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Bangkok: BMW driver denies he meant to kill motorcyclist who robbed him


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Fishy fishy story, If sitting in your car, why would you lower the widow far enough for the guy to punch you and why hand over you valuables if you are safely in your car - just closed the window and drive off. Also, were the "valuable" found on the motor cyclist.

A bullsh1t story if there was ever one.

Are you suggesting the BMW driver woke up that morning and decided it would be a good day to run over a motorcyclist and had the good fortune to run over one with a criminal history?

Good chance it was just a case of road rage - might well be co-incidental that the dead guy was a crook. Would be interesting to know if the valuables were on the dead guy or in the possession of the driver.

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Looking at the OP. article and responses there are a couple of questions in my head.

Assume for the sake of argument that the robbery and assault are factual.

What did the driver of the car intend to do when he caught up with this armed and dangerous criminal?

In chasing the thief /assailant was he not driving dangerously and putting other people at risk? (BKK roads are bad enough on any day)

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Fishy fishy story, If sitting in your car, why would you lower the widow far enough for the guy to punch you and why hand over you valuables if you are safely in your car - just closed the window and drive off. Also, were the "valuable" found on the motor cyclist.

A bullsh1t story if there was ever one.

Have you ever driven a car? On most modern cars, when you press the "open window switch", the default action is to roll it down all the way. Since people are normally not overly paranoid or careful, that is usually not considered a problem.

I'm sure the robber did not stand waving his knife outside the rolled down window at a safe distance. Since he was close enough to punch the guy in the car, he was obviously close enough to push his knife into the car also. With a knife an inch or two from your head or neck, pushing the "close window switch" and waiting a second or two for the window to close is something I suspect you will be alone in trying. But good luck with that.

Yes, I have driven a car - for more than 50 years throughout the world including Thailand for the past 12 years.

Do you actually live in Thailand?

As for most people not being overly paranoid - you certainly don't know Thai people - no one in their right mind would roll their window down in the middle of the night to someone tapping on the car window.

More like a simple case of I'm a BMW driver and someone special / road rage.

But lets assume he was robbed, then the comment "didn't mean to kill the motorcyclists" doesn't wash - it was premeditated murder - chased and rammed the motor cycle and by the look of the mess - at pretty high speed.

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No way that a) A BMW driver would ever wind down his window for somebody on the street and cool.png would he ever care to give anyone directions. This is just road rage taken to its extreme

AFAIK drivers of BMWs, at least the modern ones, don't actually have to wind down the window. When in a BMW, one lowers the window electrically.wink.png

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Fishy fishy story, If sitting in your car, why would you lower the widow far enough for the guy to punch you and why hand over you valuables if you are safely in your car - just closed the window and drive off. Also, were the "valuable" found on the motor cyclist.

A bullsh1t story if there was ever one.

I wouldn't open my window in such circumstances, I also drive with my doors locked, however, not everyone is the same.

The fiddlie auto window mode of the drivers window makes this story possible in my eyes and a thorough and proper examination of the collision scene and it's physical evidence would most likely tell the truths to what happened there. No doubt none of which was even much of a concern.

Fortunately no third party was injured or killed.

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What good are people like this anyway, all they do is cause pain and suffering to other people. After all, it was the guy on the bike who decided to break the law. Can't blame the driver at all.

Unless the driver made up the story about being robbed.

Any witnesses?

No witnesses but in the full story is this, so it does indirectly support the BMW drivers version.

A fifteen-year-old victim told the police that she had been robbed by Somkuan many times, and he had threatened to hurt her family if she went to the police, Daily News reported.

I did read the full story in the link and rapidly came to the conclusion that lad was not well liked and had prior.

But you can't avoid the fact that if there were no witnesses to this particular event, it isn't clear that the driver is telling the truth.

In all probability, he probably is, but you can't be 100% certain.

so the driver had the presence of mind to plant his belonging on the body before the police arrived with all the witnesses from the shop watching, you really should read the articles in full before commenting, he was robbed the guy had his wallet and belongings

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Well, If you have to rob someone in Thailand, robbing the rich is best, since Thai rich got their money from robbing the poor. Flame away hi-so defenders.

In your perfect world, no one would get wealthier than the next person. No incentive to work harder or take a risk to invest in a business that hired people for the very fact of hiring people is exploitive. Hey, we could all go back to living in caves because modern society with all its amenities would't exist if some people didn't work for other people to build something bigger than a one-person enterprise. We could stop having new inventions, drug companies would have to stop operations, no more hospitals, doctors, etc.. You're a genius. All the society's problems would be solved if no one got rich. How stupid am I to still believe in Capitalism and the profit motive. Communism has proven to improved the lives of billions, the world over, and I am just too blind to see it. /sarc

I'll bet you wouldn't have a computer and INTERNET access to write on this forum if not for capitalism. Duh!

I believe you just railed against Anarchism, despite the original poster specifically referencing the Thai political/economic system, rather than Capitalism in general.

I hope you atleast feel better for getting that verbose and simplistic rant off your chest.

Edited by BeforeTigers
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Well I don't know if the robber deserved death or not but kudos to the BMW driver for going after him!

I say the robber did deserve death, I would definitely try and kill someone who tried to rob me. Well done the BMW driver.

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In Texas they have a saying "If you don't start something, there will not be something". Reading where he had a habit of robbing people, sounds like Justice done and the price was right. Sounds like "Legal Pursuit" of a felon !!


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Well, If you have to rob someone in Thailand, robbing the rich is best, since Thai rich got their money from robbing the poor. Flame away hi-so defenders.

In most cases that is right, but it would apply in any country

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Well, If you have to rob someone in Thailand, robbing the rich is best, since Thai rich got their money from robbing the poor. Flame away hi-so defenders.

In your perfect world, no one would get wealthier than the next person. No incentive to work harder or take a risk to invest in a business that hired people for the very fact of hiring people is exploitive. Hey, we could all go back to living in caves because modern society with all its amenities would't exist if some people didn't work for other people to build something bigger than a one-person enterprise. We could stop having new inventions, drug companies would have to stop operations, no more hospitals, doctors, etc.. You're a genius. All the society's problems would be solved if no one got rich. How stupid am I to still believe in Capitalism and the profit motive. Communism has proven to improved the lives of billions, the world over, and I am just too blind to see it. /sarc

I'll bet you wouldn't have a computer and INTERNET access to write on this forum if not for capitalism. Duh!

I believe you just railed against Anarchism, despite the original poster specifically referencing the Thai political/economic system, rather than Capitalism in general.

I hope you atleast feel better for getting that verbose and simplistic rant off your chest.

Here's the jist of cgphuket's post: Thai rich got their money from robbing the poor.

There's nothing political in it. It has nothing to do with anarchy and everything to do with Communism. Communists like to blame the rich (doers) for all the evils of the world to gain the sympathy/support of the poor. They and he (cgphuket) breed class hatred/warfare. cgphuket didn't say that SOME Thai rich got their money from robbing the poor, he said ALL did. Communists abhor the freedom that wealth provides. Compare the wealth of the bottom 50% of Thais today to the wealth of the bottom 50% of Thais 50 years ago and you will see that wealth has been created for all and yes, some got wealthier than others. So what? If everybody is better off why the hate that some got more? Wealth is not a finite commodity;, smart people can create more than there was before and everyone gets a share. Are you that uneducated? The only system that creates wealthy individuals is Capitalism so an attack on anyone with wealth, because of their wealth, is an attack on Capitalism. I worked hard for my wealth (what little there is of it) and I created jobs where there were none and I didn't rob anyone. I created opportunity and if no one wanted the opportunity I created, then I would not have succeeded. BTW, I'll never finish my rant against Communists as long as even one is still alive. The are a cancer on society, they never contribute to society, but only feed on creating disharmony and class hatred.

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I dont see a problem with this

Douchebag Robs some guy with a knife and assaulting him victim chases his down and give him some of his own medicine accidently killing him.


If the Douche did not rob him he would still be alive

I dont think anyone is going to miss the scumbag.

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From the full artical it sounds like this guy was a scumbag,who got his just desserts.

You only hear one side of the story because the other guy is dead.

So you fully support killing anyone who robs you?

Why bother with police and legal systems? Just kill anyone you see doing anything wrong.

My God what a world we are going in to!

Interesting isn't?

A previous post about an alleged motor scooter thief dying in jail had everyone up in arms. Now they are all happy because another alleged thief is dead.

I guess it could be that the first mentioned thief was a farang.

Also interesting that many posters bay for blood when a rich heir kills a policeman on his motorbike and uses whatever means he can to escape punishment and is derided by the general TV populace.Yet another (hiso perhaps) gets the proverbial pat on the back for killing another motorcyclist in his BMW.

Was the Beemer driver drug and alcohol tested? It was 1 AM after all.

Was he really robbed?

Was the teenager paid to give evidence that the motorcyclist was a bad guy?

We will most likely never know.

And most will not care as they await the next edition of TV to comment on.

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Anyways...here is to the fool and his newspaper...

Sucker born every minute.

Believe what you want.... the man is dead, and no court will ever need to be assembled to determine what actually happened, that was not in the newspaper you just read.

For all the jerks flaming Fox news, but believe everything written in Thailand...here is a big laugh for ya, from the fat lady in the trailer park on her way to walmart...\\cheesy.gif

Edited by slipperylobster
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From the full artical it sounds like this guy was a scumbag,who got his just desserts.

You only hear one side of the story because the other guy is dead.

So you fully support killing anyone who robs you?

Why bother with police and legal systems? Just kill anyone you see doing anything wrong.

My God what a world we are going in to!

Interesting isn't?

A previous post about an alleged motor scooter thief dying in jail had everyone up in arms. Now they are all happy because another alleged thief is dead.

I guess it could be that the first mentioned thief was a farang.

Also interesting that many posters bay for blood when a rich heir kills a policeman on his motorbike and uses whatever means he can to escape punishment and is derided by the general TV populace.Yet another (hiso perhaps) gets the proverbial pat on the back for killing another motorcyclist in his BMW.

Was the Beemer driver drug and alcohol tested? It was 1 AM after all.

Was he really robbed?

Was the teenager paid to give evidence that the motorcyclist was a bad guy?

We will most likely never know.

And most will not care as they await the next edition of TV to comment on.

And the moral of the story is, don't steal and you won't die!

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Well I don't know if the robber deserved death or not but kudos to the BMW driver for going after him!

Armed robbery, I think that deserves death. I have no pity for anyone who threatens the lives of others for financial benefit. The BMW driver will probably be charged with negligent homicide nevertheless because he acted after the robbery. That carries a hefty fine (up to 20,000 baht) and he will probably need to pay compensation to the thief's family if he wants to avoid a prison sentence.

In Thailand guy in bmw > guy on bike

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Well I don't know if the robber deserved death or not but kudos to the BMW driver for going after him!

I say the robber did deserve death, I would definitely try and kill someone who tried to rob me. Well done the BMW driver.

If you did that, you deserve prison..

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Well I don't know if the robber deserved death or not but kudos to the BMW driver for going after him!

I say the robber did deserve death, I would definitely try and kill someone who tried to rob me. Well done the BMW driver.

If you did that, you deserve prison..

I bet you were a culprit like that scooter driver, that's why you show so much of empathy.

dog deserves dog's death...

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