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Jeremy Clarkson is 'caught on camera using N-word'

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In America the 'N' word is the most divisive word in our language and for a good reason. Sounds like more than a few "Punters" talking here (English and Aussies my guess) are making a "no big deal" argument. Prejudice and making jokes about people of color from some of those expats here seems to be a sport... We got allot of bigots in the states also. I'm not laughing! Do you watch our movies? '12 years a slave', 'Jango unchained' 'Lincoln" etc. This is some ugly frickin history that when we dealt with it (civil war) cost us a large percentage of our population .

I'm 50 years old, my family history had slave owners in it. When I was a boy I went to the family farm in Kentucky and in the (what used to be) slave quarters lived a sweet old woman who was the daughter of slaves.

My point is that wounds don't heal as quick as you think, that word cuts like a knife. Everybody knows if your a celebrity and you use it Your finished! You need to be slapped if you use the excuse that "black people use it". SO WHAT? They are the offended party in the history of this word. They didn't make it up there white slave owners did. You with your white face don't get to use it, Deal with it! I never use that word! All I have to do is think about the people I love who would be devastated to here it come out of my mouth. It's a simple thing, you use it at your own peril. You will probably wipe away any respect you had from people who have a sense of decency or are not a white male, get your face smashed in, lose your basketball team or maybe YOUR JOB! whatever! If it's that important to you...you get what you deserve.

When Clarkson used that word he hurt/offended allot of people and to prove his level of bigotry he used the word "slope" on another occasion. That show is very popular in the states probably bringing in allot of revenue maybe even it's largest market, I'm confident he will be taken down and rightfully so.

Most of the people who posted her before me should check themselves...bunch of old white guys no doubt.

Brits watch films, movies is what Americans watch.

Both terms are correct and interchangeable, however Americans invented the medium, rule the market, and are the 3rd most populated country in the world.

We use the word MOVIE! What a brit thinks is of very little relevance especially when he doesn't really have a point...except for maybe on the top of his head.

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A lot of rapper made a ton of money off the back of that N-word. Also hip hoppin' on the concert stage and Cds cracka' and honkey this and whitey that. Italians are often wops, greaseballs, and guineas in movies.

Quite true, but maybe the majority membership of TV wouldn't be listening to a rapper. What if it was a superstar with over 100 movies to his credit, what if he said the N word on a regular basis (has modern society even made us nice folk afraid to say it?) Yep, Samuel L Jackson says this and related words in many of his blockbuster movies, he's not singing and old nursery rhyme, he is using these words as they were intended in referring to the people in the intended use. Unlike "slope" the meaning of the N word is undeniable and can only mean one thing. But no outcry. Is it because the actor is black himself, or because there is no rascist intent. Samuel uses it virtually in every sentence in some movies, but it nearly ruined poor old Emily's*life and got her thrown out of the BB house, why ? Was it because she was a rascist, or because she is a white person saying it to a black girl in jest, with no malicious intend.

Reginald D Hunter, a funny man who talks a lot of sense. On one show he said that because he is black many of his friends/acquaintances talk to him about rascist issues and he said one thing that made me think. A white chap said to him that he thought he had been rascist and wanted Reg's opinion. He was in a cinema and bumped into a black man, he said "sorry I didn't see you, it's dark ". He wanted to know if Reg thought this was rascist. Reg's replied "was there hatred in your heart when you said it". I think that is what is relevant.

Is Jeremy Clarkson rascist ? Samuel L Jackson ? Emily from Big Brother ?

It seems to me that the majority of people that get upset by these comments are in the white middle classes who have no connexion to those supposedly being insulted.


I like Reginald D too, but is your spelling of racist like fascist a Freudian slip?


Am I the only one...tired of the "politically correct" police looking for a buggy-man in every word uttered...

Yes...it is bad form...to utter slang words about any group of people...but ruining people's lives...lively-hood and reputation...is going too far IMO...

Labeling people a bigot...is the same as using the "N" word...IMO...


JC really is an idiot. He sees nothing harmful in what he does and believes he alone has the right to lecture the world on what is right and wrong. Let's face it, it's the foundation on which he has built his whole journalistic and TV career.

Can't learn, won't learn. So arrogant he thinks he can do no wrong.

People... remember he's an entertainer... He built his career by creating controversy and being edgy enough to keep himself in the spotlight. His whole shtick is based on this arrogant, always knows best, persona that some people think is funny and some people don't.

If you like him, watch the show. If you don't like him, <deleted> and change the channel.

Personally, I find him funny because he is so far over the line most of the time he is clearly hamming it up for the laugh. However, sometimes, I think he does go too far.

The problem is that we would all draw that line in a different place. That is life.

I think the modern PC knee jerk reaction to crucify anybody who says something somebody finds offensive has gotten totally out of hand. Freedom of speech is not about making sure people can say only the things you agree with. It's about protecting their right to say whatever they want, even if it is a dumbassed bigoted comment.

Disagree. Freedom of speech is a right and it also has responsibilities that attach themselves to that right. Using derogatory language that encourages hate and violence is an abuse of the right of freedom of speech and is rightly prosecuted. Did jc do this, no of course not. Is he a bigoted racist, I don't know the man personally but I seriously doubt it. However, the language he used is the language of hate and represents the worst aspects of humanity. He should be castigated for this, but not punished as such. A language sensitivity course, however might not go amiss.


When I left the UK, this guy was on some late night car show that not many watched. Have I missed something?

Some tv show host says an old rhyme that many use and it makes it all the way to Thailand news?

I can't think af any news that would affect me less.


The paper thin skinned PC brigade have nothing better to do and the media are complicit in stirring up dissent about nothing, when no real news to report. A complete collection of nobody's. The Mirror being a prime example. Next on their list will be Pooh Bear.

The whole concept is aimed at producing a sterile population with no sense of humour, perspective or balance. What a miserable place that will be to exist. I'm not PC, never have been and never will be. If others do not like it then it's their problem as nothing is said with malicious intent.

Yes,but it may be taken with intent.Your disregard for other peoples feelings and not willing to change is typical old world thinking.Some have learnt by their mistakes and try to improve their lives.

And 'new world' thinking is automatically better?


I just downloaded Season 21 episode 7 and will watch this show for the first time in many years.

Strange way to get viewers but I guess it works.


It is the nation that has a particularly vicious history with African slavery and currently the largest prison population of negroes on the planet which spouts all the pc propaganda about how we should refer to people. The UK (US lapdog) never had an issue with so called racism until the US invented political correctness presumably in an attempt to whitewash it's sordid past (and present).

Careful! To whitewash something is to paint over a darker coloured area with white. Does that make it better or superior?


Anyone who uses the word and finds themselves in trouble, should refer everyone (including the Judge) to the latest Gangsta Rap song, sung by an African American gentleman. (Do not listen to this if offended by the N word.) So why can this guy say it and Jeremy Clarkson cannot? This chap uses the N word over 150 times in the song, which is incidentally very funny to listen to considering all the fuss.

Because GJ, in the PC supporters speak, only snowflakes can be racists

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Times change, fortunately. I had to google this, its quite funny ;-

Nov 7, 2012 - We didn't pronounce it as "niggerballs", we called them "nickerballs" and ... balls all the way up until 1994. they are probably the best sweet you ...

You could buy these way beyond the 1970's

Besides "nicker" wasn't a commonly used term in SA

The term "nicker" was more prevalent in UK/US/Aussie not SA

the comparable term in use in SA was kaffir


On the live, aired version he used the word "Teacher" . . . but even I remember that nursery rhyme as a child using the "N" word . . .

I remember it was a colour on my childhood paint kit, and Guy Gibson's dog's name.

Yes and if you watch the movie from the 40's they have edited out the dogs name!

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Take a chiiow piiow

Whoa ah you lot on about, then, eh ?

Jeremy is just "taking the piss" by using a little B'gh'ish Youmah.

Pogh kehtow.

Goose gandah.

Everyone nis side of the Channel is a &lt;deleted&gt; innit ;-?

And this kind of humour is widely tolerated in certain forums unless it's directed at a certain sector of the population for whom "taking the piss" may hold other more colloquial significance.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "


JC really is an idiot. He sees nothing harmful in what he does and believes he alone has the right to lecture the world on what is right and wrong. Let's face it, it's the foundation on which he has built his whole journalistic and TV career.

Can't learn, won't learn. So arrogant he thinks he can do no wrong.

People... remember he's an entertainer... He built his career by creating controversy and being edgy enough to keep himself in the spotlight. His whole shtick is based on this arrogant, always knows best, persona that some people think is funny and some people don't.

If you like him, watch the show. If you don't like him, <deleted> and change the channel.

Personally, I find him funny because he is so far over the line most of the time he is clearly hamming it up for the laugh. However, sometimes, I think he does go too far.

The problem is that we would all draw that line in a different place. That is life.

I think the modern PC knee jerk reaction to crucify anybody who says something somebody finds offensive has gotten totally out of hand. Freedom of speech is not about making sure people can say only the things you agree with. It's about protecting their right to say whatever they want, even if it is a dumbassed bigoted comment.

Disagree. Freedom of speech is a right and it also has responsibilities that attach themselves to that right. Using derogatory language that encourages hate and violence is an abuse of the right of freedom of speech and is rightly prosecuted. Did jc do this, no of course not. Is he a bigoted racist, I don't know the man personally but I seriously doubt it. However, the language he used is the language of hate and represents the worst aspects of humanity. He should be castigated for this, but not punished as such. A language sensitivity course, however might not go amiss.

Sorry... 1zgarz5.gif

You can't play it both ways.... You just said that you don't know him personally and you doubt that he is a bigoted racist, yet you feel it is ok to label his statement as "hate" speech. How can you determine whether or not he had hatred or any malicious feelings when he said this?

He didn't say that dreaded "N-word" TO anyone. He didn't call anybody that. He didn't create and express a racial slur. He was repeating a well known, if culturally outdated, children's rhyme that most of us have heard in both this offensive version and the various sanitized versions. (It was "Tiger" when I was growing up... but we all knew the forbidden word that used to be there.)

Was he being Jeremy Clarkson and reached a little to far for a laugh and crossed the line? Probably... Was it in bad taste? Yes. Did somebody on the set, maybe even JC himself, realize the inappropriateness of the comment and change it? Yes.

But your reaction proves my point... Why is it that a white person can be vilified for a single moment of poor judgement with regard to this word? Why is it that a white person can not even say or write the word nigger even when you are in the process of discussing the offensiveness of the word and the hateful feelings that it expresses?

And to further prove my point, I fully expect that this TV Forum is going to <delete> the N-word from that previous sentence...


Schools in part of the UK have even banned using the name "Black Sheep" when singing the famous nursery rhyme...

Now they must sing "Ba Ba BLUE Sheep"

And that is not a joke.


JC really is an idiot. He sees nothing harmful in what he does and believes he alone has the right to lecture the world on what is right and wrong. Let's face it, it's the foundation on which he has built his whole journalistic and TV career.

Can't learn, won't learn. So arrogant he thinks he can do no wrong.

People... remember he's an entertainer... He built his career by creating controversy and being edgy enough to keep himself in the spotlight. His whole shtick is based on this arrogant, always knows best, persona that some people think is funny and some people don't.

If you like him, watch the show. If you don't like him, <deleted> and change the channel.

Personally, I find him funny because he is so far over the line most of the time he is clearly hamming it up for the laugh. However, sometimes, I think he does go too far.

The problem is that we would all draw that line in a different place. That is life.

I think the modern PC knee jerk reaction to crucify anybody who says something somebody finds offensive has gotten totally out of hand. Freedom of speech is not about making sure people can say only the things you agree with. It's about protecting their right to say whatever they want, even if it is a dumbassed bigoted comment.

Disagree. Freedom of speech is a right and it also has responsibilities that attach themselves to that right. Using derogatory language that encourages hate and violence is an abuse of the right of freedom of speech and is rightly prosecuted. Did jc do this, no of course not. Is he a bigoted racist, I don't know the man personally but I seriously doubt it. However, the language he used is the language of hate and represents the worst aspects of humanity. He should be castigated for this, but not punished as such. A language sensitivity course, however might not go amiss.

Sorry... 1zgarz5.gif

You can't play it both ways.... You just said that you don't know him personally and you doubt that he is a bigoted racist, yet you feel it is ok to label his statement as "hate" speech. How can you determine whether or not he had hatred or any malicious feelings when he said this?

He didn't say that dreaded "N-word" TO anyone. He didn't call anybody that. He didn't create and express a racial slur. He was repeating a well known, if culturally outdated, children's rhyme that most of us have heard in both this offensive version and the various sanitized versions. (It was "Tiger" when I was growing up... but we all knew the forbidden word that used to be there.)

Was he being Jeremy Clarkson and reached a little to far for a laugh and crossed the line? Probably... Was it in bad taste? Yes. Did somebody on the set, maybe even JC himself, realize the inappropriateness of the comment and change it? Yes.

But your reaction proves my point... Why is it that a white person can be vilified for a single moment of poor judgement with regard to this word? Why is it that a white person can not even say or write the word nigger even when you are in the process of discussing the offensiveness of the word and the hateful feelings that it expresses?

And to further prove my point, I fully expect that this TV Forum is going to <delete> the N-word from that previous sentence...

At no point did I say jc gave a hate speech. I said hate speeches are an abuse of freedom of speech. What jc did was wrong because he used a derogatory term that carries the burden of hate. He did it no doubt to shock and provoke a reaction. That makes him an idiot, a playground bully who feels he has the right to say whatever he feels like irregardless of the consequences, but not a bigot. It wasn't poor judgement, it is a refusal to accept that some words are just unacceptable. You appear to have the same approach to the use of racial slurs. I don't use it because if the hate it carries. It is perfectly possible to debate its acceptability without using it. It is a foul and vile word, it is a symptom of racial intolerance and bigotry and nothing justifies its use. Nothing.

Heavens to Betsy, the "N" word! Some people are just too sensitive. I was called a convict the other day.

And there is a US news presenter on reporting a story about someone using the Naughty word saying "N word" but then proceeds to actually say the F word.....so F word is OK to broadcast to millions but naughty word isnt......some messed up world we live in

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Reminds me a bit like arguing with the wife, if i say it"s black she will say its white !!!!


so what I believe im totally non fascist but we have gone PC mad

Its a rhyme we all knew when a child and never thought of it as meaning black people were inferior or anything

Just another load of PC nonsense

ridiculous just forget it


Schools in part of the UK have even banned using the name "Black Sheep" when singing the famous nursery rhyme...

Now they must sing "Ba Ba BLUE Sheep"

And that is not a joke.

Where in the UK is this being done?


All you Clarkson lovers is it okay if I call him a pig?

I don't mind at all. Nor will my pig, Mohammed. Such things don't bother either of us.

And before anyone goes running to the mods there's no need. He's very cool about his name. thumbsup.gif

  • Like 2

Schools in part of the UK have even banned using the name "Black Sheep" when singing the famous nursery rhyme...

Now they must sing "Ba Ba BLUE Sheep"

And that is not a joke.

Where in the UK is this being done?

Blackpool & Blackburn, not to mention the Black forest.


In America the 'N' word is the most divisive word in our language and for a good reason. Sounds like more than a few "Punters" talking here (English and Aussies my guess) are making a "no big deal" argument. Prejudice and making jokes about people of color from some of those expats here seems to be a sport... We got allot of bigots in the states also. I'm not laughing! Do you watch our movies? '12 years a slave', 'Jango unchained' 'Lincoln" etc. This is some ugly frickin history that when we dealt with it (civil war) cost us a large percentage of our population .

I'm 50 years old, my family history had slave owners in it. When I was a boy I went to the family farm in Kentucky and in the (what used to be) slave quarters lived a sweet old woman who was the daughter of slaves.

My point is that wounds don't heal as quick as you think, that word cuts like a knife. Everybody knows if your a celebrity and you use it Your finished! You need to be slapped if you use the excuse that "black people use it". SO WHAT? They are the offended party in the history of this word. They didn't make it up there white slave owners did. You with your white face don't get to use it, Deal with it! I never use that word! All I have to do is think about the people I love who would be devastated to here it come out of my mouth. It's a simple thing, you use it at your own peril. You will probably wipe away any respect you had from people who have a sense of decency or are not a white male, get your face smashed in, lose your basketball team or maybe YOUR JOB! whatever! If it's that important to you...you get what you deserve.

When Clarkson used that word he hurt/offended allot of people and to prove his level of bigotry he used the word "slope" on another occasion. That show is very popular in the states probably bringing in allot of revenue maybe even it's largest market, I'm confident he will be taken down and rightfully so.

Most of the people who posted her before me should check themselves...bunch of old white guys no doubt.

The civil war wasnt about slavery, it was the confereracy not wishing to be part of the Union....as the confederacy with lesser numbers and inferior armanment could not easily be defeated by the Union, Lincoln and his generals wanted an uprising amongst the slaves to end the war quickly Even with the second confiscation act passed it wasnt until december 1862 Lincoln announced slavery to be abolished which was well into the 2nd year of the war.


In America the 'N' word is the most divisive word in our language and for a good reason. Sounds like more than a few "Punters" talking here (English and Aussies my guess) are making a "no big deal" argument. Prejudice and making jokes about people of color from some of those expats here seems to be a sport... We got allot of bigots in the states also. I'm not laughing! Do you watch our movies? '12 years a slave', 'Jango unchained' 'Lincoln" etc. This is some ugly frickin history that when we dealt with it (civil war) cost us a large percentage of our population .

I'm 50 years old, my family history had slave owners in it. When I was a boy I went to the family farm in Kentucky and in the (what used to be) slave quarters lived a sweet old woman who was the daughter of slaves.

My point is that wounds don't heal as quick as you think, that word cuts like a knife. Everybody knows if your a celebrity and you use it Your finished! You need to be slapped if you use the excuse that "black people use it". SO WHAT? They are the offended party in the history of this word. They didn't make it up there white slave owners did. You with your white face don't get to use it, Deal with it! I never use that word! All I have to do is think about the people I love who would be devastated to here it come out of my mouth. It's a simple thing, you use it at your own peril. You will probably wipe away any respect you had from people who have a sense of decency or are not a white male, get your face smashed in, lose your basketball team or maybe YOUR JOB! whatever! If it's that important to you...you get what you deserve.

When Clarkson used that word he hurt/offended allot of people and to prove his level of bigotry he used the word "slope" on another occasion. That show is very popular in the states probably bringing in allot of revenue maybe even it's largest market, I'm confident he will be taken down and rightfully so.

Most of the people who posted her before me should check themselves...bunch of old white guys no doubt.

no, he did not. it was not aired. it was discovered or leaked with the intention of creating a scandal - successfully i might add as we are discussing the non event here.


Schools in part of the UK have even banned using the name "Black Sheep" when singing the famous nursery rhyme...

Now they must sing "Ba Ba BLUE Sheep"

And that is not a joke.

I talked to an Aussie who teaches history, until 2 years ago in Yorkshire. He was told, "Do not teach about the British Empire, history of food, medicine , and fashion is ok" They do not want white kids running around telling the Empires subjects who their masters were. WWII history will be next.


Schools in part of the UK have even banned using the name "Black Sheep" when singing the famous nursery rhyme...

Now they must sing "Ba Ba BLUE Sheep"

And that is not a joke.

I talked to an Aussie who teaches history, until 2 years ago in Yorkshire. He was told, "Do not teach about the British Empire, history of food, medicine , and fashion is ok" They do not want white kids running around telling the Empires subjects who their masters were. WWII history will be next.

I went to a grammar school in the 60s and we weren't taught anything about WWII at all. The latest date that I was taught history was 1870.


Schools in part of the UK have even banned using the name "Black Sheep" when singing the famous nursery rhyme...

Now they must sing "Ba Ba BLUE Sheep"

And that is not a joke.

I talked to an Aussie who teaches history, until 2 years ago in Yorkshire. He was told, "Do not teach about the British Empire, history of food, medicine , and fashion is ok" They do not want white kids running around telling the Empires subjects who their masters were. WWII history will be next.

You know 25 years I've been involved in education and I've missed all these things. I thought was observant but clearly I have not been paying attention. Really must get my act together.

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