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What would likely happen to the Yingluck government Wednesday May 7, 2014?


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all of the cabinet removed - airports locked down to stop cabinet doing a runner - senate elects new PM - current cabinet plus DSI and police heads under house arrest - redshirt leaders arrested - team investigates were the Thai peoples billions have gone - jail time for those involved - army steps in to maintain order - reforms take place including massive reform of the police.................

Unfortunately, no real reform can happen until the whole military is reformed. Otherwise reform is just a word used to justify the grab for power and the money that comes with it

The military???? The biggest problems are vote buying, corruption. I don't see any real problem with the military, beside that it is too expensive and has too many generals.

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Most international news reported on this day of reckoning and called it another judiciary coup by the establishment. They can see that our courts have again been compromised and partisan.

Just read Austrian and German Newspaper: Mostly nothing...Thailand isn't exactly the center of the world. Other short reports that the court may force her to step down because of abuse of power for replacing someone with a relative.

But the news is Ukraine and Russia, no one cares about some corrupt Thai caretaker premier

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Most international news reported on this day of reckoning and called it another judiciary coup by the establishment. They can see that our courts have again been compromised and partisan.

well it's the Chang in the room

even ardent yellow fellow's cannot claim this is not a judicial coup - every leader in all democratic countries can remove their Security Chief as they see fit - even if the replacement choice is unwise

it would be a good idea if they allowed the Pm to replace as he/she thinks fit BUT the replacement has to go through a committee (as in the US) tat scrutinizes the PM's choice

but to say the PM has no authority to choose the Security Chief and remove someone they do not trust is absurd

Of course they can; Yingluck fought the law, and the law won.

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I made up my own list........more realistic I think

1. All hell breaks loose, rioting, shootings, murders, buildings burnt to the ground, looting on a grand scale.

2. Nothing.

3. Yingluck visits a flower market

4. Yingluck flee's the country at 12.01pm

5.Yingluck flee's the country at 11.59am.

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I made up my own list........more realistic I think

1. All hell breaks loose, rioting, shootings, murders, buildings burnt to the ground, looting on a grand scale.

2. Nothing.

3. Yingluck visits a flower market

4. Yingluck flee's the country at 12.01pm

5.Yingluck flee's the country at 11.59am.

6. Chalerm steps up defies everyone and HEADS a renegade government --orders the army to the borders-and gets the camps set up for anyone opposing him, then imports 1000 cases of BLUE LABEL

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all of the cabinet removed - airports locked down to stop cabinet doing a runner - senate elects new PM - current cabinet plus DSI and police heads under house arrest - redshirt leaders arrested - team investigates were the Thai peoples billions have gone - jail time for those involved - army steps in to maintain order - reforms take place including massive reform of the police.................

If it comes to that, why would you mind the cabinet doing a runner?

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all of the cabinet removed - airports locked down to stop cabinet doing a runner - senate elects new PM - current cabinet plus DSI and police heads under house arrest - redshirt leaders arrested - team investigates were the Thai peoples billions have gone - jail time for those involved - army steps in to maintain order - reforms take place including massive reform of the police.................

None of this will happen.

As soon as the first item is attempted (removal of the cabinet) all hell is going to break loose.

The anti-democrats simply cannot win.

The only questions how many people are they willing to kill before they accept their inevitable defeat.

Your first line seems to contradict the last.

If non of this is going to happen, than not too much chance people will be killed?

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all of the cabinet removed - airports locked down to stop cabinet doing a runner - senate elects new PM - current cabinet plus DSI and police heads under house arrest - redshirt leaders arrested - team investigates were the Thai peoples billions have gone - jail time for those involved - army steps in to maintain order - reforms take place including massive reform of the police.................

......appointed government continues to rule indefinitely no sign of any intention to hold an election, civil disobedience on the rise in North and Issaan, army becomes increasingly reluctant to apply force outside of Bangkok, possibly large scale desertion or even mutiny amongst conscripts, government writ no longer runs outside Bangkok, tourism collapses, economy enters a recessionary spiral.

Just thought I would finish the scenario off for you mate. But hey, Mark will be prime minister for life, and the economic collapse will mean that the girls will be cheaper, so for a lot of Falangs things will be looking up!

I don't think that if things come to the removal of Yingluck there will be an indefinite rule of an appointed government. Sooner or later a deal will be brokered and an election will take place. Granted, it might be biased one way or another, this is Thailand.

The rest is just doomsday prophecy. No one stands to gain anything from such a scenario.

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all of the cabinet removed - airports locked down to stop cabinet doing a runner - senate elects new PM - current cabinet plus DSI and police heads under house arrest - redshirt leaders arrested - team investigates were the Thai peoples billions have gone - jail time for those involved - army steps in to maintain order - reforms take place including massive reform of the police.................

Unfortunately, no real reform can happen until the whole military is reformed. Otherwise reform is just a word used to justify the grab for power and the money that comes with it

The military???? The biggest problems are vote buying, corruption. I don't see any real problem with the military, beside that it is too expensive and has too many generals.

All the voting on democratic niceties don't mean a whole lot when "possible coup" headlines are a regular phenomenon in the media. The Army is responsible for quite a bit of the corruption running rampant in this country - arms purchase, human trafficking, inflated budgets, a horde of paid personnel doing nothing worthwhile, media outlets controlled by army etc.

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It doesn't matter which scenario happens as it will not solve the political deadlock.

There is no win-win situation. One side will have to give up more demands then the other but I doubt anyone wants to budge an inch. Each side says they have legitimacy. Electoral democracy versus people fed up with corruption.

It will eventually come to a point when both sides are at each other's throat and on the brink of civil war and then the tanks will roll and Thailand will be back to square one. Thai's have never been good at comprising if it involves loss of benefits.

Edited by smileydude
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I made up my own list........more realistic I think

1. All hell breaks loose, rioting, shootings, murders, buildings burnt to the ground, looting on a grand scale.

2. Nothing.

3. Yingluck visits a flower market

4. Yingluck flee's the country at 12.01pm

5.Yingluck flee's the country at 11.59am.

6. Chalerm steps up defies everyone and HEADS a renegade government --orders the army to the borders-and gets the camps set up for anyone opposing him, then imports 1000 cases of BLUE LABEL

Will he settle things within 3 months, though? And will there be a public self-beheading spectacle?

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Demroracy is the worst form of government!

Except for all the others!

The same guy said:

The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter

-- Winston Churchill

A wise man who PROVED that LEADERSHIP WITH POWERFUL WORDS can win wars! Sadly Thailand does not appear to have such a person..

Benevolent Dictatorship parading as Democracy is the best form of governance... for example, Lee Kuen Yew in Singapore.

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There are a myriad of possibilities as to where the court could go. It seems that among the strongest is the possibility where Yingluck and the entire cabinet could be removed, and the power of nominating a prime minister given to the Senate - something that the constitution clearly allows. At that point, there would be a rush to elect a Senate speaker and nominate a prime minister by Saturday - when the present session of the Senate closes. Of course, if this option was taken, then Thaksin's influence would effectively be over.

Not really, he would mobilize his red mob to burn and loot the country. Remember what happened in 2010. That was just the warm up.

I remember the army dispersing an illegal mob that used war weapons and women and children as human shields, and also burned and looted dozens of buildings. What do you remember?

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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There are a myriad of possibilities as to where the court could go. It seems that among the strongest is the possibility where Yingluck and the entire cabinet could be removed, and the power of nominating a prime minister given to the Senate - something that the constitution clearly allows. At that point, there would be a rush to elect a Senate speaker and nominate a prime minister by Saturday - when the present session of the Senate closes. Of course, if this option was taken, then Thaksin's influence would effectively be over.

Not really, he would mobilize his red mob to burn and loot the country. Remember what happened in 2010. That was just the warm up.

I remember the army dispersing an illegal mob that used war weapons and women and children as human shields, and also burned and looted dozens of buildings. What do you remember?

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

If I can remember, the burning and looting were after thearmy random shooting of the UDD. The army could have chosen less lethal ways to disperse the mop but orders were for war weapons to be used. I also remember that after the first negotiation broke down and before the second meeting, the army crackdown on PanFa bridge that could have ignited the fury.

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There are a myriad of possibilities as to where the court could go. It seems that among the strongest is the possibility where Yingluck and the entire cabinet could be removed, and the power of nominating a prime minister given to the Senate - something that the constitution clearly allows. At that point, there would be a rush to elect a Senate speaker and nominate a prime minister by Saturday - when the present session of the Senate closes. Of course, if this option was taken, then Thaksin's influence would effectively be over.

Not really, he would mobilize his red mob to burn and loot the country. Remember what happened in 2010. That was just the warm up.

I remember the army dispersing an illegal mob that used war weapons and women and children as human shields, and also burned and looted dozens of buildings. What do you remember?

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

If I can remember, the burning and looting were after thearmy random shooting of the UDD. The army could have chosen less lethal ways to disperse the mop but orders were for war weapons to be used. I also remember that after the first negotiation broke down and before the second meeting, the army crackdown on PanFa bridge that could have ignited the fury.

So only one side gets to use guns (reds) #redlogic

Negotiations broke down why? Because Thaksin ordered them too, because he wanted a free pass back home.

Crackdown on a bridge being held by armed insurgents using RPGs? Yes please - every damned time!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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I made up my own list........more realistic I think

1. All hell breaks loose, rioting, shootings, murders, buildings burnt to the ground, looting on a grand scale.

2. Nothing.

3. Yingluck visits a flower market

4. Yingluck flee's the country at 12.01pm

5.Yingluck flee's the country at 11.59am.

6. Chalerm steps up defies everyone and HEADS a renegade government --orders the army to the borders-and gets the camps set up for anyone opposing him, then imports 1000 cases of BLUE LABEL

Will he settle things within 3 months, though? And will there be a public self-beheading spectacle?

His head should have been off last year--he said so himself. But the rumour has it he is two faced so it could happen again.

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It seems that the ammart judges are set to send this country to perdition. Some pro-ammart people on this forum complain about what the reds did in 2010, but of course much more serious was what the military did *to* the reds in 2010, with the military assault using overwhelming force; and similar retribution has been going on against the forces of the left for decades.

Yet, one might ask, what did the Army do to the yellows when they took over the airport and Government House in 2008 etc? Nothing. And what do the police and military do to the PDRC when they illegally block streets in Bangkok and block elections in 2014? Nothing.

Clearly the PDRC are the most criminal group in the history of Thailand, yet because their leaders such as Suthep cannot be arrested proves that they are being supported (in their insurgency against the legitimate elected government) by the highest powers in the land.

Thailand is going down the drain, it seems to me, because the PDRC is out of control, and no-one can act against these anti-democratic crooks. This proves that Thailand is still a sub-developed country.

What a load of red biased nonsense. They brainwashed you REAL good ! Baa baa baa !! Keep bleating red sheeple, but you are preaching to the flock and those of us who are not sheeple already know what a load of rubbish your post is.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

let's start a book.... I go for no. 1.

Can't do that gambling is illegal sad.png

Edited by Lobber
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Demroracy is the worst form of government!

Except for all the others!

yes but Thaksin isn't democracy

This is a Winston Churchill quote. No one said anything about Thaksin. What this person is doing is making the point that appointment with no elections and blocking the elections can be dangerous and lead to a worse form of gov't/reform/situation for the people in the near to far future. Chai mai?

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all of the cabinet removed - airports locked down to stop cabinet doing a runner - senate elects new PM - current cabinet plus DSI and police heads under house arrest - redshirt leaders arrested - team investigates were the Thai peoples billions have gone - jail time for those involved - army steps in to maintain order - reforms take place including massive reform of the police.................

Unfortunately, no real reform can happen until the whole military is reformed. Otherwise reform is just a word used to justify the grab for power and the money that comes with it

The military???? The biggest problems are vote buying, corruption. I don't see any real problem with the military, beside that it is too expensive and has too many generals.

Maybe you need to read some Thai history written from outside the slander laws operating here.

As is alluded to below, if you don't think the military are involved in your second point and much worse, I can only assume you have never been to Thailand.

As for the vote buying, sadly both sides do this, even the so called Dems do it.

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It seems that the ammart judges are set to send this country to perdition. Some pro-ammart people on this forum complain about what the reds did in 2010, but of course much more serious was what the military did *to* the reds in 2010, with the military assault using overwhelming force; and similar retribution has been going on against the forces of the left for decades.

Yet, one might ask, what did the Army do to the yellows when they took over the airport and Government House in 2008 etc? Nothing. And what do the police and military do to the PDRC when they illegally block streets in Bangkok and block elections in 2014? Nothing.

Clearly the PDRC are the most criminal group in the history of Thailand, yet because their leaders such as Suthep cannot be arrested proves that they are being supported (in their insurgency against the legitimate elected government) by the highest powers in the land.

Thailand is going down the drain, it seems to me, because the PDRC is out of control, and no-one can act against these anti-democratic crooks. This proves that Thailand is still a sub-developed country.

Please go and eat some ants.

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