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Can i go back to Uk if i 'owe' money?

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Hi people,

right, i have been travelling around south east asia for 6 months with my husband and 2 kids. When in thailand on the islands we put the kids in nursery for a bit so they could play with other children. Its a english run, expat community one. We paid the hefty fees, and then left for another island for a few weeks, and we fly home at the end of the month. The nursey owner is a complete nightmare and saying we owe more money as we didn't pay. Well, we did, but didn't get a receipt :( She has said she has told the tourist police on ooh tao who are 'used to this kind of thing' and we won't be allowed to leave the country in a few weeks (we fly form bangkok). Can this be done? How can i prove i paid. Is it her word against mine?


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I understand that in theory it can be done, but I suspect it more an ideal threat. There have been reports on this forum whereby people have been prevented from leaving Thailand in similar circumstances though.

I will move this to the Thai Visa section as you might get a better response.

I will resist the urge to say you should have got a receipt.

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They would have to file formal charges and it would require a judges order to do anything that could stop you from leaving.

Yeap, if the person lodges a "charge" and the process is followed properly, conceivably they can prevent you leaving Thailand till the matter is resolved

BTW how much money are we talking about ?

Edited by Soutpeel
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I was in a similar situation hut on the other side of the coin, so people owing me money. I knew they were still on Phuket, so tried to find them via a 'police enforcer', who managed to track them down, but they flew out of Phuket to Bangkok the same day. That meant all I could do was go to the court and file a civil suit against them. For me there was no point, since this would take a long time to get solved.

The owner of the nursery also has no legal means to stop you from leaving.

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Its about 34,000 baht. They don't have a particular policy as long term people pay monthly, but they also offer a childcare day service where 'holiday' makers pay at the end of the holiday.

She has just sent me this 'i have filed a report, P.Chet (Head of police) has told me to tell you you have 2 days to pay before he contacts his friend in the British Embassy and makes a 'big problem' for you. He said you would be arrested at the airport by immigration and brought to Koh Samui where you will face court. If you do pay, which we are all hoping you will, this report will be disguarded and you will have no further problems'

​I can't prove I've already paid. Im on Samui until the 28th May, then i go to Bangkok (with my kids and husband) and fly home on the 31st May. She also sent a scanned copy of what i guess is a police report. Its all in Thai, although i can make out our names…….

If this 'friend' in the british embassy is contacted, will we be arrested at the airport? I really don't know what to do, as if we pay her again it will wiiout all our funds for the end of our trip.

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I dont think the owner of this school have filed formal charges against you, or else the police will be at your door, only the court have the power to stop you leaving the country.

Sent from my GT-S5360 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Its about 34,000 baht. They don't have a particular policy as long term people pay monthly, but they also offer a childcare day service where 'holiday' makers pay at the end of the holiday.

She has just sent me this 'i have filed a report, P.Chet (Head of police) has told me to tell you you have 2 days to pay before he contacts his friend in the British Embassy and makes a 'big problem' for you. He said you would be arrested at the airport by immigration and brought to Koh Samui where you will face court. If you do pay, which we are all hoping you will, this report will be disguarded and you will have no further problems'

​I can't prove I've already paid. Im on Samui until the 28th May, then i go to Bangkok (with my kids and husband) and fly home on the 31st May. She also sent a scanned copy of what i guess is a police report. Its all in Thai, although i can make out our names…….

If this 'friend' in the british embassy is contacted, will we be arrested at the airport? I really don't know what to do, as if we pay her again it will wiiout all our funds for the end of our trip.

Okay, so now you know it's a nonsense threat. There is nothing the British Embassy can do and even if there was, they would hesitate - they are no debt collectors for random schools and even less so for local plod. The correct way would be via the courts but it's unlikely they would go this route as (if I'm not mistaken) that would mean having to go to Suratthani in the case of K Samui. If local police haven't knocked on your door it means the school is not paying them to follow this through. Relax. I hope you blast this school all over facebook?

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Its about 34,000 baht. They don't have a particular policy as long term people pay monthly, but they also offer a childcare day service where 'holiday' makers pay at the end of the holiday.

She has just sent me this 'i have filed a report, P.Chet (Head of police) has told me to tell you you have 2 days to pay before he contacts his friend in the British Embassy and makes a 'big problem' for you. He said you would be arrested at the airport by immigration and brought to Koh Samui where you will face court. If you do pay, which we are all hoping you will, this report will be disguarded and you will have no further problems'

​I can't prove I've already paid. Im on Samui until the 28th May, then i go to Bangkok (with my kids and husband) and fly home on the 31st May. She also sent a scanned copy of what i guess is a police report. Its all in Thai, although i can make out our names…….

If this 'friend' in the british embassy is contacted, will we be arrested at the airport? I really don't know what to do, as if we pay her again it will wiiout all our funds for the end of our trip.

The scan you mentioned, is it hand written or print?

Sent from my GT-S5360 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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While it may be bullshit.. Possibly tell them you will return to discuss it (not promise to pay) with them and the police.. At a date that is after you intend to leave the country..

Easy to buy a little breathing room in case the friendly local police did put it to the local court. Its not like Koh tao police are not known to be in cahoots with locals on scams is it now ??

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I dont think the owner of this school have filed formal charges against you, or else the police will be at your door, only the court have the power to stop you leaving the country.

Sent from my GT-S5360 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Er no they wouldn't, they will send you a letter to attend the police station to discuss things, if you don't turn up then they can issue an arrest warrant.

If the letter/Report is "genuine" from the police, this means a complaint has been lodged and the OP needs to find out what exactly the letter says and if it says you are requested to attend the police station to discuss this matter and you fail to turn up, they do have the option of putting an arrest warrant out someone

OP before you do anything, find out what the letter/report says,

It could be BS threat, but by the same token it may not be and there is a complaint lodged....

The British Embassy bit is a red herring....they will not be interested or do anything.

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Its about 34,000 baht. They don't have a particular policy as long term people pay monthly, but they also offer a childcare day service where 'holiday' makers pay at the end of the holiday.

She has just sent me this 'i have filed a report, P.Chet (Head of police) has told me to tell you you have 2 days to pay before he contacts his friend in the British Embassy and makes a 'big problem' for you. He said you would be arrested at the airport by immigration and brought to Koh Samui where you will face court. If you do pay, which we are all hoping you will, this report will be disguarded and you will have no further problems'

​I can't prove I've already paid. Im on Samui until the 28th May, then i go to Bangkok (with my kids and husband) and fly home on the 31st May. She also sent a scanned copy of what i guess is a police report. Its all in Thai, although i can make out our names…….

If this 'friend' in the british embassy is contacted, will we be arrested at the airport? I really don't know what to do, as if we pay her again it will wiiout all our funds for the end of our trip.

"She has just sent me this

'i have filed a report, P.Chet (Head of police) has told me to tell you you have 2 days to pay before he contacts his friend in the British Embassy and makes a 'big problem' for you. He said you would be arrested at the airport by immigration and brought to Koh Samui where you will face court. If you do pay, which we are all hoping you will, this report will be disguarded and you will have no further problems'"

Assuming you literally copied this rather than retyping it, you should be safe. Are you sure she's English ... and qualified to look after children in any kind of an educational setting? Did you assume because she claimed to be English that would be the only thing you needed to know before dumping your kid with them?

Anyway, the British embassy doesn't arrest people in Thailand and they are unlikely to get into the business of settling debts for illiterate business owners or their P.Chet friends.

Tell her the cheque is in the mail so she can "disguard" her report.

Edited by Suradit69
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Its about 34,000 baht. They don't have a particular policy as long term people pay monthly, but they also offer a childcare day service where 'holiday' makers pay at the end of the holiday.

She has just sent me this 'i have filed a report, P.Chet (Head of police) has told me to tell you you have 2 days to pay before he contacts his friend in the British Embassy and makes a 'big problem' for you. He said you would be arrested at the airport by immigration and brought to Koh Samui where you will face court. If you do pay, which we are all hoping you will, this report will be disguarded and you will have no further problems'

​I can't prove I've already paid. Im on Samui until the 28th May, then i go to Bangkok (with my kids and husband) and fly home on the 31st May. She also sent a scanned copy of what i guess is a police report. Its all in Thai, although i can make out our names…….

If this 'friend' in the british embassy is contacted, will we be arrested at the airport? I really don't know what to do, as if we pay her again it will wiiout all our funds for the end of our trip.

She sent you a scan of what you guess is a police report ?? Have you heard of solicitors, they are all over the island. THB 1000 and you will get informed advice.

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I was in a similar situation hut on the other side of the coin, so people owing me money. I knew they were still on Phuket, so tried to find them via a 'police enforcer', who managed to track them down, but they flew out of Phuket to Bangkok the same day. That meant all I could do was go to the court and file a civil suit against them. For me there was no point, since this would take a long time to get solved.

The owner of the nursery also has no legal means to stop you from leaving.

I fully collaborate on your posting.

Same here, amount outstanding was around 50'000 THB.

Despite having the guests Passport Number and his signature on the bill,

local Police, was not interested and referred us to Immigration.

Immigration, was not interested and referred us to the Embassy.

Embassy, not interested either, referred us back to the local Police.

Only once we started posting on Social Media, we got some of our money back.

Not all [yet] but most of it.

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Hello All, this couple have fled from Koh Tao. I've lived there for 11 years & my daughter has been attending the school that's mentioned above. Its a lovely little private school and myself nor any other parents have never had any issues with money with them they are hard working honest people who do a great job with their school.

This couple that have fled without paying are simply lying cheating thieves, I hope you get caught and you probably will. In a recent case when a French couple fled without paying their hotel bill immigration were informed and they would have been stopped at the border as they left Thailand to avoid this they turned themselves in to their embassy in Bangkok and I suggest you do the same. In this case the money was transferred to the hotel owner on Koh Tao and charges were dropped.

Sent from my SM-T310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I actually cannot believe what I am reading. The reason you do not have receipt is because you only have the unpaid bill. Think yourself lucky that we cannot upload pictures to this site as the owner of this play school has all of your messages on her phone of you fobbing her off and making excuses for not paying.

Even deleting yourself off of the schools face book page after taking all the pictures you wanted before doing a runner.

Don't fall for this woman's lies, she is nothing but a thief to honest hard working people. Totally disgusting!! Just do the honest thing and pay the money you owe. You would never get away with such a crime in England so what makes you think it's ok to do in Thailand?? You are an embarrassment to Brighton!!

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I actually cannot believe what I am reading. The reason you do not have receipt is because you only have the unpaid bill. Think yourself lucky that we cannot upload pictures to this site as the owner of this play school has all of your messages on her phone of you fobbing her off and making excuses for not paying.

Even deleting yourself off of the schools face book page after taking all the pictures you wanted before doing a runner.

Don't fall for this woman's lies, she is nothing but a thief to honest hard working people. Totally disgusting!! Just do the honest thing and pay the money you owe. You would never get away with such a crime in England so what makes you think it's ok to do in Thailand?? You are an embarrassment to Brighton!!

It seems your involved directly with this saga, tell me something out of curiosity, has a complaint really been lodged with the police ?

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I too know of the school and after speaking to the people who work there tend to go with the OP skipping town without paying. It isn't an overcharge but an outstanding bill that the school allowed this person to run up after being fed various BS and were good enough to allow the person some breathing space.

A lot of people will warn you of the Thai's ripping you off but in all my time here no Thai has ever ripped me off for more than a few extra beers on a check bin but Farangs are another thing altogether.

It is bad enough arriving at the airport alone wondering what is going to happen but it must be hell to rock up there with children as well. What happens to the children if you do get arrested ?

I know I certainly wouldn't risk it with my children.

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I am not involved directly, it is some very very good goest friends of mine who own this play school.

Yes a report has been logged with the police.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Thanks for that,

suppose the lesson for the owners of the play school is ask for the fee's up front or at least a substantial deposit...wink.png

So it seems Thailand has had another "quality tourist" grace its fair shores......

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