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Attempted short change or just honest mistake


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I agree that you don't get correct change back here more often than in most other places. I've lived a year plus in 3 other countries in Asia, 14 years in Thailand, rarely in Taiwan, Korea, or Indonesia did I have a problem with correct change. Here it's about once every few months. Urban America is probably worse than most places as well, you learn to count your change is all there is to it. Still, its exasperating to have to ask for correct change so often.

I have a theory about the reason, or part of it anyway is that given how most Thais cannot even do the simplest math without a calculator, they probably don't count their change because they cannot. So, as a result, the cashiers are just in the habit of skimming a bit off everyone's change because many customers probably don't even notice.

As for the bank doing it, that's pretty bad, another level from 7-11 chump change skimmery, isn't it?

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I can't believe what I'm reading here. You should always pay for things in Thailand with notes as near as possible to the asking price. Always use an ATM to get your 1000 baht bills. Always pay for supermarket goods with 1000 baht bills to enable you to get lots of smaller bills in change. Then maintain a stack of 100 and 20 baht bills at home and take some of these with you every time you go out. There are no "honest mistakes" here.

So your rational,, is to make a point of only carrying only smaller bills,, to help limit your losses from blatant thieves?,,,, great logic,,, how bout just take THIEVES to task,, MAKE THEM TREAT CUSTOMERS HONESTLY!,,, yes,, tough concept I know,,,,,

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No the fact is if you hand a taxi or songteaw driver a 500 or a 1,000 baht note he's never going to have change no matter if he's been working 12 hours and has a stack under the front seat,he will round it out to his benefit.

That goes for any country in the world not just Thailand and in my 12 years experience in this country most businesses don't have a cash float and have to run next door to get change.So as Doznotdiz says carry small notes as well as biggies,seems a logical move to me..

I agree,, because many taxis never seem to have change for larger notes,,,, but that's not what you originally stated,,, you said you carried the closest bill,, to minimize your losses of getting, THIEVED from,,, big difference,,,,,

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Every time I pick up Thai baht at home, I take all the small notes they've got. And then pay the exact amount (including tip) for whatever.

Not least because it takes them so long to bring change back most of the time.

Mind you, on my first ever visit, I paid the bill in that "Fusion" place that was built on half the Riverside once. Apart from the service being abysmal and the food cold, I was more than a bit put out that some harridan came running down the street after us to complain that we hadn't paid the bill!

I didn't even bother finding out the details of their gross ineptitude, I just did the good old fashioned farang thing of telling her I'd paid it and she could f*** off.

It's not like I'm ever going back there.

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The problem with this attitude, ESP in bars,, is they assume you're drunk, and can therefore, get away with it,,,, and usually are, SOOO stupid about the, "con",,, they don't think it through,,, last week, at a bar in Soi 4,,, it was a friend's turn to buy a round,,, a WHOLE 3 Singhas,,, which here ordered,, then 30 mins later,, asked to check bin,, handed them a $1000, and his VIP card,,, tray came back with loose change, and VIP card,,, we of course complained,, and after discussion,, were told,, "you only give $500",,, OK,,, so,, 3 $90 baht beers are $430 baht???,,,, the look on faces of,,, "we didn't think that far ahead",,, was priceless,,,, yes,,, we got the correct change from the $1000 bill,,, and told them to SHOVE the VIP card,,,,,

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Maybe just me,,, but in a culture,, were,, "saving face, I'm respectable, honest,up standing person, that gives to temple,, ALWAYS respect Buuhda" is, SOOOO cherished,,, HOW can a person claiming this,, just out rite lie, cheat, steal from someone?,,,, am I missing something here?

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Three times in the last 5 weeks at the same place I have had the same 577 Baht bill paid with 1000 Baht note and received 577 Baht change. This kind of stuff just happens period

Tell us where, I want to go and spend 999 baht.


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You're a farang.

You have too much money that you don't deserve because you are the devil incarnate.

It is the duty of the thai populace to separate you from said money, because not only are you too rich but you are stupid and undeserving.

However they will give you the largest of false smiles in the process of ripping you off and don't even dare consider to confront them if they do attempt to steal from you.

You're farang therefore you are mistaken.

Thai Culture 101..First lecture

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Three times in the last 5 weeks at the same place I have had the same 577 Baht bill paid with 1000 Baht note and received 577 Baht change. This kind of stuff just happens period

Tell us where, I want to go and spend 999 baht.


It is probably the best hotel in Mae Rim, you will find it and enjoy your visit but you may want to get a perm first so you are looking your best.

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Three times in the last 5 weeks at the same place I have had the same 577 Baht bill paid with 1000 Baht note and received 577 Baht change. This kind of stuff just happens period

Don't they have a cash register or calculator, which will show the amount to be returned?

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You're a farang.

You have too much money that you don't deserve because you are the devil incarnate.

It is the duty of the thai populace to separate you from said money, because not only are you too rich but you are stupid and undeserving.

However they will give you the largest of false smiles in the process of ripping you off and don't even dare consider to confront them if they do attempt to steal from you.

You're farang therefore you are mistaken.

Thai Culture 101..First lecture


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I like how they need a calculator to add 5+7.

then add it again just to make sure. Then they show it to you even though:

1) you've just had a 5 minute conversation in fluent Thai.

2) you decided that for fun you'd tell them the answer as soon as their eyes moved for the calculator.

Funny little people.

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I like how they need a calculator to add 5+7.

then add it again just to make sure. Then they show it to you even though:

1) you've just had a 5 minute conversation in fluent Thai.

2) you decided that for fun you'd tell them the answer as soon as their eyes moved for the calculator.

Funny little people.

They just want you to be absolutely certain.

You might have thought it was fluent Thai, but they probably didn't understand a word.laugh.png

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You're a farang.

You have too much money that you don't deserve because you are the devil incarnate.

It is the duty of the thai populace to separate you from said money, because not only are you too rich but you are stupid and undeserving.

However they will give you the largest of false smiles in the process of ripping you off and don't even dare consider to confront them if they do attempt to steal from you.

You're farang therefore you are mistaken.

Thai Culture 101..First lecture

If that is your genuine opinion of Thais then you must have been moving in the wrong circles. I assume you left already.

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No Christians ever lie, cheat or steal. You have real point. rolleyes.gif

Yes,,, actually I do have a real point,,,, Christian / Catholic / Muslims,,, all,, ALL do the same same,,, but very,,, VERY seldom get off in court, of a serious crime by SIMPLY claiming,,, "I kill/cheat / steal to save face your honor ",,,, case closed,,,, you're free to go,,,,,,

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OBVIOUSLY,,, you're of another, "sect",,, no matter what it is,,, kill someone over 30 baht,,, claim you did so to, "save face ",,,,, see how far that gets you,,,,,,

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No Christians ever lie, cheat or steal. You have real point. rolleyes.gif

Yes,,, actually I do have a real point,,,, Christian / Catholic / Muslims,,, all,, ALL do the same same,,, but very,,, VERY seldom get off in court, of a serious crime by SIMPLY claiming,,, "I kill/cheat / steal to save face your honor ",,,, case closed,,,, you're free to go,,,,,,

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Why do you always take 2 Baptist's fishing?,,,, because if you take only 1,,, they'll drink all your beer",,,,, lolol

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Three times in the last 5 weeks at the same place I have had the same 577 Baht bill paid with 1000 Baht note and received 577 Baht change. This kind of stuff just happens period

Don't they have a cash register or calculator, which will show the amount to be returned?

Of course they do, it is all on the electronically generated piece of paper, the receipt, returned to the customer with the change.

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Mistakes are made in giving change the world over. In countries with a lesser quality education then mistakes will be more common. Stealing also happens worldwide,but in my experience it is pretty rare. Petty theft is probably more likely too occur In less well off countries that don't have a welfare system. No surprise there.

Any single instance of short changing is difficult enough for the victim to judge, never mind someone being told about second hand.

I was buying mangoes yesterday from a small temporary roadside stall and the girl was serving two other guys at the same time. I gave her 40 baht for a kilo that cost 25 baht but she gave me change for a hundred baht, which is probably what the guys had paid. I gave her the 60 baht excess and she thanked me. I don't think she deliberately long changed me, if that's the word. If she'd short changed I wouldn't automatically assume she was cheating.

Edited by Chiengmaijoe
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Maybe just me,,, but in a culture,, were,, "saving face, I'm respectable, honest,up standing person, that gives to temple,, ALWAYS respect Buuhda" is, SOOOO cherished,,, HOW can a person claiming this,, just out rite lie, cheat, steal from someone?,,,, am I missing something here?

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Silly man the same way they do it in your country.

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Maybe just me,,, but in a culture,, were,, "saving face, I'm respectable, honest,up standing person, that gives to temple,, ALWAYS respect Buuhda" is, SOOOO cherished,,, HOW can a person claiming this,, just out rite lie, cheat, steal from someone?,,,, am I missing something here?

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Silly man the same way they do it in your country.

Ya,, but they do here,, KNOWING, it's on purpose,,, I can get away with it,,,, if not,,, if I get caught,,, I smile,,, "ohhhh sooo sorry "

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Three times in the last 5 weeks at the same place I have had the same 577 Baht bill paid with 1000 Baht note and received 577 Baht change. This kind of stuff just happens period

Don't they have a cash register or calculator, which will show the amount to be returned?

Of course they do, it is all on the electronically generated piece of paper, the receipt, returned to the customer with the change.

The way I see it they should have given you 423 baht change. If this fellow makes that mistake three times in 5 weeks with you I wonder how many other times he gives money away. Must be a big company or they would go broke with this fellow.

To be fair years ago before they had machines that tell you how much change to give. My wife at that time worked in a McDonald's and told me the kids they hired were dumb as a board fence. Over half of them didn't know how much to give back on a $1.23 bill when they were given a $5 bill. She tried to show them the $1.23 then two cents and they had $1.25 3 quarters and do it one at a time $1.50 $175 $2.00 and then count the $1 bills until they got to $5. she had about a 10% rate that learned. That was in Canada.

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No Christians ever lie, cheat or steal. You have real point. rolleyes.gif

Yes,,, actually I do have a real point,,,, Christian / Catholic / Muslims,,, all,, ALL do the same same,,, but very,,, VERY seldom get off in court, of a serious crime by SIMPLY claiming,,, "I kill/cheat / steal to save face your honor ",,,, case closed,,,, you're free to go,,,,,,

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Two choices, travel more or read more.

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No Christians ever lie, cheat or steal. You have real point. rolleyes.gif

Yes,,, actually I do have a real point,,,, Christian / Catholic / Muslims,,, all,, ALL do the same same,,, but very,,, VERY seldom get off in court, of a serious crime by SIMPLY claiming,,, "I kill/cheat / steal to save face your honor ",,,, case closed,,,, you're free to go,,,,,,

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Two choices, travel more or read more.

1 choice for you,,, leave your keyboard once every 6 months,,,,,

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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