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Tour guide 'killed and ate' German tourist


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Apologies for bringing some facts to this sad story.

But there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that any form of cannibalism took place in this murder. That was a classic case of sloppy, stereotyping as beloved by the tabloids.

For a fuller version of the story have a read of this article from GQ (seems like GQ has some excellent people writing for it):


The last line of the article quoted in the OP says as much - "His killing led to media speculation that he had been the victim of cannibalism, but the prosecution quashed the rumours."

I would guess the headline has more to do with sensationalism seeking editing, rather than shoddy reporting.

Another thing worth mentioning is that while the GQ article does include more details, the main theory it proposes is not

confirmed, and at least from the OP it seems like it was not accepted by the court (at least, not mentioned in the article,

and hard to imagine they would miss a chance for another go at the headline).

It is interesting to note that while the GQ article goes into great detail while expanding on the murderer's personality, motive,

background, and deconstructing his version of events - it accepts the victim's version almost without question and paints

an almost ideal picture of the other side.

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Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Really small minds tell other people what not to say. --Eleanor Roosevelt's Gramp

Truly awesome people make jokes about death and food, then eat a grilled tuna and cheese sandwiches, and wash it down with a glass of Chianti'. ~ Hannibal Lectar.

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Please exercise care in your posts.

I think making fun of a dead bloke and his demise is uncalled for here. I like a laugh but there is a line regarding this thread......coffee1.gif

Actually, I read the article and it sent chills down my spine. For the grace of god go I.

We've done similar things to this couple, over the years, they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. FATE.

RIP - German dude.

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Apologies for bringing some facts to this sad story.

But there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that any form of cannibalism took place in this murder. That was a classic case of sloppy, stereotyping as beloved by the tabloids.

For a fuller version of the story have a read of this article from GQ (seems like GQ has some excellent people writing for it):


Thanks, Folium!

Even though I fear that very few of the T.V. keyboard clowns lacking empathy read that article, it at least might help the forum members who were tempted to laugh at all those stupid and insulting jokes to think twice...

R.I.P. Stefan (he's not a "German dude"and actually has a name), and may Heike find closure and a reason to live on. Hope the two of you will be reunited in heaven and that Arihano will receive the punishment he really deserves when he dies.

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I truly don't see the point where people are making funny comments on a such a tragic story. The victim could have been anyone from your family too, would you make fun of it - if it was your dear and loved one? Think again...

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In a different thread

Little Beer Posted 2014-05-17 17:07:12

Gap year tragedy as teenager dies after falling from a train in Thailand while trying to have a sneaky cigarette


The teenager, from Bengeo, Hertfordshire, was travelling with friends from Bangkok to Koh Phangan but had stepped outside to smoke because it was banned inside the carriage.


Scott Posted 2014-05-17 18:09:34

Family and friends may read this thread, so please be respectful and exercise care in your posts.

And so many hypocritical TV-member couldn't stop "crying"

RIP... RIP... RIP... RIP... RIP... RIP...RIP... and "condolences" and "sorry" ........

And now I read here

webfact Posted Yesterday, 09:05

Arihano Haiti jailed for 28 years after killing German tourist and then allegedly eating him

A FRENCH Polynesian hunter has been sentenced to 28 years in jail after he was accused of killing and eating a German tourist.

Arihano Haiti was found guilty of murdering 40-year-old Stefan Ramin, whose charred remains were found days after he went missing on the island of Nuku Hiva during a round-the-world sailing trip with his girlfriend, Heike Dorsch, 37.

The 33-year-old was also convicted of sexually assaulting Dorsch, and ordered to serve 28 years in jail, with no possibility of parole for 18 years.

Comments from TV-members:

- Lupatria "If you can't beat 'em eat 'em."

- GuyL "I wonder whether Conchita Wurst will avoid visiting this island from now on because with such a name, she/he would certainly be a great temptation for local Germanophone sausage eaters of all sorts! wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA.png "

- turien "only this one time the German guy should have adhered to "fast food": Start running, do not stop anymore"

- Chicog "I'd imagine it was to make him easier to cook. "

- slipperylobster "I dislike German food...wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA.png "

- Pete Beale "Is it true he put vinegar on him and had sour kraut ? "

and so on .......

Please exercise care in your posts.


Facts, no comment

Edited by puck2
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To say it in a nutshell, the British boy died because of his addiction to smoking, the German man was murdered.

It seems the nationality was the main reason having a pity with the smoking idiot, but joking about the ugly crime, unrestricted by the mods. Congratulation for the high standeard cool.png

Up to you to have those jokes in a beer bar, but here unrestrictedly?

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To say it in a nutshell, the British boy died because of his addiction to smoking, the German man was murdered.

It seems the nationality was the main reason having a pity with the smoking idiot, but joking about the ugly crime, unrestricted by the mods. Congratulation for the high standeard cool.png

Up to you to have those jokes in a beer bar, but here unrestrictedly?

Did you read my second post in this thread? http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/727233-tour-guide-killed-and-ate-german-tourist/#entry7847974

I don't believe that the nationality of the victim is the main reason for some jokes here, but rather the strangeness of the death as described in the OP. Nowadays, (alleged) cannibalism is way more unusual than the kind of accident that happened to the British young man and that's certainly why there are more humourous comments here than in the other thread that you mentioned.

Edited by GuyL
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Very sad, people making smart ass comments should hang their heads in shame.

RIP and remember when travelling about this could very easily be you or your family... have some respect for the family and the dead

Reading suggestion (once again): http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/727233-tour-guide-killed-and-ate-german-tourist/#entry7847974

You said:

In this case, some among us are making jokes about a rather unusual situation. It's the strangeness of this situation that titillates our sense of humour.

But what you seem to, or choose to, miss is that there is little unusual or strange about this incident as far as murders/sexual assaults/attempted murders go. All this "giggle-giggle" nonsense about cannibalism is nothing more than that. There is no evidence whatsoever that cannibalism was involved. This garbage was invented by idle journos/editors wanting to create a "sensational" headline.

The bottom line is that one person was brutally murdered and his partner was attacked, sexually assaulted and quite probably would also have been murdered had she not escaped.

I quite understand the role of "black" humour and how it can paper over utter fear and stress, but adolescent jokes at the expense of others is hardly edifying....

Edited by folium
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Very sad, people making smart ass comments should hang their heads in shame.

RIP and remember when travelling about this could very easily be you or your family... have some respect for the family and the dead

Reading suggestion (once again): http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/727233-tour-guide-killed-and-ate-german-tourist/#entry7847974

You said:

In this case, some among us are making jokes about a rather unusual situation. It's the strangeness of this situation that titillates our sense of humour.

But what you seem to, or choose to, miss is that there is little unusual or strange about this incident as far as murders/sexual assaults/attempted murders go. All this "giggle-giggle" nonsense about cannibalism is nothing more than that. There is no evidence whatsoever that cannibalism was involved. This garbage was invented by idle journos/editors wanting to create a "sensational" headline.

The bottom line is that one person was brutally murdered and his partner was attacked, sexually assaulted and quite probably would also have been murdered had she not escaped.

I quite understand the role of "black" humour and how it can paper over utter fear and stress, but adolescent jokes at the expense of others is hardly edifying....

The OP had been modified since. It initially didn't include any link to the "full story" and it was more affirmative about the cannibalism (no "allegedly" then in the OP). The main title of this thread still says: "Tour guide 'killed and ate' German tourist".

The jokes made here are about (alleged) cannibalism, not about other crimes, and certainely not at the expense of the victims.

Edited by GuyL
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Sorry to disappoint you, but this story has always had a link to the full story. The story is not from Thaivisa and printing a story from another source and not giving credit and a source would be a violation of Fair Use Policy and be a violation of copyright laws.

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Sorry to disappoint you, but this story has always had a link to the full story. The story is not from Thaivisa and printing a story from another source and not giving credit and a source would be a violation of Fair Use Policy and be a violation of copyright laws.

I might have missed the link to the full story, but I am pretty certain that there was no "allegedly" in the OP when I first read it.

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You are wrong. The OP has not been edited in any way.

It is copied from the linked source directly, as are nearly all of the topics in the World News.

Sorry about that, then. I read other sources about this story before it was reported here, and I might not have paid enough attention to what was exactly mentioned in the OP when I first read it, or maybe it was because of the main title of the thread that I thought that it was more affirmative about the cannibalism part.

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You are wrong. The OP has not been edited in any way.

It is copied from the linked source directly, as are nearly all of the topics in the World News.

Sorry about that, then. I read other sources about this story before it was reported here, and I might not have paid enough attention to what was exactly mentioned in the OP when I first read it, or maybe it was because of the main title of the thread that I thought that it was more affirmative about the cannibalism part.

Mr. GuyL, you are crawling back now.

Let me test the kind of your so called "black humor".

I imagine it was your brother with his girlfriend on the island of Nuku Hiva, your brother eaten by the Polynesian hunter and his girlfirend sexually assaulted.

What would you say about "black humour" if some people posted here in TV e..g.

- Oh surely it was a fat English man because the the Polynesians don't like lean food.

- The Polynesian thought with his mouth watering: first him, then the sexy lady, but before eating her ...... hm, she has a sexy flesh-meat ..... .

... and so on.

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You are wrong. The OP has not been edited in any way.

It is copied from the linked source directly, as are nearly all of the topics in the World News.

Sorry about that, then. I read other sources about this story before it was reported here, and I might not have paid enough attention to what was exactly mentioned in the OP when I first read it, or maybe it was because of the main title of the thread that I thought that it was more affirmative about the cannibalism part.

Mr. GuyL, you are crawling back now.

Let me test the kind of your so called "black humor".

I imagine it was your brother with his girlfriend on the island of Nuku Hiva, your brother eaten by the Polynesian hunter and his girlfirend sexually assaulted.

What would you say about "black humour" if some people posted here in TV e..g.

- Oh surely it was a fat English man because the the Polynesians don't like lean food.

- The Polynesian thought with his mouth watering: first him, then the sexy lady, but before eating her ...... hm, she has a sexy flesh-meat ..... .

... and so on.

Ok, I misread the OP, but again, the jokes made here are about cannibalism only, and not about other crimes. If cannibalism hadn't been mentionned, you wouldn't have seen much jokes here, and certainly not from me.

As far as black humour is concerned, it doesn't matter much who the victims are. Of course, I am not hypocritical and I certainly would be more affected and sadder if the victims were members of my family, but I also wrote earlier : "In my case, I do not want people to be too sad when I die. Actually, it would not bother me the least if my death caused hilarity because it occurred in an unusual situation such as the one described here."

And if jokes about cannibalism were made with victims being my father or my sisters (I don't have any brother yet as far as I know), it would not bother me neither, provided that the jokers were not responsible anyhow of the death of my relatives. It wouldn't change the pain that I might feel because of their death. They would still be dead then anyway. I could even have a laugh too along with the jokers. I might add that the cannibal was probably a gourmet, because of the French and Italian origins of the members of my family, and France and Italy are two countries renowned for their gastronomy and cuisine.

No, I am not an insensitive person. You might have already noticed that some people regularly make jokes about many dramatic events, such as the holocaust for instance. Among those people who practice black humour about the holocaust, many are Jews and members of their family died because of this tragic event. So, many people who practice black humour are certainly not disrepectful towards the victims of tragic events: they don't laugh at the expense of the victims, they just try to make those events less painful for everyone, but also, by provoking the audience, they make them remember it more efficiently (IMHO).

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Apologies for bringing some facts to this sad story.

But there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that any form of cannibalism took place in this murder. That was a classic case of sloppy, stereotyping as beloved by the tabloids.

For a fuller version of the story have a read of this article from GQ (seems like GQ has some excellent people writing for it):


Thank you for the link. It was a pleasure to read something by a journalist who can write so well. Unfortunately the subject matter was so sad. Things like this make you seriously consider that certain actions or events are fated. IF only this adventurous couple had left when they intended, IF only they had stayed the normal length of time, IF only the man had taken his own gun as would be normal on a hunting expedition etc etc etc. Reading the article is like watching a horror movie unfold before you, you just know you are going to have to close your eyes any second. The couple appeared to have an epic life, what a shame it was taken from them so violently. By the way, if you read the article you would see that the stupid jokes are completely inappropriate.

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GuyL, no need to apologize, it happens quite frequently that people read an article incorrectly, or read something from another source and get it mixed up with the thread here.

I just want to set the record straight that we didn't change the content.

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