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Surapong to sue nine Constitutional Court judges


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Undoubtedly he has a good case against these judges, but who will adjudicate on it? More bent judges!

hahahahahaha as funny as charlem.....can you prove their bent....nooooocoffee1.gif

Yes it can be proven, in an open court that is not biased. All one has to do is watch, listen and be able to read what has been quoted by these people tio interpet what they are aying. If you dont like it go back to your country.

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And soon someone will sue him for suing the judges and so on and so on...

Thailand become litigious society, and irony is that all those lawyers

who are doing the litigations are bunch of dishonest, and crooks themselves....

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Hard to keep track of public enemy number one these days, Suthep, the 9 judges or the fake monk with his thug guards

If you are referring to TVF public enemy No.1, then you win that hands down.

So we have nine judges all coming to the same conclusion, and Surapong disagreeing with it, so the conclusion is that the only one who is in step is Surapong and all of these judges are out of step....?!

Grow up Moo...!

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Undoubtedly he has a good case against these judges, but who will adjudicate on it? More bent judges!

hahahahahaha as funny as charlem.....can you prove their bent....nooooocoffee1.gif

Yes it can be proven, in an open court that is not biased. All one has to do is watch, listen and be able to read what has been quoted by these people tio interpet what they are aying. If you dont like it go back to your country.

We are increasingly seeing certain posters demanding that anyone opposed to their view should "go back to their own country". This is not something that you get from the more astute contributors to this forum, since such contributors are capable of backing up their argument without trying to dispose of the opposition in some way. Please note that I specifically use the term "contributors" so as to effectively exclude a significant group of individuals/trolls who add nothing to the lively debate.

This "go home" stance is, however, typical of the PTP/Red Shirt response to any difficult argument, one which starts with a demand to see opponents "go back home" (as in the case of the demonstrating farmers) and quickly escalates to demonising their opponents with claims of crimes against democracy, subsequently rising to shootings and bombings at the houses of their opponents, and ultimately, much worse.

DieHard, as opposed to telling you to "go back to your own country", I would prefer to see you staying here, but gaining some perspective on what is going on around you and perhaps reconsidering your view. You are supporting a group of people whose only interest is in getting what they can out of the trough before taking your advice, and "leaving the country". Throughout this process, they rely upon very dangerous elements of society to ensure that no-one gets in their way. And mark my words, what they will leave behind is the biggest mess that Thailand has ever seen, and it will take a considerable period of time for the country to get over the aftermath of their incompetence.

I will be staying here, and I will be looking forward to witnessing the massive leap forward which Thailand is set to experience just as soon as all of these corrupt "politicians" have been dismissed from their nepotistic appointments, reforms have taken place, and free and fair elections have been put in place bringing in new faces with a shared desire for the betterment of the country. These new faces will need to be very much aware that if they are found guilty of the sort of things that this current, most corrupt ever, government has been up to for the past three years, they can look forward to serious jail time.

Let us not forget that everyone, including you DieHard, has the freedom to leave this country whenever they wish, so it doesn't fall upon any of us to demand that any individual does so at any particular time; consequently, it would be better if you were to refrain from making such comments, and instead, state your own view, and allow your opponents the same courtesy.

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"Surapong said he would file malfeasance charge against the judges with the Criminal Court at 3 pm on Friday."

I guess he needs some time to convince the other seven or eight to join him, or does his legal team need more time?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Hard to keep track of public enemy number one these days, Suthep, the 9 judges or the fake monk with his thug guards

Did you forget about Jutaporn and Chalerm ????? if you mention these ten why not mention your top ten.

What about Robert Amsterdam, undermining Thai "democracy" ?....A Farang getting involved in Thai politics at the behest of his criminal master...

he must be Public Enemy #1.....After what TV rabid Reds where saying about the Indian, a farang getting involved is the most serious crime of the lot...

Only Top 10? May be a pack of cards may not be enough. It will have at least 2 colours and different levels of cards. Who will be 4 ACES can be of some entertaining discussion....

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Undoubtedly he has a good case against these judges, but who will adjudicate on it? More bent judges!

hahahahahaha as funny as charlem.....can you prove their bent....nooooocoffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

Yes it can be proven, in an open court that is not biased. All one has to do is watch, listen and be able to read what has been quoted by these people tio interpet what they are aying. If you dont like it go back to your country.

GO home??? For just discussing openly one's views/opinion ? This a forum my friend. Take it in same spirit. Anyway most of us can do nothing in Thai politics except sharing our opinions on forums like this. let's keep it this way.
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And then these judges will fail a lawsuit to the next group......................lol

And like this ,the bad guys keep on coming back and can harm and steel as usually.

Death sentence for corrupt politicians is a nice solution,and strip their families from all there assets and

make them beggars . Apply this and you will see that the families will keep their politicians in line (or eliminate them theirselves)

so they not risk loosing what they have .Or is this too difficult to understand ?

And no this is not barbaric ,it's common sense.coffee1.gif

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Scamper, on 12 May 2014 - 17:13, said:

How ridiculous can this get ? A cabinet minister who was a member of a cabinet that approved an unconstitutional act - deemed unconstitutional by not only the Constitutional Court, but the Administrative Court and the Supreme Administrative Court, is suing all nine judges of the Constitutional Court. And who is going to oversee the Constitutional Court - the highest constitutionally empowered court in the land - the Criminal Court ! If that fails, who knows ? Maybe it'll come down to the post office. Just when we thought Surapong had the sense to avoid the Chalerm effect and keep a low profile - no, Thaksin wants action. And he wants action now. And lest anyone in the PDRC has forgotten - this is all they need to remind them of what brought them to the streets in the first place. Surapong and Chalerm have just given the PDRC a great gift.

I thought, in Thailand, it was illegal to challenge a judges decision.

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