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Thailand's EC to push ahead with plan for poll


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EC to push ahead with plan for poll
The Nation

Kamnans, village heads and officials from local administrative bodies gather in front of the Defence Ministry yesterday, after their move prompted People

To begin drafting decree for July 20 election, as Abhisit defends his proposal for interim govt

BANGKOK: -- The Election Commission is pushing ahead with plans for a national election on July 20 and is set to draft a Royal Decree to begin the process, after a proposal by opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva to end the political deadlock received a cool response.

EC chairman Supachai Somcharoen said yesterday that the commission would meet tomorrow to draft the decree for a second poll.

If the draft was completed at the meeting, it would be submitted to the Cabinet for consideration on the same day, he said.

Asked if the EC wanted to comment on Abhisit's proposal to delay the election to allow for national reforms to occur first, Supachai said the commission had not received the proposal and it was up to the government to decide on the matter.

"If the government has no other ideas, we will continue the process for the election as agreed upon earlier," Supachai told reporters.

"I don't know whether the election will go smoothly. Let's see in the future. I don't want to anticipate anything now."

The anti-government People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC), which managed to derail the previous election in February, has vowed to block the July 20 poll as well.

The Democrats said they would not take part in the poll if Abhisit's reform plan was rejected by the government.

The government has dismissed Abhisit's proposal as unconstitutional.

Abhisit, a former premier, proposed a 10-step road map, beginning with delaying the election and setting up a non-elected government to take care of reforms before the poll.

Noppadon Pattama, a lawyer for former PM Thaksin Shinawatra, posted a message on his Facebook page criticising Abhisit's proposal, saying it would not bring the country out of the political impasse as it was unconstitutional.

He said the proposal to have the caretaker PM and the caretaker Cabinet step down was contrary to the charter because they had to continue in their duties till the new PM and Cabinet replaced them.

The proposal for the Senate to select a neutral PM was also unconstitutional because the PM must come from a direct election and the Lower House was legally tasked with the duty - not the Upper House.

He said part of the Senate was not directly elected but appointed.

Noppadon said the proposal to adopt the PDRC's reform plan was not fair since the public would be blocked from taking part in the process.

Abhisit's proposal was one-sided because it did not include the government's reform demands. The idea for an interim government to work for five to six months had no legal basis to support it.

"There is not any guarantee that the interim government will not stay longer than that. We cannot let the country be managed under such uncertainty."

He suggested a constitutional solution to the impasse would be for every party to take part in the poll, every party propose a reform plan before the poll and a public referendum on reform to be held parallel with the poll.

After the election, a law would be passed to establish a reform council. The new government would serve six to 12 months before the House was dissolved and a snap election called.

Abhisit yesterday defended his plan, saying it did not contravene the Constitution or democratic framework.

If the plan was successfully implemented, there would be no violence, no coup and the monarchy and the courts would not be drawn into the political conflict, he said in a statement in which he asked for help for all stakeholders in the dispute.

"[The plan will only work] if Prime Minister Yingluck steps aside from power for only five or six months and the PDRC accepts other ways to reform," he said.

-- The Nation 2014-05-05

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Very simple elections first than reforms. No other way will work. But I doubt the EC will hold to what they say now. Thailand still need a new stronger EC.

we have had no government for 6 months now some much needed reforms could have been in the pipeline already..problem is ptp promised these in 2011 but we know what happened..nothing....who ever was in power nothing would have changed do it now...if theirs a will theirs a way...

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Looks like the EC will waste more millions on another failed election. As long as these idiots in the PTP retain control and as long as the Dems fight to gain control nothing here will change. No reform, No government, No real Democracy, and No real elections. Criminals and suspected criminals should not be in politics PERIOD.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I still don't understand how any party expects to achieve reform without subverting the constitution and the law.

How.about this for a novel idea. Some person write out a list of what they want to reform and make it a manifesto and see if the people will vote for it?

It may well come down to that. Probably the dems as the others lack the nous

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I still don't understand how any party expects to achieve reform without subverting the constitution and the law.

How.about this for a novel idea. Some person write out a list of what they want to reform and make it a manifesto and see if the people will vote for it?

Isnt that what Abhisit is proposing ?

An interim Govt then a list of reforms put together by those groups who have already been studying the reform process then those reforms taken to the people in a referendum.

You must have an great understand of the Thai constitution and law to make your first statement, or are you just repeating the words of Thaksins mouthpiece.

Abhisit says it can be done and I am sure he has a better understanding of something he has been working on for some time than you or those others who have only seen an outline in the last couple of days.

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Ahbisit and the majority would be familiar with the phrase "Once bitten, twice shy"

The unelectable 1992 coup supporter and defacto PTP leader, Thaksin, has made promises before and it was proven to hold as much water as the PTP deputy PM (at the time) Chalerm and his ridiculous promises. When the PTP make a promise rest assured it will not be followed through.

Even though all, but one of their last election promises had failed I wish to focus on one. The one I think they have followed through on.

The PTP made up placards stating that they will fight to stamp out corruption. It was an election promise. I thought it quite funny at the time actually that a party that was run by a corrupt criminal fugitive on the run would have a promise like that. But I eagerly wanted to see how this promise would pan out.

Elections were held, PTP scrapped through with 43% of the vote (remember 59% that voted for the constitution was a minority and should not be respected) and I looked forward to this promise being enacted.

What did the PTP do to ensure corruption was stamped out? They reduced the NACC budget by 60%, they disbanded anti corruption committees and they tried to absolve 25 355 corruption cases. Now doe that come as a surprise when they introduced that "let corrupt people get of scott free" bill that has brought Thailand onto the brink of civil war as the "reconciliation bill"

Suffice to say thaksin still gets the benefit of the doubt only from the most gullible and ardent supporters now.

The irony is the promise to stamp out corruption is in effect working because the PTP are looking at being disbanded because of the corruption they committed.

So they did not break that promise. That promise was self-fulfilling and another corrupt govt party will be dissolved and the 25355 corrupt criminals will still be held accountably.

The PTP have highlighted why reform is needed as well. They showed that since 2011. Now a party that has highlighted why reform is needed wants to promise that they will reform themselves if elected? That makes as much sense as the Commerce ministry investigating it's own warehouses and saying there is nothing to see here and all is above board.

That my friends is PTP logic.

Ahbisit's plan need to be viewed seriously by all parties. We know the PTP only agree with agenda driven rhetoric that benefits them and not the country. Time to step back and let the majority decide their future.

Well you have to admit they did carry through partially on their promise to get pads for the students even though they were junk and of no use. You may be sure that they got a kickback that went into some ones off shore bank account.

Talk about in your face corruption during the floods they were sending out truck loads of supplies with big signs on them saying curtsy of Thaksin.

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I still don't understand how any party expects to achieve reform without subverting the constitution and the law.

How.about this for a novel idea. Some person write out a list of what they want to reform and make it a manifesto and see if the people will vote for it?

Isnt that what Abhisit is proposing ?

An interim Govt then a list of reforms put together by those groups who have already been studying the reform process then those reforms taken to the people in a referendum.

You must have an great understand of the Thai constitution and law to make your first statement, or are you just repeating the words of Thaksins mouthpiece.

Abhisit says it can be done and I am sure he has a better understanding of something he has been working on for some time than you or those others who have only seen an outline in the last couple of days.

Agreed even if some thing is unconstitutional if it stops corruption at the level the PTP has raised it to it should be done.wai.gif

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They need to start thinking in terms of dumping the constitution for this period as it has clearly shown it is badly written and flawed from end to end.

It is lacking many needed articles and does nothing other than to hold the country in a vacuum.

The PTP are in dire trouble because they breached the constitution on many fronts and it is going to be their certain demise, it's ironic how they cling to the same constitution when it suits their agenda.

Abhisit has hinted that his proposals can be negotiated when he said to the government 'if you find thm interesting. the come and talk'.... Well..... Surapong and Noppadon have rejected it on behalf of the puppet who is yet to even comment.... They must think they are the entire government instead of an incredibly bent politician and a lawyer.

Abhisit..... You tried your best..... Drop it, and let the independent agencies complete the job and there won't be a government in a week or so... You plans will fly better once this rabble are no more. The senate will appoint an interim government who will hopefully set up something similar to your requirements.

The Puppet has already agreed to allow the EC the power to delay the election date..... This means the election can be held off until the 5 or 6 months work is completed.

Abhisit had the decency to offer a way out of the crapper for the country and the PTP and YL.... They seem to have rejected it, and now Abhisit will get their own way in the end without the PTP.

Their choice and they blew it at the hands of Surapong and Nappadon....... well done.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I still don't understand how any party expects to achieve reform without subverting the constitution and the law.

How.about this for a novel idea. Some person write out a list of what they want to reform and make it a manifesto and see if the people will vote for it?

Been there, done it : The Communist Party Manifesto 1848, Manifesto of the Chinese People's Liberation Army 1947, and Hitler's Mein Kampf 1925.

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You know the Pheu Thai/UDD argument is weak when they attack Abhisit's plan as lacking the very things it contains. Thaksin has now - through his " lawyer " Noppadon - released his long-awaited, cherished democratic and constitutional thoughts on Abhisit's proposal. They are -

1. It is unconstitutional. Incorrect. It works within the framework of the constitution, as it relies on provisions within it that allow for these very circumstances ( a quorum-less parliament ) - i.e. Articles 3 and 7. All of the provisions in Abhisit's proposal are in line with the constitution.

2. He states that the idea of causing Yingluck and her cabinet to step down had no provision in the constitution. Incorrect. The Constitutional Court has always had that power. And they have that power now.

3. The election of a prime minister through the Senate is unconstitutional. Incorrect. When a parliamentary quorum is not achieved there is a provision in the constitution that allows for the nomination of a prime minister through the Senate.

4. He says that the Senate is party elected but party appointed. Correct, but irrelevant, because the composition of the Senate was already in place when the constitution was drafted, finalized, and approved by the public. And in fact, tampering with that and the process by which Pheu Thai tried to enact a change - was deemed unconstitutional.

5. He said it was unfair because the public would be blocked from the process. Incorrect. Public participation is the very centre of Abhisit's proposal, as everything is put to a referendum

6. He said that the proposal does not include the Yingluck administration's ideas for reform. What ideas ? Removing the Constitutional Court judges and replacing them with new ones - the current proposal from a UDD faction under formal consideration by Pheu Thai ? Dismantling the independent agencies ? Ramming through an amnesty bill ? Ramming through a Senate restructuring bill - that was already deemed unconstitutional - both in content and process ? What reform ideas ? The reform ideas that Yingluck campaigned on in 2011 but ignored ? Those ones ?

7. That there was no guarantee that the interim administration would step down. Incorrect. Acceptance of the plan would lock it in. Having said that, one wonders what Noppadon thinks of the present situation. Is there any guarantee this administration will voluntarily step down if the Constitutional Court requires them to ? That's the big question, as just today Prompong formally accepted for Pheu Thai consideration the highly unconstitutional plan of a UDD faction, a plan that included non-adherence of the Constitutional Court's ruling.

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Very simple elections first than reforms. No other way will work. But I doubt the EC will hold to what they say now. Thailand still need a new stronger EC.

Your way won't work either. Been tried too many times over the last few years. Thai people are seeing through the Thaksin controlled parties for what they really are and don't want to go back to the feudal old serfdom either.

Time for real change - not one that only benefits one wannabee dictator family or the old "aristocracy.

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i dont remember seeing any government reform plans...news to me anyone..

I vaguely, but only vaguely remember that (then still) PM Yingluck chaired the first meeting of a government sponsored 'reform' group. Either my memory is faulty or the group died a quiet death upon the dissolution of the House?

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Looks like the EC will waste more millions on another failed election. As long as these idiots in the PTP retain control and as long as the Dems fight to gain control nothing here will change. No reform, No government, No real Democracy, and No real elections. Criminals and suspected criminals should not be in politics PERIOD.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Close to 4 billion Baht for the Feb2 elections.

Of course peanuts compared to the billions the CAPO seems to be spending on keeping all safe.

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