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My Thai wife wants to pay the offending party

Greg Nixon

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At least you were true to your word and did put him on his ass,i would not be paying any money,for what? This bloke sounds like a total tool,i would just wait and see what happens,but to contemplate going back to Canada, seem's a bit of an overeaction to a minor incident,and maybe he will steer clear of you from now on. This sort of incident is commonly described in the Uk as ' handbags at five paces'.

Thank you and 555 . You are very smart and funny. One thing i did not say is he accepted my challenge verbally by saying cmon. I like the handbags at 5 paces. I will use it.

Going back to Canada--after you unhitch this woman that would save her face in the neighborhood at your expense--will give you some perspective. Then you can always return if you miss SE Asia, perhaps to another area in Thailand, or spend a little time familiarizing yourself with other destinations in the region, especially Vietnam. Oh, and BTW, your best bet is to go downtown BKK and hire a law firm for all legal matters because the neighbor lawyer will do what is best for himself in saving his own face in the neighborhood.

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I am happy that you are not living somewhere near me.

Spraying someone with water bah.gif

When he complains putting him down bah.gif

And than someone asks why Farangs have such a bad reputation in Thailand.

Spraying water at someone is already something no normal man gets in his mind. But everyone with honor would apologize later, not get violent.

It could have been just a friendly gesture, nothing wrong with that.

If Australian grump ball took offence to it, he should have said something on the spot, instead of coming over later with threats.

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchenwink.png

friendly gesture: "I was a little perturbed by now as he had threatened me before in a similar manner for something so trivial that I have forgotten." There was already before tension and he sprayed him with water.

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I am happy that you are not living somewhere near me.

Spraying someone with water bah.gif

When he complains putting him down bah.gif

And than someone asks why Farangs have such a bad reputation in Thailand.

Spraying water at someone is already something no normal man gets in his mind. But everyone with honor would apologize later, not get violent.

Really? I noticed a few of people doing that recently. They were grown ups. I guess Songkran must be a hard time for you.

I never saw, that someone "shower" his neigbour with who he was already in conflict before.

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I think WWI started like this when someone playfully sprayed water on the

archduke Franz Ferdinand... and the rest is history...

he playfully sprayed bullets into Ferdl......

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OP, you sure you're not too shy to admit that you are an American? WE love to fight over anything and nothing at all.

The previous day I had playfully sprayed water at him but the water fell some 10 feet short of him.

So I guess you are right saying over nothing at allblink.png

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I thought that in SE Asia one farang beating another was as innocuous as two dogs fighting over meat chunks in a puke. Does it really call for cops and ambulances? Hmm... I learned something new from this thread.

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My concern would be the actions of your wife-the guy is of no consequence forget about him-but your missus,I would find anothersad.png

100% agree. Your misses is way out of line. It was an altercation between 2 foreigners and nothing to do with her. Seems like your misses wears the pants in your family.

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an apology when you first did it would have ended it, as an aussie I know some of uis can be agro/ignorant bastards at times and ths man obviously has issues with someone. Maybe if you had just said you were wrong and wouldnt do it again this would have ended peacefully, dont pay him anything though, agro bastard needs to wake up to himself as do you.

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Ozzies are a bizarre lot with a culture unique to mankind. IMHO, fuggetaboutit and move on, not back to Canada. Tell the wife never to undermine you again, whether she visited the crazy neighbour out of kindness or apprehension of further trouble. She might have done this for an innocent reason. Ignore the clot from Oz and get on with life; don't let the maroon spoil your dream. Ensure that your wife has no access to your funds, asap as she you no real loyalty in a crunch and keep a sharp eye out- seems she may be more of a liabilty in any other tense or difficult situation. IMHO. Good luck. Illegitimi non carborundum.

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Oh Dear, due to the wonderful members of TV, I don't think the OP got the response he quite expected.

PS don't threaten to spray people with a hose pipe, they might be suffering from Post Songkran Stress Syndrome ( PSSS )

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100,000 baht should cover it, maybe a little more depending on the hospital expenses...

Just pay up and you can both be happy...mr splashy and mr grumpy.............you

might even find you become best of friends....lifes like that....the lawyer is going to

be expensive.....his advice will be to pay up, plus a little commission for him.

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And these are the kind of guys who sit here all day telling other people 'good riddance', and talking about how 'legitimate' they feel they are by comparison. It's too bad the Thai authorities can't just kick people out for being aggressive and drunk, they'd solve the whole immigration problem in a month.

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Its almost a shame the OP didn't hit him with the water in the initial incident.

Hearing aid knocked out, wouldn't have heard the OP's retort and wouldn't have said "c'mon then" and ended on the ground, then hospital.

Life can be cruel at times, eh...................tongue.png

OP, don't take it to heart, and forget about going back to Canada over something like this...................wink.png

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I am happy that you are not living somewhere near me.

Spraying someone with water bah.gif

When he complains putting him down bah.gif

And than someone asks why Farangs have such a bad reputation in Thailand.

Spraying water at someone is already something no normal man gets in his mind. But everyone with honor would apologize later, not get violent.

It could have been just a friendly gesture, nothing wrong with that.

If Australian grump ball took offence to it, he should have said something on the spot, instead of coming over later with threats.

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchenwink.png

friendly gesture: "I was a little perturbed by now as he had threatened me before in a similar manner for something so trivial that I have forgotten." There was already before tension and he sprayed him with water.

May be way to break the icelaugh.png

If i was trying to irritate someone, i would piss on them instead of just some watergiggle.gif

OP, did say water never got the other guy,

The point is if the other guy is in no shape to put up a fight, going over to confront is not the wisest choice.wai.gif

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Looks like the OP has already left the building but needs to consider that the cranky neighbour may have a medical condition. Either way, why on earth would an adult 'playfully' spray water at another grown man several feet away, out of the blue, without any other interaction? Consider that the Aussie wasn't pointing at his hearing aid, he may have been pointing at his head and indicating that he is a few sausages short of the barbie. When he came to the gate, that was the time to be diplomatic and not feel 'threatened' and go on offense.

Gotta lub these grasshoppers eh?

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I am happy that you are not living somewhere near me.

Spraying someone with water bah.gif

CtWhen he complains putting him down bah.gif

OughAnd than someone asks why Farangs have such a bad reputation in Thailand.

Spraying water at someone is already something no normal man gets in his mind. But everyone with honor would apologize later, not get violent.

Get your facts right h90, he did not spray him he sprayed towards him and the water fell well in front of him. The other guy threatened him I believe so the Canadian guy defended himself, that is fair enough is it not. The Aussie told him he would put him on his ass so the Canadian guy put him on h is ass, what is wrong with that, would you cry and run away.

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Cummon guys,,, so the OP has a playful nature,, spritsts water in the guys direction,, as a, "hey,, what's up?",, he already stated,, it fell well short of the arsewhole,,, OK,, the old guy takes offenses,, says his piece/threat,, OP says,, wow,, sorry mate,,, DONE DEAL,, OVER,, FINISHED,,, but for the guy to come, BACK,, reiterate his THREAT, another 2 times?,,, ya. He's LOOKING for trouble,, BET the wife berates him on a daily basis,, and feels the, "need", to mouth off to someone, ANYONE,, over NOTHING, bet he pulls the SAME sheet, at the local market when someone steps on front of him,,, OP,, 1, you're,,CRAZY to pay a single baht,, 2,, DOUBLE CRAZY to even consider leaving because of this, ARSEWHOLE,, leave it lay,, ignore him,, you've already make it clear,, without actual violence,, that you're no push over,, he'll stay clear is my guess,, HE may even realize his error, and say,, "sorry mate ", (sound's like he could use a friend ),,, if so?, ya, share a beer,, laugh about it,,, ands Yes,,, I'd be a bit peeved also, if my girl actually took his side,, not really a, "bootable " offence,, just a bit pissed but hey,,, IGNORE THE ARSE!

Edited by Adeeos
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If you knew that he is an angry man you should have never throw water at him. Anyway why the hell did you do that? Was is Sonkran then I understand but if it was't then it was your fault to start this mess.

There is no need to go back to Canada over a small misunderstanding. Just sort it out in an adult manner. May be sending a flower to hospital would do that.

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I'd like to know if the truculent OP and his allegedly angry neighbour attend the same kindergarten, or do they attend different ones?

Anyway, if you attend the same Kindy, I suggest you buy him a bag of Smarties and offer them up before afternoon sleep time by way of apology.

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