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Jatuporn vows to go rallying


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Jatuporn vows to go rallying

BANGKOK: -- Red shirt leader Jatuporn Promphan on Tuesday wrote on his Facebook wall, asking the red-shirt supporters not to be panic following the martial law declaration.

He vowed to continue the rally at Uttayan Road. "Nothing has changed in our intention to fight. Please greet military officers this morning with smiles and friendly manner," he wrote.

-- The Nation 2014-05-20

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Perfect. With the protester remaining in 1 area it will be easy pickings for the Army to start rounding up ALL the criminals avoiding arrests and court hearings using the people as shields.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Perfect. With the protester remaining in 1 area it will be easy pickings for the Army to start rounding up ALL the criminals avoiding arrests and court hearings using the people as shields.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

which set of protestors are you talking about!? The yellows would probably go quite easily despite their strong feeling about corruption - the red shirts harder as theyre paid to protest!!

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Perfect. With the protester remaining in 1 area it will be easy pickings for the Army to start rounding up ALL the criminals avoiding arrests and court hearings using the people as shields.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

which set of protestors are you talking about!? The yellows would probably go quite easily despite their strong feeling about corruption - the red shirts harder as theyre paid to protest!!

By not specifying which protester one would assume i meant ALL.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"asking the red-shirt supporters not to be panic following the martial law declaration"

Why should they panic? UDD principle # 3 states "To promote non-violence as our modus operandi for all activities"

The UDD should welcome this and be assured that perpetrators of all violence have a better chance of being held accountable.

​Of course the people that perpetrated the violence and have the blood of 28 deaths and over 700 on there hands should panic.

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I bet Mark Zuckerburg must be laughing in his socks.... when 4th world countries now run their business based on his little idea about family communication.

He may allow himself a wry smile, but he will not make any more money from it.

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If you watched Thai TV, you would see the army saying rallies can continue, its the marching about and shutting off electric etc. thats been curtailed.... IE PDRC.

So Red Rally unaffected as it was not going anywhere anyway.

So long as they don't appoint a fascist, we'll be ok. Hope its the real beginning of the end for the mess.

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Perfect. With the protester remaining in 1 area it will be easy pickings for the Army to start rounding up ALL the criminals avoiding arrests and court hearings using the people as shields.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

which set of protestors are you talking about!? The yellows would probably go quite easily despite their strong feeling about corruption - the red shirts harder as theyre paid to protest!!

You have hit upon a point. If the army move against the UDD and not PRDC, they will be seen as pro-PRDC. That would set off a chain reaction that could get ugly very quickly. The same is true if the army acts against PRDC and not the UDD. There are only two things the army can do without being seen as partizan. The first is to contain the rally sites without interfering. The second thing is to act against both similtaneously. The first course of action seems more likely.

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If you watched Thai TV, you would see the army saying rallies can continue, its the marching about and shutting off electric etc. thats been curtailed.... IE PDRC.

So Red Rally unaffected as it was not going anywhere anyway.

So long as they don't appoint a fascist, we'll be ok. Hope its the real beginning of the end for the mess.

Troops were deployed to close Buddha Monthon 4 Road and replaced police to keep security there. Following the arrival of troops, some red shirts started returning home.


Followed by

Army chief Tuesday invoked the martial law to order all protesters to stay at their rally sites and not to move.


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By restricting red movements, a coup or an interim prime minister is very likely. coffee1.gif

A coup is under way. First there was a judicial coup, now a declaration of martial law, without consulting the acting government, which is putting a brave face on it. Next the Senate is moving to its Plan B or even Plan C, which is some form of appointed government. This not 2006 when there was an element of surprize and the key decison makers in government were out of the country. This move has been expected for a long time and has been planned for by all sides.

This Putsch is planned from the first day of the Yingluck Government.

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the fat little bastard is backpeddling as quick as he can now because he knows he is toast, all mouth when he has the govt and police to back him but when he finds that he no longer has their protection he sh*ts himself and tells the reds to behave. Will be great if the army start to round up these idiots and throw their <deleted> in jail along with any of the anti govt mob that have been too heavy handed.

...but he still uses the word "fight"; that should be enough to haul his ass back to jail...!!

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This could be a preparation for a change the reds won't like, thus now locking them at one point so they can't cause any trouble when the change comes.

Just speculation, but otherwise I have no explanation though I am anti government I did not see the reds do anything and nothing much changed.

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If you watched Thai TV, you would see the army saying rallies can continue, its the marching about and shutting off electric etc. thats been curtailed.... IE PDRC.

So Red Rally unaffected as it was not going anywhere anyway.

So long as they don't appoint a fascist, we'll be ok. Hope its the real beginning of the end for the mess.

...good to see that you recognise that the red rally "was not going anywhere anyway"...!

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Now we have all the beloved TV red bretheren praying that the Army only moves against them and not PDRC so they can carry on with their poor bugger me whining. Face it you losers, it is over, just congratulate Suthep for waking this country up and then pack your bags and go back to where you originally hatched from, Thailand dosen't need your kind.


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Please greet military officers this morning with smiles and friendly manner....

What's up Jatups? Shptting yourself now?

he's offering 20baht for every smile shown on TV whistling.gif

His own rotten smile makes me want to throw up

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By restricting red movements, a coup or an interim prime minister is very likely. coffee1.gif

A coup is under way. First there was a judicial coup, now a declaration of martial law, without consulting the acting government, which is putting a brave face on it. Next the Senate is moving to its Plan B or even Plan C, which is some form of appointed government. This not 2006 when there was an element of surprize and the key decison makers in government were out of the country. This move has been expected for a long time and has been planned for by all sides.

Utter dribble.

This Putsch is planned from the first day of the Yingluck Government.

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