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Thai man owes my gf 9k. Rule n.o 1: never intervene in a thai dispute


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Stay away from the scene Mr. Farang gentleman,

your gf can ask her family fisrt, and try in as friendly way, otherwise hey go to the police,

NOT advise you suggest your gf to propose to the police to share or any, by the law it's illegal, as attempt to give bribe to police could considered as bribe.. corruption, however, depend on the situation and how the show their cooperation and hints,

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You can screw him well in other ways. Make sure to spread the word about his reputation. He will pay by having no customers sooner or later.

This just opens up a whole other can of worms in regard to a revenge defamation claim, since even if you can get the validity of the alleged defamatory statements incorporated into the defence (I say 'even' because whether the claim is truthful or not is not always admissable) the defendent has the responsibility of proving the claim to be true - likely impossible to do without a written contract regarding the deposit.

Unlikely over a small amount of course, but you never know when you might piss off someone who happens to have a favour they can call in from a lawyer friend. Tread carefully.

One of those cases where regardless of the principle it might be better to forget it and move on - at least it was 9k, not 90k or 900k.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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You can screw him well in other ways. Make sure to spread the word about his reputation. He will pay by having no customers sooner or later.

This just opens up a whole other can of worms in regard to a revenge defamation claim, since even if you can get the validity of the alleged defamatory statements incorporated into the defence (I say 'even' because whether the claim is truthful or not is not always admissable) the defendent has the responsibility of proving the claim to be true - likely impossible to do without a written contract regarding the deposit.

Unlikely over a small amount of course, but you never know when you might piss off someone who happens to have a favour they can call in from a lawyer friend. Tread carefully.

One of those cases where regardless of the principle it might be better to forget it and move on - at least it was 9k, not 90k or 900k.

As if he could prove anything. As if he would even know who was defamating him. As if the Thai law even worked.

What you say is more likely to happen in a country like the US, but even there the law fails miserably.

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As if he could prove anything. As if he would even know who was defamating him. As if the Thai law even worked.

What you say is more likely to happen in a country like the US, but even there the law fails miserably.

Not so sure about that myself, 'word getting around' works both ways, quite feasible that someone mentions negative comments to the owner.

Take a look at this recent case - http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/australian-businesswoman-arrested-in-thailand-for-criminal-defamation/story-e6frg6nf-1226370965969

Sketchy and likely inadmissible evidence of comments made in private, but still arrested, prevented from leaving the country, and bailed on a 50k bond.

Sure it probably wouldn't go anywhere in the end, but big inconveniences in the meantime.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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As if he could prove anything. As if he would even know who was defamating him. As if the Thai law even worked.

What you say is more likely to happen in a country like the US, but even there the law fails miserably.

Not so sure about that myself, 'word getting around' works both ways, quite feasible that someone mentions negative comments to the owner.

Take a look at this recent case - http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/australian-businesswoman-arrested-in-thailand-for-criminal-defamation/story-e6frg6nf-1226370965969

Sketchy and likely inadmissible evidence of comments made in private, but still arrested, prevented from leaving the country, and bailed on a 50k bond.

Sure it probably wouldn't go anywhere in the end, but big inconveniences in the meantime.

That case is about a gold mining company, hard to compare with the auto dealer across the street :)

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don't get mad get even...and heres how you do it...

collect a bucket of really smelly dog poo

mix it with some sticky liquid to form a smooth slurry

leave to stand for several days in the heat

get someone to visit his forecourt in the dead of night

pour the nasty smelling concoction into the air intake for the air conditioning system (use a funnel) in front of the windscreen on several of his most expensive cars...wipe up any over spill from the bonnet

the cars will be unsaleable and even if dismantled to clean the air con they will never be able to get rid of the smell

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don't get mad get even...and heres how you do it...

collect a bucket of really smelly dog poo

mix it with some sticky liquid to form a smooth slurry

leave to stand for several days in the heat

get someone to visit his forecourt in the dead of night

pour the nasty smelling concoction into the air intake for the air conditioning system (use a funnel) in front of the windscreen on several of his most expensive cars...wipe up any over spill from the bonnet

the cars will be unsaleable and even if dismantled to clean the air con they will never be able to get rid of the smell

NIce variation on the raw fish inside the curtain rails technique :)

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This whole thing shows farangs at their worse.

1. Interfering in Thai matters.

2. Thinking because you are farang you have the lucky key to solve this.

3. It's only 9k, even the OP can't be that skint.

4. A complete lack of understang where Thai affairs are concerned.

I will have no sympathy when the OP takes the inevitable good hiding that is coming to him.

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don't get mad get even...and heres how you do it...

collect a bucket of really smelly dog poo

mix it with some sticky liquid to form a smooth slurry

leave to stand for several days in the heat

get someone to visit his forecourt in the dead of night

pour the nasty smelling concoction into the air intake for the air conditioning system (use a funnel) in front of the windscreen on several of his most expensive cars...wipe up any over spill from the bonnet

the cars will be unsaleable and even if dismantled to clean the air con they will never be able to get rid of the smell

normally the salesman doesnt own the dealership.........sounds like he just works there

why would any car dealership owner need to borrow 9k from someone ? hes probably just staff if he had to scam 9k of his gik

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Me thinks it quite unfortunate there is no receipt or any legal proof - a legal blunder on your part.

I've had a couple disputes, also one without a receipt - but witnesses instead; one for 15k, and one for 50k.

Do you just trust someone for 9k? Gee...

Seems to me when lawyers and police get involved people seem to magically cough up.

This guy would too I would imagine if there was a legal case - but there's not.

But for 9k? No receipt? Forget it.

Maybe the way to go is to be nice and go ask for it, take payments etc., and threaten to go to the police - so this guy wouldn't lose face.

As far as staying out of it I would stay out because it's not my affair. Sure.

Indeed your Thai lady's father / friend could be a viable alternative.

This guy might not want to lose face in front of prominent Thais. You are different matter though.

Maybe he hates farangs to boot - which could be the problem anyway.

But if it was my affair, I would, and I have as a foreigner, not hesitated to make formal complaints against Thai's - and sue them etc. but I was directly wronged - and later righted - because I stood up for my rights and didn't roll over like a stupid ass sheep.

I'm still alive - maybe a stupid ass farang, but I have my money - and still alive for now - and my integrity - and face.

Maybe because I am a community member in good standing and have 3 lawyers. I'm not quite sure.

9k? Mai bpehn rai nakhrap.

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Let it go and stop trying to make more problems for your girlfriend and yourself.

Sounds like she has learnt her lesson and if she chooses to involve her family to try and collect the money then so be it, otherwise you should forget about it and move on.

What would you do next if your plan doesn't work anyway? Take even more drastic steps and make sure someone will get hurt.

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Hell, if you're the kind of guy who always gets what he wants, why stop at 9k baht? Go for the Grail son. The pot of gold.

Here's a better plan - set up a hidden camera, have your wife seduce the guy then blackmail him. Take his job. Work your way up into owning the car dealership with the backing of your wealthy family. Next, use your diamond edged ambition to pillage your way through all competition and become the supreme auto dealer of all SE Asia. Now is where it really gets good ---> Ingratiate yourself into both the landed aristocracy and the Thaksin nouveau riche - and with singleness of purpose bring them together in the common cause of taking advantage of those folks who don't always get what they want. And in so doing.... unite the country.

And who knows, after that - maybe you can become Secretary General of the UN, or go a different route and set up your own dictatorship. But these are trivial questions for the man who always gets what he wants in this life.

Now, pass the Dos Equis please.

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Sounds like you're more worked up than your GF. It's been too long, I'd just forget about it. She not the first Thai to get duped. It happens to the locals a lot. I doubt the police would get involved, unless you are related to them.

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Dig deep enough and you will find the real story. Why did she sell her car at one dealers and buy at another? Why doesn't she ask her father to go and sort it if he is a pillar of society. She could possibly have sold the car for more or less and money was needed elsewhere!!

I had to actually order the guy to go and get the keys. This sentence says a lot about you.

Drop it there's so much going on around us that we are oblivious to you will probably (at best) end up looking like a real plonker.

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I don't know about Thailand but in Australia recording someone without their permission is illegal,and cannot be used as evidence,i personally would not get involved as another poster said 50% to the cops anyway ,i know you feel it is a matter of principal,but is it worth all the hassle over 9,000 b.

Actually as a private investigator it is not illegal in qld (see electronic listening devices act) in NSW you just have to let all parties know that your recording, I think you spoke before thinking about that response.

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This sound a like a story that can only end in disaster.

In these kinds of situations I don't think it makes any difference if the two parties are Thai/Farang or Thai/Thai. Unless your GFs family are "connected" * this situation could get very bad and very quickly.

In your and their shoes I would chalk it down to history and never mention it again. We're not in Kansas anymore.


* In this I mean has people around them that will protect them if things get violent.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

All this for 9k? I spent that on food and wine last night.

Hahahahahaha! One couldn't make this stuff up.

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9k are you kidding me!! I recently wrote off 50k that someone owed me that I knew I couldn't get back. If it wasnt even worth it for me at 50k what the hell are you thinking 9k jeezw

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

All this for 9k? I spent that on food and wine last night.

Hahahahahaha! One couldn't make this stuff up.

A splendid red from Chile from memory

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There are a lot of FNGs on this site so you should simply figure this one out for yourself. Most of the people here have not done much in Asia. BTW, B9000 is not much to a FNG from the west but it is a great deal to a working Thai, so overall not out of order. There are a number of reasons why your girl (many Thai girls) do not wish to make a fuss over money even in large amounts. Mostly it runs to the Thai cultural concepts like 'glang jai', etc which would take too long to get into here but you should be aware of these. Whether you should do it depends on your personality. If you like a bit of fun in espionage and trying to get back what is yours from a scumbag then go for it. Have some fun and I guarantee you will learn alot more about the Thais and outcomes here then the FNG's on this site that get their experience in bars and such. Don't be put off by the newby comments. Firstly, you absolutely can record a conversation and use it as evidence with the police (and other authorities as well, in fact, I suggest it) as you can with a video. Secondly, the Police will most certainly be very keen on this if the man makes some incriminating remark. KIV, this was a commercial transaction not a personal dispute. As a commercial transaction that would allow that fraud or theft could be involved, it all depends on the police the family get in front of at the time and of course, if that amount of money motivates them at that point. You have the right to make out a police complaint against any such activity and with audio evidence the police would probably consider some form of action. What precise sort of action is part of your learning curve here.

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