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No more green cans of Schweppes Soda Manao?


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I may have just drank the last can of A&W root beer in Thailand. Tesco/Lotus used to stock it, so did TopMarket. It disappeared from there so I bought cans to take home from Subway Sandwiches, they've been out of stock in Bangkok and Ubon for a month. The last source was the N-Joy bar in Ubon, they got them from Makro. I went to Makro today and they said "mia mee, no have".

Maybe they both came from the same importer?

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Suradit69, on 08 May 2014 - 12:55, said:

Rorri, on 08 May 2014 - 11:49, said:

cacruden, on 08 May 2014 - 08:35, said:cacruden, on 08 May 2014 - 08:35, said:

I find the supply chain to go in cycles with (soda) pop. It will go for weeks without stock in something (like tonic water) then it will reappear (which it just did), or Coke Zero. Not sure it is the bottlers or the stores that can't seem to manage supply.... but it has been like that for years.

I find it amazing that stores run out of popular items, but will have shelves stocked with items not so popular. Being of simple mind, if I owned a store, I would stock more of the popular items and less of the less popular ones... but then as I said, I am of simple mind.

"I find it amazing that stores run out of popular items, but will have shelves stocked with items not so popular. Being of simple mind, if I owned a store, I would stock more of the popular items and less of the less popular ones... but then as I said, I am of simple mind."

They run out of popular items because they're popular and the supplier can't keep up with the demand or there's a poor distribution network, which is out of the control of the retailer. When they get in a new supply of something and put it on the shelves, it may appear to be over-stocked when you see how much is available, but that doesn't mean it's unpopular. Most of the large retailers have stacks and stacks of rice. That doesn't imply that rice is unpopular. Quite the opposite.

The large supermarkets have very good monitors on inventory, but they can't always keep the shelves full of things you think are popular. They're going to give priority to things that generate the most profit and that they know are wanted by the majority of customers as far as they are able.You may or may not be simple-minded, as you say, but clearly you're easily amazed and think your tastes are all that retail stores should cater for.

Another example of a self absorbed view of the world:


I was always told, high turn over means profit, low turn over means shelf space taken up be non profit making goods... if distribution is problem then order more in on your order. You can go into Tesco or Big C any time and find popular ideas shelf empty, distribution is not an excuse, if a manger gave me that reason he would be looking for a new job. Slow moving products do not make profit, order less and make space for those products that do sell. The same thing happens in clothing, popular sizes disappear, leaving racks full of non popular sizes.... now, don't try and tell me that L, XL, XXL sizes are on the shelves because they sell more of them...Thais are not that big.

I agree with this. Many times Lotus or any big shop has some products on sale, but they don't stock more to support that sale. What happens is that some customers who own a small shop just buy up the complete stock if some product is a few baht cheaper. This is very annoying, since those products on sale go quickly out of stock. Of course these sales items are just to draw customers, so they really don't give a f... when those items run out of stock. I really hate it when they discount a product that I need, since that means that about 8 of the 10 times that product will be out of stock.

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take some water, 10 teaspoon of sugar and some mango flavoring and mix well

and you have your self a mango drink... because this is what you're getting there...

Just use lime juice (nam manao) instead of mango 555

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They had some in Market Villa in Hua Hin in 24 can boxes. Unfortunately now they've also run out. There are some in the G supermarket on Soi 88 apparently. I've also noticed that the orangey/red can of ginger ale they do is also out. Schweppes is owned by coca-cola, I wonder if they're just stopping making it. :-(

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But i drink soda water now for the fizzy bite but some say thats not that good for you either

Soda water is just water and carbonic acid (which breaks down to carbon dioxide when opened), nothing else. So it is good for you.

I think some people get confused by the term 'soda' which suggests there would be actual soda in it (and therefore be high in sodium) which there isn't.

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Its the same up here in Chiang Mai.... no Manao soda! Very frustrating as its a real nice drink, goes so well with just about any white spirits w00t.gif

Ive also noted a severe dought of beer Lao Dark, lots of the lager still about tho. Unfortunately the customers at the missus shop only like the dark Lao.

Hope the both appear on the shop shelves again soon

I just arrived back in CM. I'm with you on both counts. I did get one can of the Manao at a local mini and would have bought more if I knew there was a supply problem. Also checked 3 or 4 Makros and no Lao Dark? I've been away about three months and discovered another problem. What the heck happened to the decent red wines? Now I'm seeing mostly red box wines with fruit flavoring....YUCK! I use to buy a California called Bota Box which was a little high for some (about 1,300 Baht) but it still broke out to about $10 for a 750ml bottle. I'm getting frustrated!

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according to Villa Market in Phuket, Schweppes in BKK does not have product to ship.

that means that the clowns at Schw FORGOT to manufacture the manao soda!

(the problem is not shipping it or distribution).

even after more than 5 yrs here, i still am ASTOUNDED that crazy shit like this can happen.

Schw is losing alot of money daily... who is asleep at the wheel up there?

this is a private sector company failing to make a popular product.

i checked the Schw website and it is online only in Eur....


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take some water, 10 teaspoon of sugar and some mango flavoring and mix well

and you have your self a mango drink... because this is what you're getting there...

manao is lime, not mango!

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Picked up 6 cans from Rimping near the Iron bridge. They have about 3 cases on the shelves....missus is happy again. Sugar rush to the rescue!

Sent from my GT-I8552B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Went into Macro Mae Rim this afternoon and they had a pallet load right in front of the booze area. I note the price has increased from 59 to 60 baht per 6 pack....oh no, what am I to do? cheesy.gif

Good to see in back in quantity, well at least it is up here in Chiang Mai


Edited by CMKiwi
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The lack of soda manao has now extended to L&M green cigarettes (not the regular ones the small black packet that's 57 baht) - sold out everywhere. What's going on????!

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