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Urgent: EC resolves not to sent draft royal decree Tuesday


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It was a bit much to expect that the EC would keep to it's word and actually arrange an election.

The people of Thailand will have to wait longer for an election, but when an election come they will be able to re-elect the PTP and this will all be over for a couple of years.

Thailand is walking a long and rocky road to freedom and democracy.

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Tomorrow Yingluk will be cleared of the Thawil case (as if a court would remove the government for moving a single civil servant!), and these images should make you realize her status:

You aren't presenting the whole truth here Mr. Codger. The reason for removal is not the moving of a civil servant. The reason is that the civil servant was moved to make room for a relative, which is unconstitutional. We are all aware how important democracy and the constitution are to you. Now that you know what the offense is, we can rest assured that you would never support such an infraction I'm sure. No need to thank me for helping you understand the situation.


Firstly he's not a relative (an ex brother in law is not related), and there is no such law.

The case has nothing to do with the person she moved into that job at all, because he passed all the qualifications tests and held a similar high ranking role. Being a relative does not rule you out for high ranking roles, and not being a relative certainly doesn't!

They claim Thawil was moved out for political reasons, however that does not justify a punishment to a government amounting to a coup. The fix is simply to move the person back, which is what the court did.

Even the unelected portion of the Senate, that did this, only about 1/3rd backed this case.

The court has said it will rule on this tomorrow, so this is a clear cut case. If a partisan portion of a Senate is 2/3rds against it, and 1/3rd for it, what do you imagine a court will judge?

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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The EC must have read Yingluck's testimony today. ( Yes, it was really that bad ). For those who expect Yingluck to be acquitted tomorrow for committing an unconstitutional act - on the basis of photographs that emphasize that she looks good in a uniform ( outside apparently of the ability to think and talk out of one ), and who also boldly predicts that all Democratic party MPs will abandon the Democratic party en masse in the next four days - should have testified instead of Yingluck. For once, she has competition for the funniest testimony.

If Thaksin let her write it herself he gave up on her already.....Well the other "beautiful" sister from Chang Mai is can do the PM, but would need a larger uniform.

Or Somchai is free at the moment.

Or that brother in law who was the police boss

or that brother who was army boss

or or or the family is large and all have a simllar mindset.

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It has finally dawned on the EC that there may not even be a Yingluck or cabinet by tomorrow so what is the point in getting them to issue a royal decree anyway?

Far better that they negotiate election terms with the next cabinet once installed by the senate, rather than one that is all but a spent force.

Oh my God. A lucid, unbiased intelligent post.

Go now. You have no place here.


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I don't think YL will be convicted tomorrow either. The CC would not dare, even if guilty. The Red Shirts will cry foul and step things up quite a lot.

The NACC will not find her guilty either.

This is not to stay that she is not guilty. I just find it hard to believe that she will be allowed fall and the country will be plunged into deeper chaos.

Don't you worry about the red shirts, the anti-gov side and the army are well prepared for anything coming from that rabble.

You seem to think there are millions of red shirt activists.... No way, maybe 200 to 300 at best and they will be crushed within days if they even as much as attempt any violent backlash against the courts.

The UDD will not call an uprising either, that is all just bluff and bluster, they know they will all be rounded up and this time they will be lucky if they ever see freedom ever again.

It lacks sophistication as spin, but is nevertheless a cracking good bit of old fashioned propaganda. Well done!

My good man.....

The series of 'veiled' threats and intimidation that have spewed forth from the mouths of UDD PTP and CAPO mouths relentlessly of a red backlash has got to scoop the global propaganda campaign award... not of the year or the decade..... but the the century.

Not just a backlash either, but also a propaganda campaign that has been constantly calling the courts judicial coup mongers for simply applying rule of law.

If you want to see true propaganda..... look no further than the spin doctors above.

The facts that the red movement is nothing but a toothless bunch of terrorists, and very sparsely supported, is not actually propaganda..... It is FACT.

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It has finally dawned on the EC that there may not even be a Yingluck or cabinet by tomorrow so what is the point in getting them to issue a royal decree anyway?

Far better that they negotiate election terms with the next cabinet once installed by the senate, rather than one that is all but a spent force.

Oh my God. A lucid, unbiased intelligent post.

Go now. You have no place here.


Another one who is scared shitless of the truth.

You have some nerve calling ME biased when you are totally pro red and biased yourself as evidenced in most of your previous posts.

Then you have the audacity to tell me to leave the forum, just because I don't sign up to your own insane agenda and narrative..... who made YOU a moderator????????

Edited by WoopyDoo
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Dear Democrat MPs, look, once the EC submits that decree, and it gets approved, then they have 20 days to start the registration process.

Once they start the registration, it has to last a minimum of 7 days. To apply to be elected, you need to switch to a new party 30 days ahead of the registration. So literally, if there is 4 extra days delay then you can do that now.

Abhisit is finished, it should also be clear to you that he is not going to stand down from the Democrats, and he is not going stand at elections either. He's going to dither, because that's what Abhisit does. You have to switch to another party now!

Tomorrow Yingluk will be cleared of the Thawil case (as if a court would remove the government for moving a single civil servant!), and these images should make you realize her status:



You will not get a coup, not a military coup, not a civil coup, not a coup period. You get elections. You get democracy.

So get your collective crap together and get into a party that is standing and win those votes at election time. DO IT NOW! Because democracy requires a good opposition party, it doesn't require that opposition party be called the Democrats, or be run by an unelectable idiot. Korn, you too, get you ass into another party.

"You get elections. You get democracy."

Sorry bluenose I gotto pull you up on this one.

Elections is 1/15th democracy. It is NOT democracy. Elections allow you to practice the other 14 principles and by golly gee when you tell Phuket residents they will get a conference hall when they vote PT that my dear friend is not democracy.

Part of democracy is referendums too, but the PTP don't want that one either because it will prove people want reform before elections. That majority has to be silenced at all costs.

Tomorrow Yingluk will be cleared of the Thawil case

Good to see you have replaced Fryslan Boppe as the resident time traveller and can tell us (us being me!) what the courts will do.

PLEASE tell me who wins the next Melbourne Cup? Or can you only predict Thai politics?

Sadly "when you tell Phuket residents they will get a conference hall when they vote PT that my dear friend is not democracy" that is exactly wrong. Such deals are exactly what democracy is -- take care of the constituents. It sucks but is what is called 'real politik'.

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It would be highly questionable to Asean and to democracies globally to remove both the PM and the Cabinet for the ostensible rationale the PM transferred one civil servant. Or to remove either.

Those who would dismiss this point would be dangerously out of contact with the reality in foreign capitals, in the capitals of Asean, and in the fields and communities of Thailand.

People who advocate this preposterous case and that believe this would happen believe in the rule of mice over men and would invite disaster.

I hope the judges have a better intellect and sense than do many others who would accept such an assinine and absurd justification in a constitutional matter. One would hope the judges have more brains than most people posting here.

If not, I'd think they'd be mandating catastrophe.

From a pragmatic standpoint, convicting the government in the rice scheme makes much better sense and is comprehensible, even if bogus all the same. (I don't have rice on the brain so spare me your replies about that matter.)

The rice scheme, which is not at all bogus is still the weaker of the two cases to oust the govt. From a pragmatic point of view, this government should have stepped down a year ago before the rice scheme and Tawil became an issue. Shall we talk about the amnesty bill? The tablet program? The first time car buyers policy? The Rohinghyas? Human trafficking? Police corruption? OOps... I almost forgot the flood from a few years back. Hey how about pollution? Have you ever heard your beloved democratically elected PM comment on any thing of substance, or actually take an effective action to end any of them? I think not.

Edited by Local Drunk
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Dear Democrat MPs, look, once the EC submits that decree, and it gets approved, then they have 20 days to start the registration process.

Once they start the registration, it has to last a minimum of 7 days. To apply to be elected, you need to switch to a new party 30 days ahead of the registration. So literally, if there is 4 extra days delay then you can do that now.

Abhisit is finished, it should also be clear to you that he is not going to stand down from the Democrats, and he is not going stand at elections either. He's going to stall, because that's what Abhisit does, stall, delay, fail to make a decision. You have to switch to another party now!

Tomorrow Yingluk will be cleared of the Thawil case (as if a court would remove the government for moving a single civil servant!), and these images should make you realize her status:



You will not get a coup, not a military coup, not a civil coup, not a coup period. You get elections. You get democracy.

So get your collective crap together and get into a party that is standing and win those votes at election time. DO IT NOW! Because democracy requires a good opposition party, it doesn't require that opposition party be called the Democrats, or be run by an unelectable idiot. Korn, you too, get you ass into another party.

Yes, but how many people are in them pics? wink.png

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It would be highly questionable to Asean and to democracies globally to remove both the PM and the Cabinet for the ostensible rationale the PM transferred one civil servant. Or to remove either.

Those who would dismiss this point would be dangerously out of contact with the reality in foreign capitals, in the capitals of Asean, and in the fields and communities of Thailand.

People who advocate this preposterous case and that believe this would happen believe in the rule of mice over men and would invite disaster.

I hope the judges have a better intellect and sense than do many others who would accept such an assinine and absurd justification in a constitutional matter. One would hope the judges have more brains than most people posting here.

If not, I'd think they'd be mandating catastrophe.

From a pragmatic standpoint, convicting the government in the rice scheme makes much better sense and is comprehensible, even if bogus all the same. (I don't have rice on the brain so spare me your replies about that matter.)

I suggest you explain all this to the EC who seem to be holding back on the decree pending the outcome of tomorrow's ruling..

You also need to explain this to the Thai people who actually ARE expecting her removal.

You best also explain this to the mainstream Thai media who are also tipping their possible removals.

They all seem to have got it wrong, and of course you (a non-Thai) consider yourself to be an authority on the situation and its likely outcome.

Congratulations..... you know much much more than Thai people as well as Thai political experts....... Oh if only all these silly ignorant Thais had your level of intelligence, I am sure they would be grateful to hire you as the ultimate Thai political consultant.

All hail the expert in everything Thai.

Wrong, wrong, wrong about my post which you can read with your own eyes. tongue.png

In your post above you wrongly wrote, in part

They all seem to have got it wrong, and of course you (a non-Thai) consider yourself to be an authority on the situation and its likely outcome.

Congratulations..... you know much much more than Thai people as well as Thai political experts....... Oh if only all these silly ignorant Thais had your level of intelligence, I am sure they would be grateful to hire you as the ultimate Thai political consultant

I predicted nothing. I forecast nothing. I did not call the likely outcome one way or the other. I emphasize my post because you seem to need statements that bludgeon rather than statements that are fine tuned.

So do not pass Go and do go straight to the remedial reading specialist. I rather discussed the quality of the case, its advocates, some possible consequences of a ruling against the PM and/or the government. I did not say I knew the outcome of the case either way or at any time.

Now Mr OTT you need to re-read my post and show me the line(s) in which I wrote predicting or calling the outcome of the case, tomorrow or at any point in the future. The statement you seem to have imagined you read and that I did not write.

Your many disabilities are unfortunate.

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EC will want to get an opinion on its legal position from CC - as with all controversial matters

Which should be embarrassing for an Election Commission that has one raison d'etre. They are supposed to be the experts in organising elections. They don't know their A from their E.

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EC will want to get an opinion on its legal position from CC - as with all controversial matters

Which should be embarrassing for an Election Commission that has one raison d'etre. They are supposed to be the experts in organising elections. They don't know their A from their E.

Organising election - core business- yes

operating in complex and possible uncharted constitutional matter is not their domain

cover there ar%e is a well worn path , especially when they have been subject to the amount of threats that they have

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Dear Democrat MPs, look, once the EC submits that decree, and it gets approved, then they have 20 days to start the registration process.

Once they start the registration, it has to last a minimum of 7 days. To apply to be elected, you need to switch to a new party 30 days ahead of the registration. So literally, if there is 4 extra days delay then you can do that now.

Abhisit is finished, it should also be clear to you that he is not going to stand down from the Democrats, and he is not going stand at elections either. He's going to stall, because that's what Abhisit does, stall, delay, fail to make a decision. You have to switch to another party now!

Tomorrow Yingluk will be cleared of the Thawil case (as if a court would remove the government for moving a single civil servant!), and these images should make you realize her status:



You will not get a coup, not a military coup, not a civil coup, not a coup period. You get elections. You get democracy.

So get your collective crap together and get into a party that is standing and win those votes at election time. DO IT NOW! Because democracy requires a good opposition party, it doesn't require that opposition party be called the Democrats, or be run by an unelectable idiot. Korn, you too, get you ass into another party.

Tomorrow Yingluk will be cleared of the Thawil case (as if a court would remove the government for moving a single civil servant!),

Talk to you again tomorrow after noon.

and these images should make you realize her status:

I'm actually surprised that Thaksin doesn't show in those pictures, because he's the one that is leading this country into self destroy.

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I don't think YL will be convicted tomorrow either. The CC would not dare, even if guilty. The Red Shirts will cry foul and step things up quite a lot.

The NACC will not find her guilty either.

This is not to stay that she is not guilty. I just find it hard to believe that she will be allowed fall and the country will be plunged into deeper chaos.

Don't you worry about the red shirts, the anti-gov side and the army are well prepared for anything coming from that rabble.

You seem to think there are millions of red shirt activists.... No way, maybe 200 to 300 at best and they will be crushed within days if they even as much as attempt any violent backlash against the courts.

The UDD will not call an uprising either, that is all just bluff and bluster, they know they will all be rounded up and this time they will be lucky if they ever see freedom ever again.

You sound like George Bush and Iraq.

No way, maybe 200 to 300 at best and they will be crushed within days if they even as much as attempt any violent backlash against the courts.

Famous words that will go down in history the same as Bush is going down in history.

So very down.

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It was a bit much to expect that the EC would keep to it's word and actually arrange an election.

The people of Thailand will have to wait longer for an election, but when an election come they will be able to re-elect the PTP and this will all be over for a couple of years.

Thailand is walking a long and rocky road to freedom and democracy.

you stated one principle of democracy 4 times (elections) yet you stated the other 14 principles of democracy no times?

So what is it? 1 principle of democracy to run the country or 15 principles of democracy to run the country?

No thoughts on a referendum to see if people want reform before election? Or are you scared of the result as the last 8 polls and one failed election have highlighted?

<EDIT> Let me guess…Your response will be ………….elections thus having no understanding on the other 14 principles of democracy…….AGAIN..

Edited by djjamie
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This is the end for her.

The court will rule tomorrow that she is no longer the caretaker.

Mark will raise like a phoenix to lead the country into a new corruption era.

One Tambon One scholarship, every year to send Thai children to Eton, than continue at Oxford.

With 5 years, Thailand will excel over Singapore, and Bangkok will become the new capital of ASEAN (then Asia).

Don't you know that only Thaksin can do that? (through his proxies, of course)

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It was a bit much to expect that the EC would keep to it's word and actually arrange an election.

The people of Thailand will have to wait longer for an election, but when an election come they will be able to re-elect the PTP and this will all be over for a couple of years.

"Thailand is walking a long and rocky road to freedom and democracy."

Yes, and Thailand is waiting for you to show the way in the Rocky Mountains.

Thailand is walking a long and rocky road to freedom and democracy.


And you are the leader in the Rocky Mountains? You are diving very high.

Edited by lungmi
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The NACC will not find her guilty either.

This is not to stay that she is not guilty. I just find it hard to believe that she will be allowed fall and the country will be plunged into deeper chaos.

Why do you think the EC is not sending their draft. ? Those inside know that Yinlick has had her chips and is out tomorrow along with many of her ministers .. And the Red Shirts will step-up nothing... They are a spent force... All Hail Suthep The Great..! wai2.gif

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The NACC will not find her guilty either.

This is not to stay that she is not guilty. I just find it hard to believe that she will be allowed fall and the country will be plunged into deeper chaos.

Why do you think the EC is not sending their draft. ? Those inside know that Yinlick has had her chips and is out tomorrow along with many of her ministers .. And the Red Shirts will step-up nothing... They are a spent force... All Hail Suthep The Great..! wai2.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

This is the end for her.

The court will rule tomorrow that she is no longer the caretaker.

Mark will raise like a phoenix to lead the country into a new corruption era.

One Tambon One scholarship, every year to send Thai children to Eton, than continue at Oxford.

With 5 years, Thailand will excel over Singapore, and Bangkok will become the new capital of ASEAN (then Asia).

You are on the ball, very close with your prediction , it is actually plan "B" of plan A,B & C.

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It was a bit much to expect that the EC would keep to it's word and actually arrange an election.

The people of Thailand will have to wait longer for an election, but when an election come they will be able to re-elect the PTP and this will all be over for a couple of years.

Thailand is walking a long and rocky road to freedom and democracy.

you stated one principle of democracy 4 times (elections) yet you stated the other 14 principles of democracy no times?

So what is it? 1 principle of democracy to run the country or 15 principles of democracy to run the country?

No thoughts on a referendum to see if people want reform before election? Or are you scared of the result as the last 8 polls and one failed election have highlighted?

<EDIT> Let me guess…Your response will be ………….elections thus having no understanding on the other 14 principles of democracy…….AGAIN..

I suggest that you do some research and stop spouting your 15 principles.

There are many definitions of democracy available, some have a few of your 15 points. All have my one point as it's first principle.

I say that Thailand is moving slowly towards democracy and the way to achieve democracy is elections.

You do not want elections and and hide behind your 15 points of dilution to democracy. Do you believe that the only democracy Thailand is allowed is your definition of democracy?

Edited by Dr Bruce
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It would be highly questionable to Asean and to democracies globally to remove both the PM and the Cabinet for the ostensible rationale the PM transferred one civil servant. Or to remove either.

Those who would dismiss this point would be dangerously out of contact with the reality in foreign capitals, in the capitals of Asean, and in the fields and communities of Thailand.

People who advocate this preposterous case and that believe this would happen believe in the rule of mice over men and would invite disaster.

I hope the judges have a better intellect and sense than do many others who would accept such an assinine and absurd justification in a constitutional matter. One would hope the judges have more brains than most people posting here.

If not, I'd think they'd be mandating catastrophe.

From a pragmatic standpoint, convicting the government in the rice scheme makes much better sense and is comprehensible, even if bogus all the same. (I don't have rice on the brain so spare me your replies about that matter.)

rice is the one topic you never enter into like your mates on here why is that..???..truth not acceptable to you..dont google me an answer now lad ok..900 word replies not required .thumbsup.gif

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It was a bit much to expect that the EC would keep to it's word and actually arrange an election.

The people of Thailand will have to wait longer for an election, but when an election come they will be able to re-elect the PTP and this will all be over for a couple of years.

Thailand is walking a long and rocky road to freedom and democracy.

you stated one principle of democracy 4 times (elections) yet you stated the other 14 principles of democracy no times?

So what is it? 1 principle of democracy to run the country or 15 principles of democracy to run the country?

No thoughts on a referendum to see if people want reform before election? Or are you scared of the result as the last 8 polls and one failed election have highlighted?

<EDIT> Let me guess…Your response will be ………….elections thus having no understanding on the other 14 principles of democracy…….AGAIN..

I suggest that you do some research and stop spouting you 15 principles.

There are many definitions of democracy available, some have a few of your 15 points. All have my one point as it's first principle.

I say that Thailand is moving slowly towards democracy and the way to achieve democracy is elections.

You do not want elections and and hide behind your 15 points of dilution to democracy. Do you believe that the only democracy Thailand is allowed is your definition of democracy?

Yep done the research….Can you name the 15 principles? I will behead myself if you can extrapolate what you are defending? Nahh? Thought so.

All have elections as the first point of democracy..Agreed. So what happens post ballot box? The other principles can be ignored?

Slowly moving forward…Of course it is slow..When you support only one principle it is moving 1/15th forward..

I do want elections? I yearn for them. I cherish them. But the question is do the majority want them before reform?

Lets hold a referendum and find out…Referendums are democratic right?

Or are you scared the majority will not support your agenda in this case?

You show me one example of a majority, post 2011 that want elections before reform and I will give you 10 examples of the majority that want the opposite.

Sorry mate…Time to accept the majority even if you don't accept it.

Edited by djjamie
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It was a bit much to expect that the EC would keep to it's word and actually arrange an election.

The people of Thailand will have to wait longer for an election, but when an election come they will be able to re-elect the PTP and this will all be over for a couple of years.

Thailand is walking a long and rocky road to freedom and democracy.

you stated one principle of democracy 4 times (elections) yet you stated the other 14 principles of democracy no times?

So what is it? 1 principle of democracy to run the country or 15 principles of democracy to run the country?

No thoughts on a referendum to see if people want reform before election? Or are you scared of the result as the last 8 polls and one failed election have highlighted?

<EDIT> Let me guess…Your response will be ………….elections thus having no understanding on the other 14 principles of democracy…….AGAIN..

I suggest that you do some research and stop spouting you 15 principles.

There are many definitions of democracy available, some have a few of your 15 points. All have my one point as it's first principle.

I say that Thailand is moving slowly towards democracy and the way to achieve democracy is elections.

You do not want elections and and hide behind your 15 points of dilution to democracy. Do you believe that the only democracy Thailand is allowed is your definition of democracy?

Yep done the research….Can you name the 15 principles? I will behead myself if you can extrapolate what you are defending? Nahh? Thought so.

All have elections as the first point of democracy..Agreed. So what happens post ballot box? The other principles can be ignored?

Slowly moving forward…Of course it is slow..When you support only one principle it is moving 1/15th forward..

I do want elections? I yearn for them. I cherish them. But the question is do the majority want them before reform?

Lets hold a referendum and find out…Referendums are democratic right?

Or are you scared the majority will not support your agenda in this case?

You show me one example of a majority, post 2011 that want elections before reform and I will give you 10 examples of the majority that want the opposite.

Sorry mate…Time to accept the majority even if you don't accept it.

I believe that the majority will support the PTP in the next election. It is the PDRC that are afraid, that is why they prevented the Feb 2nd elections from happening. Thailand had a referendum on the 2007 constitution and nobody could ever claim that it was a fair vote. Do you want another referendum like that one?

I cannot name your 15 principles, they are so obscure that they do not show up in a simple google search. You are diluting the overiding core principle with 14 other principles that suit your case of denying elections which are the central principle of democracy.

I hope it is not off-topic to ask if you believe that having a Senate than is almost half appointed is democratic?

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If the PM and cabinet are removed from office but decide to stay on, the EC will be in an interesting position quite apart from the tricky matter of the royal decree. The govt will have to ask their approval for various matters, not least of which will be the appointments of new heads of the armed forces, if the "self-appointed" caretaker status continues long enough. Approving anything would mean the EC had sided with them against the CC. Thus I don't think the govt would be able to get anything approved and probably wouldn't be able to get a royal decree issued either. Thus they might have to remain in office with no power at all until all resigned or died. One has gone already.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I don't think YL will be convicted tomorrow either. The CC would not dare, even if guilty. The Red Shirts will cry foul and step things up quite a lot.

The NACC will not find her guilty either.

This is not to stay that she is not guilty. I just find it hard to believe that she will be allowed fall and the country will be plunged into deeper chaos.

Don't you worry about the red shirts, the anti-gov side and the army are well prepared for anything coming from that rabble.

You seem to think there are millions of red shirt activists.... No way, maybe 200 to 300 at best and they will be crushed within days if they even as much as attempt any violent backlash against the courts.

The UDD will not call an uprising either, that is all just bluff and bluster, they know they will all be rounded up and this time they will be lucky if they ever see freedom ever again.

You sound like George Bush and Iraq.

No way, maybe 200 to 300 at best and they will be crushed within days if they even as much as attempt any violent backlash against the courts.

Famous words that will go down in history the same as Bush is going down in history.

So very down.

Maybe he was trying for Bush senior, though?


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I don't think YL will be convicted tomorrow either. The CC would not dare, even if guilty. The Red Shirts will cry foul and step things up quite a lot.

The NACC will not find her guilty either.

This is not to stay that she is not guilty. I just find it hard to believe that she will be allowed fall and the country will be plunged into deeper chaos.

That's EXACTLY what I'm thinking, too. They will delay it another 2 weeks, months, years,... and eventually forget about it...

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you stated one principle of democracy 4 times (elections) yet you stated the other 14 principles of democracy no times?

So what is it? 1 principle of democracy to run the country or 15 principles of democracy to run the country?

No thoughts on a referendum to see if people want reform before election? Or are you scared of the result as the last 8 polls and one failed election have highlighted?

<EDIT> Let me guess…Your response will be ………….elections thus having no understanding on the other 14 principles of democracy…….AGAIN..

I suggest that you do some research and stop spouting you 15 principles.

There are many definitions of democracy available, some have a few of your 15 points. All have my one point as it's first principle.

I say that Thailand is moving slowly towards democracy and the way to achieve democracy is elections.

You do not want elections and and hide behind your 15 points of dilution to democracy. Do you believe that the only democracy Thailand is allowed is your definition of democracy?

Yep done the research….Can you name the 15 principles? I will behead myself if you can extrapolate what you are defending? Nahh? Thought so.

All have elections as the first point of democracy..Agreed. So what happens post ballot box? The other principles can be ignored?

Slowly moving forward…Of course it is slow..When you support only one principle it is moving 1/15th forward..

I do want elections? I yearn for them. I cherish them. But the question is do the majority want them before reform?

Lets hold a referendum and find out…Referendums are democratic right?

Or are you scared the majority will not support your agenda in this case?

You show me one example of a majority, post 2011 that want elections before reform and I will give you 10 examples of the majority that want the opposite.

Sorry mate…Time to accept the majority even if you don't accept it.

I believe that the majority will support the PTP in the next election. It is the PDRC that are afraid, that is why they prevented the Feb 2nd elections from happening. Thailand had a referendum on the 2007 constitution and nobody could ever claim that it was a fair vote. Do you want another referendum like that one?

I cannot name your 15 principles, they are so obscure that they do not show up in a simple google search. You are diluting the overiding core principle with 14 other principles that suit your case of denying elections which are the central principle of democracy.

I hope it is not off-topic to ask if you believe that having a Senate than is almost half appointed is democratic?

Democracy is pretty obscure to you heay?

Can't name the 15 principles?

You need google to define your principles of democracy heay?

I rest my case.

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It was a bit much to expect that the EC would keep to it's word and actually arrange an election.

The people of Thailand will have to wait longer for an election, but when an election come they will be able to re-elect the PTP and this will all be over for a couple of years.

Thailand is walking a long and rocky road to freedom and democracy.

you stated one principle of democracy 4 times (elections) yet you stated the other 14 principles of democracy no times?

So what is it? 1 principle of democracy to run the country or 15 principles of democracy to run the country?

No thoughts on a referendum to see if people want reform before election? Or are you scared of the result as the last 8 polls and one failed election have highlighted?

<EDIT> Let me guess…Your response will be ………….elections thus having no understanding on the other 14 principles of democracy…….AGAIN..

I suggest that you do some research and stop spouting you 15 principles.

There are many definitions of democracy available, some have a few of your 15 points. All have my one point as it's first principle.

I say that Thailand is moving slowly towards democracy and the way to achieve democracy is elections.

You do not want elections and and hide behind your 15 points of dilution to democracy. Do you believe that the only democracy Thailand is allowed is your definition of democracy?

Yep done the research….Can you name the 15 principles? I will behead myself if you can extrapolate what you are defending? Nahh? Thought so.

All have elections as the first point of democracy..Agreed. So what happens post ballot box? The other principles can be ignored?

Slowly moving forward…Of course it is slow..When you support only one principle it is moving 1/15th forward..

I do want elections? I yearn for them. I cherish them. But the question is do the majority want them before reform?

Lets hold a referendum and find out…Referendums are democratic right?

Or are you scared the majority will not support your agenda in this case?

You show me one example of a majority, post 2011 that want elections before reform and I will give you 10 examples of the majority that want the opposite.

Sorry mate…Time to accept the majority even if you don't accept it.

Why do you, and others, seem to think that a referendum vote would be free of the election vote failings?

What reforms are proposed? PDRC been at it for 6 months now, surely they wrote down something, right?

There's no real basis for decelerations from either side on what the "majority" wants. No side won a popular vote. Polls are hardly a credible source for making such a decision, and despite repeated claims - the annulled elections partial vote and voter attendance figures are not conclusive evidence. Any decision on what the "majority" wants, which is not supported by both sides is just plain wrong.

Your notion that you need to be supplied with example that the majority is interested in election before reform is non sense.

By your logic any side can claim majority before election and demand a referendum, if you're shooting for anarchy - by all means.

Saying one side is scared of an obscure referendum on rumored reforms, is equivalent to saying the other side is afraid of elections.

Just to get a clearer idea of what you mean - when you claim "majority" do you actually believe that the Democrat Party/PDRC enjoy the support of over half of the total voters in Thailand? Or do you mean that they can get more votes than the other side?

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