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Why are farang so unhappy about successful farang in Thailand?


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But why the assumption they are lying? Perhaps they are entirely truthful....you don't know unless you've met them. I'm not referring to personal wealth necessarily. If someone talks about a new Mercedes they bought and the topic was new cars, so therefore entirely relevant to the topic, why so many posters on TV would be negative towards him?

Or if, say, he had three Mercedes, and just wanted to tell us all about them, but then everyone made fun of him and the thread got locked?

As I said, my point was T.I.T!

As I have the 3 cars with the same broker,( notice this time I don't mention the model, less I upset others!!?) the same insurance company and get No claims bonuses on only 2 of the cars with no explanation even offered, why not on the 3rd.

The point made by the replys was I was ''posing'' about having 3 cars and or making it up.( I have 4 cars actually!)

Most choose to ignore my point, which was they refused No claims bonuses on the 3rd car, but with no explanation of why.

My guess is the ''sour'' replys are probably from guys walking across the border every 2-4 weeks!

Who now have a serious visa problem to over come!

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But why the assumption they are lying? Perhaps they are entirely truthful....you don't know unless you've met them. I'm not referring to personal wealth necessarily. If someone talks about a new Mercedes they bought and the topic was new cars, so therefore entirely relevant to the topic, why so many posters on TV would be negative towards him?

Or if, say, he had three Mercedes, and just wanted to tell us all about them, but then everyone made fun of him and the thread got locked?

As I said, my point was T.I.T!

As I have the 3 cars with the same broker,( notice this time I don't mention the model, less I upset others!!?) the same insurance company and get No claims bonuses on only 2 of the cars with no explanation even offered, why not on the 3rd.

The point made by the replys was I was ''posing'' about having 3 cars and or making it up.( I have 4 cars actually!)

Most choose to ignore my point, which was they refused No claims bonuses on the 3rd car, but with no explanation of why.

My guess is the ''sour'' replys are probably from guys walking across the border every 2-4 weeks!

Who now have a serious visa problem to over come!

I wasn't referring to you...

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Here's my take on it:

People tend to be cynical because its the internet where its hard to take every word read seriously.

The average age of the crowd at TV is probably older then most other internet forums.

The level of cynicism tends to be directly proportional to one's age.

As for your post on 3 girlfriends, I think your scenario is entirely possible and of course prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt.

Women are becoming more like men. Sex is sex, they have their needs and sometimes they don't want the emotional baggage.

Edited by smileydude
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I think People with money…don't need to tell it on TV anyway, I would Not do it, of many reason, But many imagining they have, and want to tell every one.

I have enough to survive here, but not in my home country, and that is the reason I live here, with my wife, and my little Mitsubishi Mirage :-) ( don't even look like a Porsche )

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Thailand (and as a result, Thaivisa) traditionally does not attract expats who are reasonably wealthy, there is therefore a lot of angst and jealousy amongst the remaining 90% (?) who wish they were.

Could not have put it better myself my friend !!!

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Can’t think of any ware I would rather be than Thailand spending my ill-gotten gains at some little bar with a few other expats watching every penny they spend and going on about how expensive Thailand has become in the last 20 years, people are always jealous of everyone who has made themselves a few bucks over the years in home countries or Thailand all the same and or sold off a business and retire to a relevant comfortable life style over here, I must say this forum does seem to have its fair share of Muppets in it, quit a few of my teacher friends in BKK have ditched TV because they get grief for posting their personal views and thoughts especially after bar closing time .

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Can’t think of any ware I would rather be than Thailand spending my ill-gotten gains at some little bar with a few other expats watching every penny they spend and going on about how expensive Thailand has become in the last 20 years, people are always jealous of everyone who has made themselves a few bucks over the years in home countries or Thailand all the same and or sold off a business and retire to a relevant comfortable life style over here, I must say this forum does seem to have its fair share of Muppets in it, quit a few of my teacher friends in BKK have ditched TV because they get grief for posting their personal views and thoughts especially after bar closing time .

Perhaps they should post earlier...........Just a thought.............smile.png

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Is there a way to start a thread and prevent anyone with more than 1000 posts from posting a reply? These are the jackasses that make genuine people get truly fed up and go elsewhere.

Why is it these posters with, what??? 23,000+ posts cannot even stay on topic and make a worthwhile contribution or shut their fuc*ing hole???????????????

YOUR at it again,,,,,tut tut,,,,

have you tried anger management???

pj ... you have more then 1,000 posts ... you aren't fit to comment ... fingerwagging-smiley-emoticon.gif

You traverse on the topside of the bridge.

Wonder what he's going to do when he gets to his 1000th post of wise words?

Explode up his own ar*se!

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does anyone else wonder why mark zuckerberg married such a dog?

I didn't know he was married.

so I googles it.

What was interesting were the options.

First option was 'mark zuckerberg'

Third option was 'mark zuckerberg net worth'

Fourth option was 'mark zuckerberg biography'

The second option was 'mark zuckerberg wife'


Must be true love ... rolleyes.gif

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This is the ugliest thread I have seen here in some time, and I can't help thinking it is that way by design. It seems to me that the OP is trying to get a rise out of people., and then when he gets one, comes back with a slashing riposte, thereby gratifying his ego one more notch.(?) And now I have contributed to this nonsense, reading through all the way to the end.

OP, congratulations on all of your accomplishments, your possessions, your harem, your stuff. I'm going to prepare a warm bath now, drink some wine and strop my sharpest knife. I am overcome at last by feelings of inadequacy, failure, and overwhelming ennui.

Chok dee.

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does anyone else wonder why mark zuckerberg married such a dog?

I didn't know he was married.

so I googles it.

What was interesting were the options.

First option was 'mark zuckerberg'

Third option was 'mark zuckerberg net worth'

Fourth option was 'mark zuckerberg biography'

The second option was 'mark zuckerberg wife'


Must be true love ... rolleyes.gif

Maybe she's got "talents" we can't see from the picture....

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Just in noting that Oil&Gas guys seems to be creme de la creme I used to live in Oklahoma where almost everyone was an o&G guy -- I was an accounting guy who stayed in the office

Or in others to the above Just be yourself -- unless you'd rather be someone else.

Edited by JLCrab
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Just be happy in your own skin, treat people with respect, avoid the bitter, twisted folk you get here. Just don't go around thinking you are God's gift or have some sort of entitlement, as that won't win you any friends.

... thumbsup.gif

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Wow, Whereustay is actually talking about something else besides getting laid. How refreshing.

As for the OP, I have no problem with anyone becoming successful in life. I applaud them. The problem is people tend to come on TV and lie about their success, as if to impress people and in essence, making their opinion about anything more credible. Or so they think. Unless it's somehow essential to the issue being discussed, why even bring up your personal wealth?

But why the assumption they are lying? Perhaps they are entirely truthful....you don't know unless you've met them. I'm not referring to personal wealth necessarily. If someone talks about a new Mercedes they bought and the topic was new cars, so therefore entirely relevant to the topic, why so many posters on TV would be negative towards him?

I only ask this because I'm on a sailboat forum for a bit now, and everyone seems to get along so well, are helpful and encouraging. Here it seems like its just so many, angry, bitter people when you talk about so many topics.

The assumption stems from jealousy. This forum is full of extremely envious and bitter men.

If you don't believe me, start another thread and tell everyone how your new girlfriend is upper class and Thai-Chinese. After that, sit back and watch as the creeps come crawling out of the woodwork.

If everyone on this forum were wealthy and married to Venezuelan supermodels, there would be no jealousy at all.

Truth is, of course, most forum members are married to middle-aged runts, ex whores or tattooed peasants. Another problem is that lots of men are stuck in ruts and coming to terms with the fact that they'll never reach the top of their profession.

its not quite full, i see there was still room for you to get in,,,,,


I don't see him coming across as jealous and bitter. What he says is true , the forum is full of bitter people married to ex brasses. The power of the pussy eh!!! It makes men do strange things in Thailand. Many tend to develop an unusual ability to give rather generous amounts of money away to people they hardly know. Alas , by the time they cotton on they've been done up like a kipper it too late , hence .... bitterness !!! with a tinge of hatred towards us mongers who haven't fell for the egg under the hat , yet

People all over the World are jealous of wealth & success. This site just gives the fleeced losers in Thailand a bit of space to vent their bile. In fact , i came to the conclusion that in general people don't like to see anyone succeed in anything. Especially those you thought to be your friends.

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If your self worth or identity comes from how much wealth and possessions you have ....what happens when for some reason they diminish or you just lose them?

your online persona can always be as rich as you want

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Just be happy in your own skin, treat people with respect, avoid the bitter, twisted folk you get here. Just don't go around thinking you are God's gift or have some sort of entitlement, as that won't win you any friends.

... thumbsup.gif

Me too thumbsup.gif . I have a story in my head to post, BUT, I will refrain..............whistling.gif

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To the OP; Whereustay....I originally pressed the like button for your current topic

of discontent but then "unliked" it after the reference to the 3 babes topic you

penned/hacked cropped up. Why...go figure. Geeze man I'm not gonna boast about

the nookie I have scored in my lifetime because nobody would ever believe it and I

wouldn't blame em for not believing it...except there are photos to prove it which can't

be posted here...so there. Anyway...who cares? In case you're wondering about why

some farang are unhappy with successful farang in LOS on TVF try jealousy or simply

taking the mickey outta em for fun. Again WTFC. Have fun in your future liaisons &

please do us a favour...keep it and you so called conquests to yourself. We don't

really care.

Edited by sunshine51
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