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World's first trillionaire just a matter of time


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World's first trillionaire just a matter of time

LONDON: -- The world’s first trillionaire could emerge within just 25 years, financial forecasters have claimed.

Bill Gates, the Microsoft founder and world's richest person, is expected by many to be the first to reach trillionaire status.

If the world’s greatest fortunes continue to grow at their current rate, boosted by the rapid wealth creation in emerging markets such as India and China, then Gates or one of the planet’s super-rich elite could have a trillion US dollars to their name by 2039, according to some predictions.

Others, such as investment bank Credit Suisse, believe there will be 11 trillionaires within just two generations.

“Two generations ahead, future extrapolation of current wealth growth rates yields almost a billion millionaires, equivalent to 20 per cent of the total adult population,” the bank wrote in its annual Global Wealth Report last year.

“If this scenario unfolds, then billionaires will be commonplace, and there is likely to be a few trillionaires too, eleven according to our best estimate.”

A trillion dollars is a million million or $1,000,000,000,000, the equivalent of $US140 for every person on the planet.

Full story: http://www.theage.com.au/business/world-business/worlds-first-trillionaire-just-a-matter-of-time-20140506-37tjo.html

-- The Age 2014-05-06

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Just crazy, so 1 person could have more money than most governments in the world! What a joke this is. I wonder if any of the top paid sportsmen will make it there? Emm......

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I just checked my bank balances, looked in my wallet and plan to put my hand down the back of the sofa.

I can confirm I may be in the running to be the first trillionaire if I could just find the odd trillion down the back of the sofa.

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Meanwhile...other folks are sending their children to garbage dumps...forests...and anywhere they can to gather a few morsels to throw in some dirty water to try and make a single meal for the day...you rich folks...should be so proud of yourselves...

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dunno about you but I would just be happy with my mortgage paid off, live off the rent in Thailand, spicy bowl of food everyday, good health and some kitty to play with. Don't need much more.

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The problem in the world is too much apathy. But I really don't give a sh*t.

Yes you hit the nail on the head,, But I Do give a shxt , this is what the film is all about, people who dont give a shxt if it goes on like this it will be the end of the world,as we know it today

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There may already be some trillionaires. Think about it. The Saudi king is not listed on the Forbes list, and he likes it that way. He controls so much money that he does not want the world to know about. How much is he worth? Ten times that of Bill Gates? 20 times? How about Vladimir Putin? 50 billion? 100 billion? twice that? Nobody knows. How about cretons like Kim Jun ill? That family has been the sole benefactor of their economy for generations now.

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could anyone arrange a meeting with him? I mean mr. gates

seriously :) I just want to know what exactly he talk about himself, what he eat, how he sleep, what he read, what exactly his daily life, what he's done that we don't!

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Then they wonder why communism occurs.

Communism is better? Where everyone shares the wealth and therefore no one has an incentive to develop any?

The first European settlers in the US tried that. They all put their crops in a common storehouse for the winter so there would be plenty for all. That made some people lazy and there wasn't nearly enough food for all. They changed it to make each responsible for his own and all was fine after that.

Bill Gates is a college dropout who was studying computer science. He met a guy who had developed essentially what we call DOS. Up until then there really wasn't a viable operating system for what we call the IBM PC. Bill Gates borrowed IIRC $50,000 from his parents and bought the system. Then he showed it to IBM who had to have it. IBM had the computer but not the OS.

But Bill Gates has always been shrewed and he wouldn't sell it even for a big profit. He would, and still does, only sell licenses per machine. IBM went for it and the rest is history.

That's what's great about capitalism. Even a middle class college dropout can become a multi-billionaire.

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