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Jatuporn vows to go rallying


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Now we have all the beloved TV red bretheren praying that the Army only moves against them and not PDRC so they can carry on with their poor bugger me whining. Face it you losers, it is over, just congratulate Suthep for waking this country up and then pack your bags and go back to where you originally hatched from, Thailand dosen't need your kind.

You really need to take a nice nap, or up the dose on your medication. If neither of those is possible, maybe find a secret computer feature called spell-check.

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By restricting red movements, a coup or an interim prime minister is very likely. coffee1.gif

A coup is under way. First there was a judicial coup, now a declaration of martial law, without consulting the acting government, which is putting a brave face on it. Next the Senate is moving to its Plan B or even Plan C, which is some form of appointed government. This not 2006 when there was an element of surprize and the key decison makers in government were out of the country. This move has been expected for a long time and has been planned for by all sides.

This Putsch is planned from the first day of the Yingluck Government.

Actually no. If only it had remained a Yingluck government, but Thaksin overreached as he always does.

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The wind out of Jatuporn's sails has left very quickly. Gone is the bluster and the baiting. It's just completely disappeared - to the surprise of absolutely no one. He's out for himself, and he realizes the climate isn't conducive to his particular brand of entertainment. His own television programme is gone. Even Jatuporn has retreated into the Yingluck wilderness of facebook.

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Perfect. With the protester remaining in 1 area it will be easy pickings for the Army to start rounding up ALL the criminals avoiding arrests and court hearings using the people as shields.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Chuck them onto trains and send them packing back up North!!!

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Nice to see all the coupists out in full force here. Shame on you all! This is nothing more than a step in the disenfranchisement of the Thai voters & yet another sledgehammer blow to democracy.

As with 2006 it will have dire consequences.

Its a sledge hammer blow FOR democracy!!!

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Simple solution have the Constitution court dispand all present political parties and ban all MPs and senators from the last 13 years for 5 years or more. Have a 90 day period for new parties to form and nominate their candidates and then have a new election 45 days after. Martial law will remain until the new government is formed. Throw out all the bums on all sides and start anew.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by Issangeorge
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Now we have all the beloved TV red bretheren praying that the Army only moves against them and not PDRC so they can carry on with their poor bugger me whining. Face it you losers, it is over, just congratulate Suthep for waking this country up and then pack your bags and go back to where you originally hatched from, Thailand dosen't need your kind.

You really need to take a nice nap, or up the dose on your medication. If neither of those is possible, maybe find a secret computer feature called spell-check.

Don't tell me you are a red loser and a school teacher, you poor SOB?

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By restricting red movements, a coup or an interim prime minister is very likely. coffee1.gif

A coup is under way. First there was a judicial coup, now a declaration of martial law, without consulting the acting government, which is putting a brave face on it. Next the Senate is moving to its Plan B or even Plan C, which is some form of appointed government. This not 2006 when there was an element of surprize and the key decison makers in government were out of the country. This move has been expected for a long time and has been planned for by all sides.

Judicial coup? Oh you mean when people break the law and are removed from office? You believe the Shins to be above the pesky old law of course. That only applies to the plebs not the clan.

Martial law can be declared by the army. Do they have to consult with an acting caretaker administration, whose legitimacy is in question, and whose members seem to be involved in supplying illegal arms to insurrectionist terrorists?

How Thaksin reacts to this neutering of his intimidation and attack agencies - CAPO,DSI, RTP and pressure applied to his red shirt militia will also be key to the next steps.

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If you watched Thai TV, you would see the army saying rallies can continue, its the marching about and shutting off electric etc. thats been curtailed.... IE PDRC.

So Red Rally unaffected as it was not going anywhere anyway.

So long as they don't appoint a fascist, we'll be ok. Hope its the real beginning of the end for the mess.

Absolutely correct and the allowing of protest at the protest sites only would tend to suggest that martial law has been invoked to prevent the PDRC carrying out their plans to "get after" government ministers. The red shirts just need to sit tight and wait and see what comes next. If the military support a "neutral" PM or are seen to be kowtowing to the PDRC, then it will be time to react. I for one hope the General upholds the democratic principles and tells the EC to do their job and organise an election.

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Nice to see all the coupists out in full force here. Shame on you all! This is nothing more than a step in the disenfranchisement of the Thai voters & yet another sledgehammer blow to democracy.

As with 2006 it will have dire consequences.

Stop making threats about "dire consequences." You have lost. Go away, now.

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If you watched Thai TV, you would see the army saying rallies can continue, its the marching about and shutting off electric etc. thats been curtailed.... IE PDRC.

So Red Rally unaffected as it was not going anywhere anyway.

So long as they don't appoint a fascist, we'll be ok. Hope its the real beginning of the end for the mess.

Absolutely correct and the allowing of protest at the protest sites only would tend to suggest that martial law has been invoked to prevent the PDRC carrying out their plans to "get after" government ministers. The red shirts just need to sit tight and wait and see what comes next. If the military support a "neutral" PM or are seen to be kowtowing to the PDRC, then it will be time to react. I for one hope the General upholds the democratic principles and tells the EC to do their job and organise an election.

I think that you have set the bar 'for you're hopes' way too high as it ain't going to happen and neither should it!!wai2.gif

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Nice to see all the coupists out in full force here. Shame on you all! This is nothing more than a step in the disenfranchisement of the Thai voters & yet another sledgehammer blow to democracy.

As with 2006 it will have dire consequences.

You've been a TVF member for along time and obviously know it all.

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By restricting red movements, a coup or an interim prime minister is very likely. coffee1.gif

A coup is under way. First there was a judicial coup, now a declaration of martial law, without consulting the acting government, which is putting a brave face on it. Next the Senate is moving to its Plan B or even Plan C, which is some form of appointed government. This not 2006 when there was an element of surprize and the key decison makers in government were out of the country. This move has been expected for a long time and has been planned for by all sides.

The sky is falling, the sky is falling.

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If you watched Thai TV, you would see the army saying rallies can continue, its the marching about and shutting off electric etc. thats been curtailed.... IE PDRC.

So Red Rally unaffected as it was not going anywhere anyway.

So long as they don't appoint a fascist, we'll be ok. Hope its the real beginning of the end for the mess.

Absolutely correct and the allowing of protest at the protest sites only would tend to suggest that martial law has been invoked to prevent the PDRC carrying out their plans to "get after" government ministers. The red shirts just need to sit tight and wait and see what comes next. If the military support a "neutral" PM or are seen to be kowtowing to the PDRC, then it will be time to react. I for one hope the General upholds the democratic principles and tells the EC to do their job and organise an election.

I think that you have set the bar 'for you're hopes' way too high as it ain't going to happen and neither should it!!wai2.gif

Setting the bar too high is really going to piss off a certain ex Labour Minister, ex CAPO capo and ex policeman that we all know too well.

He can barely stand up straight as it is. biggrin.png

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RT@W7VOA: Red shirt leader Jatuporn quoted saying he's willing to speak with PDRC's Suthep if both asked by army chief. #Thailand

This guy is melting away faster than the Wicked Witch of the East.

Edited by zydeco
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Simple solution have the Constitution court dispand all present political parties and ban all MPs and senators from the last 13 years for 5 years or more. Have a 90 day period for new parties to form and nominate their candidates and then have a new election 45 days after. Martial law will remain until the new government is formed. Throw out all the bums on all sides and start anew.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

...and what would be your solution for innocent politicians, say for example, Apirak, who was exonerated of the trumped-up charges that were laid against, but nevertheless resigned from office whilst he was under investigation? A most honourable man whom Yingluck should have emulated in order to avoid the current situation.

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