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Thailand: Everything is broken

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I stopped reading at the word compromise.....

Compromise is exactly what brought Thailand to that.

What is right must win and what is wrong must loose. No matter if it is Suthep or Thaksin. But a compromise will bring the same problem back 2 years later.

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the day that 7 stop selling ham and cheese toasties is the day that thailand will be called broken till then its just smoke and mirrors.


Don't worry if they do, because they now sell slices of pizza.

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While fairly even-handed, there is one important factor barely touched upon in this Economist editorial. I trust I will not be moderated for mentioning that the future of a very important Thai institution will be crucial also to the political direction of the country in coming years. One could almost say pivotal, if that doesn't sound too hub-like.

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I stopped reading at the word compromise.....

Compromise is exactly what brought Thailand to that.

What is right must win and what is wrong must loose. No matter if it is Suthep or Thaksin. But a compromise will bring the same problem back 2 years later.

This attitude.

That's the problem.

Not yours personally, we're just posters on the internet, but as it manifests in Thai politics and society.

There is no "win".

Even if Thaksin & Co. are removed from office and barred from Thai politics - how long before they get replacement and the whole

thing repeats itself? How about the people who, wrong or right, genuinely support him - do they get thrown out as well? Lose their voting rights?

A "win" is an illusion if one wants this country to have a future.

Compromise does not necessarily mean you give the other side whatever they want.

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Complete garbage from western media that have no depth of understanding for the problems in Thailand. It sounds more like biased tabloid fodder

Of course......this is because Thailand is "different"!!!.....wake up!

The west can see very well what's happening here......do you honestly think that only Thais know what's going on.....do you think also, only Thais understand the problems...???

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Complete garbage from western media that have no depth of understanding for the problems in Thailand. It sounds more like biased tabloid fodder


They aren't trying to write war and peace. So which major details did they omit to say? Or is everything just hunkey dorey in the land of smiles/street protests?

I wonder if Thailand might not have been seriously damaged for FDI by this . This story is being read and listened to by a lot of people in the west. Some people are quite gobsmacked that u can just remove a PM like this, for such an apparently trivial thing.

This Thailand welly speshun, falang no undursatan rubbish is wearing thin.

This is a good article and advocates some good ideas, like democratically elected provincial governors (which the undemocratic PTP don't want. The prefer to appoint their friends),

There has been some very "economic" reporting in the foreign media aimed at trying to trivialize the reason for her removal - like failing to mention the bit about moving him to make way so her ex-brother in law could be made national police chief. The nepotism and clear benefit to the "family" was mysteriously not mentioned. As you say "apparently" trivial when only a small part of the story revealed.

I find the Economist usually fairly good, unlike the BBC that relies on the heavily Thaksin sympathetic Head. The FT (Peel) report was even more selective and written to really prompt support for the Thaksin faction.

When Thais read the bs written by certain journalists, supporters of either camp, it hardly surprising they might thing foreigners don't understand. We know, of course they understand exactly what they write and how it might support their own agenda.

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Complete garbage from western media that have no depth of understanding for the problems in Thailand. It sounds more like biased tabloid fodder

Of course......this is because Thailand is "different"!!!.....wake up!

The west can see very well what's happening here......do you honestly think that only Thais know what's going on.....do you think also, only Thais understand the problems...???

Ah, just like the West understood: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Egypt, Yemen, and just like they're about to understand Nigeria.

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