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CAPO: Civil servants who are PDRC supporters might be charged

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CAPO: Civil servants who are PDRC supporters might be charged


BANGKOK, 18 May 2014 (NNT) - The Center for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) warns that the civil servants who support the anti-government People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) might face treason charges while expressing concerns over violence from a third-party.

Deputy Spokesman of the CAPO Pol.Col.Kritsana Phatthanacharoen said the center was closely monitoring the PDRC, the pro-government red shirts as well as the general public after the first group announced to intensify its movement from now until 26 May. The spokesman said the CAPO was concerned that a third-party would stir up the situation and trigger violence during this period.

Regarding the PDRC’s call for all civil servants to side with it by refusing orders of the Cabinet, the spokesman said they might face charges such as break-in of government offices, treason and aiding and abetting.

The CAPO spokesman urged all sides to talk and find solutions to the political problems in line with democracy before the situation worsened.

-- NNT 2014-05-18 footer_n.gif

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Gotta give it to him. Chalerm is not a quitter. He wants results so he will get results. He can't manage to arrest the ones he calls the bad guys. Not even with the paratroopers. Many others would quietly disappear in anonimity. Not Chalerm. He seeks for new bad guys. The ones that are less difficult to arrest. Then zabadoom there's the brilliant plan: Arrest those that you already have in house, Civil servantssssssssss. GO CHALERM GO!!!!!

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Threatening civil servants with treason ? Just another day in the life of Pheu Thai. What is of course behind the bluster of CAPO's announcement is actually a lot of fear, because Pheu Thai fears that civil servants will yet again cast a smile in the direction of those who want Thaksin out of the system - and what could possibly be more treasonous than that ?

If CAPO is watching the PDRC and the PTP then where are the warrants for the ministers and PTP members who openly spoke out to seperate the North and the South. CAPO is a tool for the PTP. This article wether it bears any legality is unsure, shows still that threats and intimidation are the only power these people have.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Civil servants can side with whoever. At the ballot box.......

obviously...still doesnt make it right to issue threats to the real people who run the country..just pushes them away..another retarded story.from the really bright crew..

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Civil servant having their own opinion and supporting/voting Democrat? No problem.

Civil servant privately agreeing with the reasons a government should be over thrown? OK but keep that to yourself.

Civil servant actively supporting and participating with a group seeking to over throw the government? Problem.

It is really that simple. It only gets convoluted when you factor in your bias and opinion on who is the lessor of the evils here.

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Gotta give it to him. Chalerm is not a quitter. He wants results so he will get results. He can't manage to arrest the ones he calls the bad guys.

Chalerm couldn't arrest even himself on a sober day.... once in a blue moon, that being.

Yet he remains an icon to the dis-assembled lot of usuries, because he has a pink one, or so he believes that's the size of it.

He'll start charging the rice-farmers next, for producing positively for the country - just something he could never do for himself... in a positive way.

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Is a Civil Servant not entitled to a private life wherein they can express their personal opinions

Buffons are those who do not understand that you can do whatever you want in your free time, as Puea Thai has stated several times. But you cannot go protest while you are getting paid.

Is that really so hard to understand?

Say you work and get paid from 8am to 5pm, but you go protest from 9am to 4pm and work just 2 hours. You cant do that. Makes sense? I really hope so.

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Just more talk while they play their high stakes chess game....same rules for both sides.

IMO, the Thaksin regime is equivalent to the Republican Party of The USA, (Koch Brothers)

and others around the globe...like the newly elected Indian gov't: pro corporate, privatization, eff the poor,

keep burning, keep hording, keep the lower class dumb and confused, weaken the middle class, whilst

me and my peeps have a bubble with which to live and breathe in while eating sushi

until it is too toxic laden with Mercury.

People need to turn off their televisions, stop zombie shopping at the malls, and learn

a tad about local / global politics....oh, and.....a bit of research on mass media might help.

Yes, Thaksin studied GOP tactics in Texass and was impressed with GW Bush's neo cons.

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Civil servants can side with whoever. At the ballot box.......

So by that...you must mean that they cannot openly show their political persuasion?

You must have taken this view straight from the Little Red Book.....

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Every day we here or read about our big drunk in capo and every day I think he can not come up with something more bizarre. So he proved me wrong, now I can not wait till tomorrow mornig to read the news from capo when I have my cup of coffee.

Nothing better than start the day with a big laugh.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Civil servant having their own opinion and supporting/voting Democrat? No problem.

Civil servant privately agreeing with the reasons a government should be over thrown? OK but keep that to yourself.

Civil servant actively supporting and participating with a group seeking to over throw the government? Problem.

It is really that simple. It only gets convoluted when you factor in your bias and opinion on who is the lessor of the evils here.

It is not clear if this government is legal. CAPO with Chalerm and Surapong is most probably illegal.

Civil servants who support an illegal government also got a problem....

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Seemingly harsh but it does make sense. It's time to stop mincing words: The PDRC is a terrorist organization. If a government worker was involved with al-Qaeda or the like they'd face legal action as well.

It's not harsh, it's draconian and intolerant. PT have no time for dissent from the party line.

PDRC are wrong headed but to call them terrorists is incorrect. PT might want you to think that but PT is full of BS.

Edited by Bluespunk
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There has been quite a hysterical reaction on this thread by some posters.

Its not about having a different political opinion, it sounds like it has gone way beyond that. And keep in mind that yellow shirt supporters don't exactly have the best record in playing clean politics. Their whole political strategy over the last few months is all about dirty tricks and cheap shots against the government, combined with an elaborate legal maneuvers to create an artificial and unnatural political vacuum, that gives them the room and excuse to push forward their undemocratic power grab agenda. instigating violence to trigger a coup is of course their last card. the PDRC (civil?) servants are just doing their part.

The fact is, if civil servants are actually guilty of the allegations of CAPO "break-in of government offices, treason and aiding and abetting", then of course they should be sacked and charged.

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No one informed those deluded souls in CAPO that no one listens to them. No one informed those deluded souls in CAPO that their time is almost up. Soon they will be officially issued P45's. Some of them might be even charged with murder. Some of them might be sent straight to rehab.

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There has been quite a hysterical reaction on this thread by some posters.

Its not about having a different political opinion, it sounds like it has gone way beyond that. And keep in mind that yellow shirt supporters don't exactly have the best record in playing clean politics. Their whole political strategy over the last few months is all about dirty tricks and cheap shots against the government, combined with an elaborate legal maneuvers to create an artificial and unnatural political vacuum, that gives them the room and excuse to push forward their undemocratic power grab agenda. instigating violence to trigger a coup is of course their last card. the PDRC (civil?) servants are just doing their part.

The fact is, if civil servants are actually guilty of the allegations of CAPO "break-in of government offices, treason and aiding and abetting", then of course they should be sacked and charged.

CAPO are threatening them for thinking the wrong thoughts. That is fascism

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