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Bangkok: BMW driver denies he meant to kill motorcyclist who robbed him


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If I were him, I wouldn't have reacted to the motorcyclist knocking on my window. I find such actions threatening and offensive - although I have never heard of anyone asking for directions by knocking on someone's car window. I would have shooed the guy away with my hand and driven away very quickly. The motorcyclist would still be alive and the guy wouldn't have had anything stolen if he did that.

This is kind of a weird case and I agree that the BMW driver probably didn't want to kill the motorcyclist.

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Nobody gives a sh.t about what kind of car he was driving. It's just a car like all the others.

By the way the robber went from zero to karma in a couple of minutes. Boy is fast.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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From the full artical it sounds like this guy was a scumbag,who got his just desserts.

You only hear one side of the story because the other guy is dead.

So you fully support killing anyone who robs you?

Why bother with police and legal systems? Just kill anyone you see doing anything wrong.

My God what a world we are going in to!

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i'm surprised this type of thing doesn't happen more often. thai's know the police are hopeless so the best chance they have of justice is to sort it out for themselves.

Welcome to the wild "east".

Yes it is happening more and more but that doesn't make it right.

Most countries have done away with the death penalty but here it seems that the rich can "murder" the poor and get away with it.

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Ok, maybe in this case the dead person was guilty but does he deserve to die for just robbing a rich guy?

If this mentality prevailed in Europe I would be dead by now.

I was once accused of a crime and some guy held me until the police turned up. I was detained for about two hours but in the meantime the police found the real culprit. I was released with an apology as I was 100% innocent.

If there had been the kind of justice that many of you guys are condoning or asking for then I would be 6 foot under now instead of enjoying Thailand.

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Fishy fishy story, If sitting in your car, why would you lower the widow far enough for the guy to punch you and why hand over you valuables if you are safely in your car - just closed the window and drive off. Also, were the "valuable" found on the motor cyclist.

A bullsh1t story if there was ever one.

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Assuming the driver's story is true, the motorcyclist's family should have to pay compensation to the driver for any damages sustained to his vehicle.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Those of us who've never been robbed through our car windows at knife point can't really imagine what it feels like, and therefore it's difficult to judge someone who's been through this experience.

Rage could be a very possible reaction, and armed with a fast car against a moto, I for one would certainly be tempted to give the guy a little 'nudge', at the very least. As they say, "just saying" :)

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I hope the BMW driver pays compensation to the grocery store.

Police will probably charge the motorcycle rider for breaking & entering

Sent from my SM-T211 using Tapatalk

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According to the Lat Phrao locals, Somkuan had robbed several people in the area.

A fifteen-year-old victim told the police that she had been robbed by Somkuan many times, and he had threatened to hurt her family if she went to the police, Daily News reported.

Sayonara Mr Somkuan. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Edited by Dogmatix
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Fishy fishy story, If sitting in your car, why would you lower the widow far enough for the guy to punch you and why hand over you valuables if you are safely in your car - just closed the window and drive off. Also, were the "valuable" found on the motor cyclist.

A bullsh1t story if there was ever one.

Have you ever driven a car? On most modern cars, when you press the "open window switch", the default action is to roll it down all the way. Since people are normally not overly paranoid or careful, that is usually not considered a problem.

I'm sure the robber did not stand waving his knife outside the rolled down window at a safe distance. Since he was close enough to punch the guy in the car, he was obviously close enough to push his knife into the car also. With a knife an inch or two from your head or neck, pushing the "close window switch" and waiting a second or two for the window to close is something I suspect you will be alone in trying. But good luck with that.

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I recall a similar case in the UK. Local summer event in Bristol in 2004 and the local twenty-one year old hoodlum mugs two eighteen year old lads. Embittered teens catch up with the robber twenty minutes later and endeavour to reclaim their possessions. The robber isn't have any of it so one of them lumps him over the head with a piece of wood at the same event in front of multiple witnesses. Robber dies in hospital later that night of head injuries.

Eighteen-year old assailant subsequently charged with murder and at trial pleads guilty to manslaughter and plea duly accepted by the Court. N.B. the deceased was only hit once over the head with the piece of wood.

The boy was sent down for a token sentence. The deceased had prior convictions for robbery.

Out of this short story, I wouldn't wish anyone dead but invade someone's quiet enjoyment of life at your peril.

By the way, I was at that summer festival and witnessed the deceased holding his head in agony shortly after he was beaten and closely followed the case thereafter.

The token sentence for manslaughter was fair enough. Normal people - the majority - don't take up arms against you for no reason.

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I usually see the problem as a lack of rule of law. In a Western county, the 15 year old girl and the several locals who said this guy had robbed many times would not have been afraid to go to the police. The police would have taken action and the guy would have been off the streets.

Through the news, I know of a guy in the US who's in prison for killing a thief who had stolen and was putting the killer's home stereo in his car. The rule is always that a life is more valuable than property. The burgled homeowner was supposed to take down the robber's license number and call the police who would have busted the thief.

If I killed a guy while he was robbing me with a knife I'd be in the clear. But after the robbery when the thief is leaving and my life is no longer in jeopardy, then I can't kill a guy over a stereo.

But Thais don't have the rule of law and faith in the police. We all know the various and sometimes outrageous stories of police inaction and corruption.

It seems like the Wild West. If you feel you need something done, you have to do it yourself. Personally I hope the BMW driver walks. He skimmed some scum off the pond that never should have been left there.

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Fishy fishy story, If sitting in your car, why would you lower the widow far enough for the guy to punch you and why hand over you valuables if you are safely in your car - just closed the window and drive off. Also, were the "valuable" found on the motor cyclist.

A bullsh1t story if there was ever one.

Are you suggesting the BMW driver woke up that morning and decided it would be a good day to run over a motorcyclist and had the good fortune to run over one with a criminal history?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I hope the BMW driver pays compensation to the grocery store.

Grinned over your comment: - in awe about your Churchill - Quote:

" The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is. Winston Churchill"

Absolutely brilliant !


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