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what do these cameras actually do? take a pic of your eye then check it's the same going out?

I understood that they focus on the face and measure the width and height of the face and check if it's same as on the photo in the passport, making the image smaller.

My wife has the same name (but different characters in Chinese) as a 'wanted' (Chinese) lady... :o

I was standing behind the lady checking her passport and saw her focussing with the 'machine', adjusting to her face on the photo.

At the same time she had a photo of the 'wanted' person; completely different :D

But I'm not sure if it's just that what they're checking.



:D That's useful. I wondered what they were for. The first time I saw them was last year when we returned from the UK. The operative was clueless I have to say. The next time we flew internationally I was behind the camera man and saw both girls brought up from the memory and my husbands name on both of them!

I always assumed it was in case we committed a crime and the police would have an up to date photo to circulate! You live and learn. :o

The next time we flew internationally I was behind the camera man and saw both girls brought up from the memory and my husbands name on both of them!

who were the girls and how connected to your husband? I thought they just checked the person handing over the passport was really you


I was told by someone who generally knows about such things that they are actually running the images through some relatively sophisticated facial recognition software.

When I responded with natural skepticism that the Thais could do anything that complicated and make it work, I was informed they were actually connecting to an FBI database and that the system had already flushed out a fair number of guys on the lam trying to enter Thailand with phony passports. Although the source is one who ought to be believed, I'm still not sure whether to believe all that or not, but....well, maybe.

I was told by someone who generally knows about such things that they are actually running the images through some relatively sophisticated facial recognition software.

When I responded with natural skepticism that the Thais could do anything that complicated and make it work, I was informed they were actually connecting to an FBI database and that the system had already flushed out a fair number of guys on the lam trying to enter Thailand with phony passports. Although the source is one who ought to be believed, I'm still not sure whether to believe all that or not, but....well, maybe.

sounds like that would take a lot longer than a couple of minutes while you stand at the desk though.


Just a note. The US embassy requires all passport photos to be on a white background with the persons ears showing. The ears must be something important.

Thailand is a great place to catch criminals in hiding. I would even guess some of the people who use message boards like this are running from the law.

The world is becoming are giant shooting gallery. Your picture is being taken all the time.

I've even heard some law enforcement groups have put special keyboards and mouse in selective Internet cafes. These devices can read fingerprints and relay them to a central office which checks them against wanted individuals.

I've even heard some law enforcement groups have put special keyboards and mouse in selective Internet cafes. These devices can read fingerprints and relay them to a central office which checks them against wanted individuals.

Well I heard that the CIA had been in to internet cafes on Sukumwit and installed special chairs that had scanners built in that scanned <deleted>. the numbers of spots, pimples and hairs on scanned <deleted> was immediatley transmitted back to USA by special wireless connection and compared to the "most wanted arse" database.

Those wanted for arse crimes were warned upon leaving said internet cafes that thier <deleted> could lead to arrest.

That's what i heard anyway :o

I was told by someone who generally knows about such things that they are actually running the images through some relatively sophisticated facial recognition software.

When I responded with natural skepticism that the Thais could do anything that complicated and make it work, I was informed they were actually connecting to an FBI database and that the system had already flushed out a fair number of guys on the lam trying to enter Thailand with phony passports. Although the source is one who ought to be believed, I'm still not sure whether to believe all that or not, but....well, maybe.

I know immigration do cooperate with a teams of undercover and not undercover immigration officals from a variety of countries who roam around the airport checking travellers ID's before boardning. I think it is called the 'ICE team'. I met one Australian immigratoin offical who was stationed up here for 3 months as part of an on-going programme. Basically, for any Australia bound flight he'd check the passports of those flying while they were waiting in line to make sure that the passport or the visa were legit. I even got tapped on the shoulder once :o Basically it was a pre-screening process.

They look for anything from crims using fake passports to unlikely tourists (ie off for a 2 week holiday to OZ with enough luggage for a lifetimes stay).

So it doesn't suprise me that there is some sort of international co-operation going on.


Thaiwriter, You are absolutely right about the AISS(Anal Image Scanning System) It's being used across the globe in places like I-net cafes, on airliners, in barber shops, on park benches outside strategic buildings and even in a few beer bars. It has proven successful for the most part but it does have its weaknesses;for suspects over 300 lbs its hard to get a clear print and it has dificullty identifying suspects who have undergone a sex change.

Thaiwriter, You are absolutely right about the AISS(Anal Image Scanning System) It's being used across the globe in places like I-net cafes, on airliners, in barber shops, on park benches outside strategic buildings and even in a few beer bars. It has proven successful for the most part but it does have its weaknesses;for suspects over 300 lbs its hard to get a clear print and it has dificullty identifying suspects who have undergone a sex change.

You're right Boppia....especially for people with faces like in YOUR Avatar.... :o



I was told by someone who generally knows about such things that they are actually running the images through some relatively sophisticated facial recognition software.

When I responded with natural skepticism that the Thais could do anything that complicated and make it work, I was informed they were actually connecting to an FBI database and that the system had already flushed out a fair number of guys on the lam trying to enter Thailand with phony passports. Although the source is one who ought to be believed, I'm still not sure whether to believe all that or not, but....well, maybe.

I know immigration do cooperate with a teams of undercover and not undercover immigration officals from a variety of countries who roam around the airport checking travellers ID's before boardning. I think it is called the 'ICE team'. I met one Australian immigratoin offical who was stationed up here for 3 months as part of an on-going programme. Basically, for any Australia bound flight he'd check the passports of those flying while they were waiting in line to make sure that the passport or the visa were legit. I even got tapped on the shoulder once :o Basically it was a pre-screening process.

They look for anything from crims using fake passports to unlikely tourists (ie off for a 2 week holiday to OZ with enough luggage for a lifetimes stay).

So it doesn't suprise me that there is some sort of international co-operation going on.

I met one on the way to Sydney a few months ago. She didn't ask for my passport, by wanted to know where I was from, if I had a visa, and when I 'received' the visa, etc. Took me by complete surprise.

And, yes, I did have a lot of luggage. So perhaps I was marked.


I was told by someone who generally knows about such things that they are actually running the images through some relatively sophisticated facial recognition software.

When I responded with natural skepticism that the Thais could do anything that complicated and make it work, I was informed they were actually connecting to an FBI database and that the system had already flushed out a fair number of guys on the lam trying to enter Thailand with phony passports. Although the source is one who ought to be believed, I'm still not sure whether to believe all that or not, but....well, maybe.

I know immigration do cooperate with a teams of undercover and not undercover immigration officals from a variety of countries who roam around the airport checking travellers ID's before boardning. I think it is called the 'ICE team'. I met one Australian immigratoin offical who was stationed up here for 3 months as part of an on-going programme. Basically, for any Australia bound flight he'd check the passports of those flying while they were waiting in line to make sure that the passport or the visa were legit. I even got tapped on the shoulder once :D Basically it was a pre-screening process.

They look for anything from crims using fake passports to unlikely tourists (ie off for a 2 week holiday to OZ with enough luggage for a lifetimes stay).

So it doesn't suprise me that there is some sort of international co-operation going on.

I met one on the way to Sydney a few months ago. She didn't ask for my passport, by wanted to know where I was from, if I had a visa, and when I 'received' the visa, etc. Took me by complete surprise.

And, yes, I did have a lot of luggage. So perhaps I was marked.

yeah, it was probably the pots and pans, bedding and the kitchen sink you were trying to check in :o

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