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Foreign tourist arrivals projection slashed: TAT

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There are several factors that are contributing to this issue...the most obvious being the political situation but there are several other significant factors as well. One, the Thai culture actually seems to be devolving and their global image is suffering from it. The younger generations are exuding a false confidence to a cocky and offesnsive extent and the extreme superficial nature and values that have apparently developed are the worst I have ever seen anywhere in the world. It is a real turn off. Even my Thai elder friends reflect this same statement. I was in BKK a few weeks ago and met some very nice Chinese tourists that had just arrived in BKK for the first time. They were initially excited abut their trip but after one day of seeing inflated pricesa dn the treatment of the Thais to them, they left and went back. I personally helped them get the cab to the airport. The lack of awareness and respect to other cultures outside of Thailand is also a factor. The more and longer duration in which this occurs the more the rest of the world will take notice. Two, surroubing countries which have retained more of their natural beauty and have been inaccessible of recent times due to rogue governments and conflicts are now moving in positive directions and going to great efforts to campaign with global leaders to encourage international economic agreements. Three, recent inflation and rising costs in Thailand are making tourists turn elsewhere. Another good point was made in these regards in the article about Swedes not vacationing here anymore. The US dollar has decreased in value making the vacation spots of the West that are more desirable than thailand more accessible. Regardless of the impression Thais have, most of the foreigners who vacation here that are not sex pats are not wealthy. They came here for the affordability. This coupled with point three means the tourists will go to the now more desirable countries located just outside of Thailand in all directions. Next, the environmental state of Thailand has gone to Haides in a hand basket which is another HUGE turn off for tourists. I hate to say it, but Thailand is in for darker days ahead, and it extends far beyond the current political crisis. To think the AEC is going to be your saving grace is false as well. The internationl community will go the the cheaper destination with a more manageable work force. Need to educate, and learn to listen or I predict the fall will be swift and severe. I have been in Thailand for two years and even I have seen drastic change. Now, i am only here for one reason, I actually found one of the good girls here and she doesn't want to leave her family...but even she is starting to change her tune in that regard.

You met some nice Chinese tourists?????? sort of makes your post lose all credibility, still, maybe its possible.

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Thailand, past it's sell by date.

Totally agree and Tats stupid initiatives will not halt the decline,Myanmar if they do it the right way could overtake Thailand as a Tourist destination quite soon,as i said in another thread,what has this country now got to offer that cannot be done better in nieghbouring nations?

Sex. That's the reason 90% come to Thailand in the first place.

Bad 'sex'!

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Thailand, past it's sell by date.

Well, if your still living here, time to pack your bags and < deleted > off....

More than likely you commenting from another country, so JUST shut your trap....

But, to those who've been here a while and have perception, he's right, aussieboy.

It's still good but has done itself in somewhat, largely through KhunT.

It would be great to see Burma rise again. Nice people and culture and that coastline just goes on and on.

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Thailand, past it's sell by date.

Well, if your still living here, time to pack your bags and < deleted > off....

More than likely you commenting from another country, so JUST shut your trap....

But, to those who've been here a while and have perception, he's right, aussieboy.

It's still good but has done itself in somewhat, largely through KhunT.

It would be great to see Burma rise again. Nice people and culture and that coastline just goes on and on.

Agree,the coast line of Burma has hundreds of islands,many would be in Pristine condition,if things continue to progress there,it will be a great area to visit,i just hope,they don't ruin it.

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I wonder how many of those tourists are defacto residents doing visa runs? Anyone know the impact of Hitler coming to power had on tourist business for Germany?

Please review your history. Bringing Hitler into this discussion is tasteless and irrelevant. It also calls into question the sobriety of the post.

My question about tourism under Hitler has to do with certain aspects of Suthep et al have a familiar ring, as many have pointed out. Some may prefer a stable one party system (which seems like what PDRC wants, since they won't take part in elections). Did tourism increase under Hitlers firm control compared to the somewhat chaotic situation earlier? FYI I rarely have a drink, and if tasteless bothers you, I suggest you limit your intake of TV. Part of the fun I reckon.

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They're gone.

The body politic seems like blind man struggling to the buffers.

A spokesmonger at Nana explained in the brave new world we're


Eyeless in Gaza is a bestselling novel by Aldous Huxley, first published in 1936. The title originates from a phrase in John Milton'sSamson Agonistes:

... Promise was that I Should Israel from Philistian yoke deliver; Ask for this great deliverer now, and find him Eyeless in Gaza at the Mill with slaves . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eyeless_in_Gaza
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