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Shopping mall three times the size of Siam Paragon to launch in Bangna


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Please provide details of incident 4 years ago.

What day of the week did it occur?


According to the calendar I found in 0.0346 seconds with Google, May 19, 2010 was a Wednesday.

I'm not sure "incident" quite describes it. I'm a little surprised you didn't hear about it. But you can probably find way more pre-written details than I could write for you, if you use the same free Google service I used. Just google "May 19 2010 bangkok" and you'll get ever so many details. And you're very welcome.

Bang Na is somewhat cut off by the traffic and there's a lot of people living there, so a mall in that area should do quite well IMO - the old Imperial there is falling to bits and I imagine it will die a death after this

Well... everyone likes malls that are local. I'm not familiar with the Imperial you mention, but there are four quite large malls right now in the general Bang Na area - Central Bang Na, Mega, Paradise and Seacon Square. There are other specialty ones like Index for example. Other malls and superstores like Makro are very close by.

I'm certain the new mall will do well, they all do well if they are only decently managed (the old Seri Centre's downfall).

Why can't protesters protest inside a shopping mall? Just like protest at the airport.

This one will be perfect.

Shelters + toilet + concert hall + car park, all in.

Red shirts did just that in 2010, not "mall" but "mallS" plural at Ratchaprasong. They seemed quite pleased about it, as you say.

Better example though is that for the last four months or so, the red shirts have been protesting almost exclusively inside the Imperial Lard Phrao mall, just outside the immigration department. It gets quite noisy and interesting at times, if you're a politics junkie.


Edited by wandasloan
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What Bangkok really needs. Bored!

Why can't protesters protest inside a shopping mall? Just like protest at the airport.

This one will be perfect.

Shelters + toilet + concert hall + car park, all in.

Because then they would REALLY lose supporters....

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With three times the same stores...

And three times the amount of untrained 'sales' staff playing with Line, FB, Chat and/or sleeping behind pilars and products. Last time I wanted to buy Arrow shirts at Emporium the lady gave me the pirate look. I was disturbing her smart phone activities and I better walked off.

Not much better at Robinson or Terminal. Yesterday at Chic Republic: "How many years of warranty on those recliners?" "1 year Sir". "But the tag says 10 years". "No 1 year, the tag from the manufacturer is wrong". Too proud to loose face. It is 10 years..... :)

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Pretty soon you will be able to drive from Bangkok to Chonburi and see nothing but concrete and factories.

...what am I saying, it's like that now.

As for the Bangkok Mall in Samut Prakan ....remind me when it's finished so I can avoid the area.

They pave Paradise and put up a shopping mall.

You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone.

With all the new wealth around, rich farmers and factory workers, they need to be able to spend in comfort.

Thailand.........shop till you drop.

Big Yeller Laksi?

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Hate to break it to the thais but they will not be able to afford shopping in these places much longer and the farang can go home and go to the same department stores that sell "A" quality goods as oppsed to the "b" quality they sell here for far cheaper. I hate to break it to Thais but H and M qulaity sucks and is wayyy over priced here. Another brilliant and quite boring idea by the Thais. Really? another shopping mall. I wonder if it goes along with their brilliant idea of opening a store right next to 20 other competitors selling the exact same thing...lol. This place is doomed (Thailand) with the management and guidance I see in Thailand.

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Definately the hub of malls and shop keepers going bust.....Bangna really needs this mall........there shouldn't be that much more traffic generated from a mall this size...should there???blink.png

With Central and Mega now becoming so dated it is a must.


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I hope they're not planning an IKEA 3 times the size of the one at Mega Bangna. Went there once and couldn't find the exit. Thought I was in bloody Narnia....

Yep the Swedes know what they are doing when designing a store. I think they light the exit's just before closing. smile.png


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Yeah, Central Embassy is lovely. Dirty floors, dangling wires, holes in the wall, paper all over the glass, poorly functioning air conditioners, missing panels. Should be finished in about 2 months.

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I know the Thais often demonstrate a grasp of having more money than sense. But just how many shopping malls does it need to prove the adage? And three times larger than Paragon? That place is bad enough, as it is. I trust that when it eventually opens, it will at least be with no holes in the floor.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I just hope they do a better job of floor design and emergency planning than CentralWorld.

Exits are not clearly marked. Egress hallways are not designed as thoroughfares, should there ever be the need for a mass exodus from that building, many persons would become casualties.

Actually the design is ok but its when they start renting to kiosks that fill up the walk ways so in an emergency people fall over each other or get caught in a stampede.

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Holy Moly Batman ..another mall in Bangkok..

Geez ....who would have thought of such an original idea.

I could be wrong but my take on the mall developments, such as this new one being planned, is based on believing that the people behind these developments are flush with cash while the financing is not a problem.

Amongst the developers,They more than likely own the property already bought back when the land was cheap as compared to now .......or it is Crown Property under the Crown Property Bureau, as is often the case, so they are not purchasing anything at sky high prices or needing to borrow money from the banks

They build it now because in the future the cost will be all the more, of course, so might as well build it now.

Even if it does not become a roaring success in the beginning of its life span it will eventually pay off as the population in Bangkok keeps growing ( presently around 12 million plus people ?????? ...I believe)

Every new mall that does open is full of people all the time as it seems to be a national past time going to malls just for the sake of going to malls ...just for fun....so they can say to their friends: "We went to Mega Bang Na" ........."Can you go to Mega Bang Na"??

I go to Mega Bang Na all the time and the place is packed every time I go.

As for how successful { all } the shops are is a question mark but it is apparent that the restaurants and the food court there will always be successful as they are always full of patrons while many of the restaurants have waiting lines.

When I go to the malls around the Bang Na area I am actually impressed with how well they are organized and somewhat impressed by all the ways they display products and arrange the design of each retail store.

When you look at some of the means and ways of displaying products to attract the customers a lot of the ideas are pretty cool looking while wondering where does each retail outlet get all their innovative designs and the actual display systems from.

It becomes obvious someone or some people or some companies are really using their brains and they are very creative with their ideas while we all tend to think the Thais seldom do anything well.

Next time you are at a new mall stop to look and study the display creativity that is applied in lot of the retail stores.

Anyhow it is confirmed well enough that the Thais are avid consumers because if they were not then all those malls would not be as successful as so many of them have been.

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apparently it's easier to build malls than parks here..

Wrong it's all about a bunch of greedy investors who want nothing more than money, money and money. They don't give rats about environmental impacts, feasibility studies or whatsoever...

Money, money an money is the ultimate objective.

And that means another 10 or more years of traffic name wherever it's gonna be built..,

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What is sorely lacking here is competition and antitrust laws to limit the scope and breadth of Central. Clearly the mall group is just trying to catch up. But its ok, this duopoly and their fat profits creates the need for competitors to enter from abroad. On the bulk side its a good time for Costco, Metro or Walmart to enter Thailand. As for retail department store activity, it would be nice to see the likes of TJ Maxx, Macys, Target. For home improvement enthusiasts we would welcome B & Q, Lowes, Home Depot.

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What is sorely lacking here is competition and antitrust laws to limit the scope and breadth of Central. Clearly the mall group is just trying to catch up. But its ok, this duopoly and their fat profits creates the need for competitors to enter from abroad. On the bulk side its a good time for Costco, Metro or Walmart to enter Thailand. As for retail department store activity, it would be nice to see the likes of TJ Maxx, Macys, Target. For home improvement enthusiasts we would welcome B & Q, Lowes, Home Depot.

Yeah, lets allow an ethical and honest retailer like Wal-Mart open up and create their own monopoly, while driving everyone else out of business. Apparenty, you are only opposed to monopolies and duopolies when they are not companies that are 'American' (never mind that in the tax haven/TPP/greed-crazed 21st century, all major companies are multinational and all money is stored where no one can touch it and it is never even put back into circulation). The thing I hate the most about America is that I can go into any city, town, or subdivision, and find the exact same few stores in the exact same mini-malls, including every store you mentioned. The reason that all of my travel is away from North America is that I can go to other countries and see other (different) stores. Of course, every country has their own stores that seem to be on every corner, but at least they are not the same in every country. There are more than enough multinational chain stores in Thailand as it is, and I am sure that number will continue to grow every year, as local companies can never compete with their deep pockets.

As for all this bitterness about malls, why do you all care at all? If you do not like it, do not go. I am sure you all have A/C at home, and you probably run it 24/7. As for the millions who cannot afford such a luxury, shopping malls provide a very welcome escape. Even if they can not afford the latest in Bodega and Miu Miu handbags, they can still enjoy a respite from the heat and a chance to walk around and socialize. If there is one thing that people do too little of this century, it is going out in public and interacting with other humans face to face. Anything that helps make that happen is a good thing, or else they will just spend all their time in an internet never-neverland, losing touch with reality and getting angry about things that have nothing to do with them.

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