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Jeremy Clarkson is 'caught on camera using N-word'

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I think all people should stop using the N word including blacks..... If they stopped perhaps people would forget the word but Black people keep using it in songs and talking sh-t to each other. Lead by example !!!

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what a croc of <deleted>. I was taught this rhyme as a child and i am a decade younger than clarkson at least.

its lovely that we are phasing words like chink and nigger out of use, but those that grew up with these terms in common parlance should not be castigated for the occasional slip.

Bullshi*. Absolute rubbish. That is like saying my father lynched people, so it is ok for me to do it too. Or my mother was nasty to the maid, so I have always done that too. That completely eliminates any possibility of growth or improvement of ones self. Just because you were surrounded by ignorance in your youth makes it ok to be ignorant now?

  • Like 2

Why can't they offer both fillings ? This isn't an isolated situation but supposedly covers 180 plus outlets. I can accept a Moselm saying they don't eat non-halal because it's against their religion but saying it shouldn't be available because it's against my religion is ... !

For PC gone mad what's next, will pubs have to close because in certain areas a non-alcohol drinking Moslem majority are against them ?

Don't eat pork sandwiches because that's your right, don't drink alcohol or go into pubs because it's your right but it's my right to do so if I choose.

I don't appreciate someone elses' way of life being forced on me and I definitely don't appreciate a government that lets it happen.

Is anyone forcing you to eat in a restaurant that serves food that you don't want to eat? cheesy.gif

Edit - sorry forgot the question mark.

No but in certain places now people won't be able to eat what they want because a minority is offended. Waken up.

  • Like 1

Schools in part of the UK have even banned using the name "Black Sheep" when singing the famous nursery rhyme...

Now they must sing "Ba Ba BLUE Sheep"

And that is not a joke.

I talked to an Aussie who teaches history, until 2 years ago in Yorkshire. He was told, "Do not teach about the British Empire, history of food, medicine , and fashion is ok" They do not want white kids running around telling the Empires subjects who their masters were. WWII history will be next.

I went to a grammar school in the 60s and we weren't taught anything about WWII at all. The latest date that I was taught history was 1870.

I too went to a Grammar school, we were taught past WW1, but while still in the UK and talking to a neighbour. His grandson came home complaining about learning crap about the causes of WWII.

Jeremy Clarkson 'begs forgiveness' over N-word footage
Top Gear presenter says his efforts to obscure word while reciting eeny meeny miny moe 'weren't quite good enough'
Jeremy Clarkson has begged viewers' forgiveness after he appeared to use the N-word during filming of his BBC programme Top Gear. In a video statement posted online on Thursday, he said that he had tried to obscure the word when reciting the "eeny, meeny, miny, moe" nursery rhyme to chose between two cars, but that his efforts to do so "weren't quite good enough".
Clarkson had previously issued a robust denial of the allegation, telling his 3.2 million Twitter followers: "I did not use the N-word. Never use it. The Mirror has gone way too far this time."
But footage of the incident was later posted on The Daily Mirror website. In it Clarkson recites the beginning of the children's nursery rhyme "eeny, meeny, miny, moe" before apparently mumbling: "Catch a ni**er by his toe."
Full apology:
"Ordinarily I don't respond to newspaper allegations but on this occasion I feel I must make an exception. A couple of years ago I recorded an item for Top Gear in which I quote the rhyme "eeny, meeny, miny, moe". Of course, I was well aware that in the best-known version of this rhyme there is a racist expression that I was extremely keen to avoid. The full rushes show that I did three takes. In two, I mumbled where the offensive word would normally occur and in the third I replaced it altogether with the word teacher. Now when I viewed this footage several weeks later I realised that in one of the mumbled versions if you listen very carefully with the sound turned right up it did appear that I'd actually used the word I was trying to obscure. I was mortified by this, horrified. It is a word I loathe and I did everything in my power to make sure that that version did not appear in the programme that was transmitted.
"I have here the note that was sent at the time to the production office and it says: 'I didn't use the N-word here but I've just listened through my headphones and it sounds like I did. Is there another take that we could use?'
"Please be assured I did everything in my power to not use that word, as I'm sitting here begging your forgiveness for the fact my efforts obviously weren't quite good enough, thank you."


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Could we stop quoting the Daily Mail, please.

And could the Daily Mail please stop quoting the Mirror.


Could we stop quoting the Daily Mail, please.

And could the Daily Mail stop quoting the Mirror, please.


Could we stop quoting the Daily Mail, please.

Actually, the Mail was quoting the Mirror, so I guess that makes it OK?


Nice one, Jeremy! The Rolls-Royce of wind-up merchants strikes again . . . and the p.c. wallies have fallen for it hook, line and sinker as usual!

  • Like 1

To all those anti-pc posters who delight in protecting free speech and think this is all in good fun let me pose three questions and ask that you answer them honestly.

1. You have a disabled child and are pushing their wheelchair through the supermarket one day when someone asks you to move the f-----g cripple out of the way.

2. Your son is gay (or homosexual if "gay" is too pc for you) and you hear someone refer to him as "that flaming faggot

(or queer if you are in the UK)"

3. You are in a pub/bar with your wife and the barman asks what the fat c---t wants to drink (even if she is one).

Would you:

a) Slap the old chap/good old mate on the back, chuckle at his sense of humor and be grateful for freedom of speech or

cool.png Be deeply offended?

Be honest now

I have another question.

You take your Thai wife or girlfriend back home to England, and you're walking around the High Street with. A couple of young men walk pass you and your lady, they don't know you, but one of them uses his hand to do a karate style chop in front of you and your lady. He also said "ah so' whilst doing this action. The other one put his two hands together and bowed his head with a smirk on his face, it appeared to be a 'wai'. But that's not what he was intending to do, he knows nothing about Thailand and nothing about the Thai 'wai'. They reckon your lady is Chinese, even though she's Thai.

Do you :

a) punch the bloke in the face, and call him a 'prat'.

B) say to him 'piss off'.

c) totally ignore it, and explain to your lady that a small percentage of people in England do this, these arseh@les think it's funny.



To all those anti-pc posters who delight in protecting free speech and think this is all in good fun let me pose three questions and ask that you answer them honestly.

1. You have a disabled child and are pushing their wheelchair through the supermarket one day when someone asks you to move the f-----g cripple out of the way.

2. Your son is gay (or homosexual if "gay" is too pc for you) and you hear someone refer to him as "that flaming faggot

(or queer if you are in the UK)"

3. You are in a pub/bar with your wife and the barman asks what the fat c---t wants to drink (even if she is one).

Would you:

a) Slap the old chap/good old mate on the back, chuckle at his sense of humor and be grateful for freedom of speech or

cool.png Be deeply offended?

Be honest now

I have another question.

You take your Thai wife or girlfriend back home to England, and you're walking around the High Street with. A couple of young men walk pass you and your lady, they don't know you, but one of them uses his hand to do a karate style chop in front of you and your lady. He also said "ah so' whilst doing this action. The other one put his two hands together and bowed his head with a smirk on his face, it appeared to be a 'wai'. But that's not what he was intending to do, he knows nothing about Thailand and nothing about the Thai 'wai'. They reckon your lady is Chinese, even though she's Thai.

Do you :

a) punch the bloke in the face, and call him a 'prat'.

cool.png say to him 'piss off'.

c) totally ignore it, and explain to your lady that a small percentage of people in England do this, these arseh@les think it's funny.


Sorry, the above should say option b, [say to him 'piss off'.]


Now let's just see. . .

"Eeny, meeny, miny, mo,

Catch a black person of Afro or Afro/American descent by the toe."

Nope, just doesn't scan properly.

Where is this politically correct madness going to end? First golliwog dolls, nursery rhymes and Enid Blyton. Next, classics like Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice and Othello?

Big Brother isn't only watching you and listening to your every word and intercepting your emails (including, no doubt, this one) and telling you what you can and can't say. He's even starting to dictate what you are supposed to think!.

Time to fight back!

PS: Any feminist readers offended because I've used "Big Brother" instead of "Big Sister" can go take a running jump.


Schools in part of the UK have even banned using the name "Black Sheep" when singing the famous nursery rhyme...

Now they must sing "Ba Ba BLUE Sheep"

And that is not a joke.

I talked to an Aussie who teaches history, until 2 years ago in Yorkshire. He was told, "Do not teach about the British Empire, history of food, medicine , and fashion is ok" They do not want white kids running around telling the Empires subjects who their masters were. WWII history will be next.

I went to a grammar school in the 60s and we weren't taught anything about WWII at all. The latest date that I was taught history was 1870.

I too went to a Grammar school, we were taught past WW1, but while still in the UK and talking to a neighbour. His grandson came home complaining about learning crap about the causes of WWII.

Okay, teaching children in Britain about the British Empire. It's going to be a bit 'dodgy'. How are they going to portray it ? :)

Are they going to glorify Britain taking over a quarter of the world, this is 'the Empire where the Sun never sets', etc. Are they going to go on about the Suez crisis, a watershed moment symbolising the 'End of Empire', even though Britain had already lost a lot of power (with the USA gaining power) during and after the two World Wars ?

Do they really want to go into gory detail about the slave trade, and the Opium Wars with China ?

Some people might feel it's best to keep the British Empire away from the school classroom. :)


Now let's just see. . .

"Eeny, meeny, miny, mo,

Catch a black person of Afro or Afro/American descent by the toe."

Nope, just doesn't scan properly.

Where is this politically correct madness going to end? First golliwog dolls, nursery rhymes and Enid Blyton. Next, classics like Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice and Othello?

Big Brother isn't only watching you and listening to your every word and intercepting your emails (including, no doubt, this one) and telling you what you can and can't say. He's even starting to dictate what you are supposed to think!.

Time to fight back!

PS: Any feminist readers offended because I've used "Big Brother" instead of "Big Sister" can go take a running jump.

Fight back? You want to make racism acceptable again?

  • Like 2

If Clarkson is going to be punished for just using the word, then everyone (including black people) should be punished the same for it, otherwise it would be racist to punish someone for using a word because of the color of their skin. And if you start punishing people for merely uttering a word, then where is freedom of speech?

Clarkson did not use the term as a racial attack, he used it without sensitivity to current social and cultural etiquette. He did not say "I hate that/those n*****s". He simply insensitively used the word in reference to an old rhyme.


Now let's just see. . .

"Eeny, meeny, miny, mo,

Catch a black person of Afro or Afro/American descent by the toe."

Nope, just doesn't scan properly.

Where is this politically correct madness going to end? First golliwog dolls, nursery rhymes and Enid Blyton. Next, classics like Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice and Othello?

Big Brother isn't only watching you and listening to your every word and intercepting your emails (including, no doubt, this one) and telling you what you can and can't say. He's even starting to dictate what you are supposed to think!.

Time to fight back!

PS: Any feminist readers offended because I've used "Big Brother" instead of "Big Sister" can go take a running jump.

You forgot the worst racist ever,see attachedpost-142424-0-08987200-1399000861_thumb.

Schools in part of the UK have even banned using the name "Black Sheep" when singing the famous nursery rhyme...

Now they must sing "Ba Ba BLUE Sheep"

And that is not a joke.

I talked to an Aussie who teaches history, until 2 years ago in Yorkshire. He was told, "Do not teach about the British Empire, history of food, medicine , and fashion is ok" They do not want white kids running around telling the Empires subjects who their masters were. WWII history will be next.
You know 25 years I've been involved in education and I've missed all these things. I thought was observant but clearly I have not been paying attention. Really must get my act together.

Well here's an article from BBC news...8 years ago.

Obviously you were talking when you should have been listening. Now get to the back of the class!!!


More recently...

I've listened to these stories for years and again I state I've never seen it happen or met any one who has worked in a school doing this and I have worked in areas with mixed ethnic and religious groups.

What was I doing all that time eh, tch tch...deary me. Must have missed all those directives, really must try to keep up.

I was only pointing this out..and as I said my mother teaches in Scotland and she also agrees that it is ridiculous.

I don't think it's right to omit history, with regards to the British Empire, the holocaust and all of the other terrible actions by man from our next generation. People who don't learn from history are bound to repeat it..

Being a teacher yourself, do you agree with this sentiment?

Nowadays it seems the only way to get the truth about the world is through alternative news channels online...and even now bureaucrats are trying to end freedom on the internet, which is quite obviously in order to keep us in the dark and uninformed.

Schools in part of the UK have even banned using the name "Black Sheep" when singing the famous nursery rhyme...

Now they must sing "Ba Ba BLUE Sheep"

And that is not a joke.

I talked to an Aussie who teaches history, until 2 years ago in Yorkshire. He was told, "Do not teach about the British Empire, history of food, medicine , and fashion is ok" They do not want white kids running around telling the Empires subjects who their masters were. WWII history will be next.

You know 25 years I've been involved in education and I've missed all these things. I thought was observant but clearly I have not been paying attention. Really must get my act together.

Well here's an article from BBC news...8 years ago.

Obviously you were talking when you should have been listening. Now get to the back of the class!!!


More recently...


I've listened to these stories for years and again I state I've never seen it happen or met any one who has worked in a school doing this and I have worked in areas with mixed ethnic and religious groups.

What was I doing all that time eh, tch tch...deary me. Must have missed all those directives, really must try to keep up.

I was only pointing this out..and as I said my mother teaches in Scotland and she also agrees that it is ridiculous.

I don't think it's right to omit history, with regards to the British Empire, the holocaust and all of the other terrible actions by man from our next generation. People who don't learn from history are bound to repeat it..

Being a teacher yourself, do you agree with this sentiment?

Nowadays it seems the only way to get the truth about the world is through alternative news channels online...and even now bureaucrats are trying to end freedom on the internet, which is quite obviously in order to keep us in the dark and uninformed.

No I'm not saying it's right to omit these things because of some spurious link to racism. I'm saying that they are either on the curriculum or off it for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with race. I studied History at school to A and S level and never once touched upon anything beyond WW1. This was in an all boys, catholic grammar school with a 99 percent caucasian student body. We didn't look at the british empire either. The examining body we were taking exams under didn't include it in its exams so we didn't study it.

My point is that schools do not teach things for a vast number of reasons, but never once have I come across an instance when a historical subject was not taught because of racial sensitivities.

As for the whole baa baa black sheep thing, I teach early years and never once have I been instructed not to use certain words by anybody. I find it hard to believe that it is banned in Scotland, or even that an LEA would ban those words use. Is that official policy in Scotland or did some schools take it upon themselves to do so? If the latter then I don't know why they did that, but as I say, I've never been warned about any lyrics in any nursery rhyme in all my years of teaching.


To all those anti-pc posters who delight in protecting free speech and think this is all in good fun let me pose three questions and ask that you answer them honestly.

1. You have a disabled child and are pushing their wheelchair through the supermarket one day when someone asks you to move the f-----g cripple out of the way.

2. Your son is gay (or homosexual if "gay" is too pc for you) and you hear someone refer to him as "that flaming faggot

(or queer if you are in the UK)"

3. You are in a pub/bar with your wife and the barman asks what the fat c---t wants to drink (even if she is one).

Would you:

a) Slap the old chap/good old mate on the back, chuckle at his sense of humor and be grateful for freedom of speech or

cool.png Be deeply offended?

Be honest now

I have another question.

You take your Thai wife or girlfriend back home to England, and you're walking around the High Street with. A couple of young men walk pass you and your lady, they don't know you, but one of them uses his hand to do a karate style chop in front of you and your lady. He also said "ah so' whilst doing this action. The other one put his two hands together and bowed his head with a smirk on his face, it appeared to be a 'wai'. But that's not what he was intending to do, he knows nothing about Thailand and nothing about the Thai 'wai'. They reckon your lady is Chinese, even though she's Thai.

Do you :

a) punch the bloke in the face, and call him a 'prat'.

B) say to him 'piss off'.

c) totally ignore it, and explain to your lady that a small percentage of people in England do this, these arseh@les think it's funny.


You forgot option "D" (considering the age demographic of the typical British farang with a Thai wife/GF in tow) attempt to strike young man with their walking stick fall over and break a hip

  • Like 1

Will they also be going after all the recording stars who use this word regularly as a lyric

Good point BUT remember the colour of the artists who use it.

Colour has nothing to do with it. It is either offensive or is not.

  • Like 1

Now let's just see. . .

"Eeny, meeny, miny, mo,

Catch a black person of Afro or Afro/American descent by the toe."

Nope, just doesn't scan properly.

Where is this politically correct madness going to end? First golliwog dolls, nursery rhymes and Enid Blyton. Next, classics like Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice and Othello?

Big Brother isn't only watching you and listening to your every word and intercepting your emails (including, no doubt, this one) and telling you what you can and can't say. He's even starting to dictate what you are supposed to think!.

Time to fight back!

PS: Any feminist readers offended because I've used "Big Brother" instead of "Big Sister" can go take a running jump.

Fight back? You want to make racism acceptable again?

No fight back and make the PC fascists unacceptable or at least get their whinging treated with the contempt it deserves


Now let's just see. . .

"Eeny, meeny, miny, mo,

Catch a black person of Afro or Afro/American descent by the toe."

Nope, just doesn't scan properly.

Where is this politically correct madness going to end? First golliwog dolls, nursery rhymes and Enid Blyton. Next, classics like Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice and Othello?

Big Brother isn't only watching you and listening to your every word and intercepting your emails (including, no doubt, this one) and telling you what you can and can't say. He's even starting to dictate what you are supposed to think!.

Time to fight back!

PS: Any feminist readers offended because I've used "Big Brother" instead of "Big Sister" can go take a running jump.

Fight back? You want to make racism acceptable again?

No fight back and make the PC fascists unacceptable or at least get their whinging treated with the contempt it deserves


I studied History at school to A and S level and never once touched upon anything beyond WW1. This was in an all boys, catholic grammar school with a 99 percent caucasian student body. We didn't look at the british empire either. The examining body we were taking exams under didn't include it in its exams so we didn't study it.

If you don't mind me asking, which year did you start Grammar School?


Now let's just see. . .

"Eeny, meeny, miny, mo,

Catch a black person of Afro or Afro/American descent by the toe."

Nope, just doesn't scan properly.

Where is this politically correct madness going to end? First golliwog dolls, nursery rhymes and Enid Blyton. Next, classics like Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice and Othello?

Big Brother isn't only watching you and listening to your every word and intercepting your emails (including, no doubt, this one) and telling you what you can and can't say. He's even starting to dictate what you are supposed to think!.

Time to fight back!

PS: Any feminist readers offended because I've used "Big Brother" instead of "Big Sister" can go take a running jump.

Fight back? You want to make racism acceptable again?

No fight back and make the PC fascists unacceptable or at least get their whinging treated with the contempt it deserves

Taking a position against racism isn't fascism. The very opposite in fact. PC or not, racism is wrong.

  • Like 1

I studied History at school to A and S level and never once touched upon anything beyond WW1. This was in an all boys, catholic grammar school with a 99 percent caucasian student body. We didn't look at the british empire either. The examining body we were taking exams under didn't include it in its exams so we didn't study it.

If you don't mind me asking, which year did you start Grammar School?

Without giving too much away, the 70s


No I'm not saying it's right to omit these things because of some spurious link to racism. I'm saying that they are either on the curriculum or off it for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with race. I studied History at school to A and S level and never once touched upon anything beyond WW1. This was in an all boys, catholic grammar school with a 99 percent caucasian student body. We didn't look at the british empire either. The examining body we were taking exams under didn't include it in its exams so we didn't study it.

My point is that schools do not teach things for a vast number of reasons, but never once have I come across an instance when a historical subject was not taught because of racial sensitivities.

As for the whole baa baa black sheep thing, I teach early years and never once have I been instructed not to use certain words by anybody. I find it hard to believe that it is banned in Scotland, or even that an LEA would ban those words use. Is that official policy in Scotland or did some schools take it upon themselves to do so? If the latter then I don't know why they did that, but as I say, I've never been warned about any lyrics in any nursery rhyme in all my years of teaching.

Scotland and Wales have their own teaching curriculum, I'm assuming you're more familiar with England... so it may well be banned in Scotland..I'm not sure but as I said my mother's school had the lyrics changed...


Now let's just see. . .

"Eeny, meeny, miny, mo,

Catch a black person of Afro or Afro/American descent by the toe."

Nope, just doesn't scan properly.

Where is this politically correct madness going to end? First golliwog dolls, nursery rhymes and Enid Blyton. Next, classics like Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice and Othello?


Where's it all going?

It's going here: http://goo.gl/CEW8E0

Quoting Winston Churchills opinions on Islam contributed to a U.K. politicians arrest and possible imprisonment of up to two years.

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