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Washington Post condemns Thai treatment of Rohingya


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Why do they have to come to Thailand to seek sanctuary, surely the nearest safe haven for the Rohingya is Bangladesh -populated by their ethnic and religious brethren. Why don't they go there - assuming that they are genuine refugees and not economic migrants? just wondering....

This is one of the most disgusting posts I have read anywhere.

I suppose all the sex slaves are to blame too.

you dont like an honest post..there in lies your problem....

Have you noticed that the anti-human trafficking posters at the Rayong Myanmar crossong come from Canada? Thais can't even make the effort to create their own posters. Go stuff your 20 baht notes into the Big C/Lotus anonymous plastic boxes so you can feel like you are doing something useful Andrews gaining MERIT.

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They were looking for Malaysia but got intercepted by the Thai Navy and then got sold into slavery

With the help of some officers of Thai immigration.

Sorry for Thailand

Edited by devaram
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Until a country steps up and decides to take these people, they really don't have much weight criticizing others. Thailand is housing over 100,000 of these claimed people in camps ... some of whom may be terrorists. The US should or other countries should simply come get them if they are concerned and let the free in their countries. Clearly the problem needs to be addressed but the way of addressing is by the countries with the most resources to do anything is to simply point fingers rather than actually do anything to help these people.

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Why do they have to come to Thailand to seek sanctuary, surely the nearest safe haven for the Rohingya is Bangladesh -populated by their ethnic and religious brethren. Why don't they go there - assuming that they are genuine refugees and not economic migrants? just wondering....

The only reason I can think of is because Bangladesh is dirt poor and overcrowded, with few opportunities to assimilate them or provide for a better life except for less discrimination than in Myanmar. Apparently Bangladesh also tries to discriminate against them (strangely enough despite being of the same ethnic group as their south-east Bengali counterparts) whilst the Burmese government and people refer to them as Bengalis.

Edited by Tomtomtom69
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Why do they have to come to Thailand to seek sanctuary, surely the nearest safe haven for the Rohingya is Bangladesh -populated by their ethnic and religious brethren. Why don't they go there - assuming that they are genuine refugees and not economic migrants? just wondering....

This is one of the most disgusting posts I have read anywhere.

I suppose all the sex slaves are to blame too.

you dont like an honest post..there in lies your problem....

Blaming the victims is hardly a reference of character.

Using the same logic, it was the Jews fault for the acts of the Nazis, Black people for slavery

If Black people were fleeing Africa to the US back in the slave days, knowing how they would likely be treated, then yes I would put some of the responsibility on them. Not much different than somebody who chooses to take a loan from a loan shark and gets beat when they don't make their payments. I think that is the point being made. While nobody deserves inhumane treatment, the story should be told more honestly because MANY of these people are headed for Thailand for work purposes and not just passing by Thailand to reach a safe religious haven.

It might put things more in context with Mexicans crossing illegally into the US and how they are treated by many border cities and people... in other words would make it a little bit harder for The Post to be casting stones outside their own backyard.

Especially since the minimum wage was raised in Thailand you will be hard pressed not to find folks from Burma and neighboring countries working here in most and retail outlet and restaurants or hotels.

I honestly don't know but would guess the majority of these folks are simply looking for a better life economically and for way to send money back home to their families and not people fleeing unjust persecution.

You dont what you are talking about, try reading a newspaper.

They try to get to Malaysia which is a muslim country where can feel safe from persecution by mobs of frenzied murderous buddhists in Myanmar.

Then apparently they got intercepted at sea by the Thai Navy who passed them onto Thai immigration who sold them to slave traders.

The enslavers become the slaves, karma is great.

Leading government cleric, author of country's religious curriculum 11/10/2003

Al Fawzan – a member of the Senior Council of Clerics, Saudi Arabia’s highest religious body – says Muslims who contend Islam is against slavery “are ignorant, not scholars.”

“They are merely writers,” he said, according to SIA. “Whoever says such things is an infidel.”


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I condemn the liberal Washington Post no matter that it is owned by the guy who owns Amazon.com

I condemn it on the basis that it is interfering "เสือก" in Thai in affairs that aren't really any of it's business - just like the US state department's comments about Thailand's political situation. Thailand generally doesn't make the news much over in the states (which is hardly surprising given that both countries are located almost on opposite sides of the earth from each other), so I hardly think the reporting done in this instance will have much effect on anyone. I do feel for the plight of the Rohingya and other stateless people, but I don't think reporters from the Washington Post are going to have any effect on the situation. Now the Thais have threatened defamation suits against the newspapers that have done this reporting. Doesn't surprise me at all...sometimes you just have to know when to use self-censorship.

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Before posting on this subject, I suggest people look at the History of the Rohingya. I doubt whether the Washington Post did, once you have done that you may realise why Thailand rejects them, Thailand has enough trouble with Muslims in the South so why create another problem. I don't think muslims are the flavor of the month ie., Brunei returning to Archaic Sharia Law and Sudan sentencing a pregnant Women to death for abandoning the Muslim faith.

I also think that the Washington Post should concentrate on their own back yard....they turn back thousands of people fleeing from conflicts in central and South America and Africa..

I doubt their article will have much effect on Americans as most don't even know where Thailand is unless they have travelled

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Why do they have to come to Thailand to seek sanctuary, surely the nearest safe haven for the Rohingya is Bangladesh -populated by their ethnic and religious brethren. Why don't they go there - assuming that they are genuine refugees and not economic migrants? just wondering....

This is one of the most disgusting posts I have read anywhere.

I suppose all the sex slaves are to blame too.

you dont like an honest post..there in lies your problem....

Have you noticed that the anti-human trafficking posters at the Rayong Myanmar crossong come from Canada? Thais can't even make the effort to create their own posters. Go stuff your 20 baht notes into the Big C/Lotus anonymous plastic boxes so you can feel like you are doing something useful Andrews gaining MERIT.

There is not a Rayong/Myanmar crossing

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You dont what you are talking about, try reading a newspaper.

They try to get to Malaysia which is a muslim country where can feel safe from persecution by mobs of frenzied murderous buddhists in Myanmar.

Then apparently they got intercepted at sea by the Thai Navy who passed them onto Thai immigration who sold them to slave traders.

Actually, if you read things other than newspapers, you will find this is only a small percentage of them. Thailand has 3x more of them than Malaysia and Bangladesh has 10x more which they don't really want either. By the way, a little reading will also show refuges are also being abused in Malaysia too.

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Blaming the victims is hardly a reference of character.

Using the same logic, it was the Jews fault for the acts of the Nazis, Black people for slavery

if you want to go down that road it was blacks invading other villages and then selling them on as slaves..it didnt start as a white mans novel idea..they just made it more global..wai2.gif..he asked a question he didnt attribute blame to any one side..

Stop the presses

headline "The first slave owner in America was a black man" Anthony Johnson


I have no idea whether this article is accurate or not, but it comes from an organisation with this as it's 2nd principle:

(2) We believe the United States is a European country and that Americans are part of the European people. We believe that the United States derives from and is an integral part of European civilization and the European people and that the American people and government should remain European in their composition and character. ... We also oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind...

and within it's 6th principle:

(6) The traditional family is the basic unit of human society.... we oppose all efforts by the state and other powers to weaken the structure of the American family through toleration of sexual licentiousness, homosexuality and other perversions, mixture of the races...


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Before posting on this subject, I suggest people look at the History of the Rohingya. I doubt whether the Washington Post did, once you have done that you may realise why Thailand rejects them, Thailand has enough trouble with Muslims in the South so why create another problem. I don't think muslims are the flavor of the month ie., Brunei returning to Archaic Sharia Law and Sudan sentencing a pregnant Women to death for abandoning the Muslim faith.

I also think that the Washington Post should concentrate on their own back yard....they turn back thousands of people fleeing from conflicts in central and South America and Africa..

I doubt their article will have much effect on Americans as most don't even know where Thailand is unless they have travelled

Sudanese woman sentenced to death for apostasy


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Why do they have to come to Thailand to seek sanctuary, surely the nearest safe haven for the Rohingya is Bangladesh -populated by their ethnic and religious brethren. Why don't they go there - assuming that they are genuine refugees and not economic migrants? just wondering....

The currents don't favor trying to get to Bangladesh like they do sailing to Malaysia, or would you expect them to try to traverse the country where they are being persecuted? They don't come to Thailand on purpose, they are captured in Thai waters and either sent back or sold as slaves. What is hard to understand is why pressure is not being put on Myanmar for the treatment that is making the Rohingya so desperate.

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Why do they have to come to Thailand to seek sanctuary, surely the nearest safe haven for the Rohingya is Bangladesh -populated by their ethnic and religious brethren. Why don't they go there - assuming that they are genuine refugees and not economic migrants? just wondering....

The currents don't favor trying to get to Bangladesh like they do sailing to Malaysia, or would you expect them to try to traverse the country where they are being persecuted? They don't come to Thailand on purpose, they are captured in Thai waters and either sent back or sold as slaves. What is hard to understand is why pressure is not being put on Myanmar for the treatment that is making the Rohingya so desperate.

They were the persecutors and now they are being persecuted. Karma is a wonderful thing.

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Well, The Washington Post is nothing but a "RAG", something that can be used as a Fish and Chip Wrapper but more fittingly, should be left in an Outhouse, for people to use as may be required.

If The Washington Post wants to give advice on how to run a country, it would be well served to give that advice to Bumbling Obama, before it starts telling Thailand what to do.

Edited by Torrens54
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Why do they have to come to Thailand to seek sanctuary, surely the nearest safe haven for the Rohingya is Bangladesh -populated by their ethnic and religious brethren. Why don't they go there - assuming that they are genuine refugees and not economic migrants? just wondering....

This is one of the most disgusting posts I have read anywhere.

I suppose all the sex slaves are to blame too.


Why isn't it a reasonable question? Where are they attempting to go when gojng through Thailand?

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Thailand and Burma are some of the first countries who are saying that do not want muslims in their country. It seems like wherever these people go , problems crop up. They seem to want every body around them to act as if they are muslim. There was a story I read where in London, the owner of a cafe was being asked to not cook bacon as it could be smelled on the street. The stores ventilation, vented the fumes outside and someone was offended. This group wants to have the freedoms that come with living in a non muslim country while still living the lifestyle of the old country. Unfortunately, Britain has become so politically correct, that this store owner will most probably lose this battle.

If the Thai navy pushed this boatload out to sea with no fuel or water, to me, that amounts to murder and those in command should be held accountable. If these people are not wanted in Thailand, and that is Thailand's right, then they should be held in some sort of a detention center until a country can be found. The problem here is what to do with them when no country wants them?

At some point the world is going to have to wake up to the fact that these people, Muslims, do not tend to interact well with others. I am not talking about the radical group but the everyday person. For them it seems it is their way or the door.

Wake up folks, this problem will only get worse with time.

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Look who's pointing fingers... The waterboarding world bully's media puppet condems the treatment of Rohingya in Thailand... ok - perhaps there is area for improvement, but: Why is not the whole world condemning the US of A for:

Using depleted Uranium ammunition in Afghanistan and Iraq?

Invading countries in the middle east they have no business in to "free the people" and kill hundreds of thousands of civilians, including women and children in the process?

How about condemning how the US of A treats their captives at Abu Ghraib and the hundreds of other secret detention facilities illegally implemented all over the world?

The Kandahar Massacre? Or - going a bit further back in the past - the My Lai Massacre, or using Agent Orange, Napalm, etc. or the concentration camps where approx. 2m Japanese were starved to death? Then - going all the way back, Yankees - building a "Free Nation" on land that has been stolen from the Native American Indians, committing the largest ever genocide in recorded history?

Yeah, you go on condemning others for mistreating people while murdering hundreds of innocent people worldwide in your fake "war on terror". Send your troops back home and start to clean up your own backyard!!!!!!!!

Edited by catweazle
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Look who's pointing fingers... The waterboarding world bully condems the treatment of Rohingya in Thailand... ok - perhaps there is area for improvement, but: Why is not the whole world condemning the US of A for:

Using depleted Uranium ammunition in Afghanistan and Iraq?

Invading countries in the middle east they have no business in to "free the people" and kill hundreds of thousands of civilians, including women and children in the process?

How about condemning how the US of A treats their captives at Abu Ghraib and the hundreds of other secret detention facilities illegally implemented all over the world?

The Kandahar Massacre? Or - going a bit further back in the past - the My Lai Massacre, or using Agent Orange, Napalm, etc. or the concentration camps where approx. 2m Japanese were starved to death? Then - going all the way back, Yankees - building a "Free Nation" on land that has been stolen from the Native American Indians, committing the largest ever genocide in recorded history?

Yeah, you go on condemning others for mistreating people while murdering hundreds of innocent people worldwide in your fake "war on terror".

You are a disgusting, lying, backstabbing nation and YOU are the twisted Firestarter, plunging the whole world in dismay. Send your troops back home and start to clean up your own backyard!!!!!!!!

Interestingly, you do not mention the utopia you are from.

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Why do they have to come to Thailand to seek sanctuary, surely the nearest safe haven for the Rohingya is Bangladesh -populated by their ethnic and religious brethren. Why don't they go there - assuming that they are genuine refugees and not economic migrants? just wondering....

There are refugee camps in Thailand and Bangladesh. There are far more Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh than in Thailand.

Geography is the answer to your question. Burma is about 1000 km across (East to West) so they flee either to Thailand or Bangladesh depending on which is closer and easier to get too. Do you think they just hop on a bus or catch a taxi? The terrain makes travel in either direction very difficult.

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Look who's pointing fingers... The waterboarding world bully condems the treatment of Rohingya in Thailand... ok - perhaps there is area for improvement, but: Why is not the whole world condemning the US of A for:

Using depleted Uranium ammunition in Afghanistan and Iraq?

Invading countries in the middle east they have no business in to "free the people" and kill hundreds of thousands of civilians, including women and children in the process?

How about condemning how the US of A treats their captives at Abu Ghraib and the hundreds of other secret detention facilities illegally implemented all over the world?

The Kandahar Massacre? Or - going a bit further back in the past - the My Lai Massacre, or using Agent Orange, Napalm, etc. or the concentration camps where approx. 2m Japanese were starved to death? Then - going all the way back, Yankees - building a "Free Nation" on land that has been stolen from the Native American Indians, committing the largest ever genocide in recorded history?

Yeah, you go on condemning others for mistreating people while murdering hundreds of innocent people worldwide in your fake "war on terror".

You are a disgusting, lying, backstabbing nation and YOU are the twisted Firestarter, plunging the whole world in dismay. Send your troops back home and start to clean up your own backyard!!!!!!!!

Interestingly, you do not mention the utopia you are from.

Blunt and clumsy attempt to steer the focus away from this thread's headline. It appears that you are having difficulties to think logically, so I'll explain something of importance to you: Thailand and the US are the two nations in dispute in this article. The US is accusing Thailand of mistreating an ethnic minority while they are not only mistreat, but murder and torture innocent people worldwide by the hour. Logical consequence is a rant against the US, because they have more than enough skeletons in their closet - thus it is of no importance where the rant originated from in the first place. Write something substantial or otherwise keep it shut.

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The Washington Post article in question is about a situation in Thailand. The Washington Post editorializes on a wide range of issues, including of course domestic issues. The Washington Post is not a U.S. government organ. It is independent. There is no American Putin in Washington that controls all the press. This topic is not about the United States just because the editorial comes from there. Therefore, anti-American rants are certainly NOT called for on this particular thread.

Edited by Jingthing
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Well...I am waiting for the Thai Navy...to sue the Washington Post...for weighing in on the Treatment of Rohingya debacle...

Could very easily be a favour to Reuters of press solidarity and a hint that international press dosn't care a fig for counties governments moaning about reporting on thier human right abuses. They will report on these things.

More pressure please international press.

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Why do they have to come to Thailand to seek sanctuary, surely the nearest safe haven for the Rohingya is Bangladesh -populated by their ethnic and religious brethren. Why don't they go there - assuming that they are genuine refugees and not economic migrants? just wondering....


Bangladesh won't grant asylum to the Rohingya. If Bangladesh border guards catch any Rohingya at the border, they are sent back. If the Rohingya are successful in crossing the border, they will probably be arrested or seek the services of brokers who promise them to provide boats to take them to Malaysia or Indonesia. There are Rohingya refugee camps (both formal and infromal) in Bangladesh but the Bangladesh has been refusing any new entries for quite some time. Bangladesh wants to return the Rohingya to Myanmar. The response from Myanmar is that they must prove that they are Myanmar citizens first. They are stateless people. The sectarian violence in Myanmar against the Rohingya in the past months has been horrendous and they are living in peril from day to day in Arakan State. It is truly a sad, sad story. More akin to genocide.

In addition Bangladesh has also recinded citizenship for their Rohingya population. The decision has negatively impacted hundreds of thousands of Rohingya who were granted entry to Saudi Arabia in the 1970s; let alone the thousands in dentention camps within Bangladesh, some for more than 20 years

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Why do they have to come to Thailand to seek sanctuary, surely the nearest safe haven for the Rohingya is Bangladesh -populated by their ethnic and religious brethren. Why don't they go there - assuming that they are genuine refugees and not economic migrants? just wondering....

The more pertinent question is: why is Thailand is in denial over this?

In denial over what? What are Rohingya's? smile.png

Do I sense a lawsuite against the Washington Post for tarnishing Thailand impeccable reputation?

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Look who's pointing fingers... The waterboarding world bully's media puppet condems the treatment of Rohingya in Thailand... ok - perhaps there is area for improvement, but: Why is not the whole world condemning the US of A for:

Using depleted Uranium ammunition in Afghanistan and Iraq?

Invading countries in the middle east they have no business in to "free the people" and kill hundreds of thousands of civilians, including women and children in the process?

How about condemning how the US of A treats their captives at Abu Ghraib and the hundreds of other secret detention facilities illegally implemented all over the world?

The Kandahar Massacre? Or - going a bit further back in the past - the My Lai Massacre, or using Agent Orange, Napalm, etc. or the concentration camps where approx. 2m Japanese were starved to death? Then - going all the way back, Yankees - building a "Free Nation" on land that has been stolen from the Native American Indians, committing the largest ever genocide in recorded history?

Yeah, you go on condemning others for mistreating people while murdering hundreds of innocent people worldwide in your fake "war on terror". Send your troops back home and start to clean up your own backyard!!!!!!!!

Really the U.S starved 2 million Japanese to death? We were never taught that in History in Australia. I tried googling it but can't find anything, I guess you had to be there to know about it.

Wasn't it the British who colonised what is now known as the U.S? I don't think there were many Americans around back then.

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