone retaliates they go oh it's only a joke! Just look at the huge number of these prank video ppl all of them come from farang countries. Like just for laughs for example. You're supposed to laugh along with them after getting pranked by them. The fact of the matter is if you react to someone especially in a disrespectful way don't get upset if he doesn't react the way you expect him to and by and large asians leave you alone if you don't provoke them.

Lastly we will be hearing of some farang complaining oh you know we have this anti-racism thing for these poor minorities in farang countries and you all know that racism is a much bigger thing in farang countries compared to asian countries for obviously very good reasons. Then we will have farangs comparing you know the c0ck sizes like saying their farang countries are better than thailand but yet for some unknown reason still choose to reside in thailand.

It is very similar to the first class passenger on the plane for example suddenly decides to go sit in the economy class section of the plane and then complains why aren't they giving first class service in the economy section.

I still stand by my 1st point. Hypersensitive farangs complaining but don't have a probleming dishing it out much worse when thais visit their countries.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Same in Hawaii..more room to move in Thailand..

We don't try to learn Filapino dialectic, but Hawaiian is easier then Thai..

I like the food in Thailand, so I'll try to sell out in Hawaii and come back to the 'other' Land of Smiles..alohz

Sent from my GT-P3113 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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good post

Monks are allowed to eat khanom (sweets or cake) after midday and drink tea, coffee, coke etc. Most monks are not "lifers" they go into the monkhood for a short period of time to make merit for their family. The Western idea of Buddhism is warped like most ideas. It has to be black or white. That's why you came to Thailand to get away from all that BS. Thais in general are not judgemental, they have the philosophy you do what you want I'll do what I want. Which has it's positives and negatives but equates to greater degree of freedom. Problem is you have been conditioned to follow rules and you see what is going on as semi-anarchy, but it's more like you deal with your kharma I'll deal with mine.

good post, it appears that in the short time i have been here and on tv.. a lot of people compare their experiences and ilfe in the western world.. which i have found myself do.. II was at a restaurant with my gf , which i go all the time, and have used my visa before ). The manager working wouldnt let me use my visa card just because it said DEBIT above the visa.) He just couldnt understand that you could still use it as a credit card. It was frusturating but I found myself thinking that im not in usa nd something everyone knows doesnt mean he does. )

we have been conditioned from the start, i do my best to keep an open mind and keep learning everyday. i love the freedom here and leaving me alone to do what i want as long as my karma doesnt involve theirs. Good morning thailand smile.png

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Same in Hawaii..more room to move in Thailand..

We don't try to learn Filapino dialectic, but Hawaiian is easier then Thai..

I like the food in Thailand, so I'll try to sell out in Hawaii and come back to the 'other' Land of Smiles..alohz

Sent from my GT-P3113 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

come on over:),, pros and cons with everything-

I like this quote

“Wherever you go, you take yourself with you.”

This has taken me years to figure out, i think some of the posters on TV could learn from this as well..

So far, I like thai much better, but the weather , surf, and poke are hard to forget .. Aloha"

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I've been here 80 years. Fluent in Thai for 60 of those years. I've never once heard Thais slander farangs. Perhaps you're hanging around with whores and those educated to the age of 7 months?

I think it's the other way around

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Haha I'm half Thai and Thais call me "farang kee nok" military makes jokes the bullets are for "farangs" even family says slick shit...

Just laugh it off though. Even though I'm half I'll never be look at as equals

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Here we go again, grouping human beings according to nationality and then making general statements about them.

If we really analyse this, there will be Thais that think farang are gods and those who think they are the lowest form of life" and all in between. Each Thai has a different opinion, as do any race of people. Depends upon perspective.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haha I'm half Thai and Thais call me "farang kee nok" military makes jokes the bullets are for "farangs" even family says slick shit...

Just laugh it off though. Even though I'm half I'll never be look at as equals

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

You look like a young freddy mercury...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Haha I'm half Thai and Thais call me "farang kee nok" military makes jokes the bullets are for "farangs" even family says slick shit...

Just laugh it off though. Even though I'm half I'll never be look at as equals

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

You look like a young freddy mercury...

I am Freddie Mercury & more.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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