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Former NYPD cop arrested for anti-Semitic graffiti


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NYC police officer arrested for spraying anti-Semitic slogans on cars and buildings

NEW YORK: -- A former New York City police officer was arrested on charges he spray-painted anti-Semitic profanities on cars and buildings in a mostly Jewish Brooklyn neighborhood - including the front doors of a religious elementary school.

Michael Setiawan was picked up before dawn Sunday after police received a 911 call on Saturday evening about the swastikas, and other anti-Semitic graffiti in Borough Park.

The 36-year-old faces charges of criminal mischief and aggravated harassment as hate crimes.

Setiawan was a city officer until 2007, serving in Brooklyn's 69th precinct in the Canarsie neighborhood, police said.

The words spray-painted in red were found on 15 vehicles and four buildings near the Bnos Zion synagogue and school run by the ultra-Orthodox Bobov community.

A surveillance camera at the school captured a suspect; police blurred out the face in the video.

They would not immediately say whether the man was Setiawan.

Setiawan and his parents share a home in Queens. His father told the AP that he was awakened at 5 am Sunday by a call from police. He then went to his son's room and roused him. Minutes later, a detective showed up to arrest Setiawan, said his father, Thomas Setiawan.

Full story: http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2014_05_05/NYC-police-officer-arrested-for-spraying-anti-Semitic-slogans-on-cars-and-buildings-8319/

-- Voice of Russia 2014-05-05

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Ex-Cop Arrested For Anti-Semitic Graffiti Spree In Borough Park

The NYPD has arrested the man they believe is responsible for a wave of anti-semitic graffiti found in Brooklyn last night. Police say the unnamed suspect tagged nearly two dozen locations with swastikas and anti-Semitic phrases. The suspect in custody is reportedly an ex-cop.

According to JP Updates, "Video surveillance at the Bobov Girls School on 14th Avenue and 50th Street showed an individual spraying hate graffiti on the door of the school at around 8:50pm. According to Shomrim, 20 locations of anti-Semitic graffiti have already been identified in Boro Park. Presumed to be be done by one individual."


City Councilman David Greenfield said last night, "The community is very disturbed to see these hate messages being spread right before the end of Shabbos. These kinds of acts can’t be tolerated. We are working with the NYPD and Shomrim and we will do everything in our power to catch the person." City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito issued a statement this morning about the incidents as well: "These anti-semitic crimes are outrageous, sickening and have no place in New York City—period."

Full story: http://gothamist.com/2014/05/04/cops_investigate_anti-semitic_graff.php

-- gothamist 2014-05-05

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NEW YORK: -- A former New York City police officer was arrested on charges he spray-painted anti-Semitic profanities on cars and buildings in a mostly Jewish Brooklyn neighborhood - including the front doors of a religious elementary school.

I blame the Thai education system ... oh wait.

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And the connection to Thai Visa is what exactly?????? Should be moved to the 'New York' Forum!!!

This is the New York forum. ...Or at least where news from New York should be posted on Thaivisa.

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