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Yes it is just my opinion Jamie as I don't believe either side has the millions it proclaims just like the comments you keep making about the majority this is not based on any facts as the only facts to know if there's a majority indeed is to hold a vote and your beloved leader will not allow that.

So it is your opinion that Thailand will descend into Dantes inferno then seeing as your opposing my opinions.

FACT: you yourself wee getting your knickers In a twist about the PTT/UDD claims of mobilising a 40,000 strong militia with a million guns which you were so vocal about at the time

And I said also at that time it was a red herring but YOU believed it to be Fact!!

You need to leave the afternoon bong sessions and get back on that coffee bud ?

triple post!!! sorry

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Yes it is just my opinion Jamie as I don't believe either side has the millions it proclaims just like the comments you keep making about the majority this is not based on any facts as the only facts to know if there's a majority indeed is to hold a vote and your beloved leader will not allow that.

So it is your opinion that Thailand will descend into Dantes inferno then seeing as your opposing my opinions.

FACT: you yourself wee getting your knickers In a twist about the PTT/UDD claims of mobilising a 40,000 strong militia with a million guns which you were so vocal about at the time

And I said also at that time it was a red herring but YOU believed it to be Fact!!

You need to leave the afternoon bong sessions and get back on that coffee bud ?

double post


Old news. Everyone knows what these clowns have been hissyfitting about for the last few months

Old post from an old clown

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The weekend warriors from Bangkok came out to support him. But when the really battle begins these people will be no where to be found. There afraid to get their hands dirty. This is the big different between the Reds and the Yellows.

Possibly due to them having real jobs during the week...and you believe that the only difference is they are afraid to get their hands dirty ??? get real !! The only reason that red shirts turn up at rallies etc are because they are paid to do so or they are not too bright if they don't.


The weekend warriors from Bangkok came out to support him. But when the really battle begins these people will be no where to be found. There afraid to get their hands dirty. This is the big different between the Reds and the Yellows.

yes the reds were never afraid to use violence.....different than the Bangkok middle class.

Also most PDRC supporters have to work during the week, no one pays them.

You're being (probably deliberately) naive if you think the PDRC protestors camping out in Lumpini Park are not being paid!

You and Mango Bob should get together and get your stories straight, The people in Lumpini are probably retired, or wives of workers but are genuine protestors unlike the red 'rent-a Crowd".


Real democracy and Suterp. What an oxymoron. Maybe he meant definiciones de fascismo.

You wouldnt know what he meant if you translate it into italian or whatever....the old adage...."Lost in Translation" Who is the oxymoron.??? ..anyone with the name Eric Loh can stand up !!

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Real democracy and Suterp. What an oxymoron. Maybe he meant definiciones de fascismo.

You wouldnt know what he meant if you translate it into italian or whatever....the old adage...."Lost in Translation" Who is the oxymoron.??? ..anyone with the name Eric Loh can stand up !!

Alone again? Another boring night with nothing to do, old batty. Four in a row replies. Time to get of four lazy chair and get a more mining full life.


Eric Loh, , said: This can go on forever. I respect your loyalty and allegiance to Suterp and Ahbisit and will defend them even with distorted facts. Just as closing, in my country we throw out garbage politicians and their parties by a process call election.

I would presume the elections are fair, clean and free of corruption and candidates can campaign freely without fear of intimidation and retribution. It appears you will withhold pertinent facts in support of your beloved mongrel reds.

Didn't the last election, the EC went through the results with a fine tooth-comb and legitamize the election results? If the highly controversal and left leaning EC gave the final verdict, then I would said that your claims of fair, clean election is nothing short of diatribe. The courts will also be too pleased to lend a hand and accept any petition by the litigative Dem. You have to have closure and accept that your beloved yellow fascists lost big time.


Reality NOW. YOUR red regime lost THIS time mega style, being kicked out disgraced too stupid to resign. Face reality.

Had to laugh at your comment re " LOst big time"" they got in and ????????? did what ?????? NOWT---just escalated corruption and end up in court---so much for credibility that you portrayed,....your a joke and a ########## whatever

I think you need to read your own Abhisit's comments:

“I don't believe that the answer will come from a ruling by the court, because the court cannot tell us how the country will move forward in a manner that all sides will accept.” Abhisit said. “And I don’t believe that any revolution or any coup, by anyone, will bring peace back to the country.”

Which translated from political speak means: I didn't convince the army to have a military coup, and I didn't convince the courts to have a judicial coup, so now I'm reduced to begging for a coup from Yingluk.

Really, apart from a few spoilt rich kids, we're in the last stages of cleanup for this flop coup.

Quote: "we're in the last stages etc" who is We're" I am sorry, I mistook you as a Farang that lives up to his Avatar name, but it sounds like you are a Thai ??? If not, I suggest you slide off your bar Stool and join the real world.

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Real democracy and Suterp. What an oxymoron. Maybe he meant definiciones de fascismo.

You wouldnt know what he meant if you translate it into italian or whatever....the old adage...."Lost in Translation" Who is the oxymoron.??? ..anyone with the name Eric Loh can stand up !!

Alone again? Another boring night with nothing to do, old batty. Four in a row replies. Time to get of four lazy chair and get a more mining full life.

What on earth are you talking about, hasn't your medicine kicked in.??? WIND up merchant only you are, just causing trouble.


Real democracy and Suterp. What an oxymoron. Maybe he meant definiciones de fascismo.

You wouldnt know what he meant if you translate it into italian or whatever....the old adage...."Lost in Translation" Who is the oxymoron.??? ..anyone with the name Eric Loh can stand up !!

Alone again? Another boring night with nothing to do, old batty. Four in a row replies. Time to get of four lazy chair and get a more mining full life.

Nice try,,,,instead of posting on TV you could better spend your time in learning English


The weekend warriors from Bangkok came out to support him. But when the really battle begins these people will be no where to be found. There afraid to get their hands dirty. This is the big different between the Reds and the Yellows.

yes the reds were never afraid to use violence.....different than the Bangkok middle class.

Also most PDRC supporters have to work during the week, no one pays them.

You're being (probably deliberately) naive if you think the PDRC protestors camping out in Lumpini Park are not being paid!

You and Mango Bob should get together and get your stories straight, The people in Lumpini are probably retired, or wives of workers but are genuine protestors unlike the red 'rent-a Crowd".

I'm guessing you don't live in Bangkok, but a short visit to the protest site at Lumpini would show how wrong you are.


The weekend warriors from Bangkok came out to support him. But when the really battle begins these people will be no where to be found. There afraid to get their hands dirty. This is the big different between the Reds and the Yellows.

yes the reds were never afraid to use violence.....different than the Bangkok middle class.

Also most PDRC supporters have to work during the week, no one pays them.

You're being (probably deliberately) naive if you think the PDRC protestors camping out in Lumpini Park are not being paid!

You and Mango Bob should get together and get your stories straight, The people in Lumpini are probably retired, or wives of workers but are genuine protestors unlike the red 'rent-a Crowd".

I'm guessing you don't live in Bangkok, but a short visit to the protest site at Lumpini would show how wrong you are.

Wombat never venture beyond his lazy chair or his den. He just armchair critic who pretend he knows the sentiment on the ground.

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and then they will vow to get rid of the successors ,its all propaganda about thaksin ,and then they will think up more propaganda to evict anyone else that stops them getting their hands on the levers of power .


Suthep's statement to change the current regime in order to create a real democracy in this country is a correct political outline, but will it really take place ...

The monthly street riots have achieved nothing of this sort, he should have instructed the entire PDRC team to deal with the political matter in a peaceful manner to ensure that they get support from the public electorate by informing them entirely on their political programs in order to get Thailand entirely democratic and peaceful.


Vote buying happens in the south too it's not just on red areas and has also been going on a lot longer than Thaksins have been in power.

A reason more to get rid of it.


Vote buying happens in the south too it's not just on red areas and has also been going on a lot longer than Thaksins have been in power.

Sorry Fat Haggis I have to pull you up on this one mate.

How do you know about this? Are you privvy to the information on vote buying in the South or are you taking someone else's words as face value?

Have you got the facts at hand to back up your claims or are you just talking speculation and guessing??

I want evidence from the EC this has happened, statements from the police and DSI investigation reports. I want the trends before and after Thaksin was in power (Well not after, he is still in power) All original documents please lest you fabricate the evidence.

It's fine if you're not able to provide this evidence, it's as I suspect it's just another opinion here on TVF that is one of many that mean diddly squat wink.png

This is a reasonable request of evidence since you have asked the same of me here.

Grow up you are acting like a child.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Vote buying happens in the south too it's not just on red areas and has also been going on a lot longer than Thaksins have been in power.

Sorry Fat Haggis I have to pull you up on this one mate.

How do you know about this? Are you privvy to the information on vote buying in the South or are you taking someone else's words as face value?

Have you got the facts at hand to back up your claims or are you just talking speculation and guessing??

I want evidence from the EC this has happened, statements from the police and DSI investigation reports. I want the trends before and after Thaksin was in power (Well not after, he is still in power) All original documents please lest you fabricate the evidence.

It's fine if you're not able to provide this evidence, it's as I suspect it's just another opinion here on TVF that is one of many that mean diddly squat wink.png

This is a reasonable request of evidence since you have asked the same of me here.

Grow up you are acting like a child.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Ok that's interesting. So the uneven burden of proof only applies to supporters of 15 principles of democracy. When Haggis requests an overwhelming burden of proof it is acceptable and my fact is dismissed until I show the proof. When I ask for exactly the same proof from a 1 principle supporter and in fact used exactly the same wording as Haggis I am a child told to grow up and his facts are proof without having to show any proof of it.

That my friend is PTP logic right there.

Notice I was not condescending towards you or belittling you because I could articulate a valid rebuttal.


Vote buying happens in the south too it's not just on red areas and has also been going on a lot longer than Thaksins have been in power.

Sorry Fat Haggis I have to pull you up on this one mate.

How do you know about this? Are you privvy to the information on vote buying in the South or are you taking someone else's words as face value?

Have you got the facts at hand to back up your claims or are you just talking speculation and guessing??

I want evidence from the EC this has happened, statements from the police and DSI investigation reports. I want the trends before and after Thaksin was in power (Well not after, he is still in power) All original documents please lest you fabricate the evidence.

It's fine if you're not able to provide this evidence, it's as I suspect it's just another opinion here on TVF that is one of many that mean diddly squat wink.png

This is a reasonable request of evidence since you have asked the same of me here.

Grow up you are acting like a child.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Ok that's interesting. So the uneven burden of proof only applies to supporters of 15 principles of democracy. When Haggis requests an overwhelming burden of proof it is acceptable and my fact is dismissed until I show the proof. When I ask for exactly the same proof from a 1 principle supporter and in fact used exactly the same wording as Haggis I am a child told to grow up and his facts are proof without having to show any proof of it.

That my friend is PTP logic right there.

Notice I was not condescending towards you or belittling you because I could articulate a valid rebuttal.

Did you have 'A'level in English.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


Vote buying happens in the south too it's not just on red areas and has also been going on a lot longer than Thaksins have been in power.

Sorry Fat Haggis I have to pull you up on this one mate.

How do you know about this? Are you privvy to the information on vote buying in the South or are you taking someone else's words as face value?

Have you got the facts at hand to back up your claims or are you just talking speculation and guessing??

I want evidence from the EC this has happened, statements from the police and DSI investigation reports. I want the trends before and after Thaksin was in power (Well not after, he is still in power) All original documents please lest you fabricate the evidence.

It's fine if you're not able to provide this evidence, it's as I suspect it's just another opinion here on TVF that is one of many that mean diddly squat wink.png

This is a reasonable request of evidence since you have asked the same of me here.

Grow up you are acting like a child.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Ok that's interesting. So the uneven burden of proof only applies to supporters of 15 principles of democracy. When Haggis requests an overwhelming burden of proof it is acceptable and my fact is dismissed until I show the proof. When I ask for exactly the same proof from a 1 principle supporter and in fact used exactly the same wording as Haggis I am a child told to grow up and his facts are proof without having to show any proof of it.

That my friend is PTP logic right there.

Notice I was not condescending towards you or belittling you because I could articulate a valid rebuttal.

Time to listen to the will of the majority even if you don't like it accept it.

So you support immediate elections do you?

If not, how else are we to hear the will of the majority?

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