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Soldiers deployed in Thai capital Bangkok under martial law


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I suspect the martial law has been imposed in reaction to Suthep upping the stakes. I guess hunting down government ministers is considered a step too far. I expect the General to come out in the next week and say that elections will take place under martial law which will prevent them being disrupted by the PDRC. Affectively, martial law is doing the job the police were prevented from doing by the General.

I guess it is finding military weapons at PTP politicians. Or CAPO making problems with courts.

Or most probably the combination of everything.

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I suspect the martial law has been imposed in reaction to Suthep upping the stakes. I guess hunting down government ministers is considered a step too far. I expect the General to come out in the next week and say that elections will take place under martial law which will prevent them being disrupted by the PDRC. Affectively, martial law is doing the job the police were prevented from doing by the General.

Martial Law is doing the job the police were first ordered by YL not to do, and now CAPO has shown to be not able to do. Still, Chalerm does talk a good story.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I suspect the martial law has been imposed in reaction to Suthep upping the stakes. I guess hunting down government ministers is considered a step too far. I expect the General to come out in the next week and say that elections will take place under martial law which will prevent them being disrupted by the PDRC. Affectively, martial law is doing the job the police were prevented from doing by the General.

The police were NEVER really involved--what are you talking about. I say come on guys unseat these supposedly MPs who have super glue on their trousers.

Clean the lousy place up, get rid of the trash starting with the government then the rest. Allow the courts to decide (military or otherwise.

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well its about time no ? if they can bring back some kind of peace in this totaly crazy situation ....... will be my third coup actually ....

......and the most justified if it turns into a coup. I want to know what took them so long to do the democratic thing and turf out this illegitimate rabble!!!

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And the coup has begun. thumbsup.gif Please please, do not cut off the internet. sad.png

This is not a coup, but gives the Army complete control for the short term.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Readying Thailand for the long term!!!

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well its about time no ? if they can bring back some kind of peace in this totaly crazy situation ....... will be my third coup actually ....

......and the most justified if it turns into a coup. I want to know what took them so long to do the democratic thing and turf out this illegitimate rabble!!!

"do the democratic thing" clap2.gif

Kim Jong-Un would be proud of this statement

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I suspect the martial law has been imposed in reaction to Suthep upping the stakes. I guess hunting down government ministers is considered a step too far. I expect the General to come out in the next week and say that elections will take place under martial law which will prevent them being disrupted by the PDRC. Affectively, martial law is doing the job the police were prevented from doing by the General.

Yes, I agree and I too think the ruling military council will facilitate a new general election. Gen Prayuth, the military chiefs and their general staff, right on down to the rank and file grunts were permitted to vote freely and reasonably confidentially in the Feb 2nd election that was demolished by Suthep and his PDRC and its thugs.

Gen Prayuth and the military high command made a highly visible show of themselves voting and of all of the military voting in the Feb 2nd election, which is more than the DP or Abhisit bothered to do. I think Prayuth and the military chiefs under him will go ahead to promote a new election.

Gen Prayuth and his senior commanders know the Army has to regain the confidence and trust of the people, the general population of the country, and, very significantly, to regain credibility among the large number of Thais in the broad swathe north of Bangkok. After the 1992 post coup Army massacres of Thais in the streets, the 2006 coup against democracy, and the 2010 ravaging of a particular political grouping of Thai society, the armed forces and their commanders know they must walk the straight and narrow, and they pretty much have been approximating that, at least more or less so.

Now comes the real test. Gen Prayuth and the senior commanders across the armed forces were very junior officers at the time of the Army's 1992 slaughtering of Thais in the streets of Bangkok. The general and his generation of officers were rising commanders at the time of the 2006 coup, and were already senior commanders during the 2010 abomination against the Thai people.

The armed forces and their commanders know they have a lot of repenting to do before the ordinary people of Thailand, the people to the north, south, northeast and to the west. The military ruling council and its armed forces are being watched closely from all points of the compass. How the people think of the armed forces and its commanders is a central part of the future of the country, if it indeed is to have a future.

Edited by Publicus
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I bought a VPN, cheap but a good one according to the info and reviews, STRONGVPN which routes my IP to another country, typically the United States.

But I think I still need an available and open browser to use it.

Hope I don't need to find out.

First month's free anyway with the option to cancel.

First thing they do is look for people using VPN. Anybody trying to hide their internet identity are clearly up to no good ....

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

How true do not use they will find you.

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Prayuth'a dismantling of both the UDD stations and Blue Sky is a balanced move. Both were not news, of course. They were propaganda. There will likely be no additional move against the mainstream media per say - to the great consternation of UDD supporters' belief. Such a move - if it were ever contemplated, which is highly unlikely - would surely have been announced at the same time. Prayuth is fully aware of what happens routinely on red shirt radio. It took propaganda and misinformation to dizzying heights. But it often went beyond that - it often openly instigated unrest. To close Blue Sky at the same time was a clever move, and likely designed to deflect criticism.

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well its about time no ? if they can bring back some kind of peace in this totaly crazy situation ....... will be my third coup actually ....

......and the most justified if it turns into a coup. I want to know what took them so long to do the democratic thing and turf out this illegitimate rabble!!!

"do the democratic thing" clap2.gif

Kim Jong-Un would be proud of this statement

Your government acting against the law of the land is not very democratic is it ??? well done you pro gov propaganda posters it has been a laugh a minute.

Try coming clean and not live in your democratic fantasy world.

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All the problems are in BKK, so why introduce Martial Law throughout the country? That's like going fishing with sticks of dynamite - bit of an overkill.

I would imagine like with the real coup the army will arrange for elections to be held and they will want those elections to be as free and fair as possible.

That will mean all candidates must be allowed to campaign their electorates and this must be followed through by stamping down on intimidation and bribery and carrying on right through to the ballot box and vote counting. As the existing law covers

There is also the aspect of being able to force the police everywhere to do their duty and they must be able to search out weapons and explosives anywhere.

if it were only in BKK those with evil intent (for want of a better term) could do what they want outside the city for as I am sure you know the police would never stop them.

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I suspect the martial law has been imposed in reaction to Suthep upping the stakes. I guess hunting down government ministers is considered a step too far. I expect the General to come out in the next week and say that elections will take place under martial law which will prevent them being disrupted by the PDRC. Affectively, martial law is doing the job the police were prevented from doing by the General.

More likely a result of various threats to clean up the PDRC camp made on the red stage last night.

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All the problems are in BKK, so why introduce Martial Law throughout the country? That's like going fishing with sticks of dynamite - bit of an overkill.

They want to go after the Lanna Secessionist movement while they are at it. It also lets them control all the community radio stations. The army is not on the side of the UDD or the Red Shirts in general.

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Well the police haven't or won't get a handle on the safety of their citizens, then I guess it is time for the military to take over their security..

Cheap shot, glib.

Not really.

Now that the politicians and the police have shown they are no longer capable of maintaining law and order it was inevitable than eventually the military would have to do the job for them before the country disappears down the toilet completely.. It's not ideal but until the people who are charged to run the country can prove they can do it then there is no alternative.

Hopefully this action will kick a few <deleted> into gear and quickly.

Edited by bigbamboo
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yellow shirts have occupied city for 6 months, have paralyzed important central parts of the city for the majority of the time, Suthep has been free to spew his filth and bile, armed yellow shirt criminals have been allowed to brandish in the same of 'security', yet when the red shirts finally rise up and approach Bangkok in the name of retaining their civil rights, the military steps in and takes over.

Whatever methods are required, the red shirts must be prepared to carry them out in order to retain their basic human rights in this country. This is tyranny plain and simply.

You must be new to Thailand. When doing proper research on the red movement you will see that they tend to burn and destroy. In my opinion do the research and then you will find that when you post facts then we the TV members will begin to take your troll post a little more serious. Seriously!

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Yellow shirts have occupied city for 6 months, have paralyzed important central parts of the city for the majority of the time, Suthep has been free to spew his filth and bile, armed yellow shirt criminals have been allowed to brandish in the same of 'security', yet when the red shirts finally rise up and approach Bangkok in the name of retaining their civil rights, the military steps in and takes over.

Whatever methods are required, the red shirts must be prepared to carry them out in order to retain their basic human rights in this country. This is tyranny plain and simply.

Yeah right !! lets have a civil war you fool. Martial law isn't going to affect a normal citizens day to day life.This madness from both sides has to be stopped now before it gets really out of hand.The army has done just that,the political wranglings from inept politicians can now continue without blood shed.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Does this mean Chalerm and CAPO are no longer in control?

Yes, thought they were never in real control other than sound bytes in the media.

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well its about time no ? if they can bring back some kind of peace in this totaly crazy situation ....... will be my third coup actually ....

yes, mine too. business as usual.

a few riots a flood and an airport takeover too just for fun

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

And the coup has begun. Please please, do not cut off the internet.

This is not a coup, but gives the Army complete control for the short term.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Readying Thailand for the long term!!!

I feel that you are correct sir, and I think I know what you mean by "readying Thailand for the long term"! I just hope that the Thai military allows the Thai people to decide what path Thailand takes "for the long term" wai2.gif

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I suspect the martial law has been imposed in reaction to Suthep upping the stakes. I guess hunting down government ministers is considered a step too far. I expect the General to come out in the next week and say that elections will take place under martial law which will prevent them being disrupted by the PDRC. Affectively, martial law is doing the job the police were prevented from doing by the General.

Yes, I agree and I too think the ruling military council will facilitate a new general election. Gen Prayuth, the military chiefs and their general staff, right on down to the rank and file grunts were permitted to vote freely and reasonably confidentially in the Feb 2nd election that was demolished by Suthep and his PDRC and its thugs.

Gen Prayuth and the military high command made a highly visible show of themselves voting and of all of the military voting in the Feb 2nd election, which is more than the DP or Abhisit bothered to do. I think Prayuth and the military chiefs under him will go ahead to promote a new election.

Gen Prayuth and his senior commanders know the Army has to regain the confidence and trust of the people, the general population of the country, and, very significantly, to regain credibility among the large number of Thais in the broad swathe north of Bangkok. After the 1992 post coup Army massacres of Thais in the streets, the 2006 coup against democracy, and the 2010 ravaging of a particular political grouping of Thai society, the armed forces and their commanders know they must walk the straight and narrow, and they pretty much have been approximating that, at least more or less so.

Now comes the real test. Gen Prayuth and the senior commanders across the armed forces were very junior officers at the time of the Army's 1992 slaughtering of Thais in the streets of Bangkok. The general and his generation of officers were rising commanders at the time of the 2006 coup, and were already senior commanders during the 2010 abomination against the Thai people.

The armed forces and their commanders know they have a lot of repenting to do before the ordinary people of Thailand, the people to the north, south, northeast and to the west. The military ruling council and its armed forces are being watched closely from all points of the compass. How the people think of the armed forces and its commanders is a central part of the future of the country, if it indeed is to have a future.

Eradicating the Shin's is the key to returning Thailand back towards stability. This could turn out to be one of the pivotal moments in Thailand's history and if the reds try to stop it they must be put down in order to deter them form letting democracy return to the LOS!!!

Chalerm must be pulling his hair out as all of these sedition charges against Suthep (Robin Hood) and his merry men, I'm assuming, will all be rescinded!!!

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Well the police haven't or won't get a handle on the safety of their citizens, then I guess it is time for the military to take over their security..

Cheap shot, glib.

Cheap in your eyes - but true.

Exactly how many people have been arrested,charged with attacks and murders of anti-Thaksin protesters or innocents? The increasingly bizarre and threatening rhetoric being spouted by CAPO seems strangely one sided too. Like warning that those against Thaksin were in danger of attack but those protesting in support would be protected. CAPO, DSI. RTP - all should be impartial and enforce the law fairly. Sadly, everyone knows they do as they are told by the PTP boss.

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I bought a VPN, cheap but a good one according to the info and reviews, STRONGVPN which routes my IP to another country, typically the United States.

But I think I still need an available and open browser to use it.

Hope I don't need to find out.

First month's free anyway with the option to cancel.

First thing they do is look for people using VPN. Anybody trying to hide their internet identity are clearly up to no good ....

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That's an indiscriminate and presumptuous condemnation that is imprudent and wrong.

When I was in the CCP-PRC my uni computer major students put in my pc desktop the Google Unblock and Uncensor system "Ultrareach" that the 35,000 CCP censors working full time can't even identify, much take action against. It goes right through the Great Firewall of China while being undetectable. Same for VPN. The technologies are beyond them. I doubt Thai technology is any better than the miserable state of the CCP's technologies.

I was being sarcastic!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I suspect the martial law has been imposed in reaction to Suthep upping the stakes. I guess hunting down government ministers is considered a step too far. I expect the General to come out in the next week and say that elections will take place under martial law which will prevent them being disrupted by the PDRC. Affectively, martial law is doing the job the police were prevented from doing by the General.

Yes, I agree and I too think the ruling military council will facilitate a new general election. Gen Prayuth, the military chiefs and their general staff, right on down to the rank and file grunts were permitted to vote freely and reasonably confidentially in the Feb 2nd election that was demolished by Suthep and his PDRC and its thugs.

Gen Prayuth and the military high command made a highly visible show of themselves voting and of all of the military voting in the Feb 2nd election, which is more than the DP or Abhisit bothered to do. I think Prayuth and the military chiefs under him will go ahead to promote a new election.

Gen Prayuth and his senior commanders know the Army has to regain the confidence and trust of the people, the general population of the country, and, very significantly, to regain credibility among the large number of Thais in the broad swathe north of Bangkok. After the 1992 post coup Army massacres of Thais in the streets, the 2006 coup against democracy, and the 2010 ravaging of a particular political grouping of Thai society, the armed forces and their commanders know they must walk the straight and narrow, and they pretty much have been approximating that, at least more or less so.

Now comes the real test. Gen Prayuth and the senior commanders across the armed forces were very junior officers at the time of the Army's 1992 slaughtering of Thais in the streets of Bangkok. The general and his generation of officers were rising commanders at the time of the 2006 coup, and were already senior commanders during the 2010 abomination against the Thai people.

The armed forces and their commanders know they have a lot of repenting to do before the ordinary people of Thailand, the people to the north, south, northeast and to the west. The military ruling council and its armed forces are being watched closely from all points of the compass. How the people think of the armed forces and its commanders is a central part of the future of the country, if it indeed is to have a future.

Eradicating the Shin's is the key to returning Thailand back towards stability. This could turn out to be one of the pivotal moments in Thailand's history and if the reds try to stop it they must be put down in order to deter them form letting democracy return to the LOS!!!

Chalerm must be pulling his hair out as all of these sedition charges against Suthep (Robin Hood) and his merry men, I'm assuming, will all be rescinded!!!

My wife and her Thai friends are saying Martial Law was imposed as a result of the weapons find in Korat yesterday. A PTP minister's adviser found with assault rifles among a cache of weapons in his car. Then senior police and ptp politicians tried to avoid the police/army from doing anything about. This apparent open arming of pro Thaksin supporters with serious weapons by police and government officials was the last straw, and considered to serious a threat to ignore.

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