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Up until Friday last week I could click on the link in the ThaiVisa Newsletter and this would open the link in my default browser (Firefox).

Now it opens the browser but I get a Timed Out notification and the web page does not appear.

I have gone to http://www.websitedown.info/ and entered the address http://newsletter.thaivisa.com/ and it gives me a message saying "Unfortunately we did not receive a 200 OK HTTP status code as a response. This means that the website is currently unavailable and down for everybody (not just you)"

Has anybody have the same problem or can suggest a cure.

Many thanks in advance


We are monitoring the websites in real time, and I can't find any strange things on our side..

Do you get the same issue if you try with Chrome browser or another browser?

Where are you accessing from (country, city)?

What is your ISP?

Have you tried using Google DNS (


Hi George,

I have tried copying the hyperlink from the newsletter e-mail and pasting directly into Internet Explorer and have the same Time Out problem.

My internet Explorer is the latest updated version and is bog-standard as I do not use it.

I connect through TOT in Pattaya.

Don't know how to try "Google DNS (".

Cheers, Phil



newsletter.thaivisa.com is currently being hosted at

www.thaivisa.com is currently being hosted at

If you are getting the same response from multiple browsers then it probably a problem with your ISP host router dumping or misdirecting the newsletter(dot) requests.

A work-around would be to use a proxy service to access the site. To test, you can either manually enter a Proxy IP and Port in the settings of your browser or download and install a Browser Extension that will handle it for you.

Online Proxy Server List shows open proxies worldwide listed by country (use the pull-down tab of the same name to select countries). Copy the IP and PORT into the setting of your browser for proxy service. Once enabled you should be able to view the problematic website immediately upon refresh.

If you set a Proxy manually, ALL site requests will be redirected through the proxy. If you download and install a browser extension like HOLA! that lets you set a specific country proxy based on the initial url, not affecting other pages requests.


Hi RichCor,

I have done as you suggested and manually configured a proxy server obtained from the Thai Online Proxy Server List link you gave me.

Everything is working fine now. Thanks a million.

Does this mean that my ISP (TOT Thailand) needs to rectify something to allow normal access through the newsletter links. If so any ideas who / where at TOT I contact.

Cheers, Phil


Reported this months ago, also with thaivisa.com

I use Chrome and installed a chrome add on called 'Zenmate' for chrome, = no more problems, fastest loading for everything ThaiVisa is using Singapore IP. but fine with UK [also watch UK TV] it is very simple to switch on and off or change Country.. eg: Bangkok Post and Sanook will not open via UK IP. [or is painfully slow] so 1x simple click and Zenmate is off. for me was much easier than keep changing to a different Proxy... NO idea is there something very simple like this for Firefox ?

Just a note, also the same problem opening on some friends PC's and Laptops have tried a few + tried in a Internet Cafe same.


TOT provides a Fault Report webpage* that gets send directly to the Network Operations Center headquartered in Bangkok for

  • HighSpeed Internet / ADSL
  • Fixed Line (Landline Phone). SPC Service
  • Public Telephone
  • FTTx Service
  • Circuit / Leased Line

::Initial Problem Detail/Service

* (Thai/English language toggle at bottom of page)

Also, I've found it easier if I provide the Name and Number of a Thai speaker who can either translate or directly understands the issue being reported when they do the callback as English ican be hit or miss


Myself tried on friends PC's and Laptops over the months = No Data sent - cannot connect - timed out etc..... myself on TRUE, also tried 3BB, and TOT and tried on a friends Business PC's on different OS and browsers PC's on High Speed Business CS LOXINFO..

It is not always just often cannot get Thaivisa.. makes no difference to me as just change the IP address it opens as soon as you click it..


Happens to me all the time, have been around for quite an while. Same problem as loading forum pages as well as topics.

Wait for some time and hit reload. It helps every now and then.



Hi George,

The problem seems to be because the newsletter link does not contain "www." - When the links are successfully executed and you get the forum page displayed the address for the page is www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/xxxxxxx.....

Why can't the newsletter just have this link so there is no problem?

If it's a monetary reason that ties in with site hits then so be it, but at the moment it's giving problems going via ".newsletter.thaivisa.com" to get to "www.thaivisa.com.......".

Let me know if you are going to change anything at your end.

Cheers, Phil



Did you create a 'Trouble Ticket' using the TOT Fault Report webpage posted previously?

I would suggest you include your currently assigned IP Address and Gateway, the full webpage url you are trying to reach, and the exact response your browser is displaying, and the Proxy IP/Port that used that does allow the url address data to be received and rendered. This will allow the NOC to see why that url either isn't being resolved by your DNS, or why it isn't being routed through the ISP equipment to you.

Another option is to request the official 'TOT Proxy Address' and have it permanently set in your browser. This seems to be the common quick answer for many on other ISP services.


Hi RichCor,

I did post a TOT Fault report and as yet have not received any notification of receipt. I included the newsletter address and explained that it would not connect and "Timed Out".

I will request the official TOT Proxy Address if I can find out how to do it.

Thanks for your time, appreciated.

Cheers, Phil


Hi George,

The problem seems to be because the newsletter link does not contain "www." - When the links are successfully executed and you get the forum page displayed the address for the page is www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/xxxxxxx.....

Why can't the newsletter just have this link so there is no problem?

If it's a monetary reason that ties in with site hits then so be it, but at the moment it's giving problems going via ".newsletter.thaivisa.com" to get to "www.thaivisa.com.......".

Let me know if you are going to change anything at your end.

Cheers, Phil

The problem is not with thaivisa servers. The issue is with your ISP or DNS. I suspect your DNS.

There is nothing to change at our end, as all is setup as it should be.


No idea about the Tech things of connecting.... my DNS ? is set on

Using True, had a number of sites open, ThaiVisa was loading, after about a hour refreshed Thaivisa and twice more over next 30 mins, never loaded today,

but often says No date sent...


We're sorry, but we were unable to locate the page you requested...


The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

but changed to UK or Singapore in Zenmate and refresh = instantly opened.

It is a pain, as many sites Sanook, Bangkok Post, Home Pro, one2car etc, will open set on UK but painfully slow, just have to keep clicking on Zenmate to change, not being as young as I was keep forgetting = confussing


Hi George

I'm still having problems, have tried with DNS and Automatic DNS but does not work with either, still stalling at newsletter.thaivisa.com.

Below is the events when trying to connect to a property advert:

no proxy server
1) click link in newsletter e-mail for a property related link
2) newsletter.thaivisa.com - Timed Our - server busy or not available
3) connect through Proxy Server and refresh page
4) goes to property.thaivisa.com in address bar and the page stalls trying to load www.google.com
5) stop page loading and disconnect connection through Proxy Server and refresh page
6) page stalls reading google-analytics.com
7) stop page loading and refresh
8) page stalls transferring data from analytics.shareaholic.com (still property.thaivisa.com in address bar)
9) stop page loading and connect through Proxy Server and refresh page
10) page stalls reading 2-psgoogleusercontent.com (still property.thaivisa.com in address bar)
11) disconnect connection through Proxy Server and refresh page
12) page stalls transferring data from analytics.shareaholic.com (still property.thaivisa.com in address bar)

Realise I'm in a loop and will never get to see the advert.

George, I'm using the National Carrier ISP (TOT) and cannot connect with standard installations of Firefox and Internet Explorer.
Have you any more suggestions?

Cheers, Phil



I would strongly suggest you install HOLA! Better Internet to your default web browser.

The HOLA browser extension software will normally set the proxy redirect to OFF.

When you encounter a stubbornly slow or problematic website you can then select a country proxy for HOLA to connect through. (HOLA will remember this setting and use it in the future to connect to the same site, no other sites will use the proxy unless you select a country). My go to country of choice is Singapore.

This should give you the best of both worlds. Utilize the proxy only on those sites that require it, no proxy for all other browser traffic.

I am surprised that there was no response to your TOT Fault Report. Last year I submitted 12 - 18 fault reports and they responded to each and every one, usually by calling the phone number I provided on the form and notifying us of their actions.

Note that I never submitted a Fault Report for issues concerning network switch/routing issues as I believe that is beyond their paygrade to resolve, and any 'fix' would be undone with the next NOC power outage. My use of the HOLA browser extension circumvents many of these issues to my satisfaction quite nicely.

// Dear HOLA, please at least send me a company MUG or a T-Shirt for pushing your product. No, I do not want a mouse pad.

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