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Thai girlfriend pregnant


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If she's agreeable to a termination then you can make it happen.

In Thailand with approval, others posted links.

Neighboring countries which allow it. She's already got a passport. Could be expensive. I don't know but maybe Singapore, HK?

As someone else said a miscarriage can be induced using normal fertility hormones, I believe a superdose but need to find out specifics. I read normal pill can do it. If you can get your hands on RU486 you're set.

Ignore the moralizers you aren't the first person to seek an abortion.

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Abortion is not accepted in Thailand primarily because most poor Thai people never even consider it. Have the kid. Do not consider your financial position, that kind of burden the kid will place on your spouse, boyfriend, parents, or self. There is an intense desire to simply procreate, and society enforces that at every level. Go against the grain. Teach her to question things. If you are not ready for the kid, just tell her you are going to leave if she does not abort. It is a simple thing really. She can always have another one, when she is ready. And this begs the question, why did you not protect against this?

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There is no problem with abortions in Thailand. My Daughters friends when they were 12-15 years old were getting abortions regularly. (sex education in Thailand another matter)

Is she really pregnant, if she is, is the baby really yours. You need to answer these hard questions and be realistic. Does she care about you, is there any future or are you being milked for money?

Answer these questions so you are happy, then proceed as you your conscience sees fit.

Oh and remember condoms in the future, dont trust a young girl to remember the pill, if she was even taking it at all?

Be safe

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she (& you) are not alone in Thailand.

Her Thai family could look after the baby until you finish education.

Her mother is still young enough! And many experienced Aunts, new Grandmothers...

It will take you a year or two to get your head around this anyway.

Look for the positives, having a child is generally a good thing.

Having a child when your young can have benefits/positives.

Many people would call this event "a blessing"

Your new and now extended family will survive this... it's human nature.

And in Thailand it's not expensive.

So. No problem, go celebrate (a little)

Good luck - stay happy.

(And if you don't want another baby - YOU better wear a condom!)

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Aren't you the French kid who posted about missing his girlfriend and wanting to live with her in Thailand ?

You need to grow up boy, get your financial house in order before making any such moves......and now she is pregnant.....cheesy.gif !


yep. the french kid from France that types in perfect English, not a typo anywhere....

....see? even i got 1 typo and English is my first language.....

Edited by tomyumchai
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I can't be bothered to read much further than few first replies to OP.

Is it just me or is Thaivisa nowadays full of new posters like Khai59 (59 years old?) starting a thread a day and always coming up with most awkward and strange claims. I seem to remember quite a few threads...

I wouls like moderators to act and check whether all these pleads of help and cries for understanding come from same IP address. It is not fair for those with real problems to troll here and make silly stories.

To me chances that 19 yo. guy meets 19 yo. normal girl and makes her pregnant without much details and wants to throw away his future skipping studies just sounds too unbelievable without more information like where they met, what she /her family does...

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First of all, relax. Having a child in Thailand is usually no problem. Family will help her out.

- DON'T quit school. This doesn't solve any problems.

- Abortion clinics are widely available. Tell her your point of view.

Good luck!

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Be responsible on what you did, abortion is like murder. You brought life into this world and now you want to kill it? Think twice before you do, God will never forgive a murderer and who ever support your decision will be also as guilty as you. Be a man and do the right thing.

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It seems that this thread has run its course and the OP has certainly been given good advice from reasonable posters.

Discussions on abortion will not offer any further value and would best be done in another thread.

Topic now closed.

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....a miscarriage can be induced using normal fertility hormones, I believe a superdose but need to find out specifics. I read normal pill can do it. If you can get your hands on RU486 you're set.

Totally agree with closing this thread, but want first to correct some serious misinformation above.

It is not possible to induce an abortion with "normal fertility hormones" or birth control pills -- no matter how a high a dose is used.

What confuses people is that it is possible ot use these drugs for emergency contraception ("morning after pill"), Fpr up to 72 hours after sex, it is possible to reduce the odds of pregnancy by taking the same hormones found in birth control pills in larger quantity. There are readily available commercial preparations for this which remove the need to worry about how to adapt bc pills for this purpose.

But this is not abortion. It prevents pregnancy.It is effective only within 72 hours and most effective the sooner taken (by 72 hours effectiveness has dropped to only about 50% whereas it is extremely high if taken immediately).

One pregnant, no amount of these hormones will induce an abortion.

RU 486 (misoprostol + mifepristone) is not yet approved for use in Thailand, though it is under discussion. IF/when it is approved it will certainly be strictly controlled and sold only by hospital pharmacies in keeping with Thai law that allows abortion only when a physician has determined it is necessary on grounds allowed under law.

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