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Ousted Thai PM Thaksin says martial law must not 'destroy' democracy


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Yeah! Always by losers and fascists.

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+1 cheesy.gif Response of the day Award Winner.

I suppose it is for the remedial class on democracy.

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Good to see him involved. He plays by the rules and wins elections fair and square. 100 years from now his statue will be everywhere, and noone will remember, Prayuth, Abhisit, Suthep, and the rest of the democracy destroyers.

It's a mystery to me how people can call Abhisit a 'democracy destroyer'. If you study Thaksin's autocratic history; if you compare Thaksin's modus operandi to other dictators of recent years; if you look at his political connections ...........etc etc etc and if you understood all those things you certainly would not call Abhisit a 'democracy destroyer'. There is nothing in his history to even suggest that that is his game. I despair at the ignorance of some people on this forum.

Dude! Ever hear of elections? I think they have something to do with democracy, but hey, I'm ignorant.


Sweet ... Dude.... Sweet.... Dude.

Democracy is not just elections. About 15 million voted in the party list vote for PTP in the last election .. over 16 million voted for someone else and nearly 1 million voted for non of them.

Democracy is far more than just elections. They are just the starting point!

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PS: he wasn't pm at time of coup so wasn't ousted.

Often a small detail that is overlooked.

Now if all those clever, fair, balanced journalists at AFP. BBC, FT and others could only remember that.

Oh, it doesn't suit their agenda so they work " Thaksin ousted as PM by military coup" into nearly as many stories as they do "Thaksin is adored by the rural poor".

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Good to see him involved. He plays by the rules and wins elections fair and square. 100 years from now his statue will be everywhere, and noone will remember, Prayuth, Abhisit, Suthep, and the rest of the democracy destroyers.

I believe the citizens of Tak Bai are raising money to erect a statue of Thaksin the Great in the town square and the residents of Pattani are planning to put one up outside the Krue Sae Mosque, so that their descendants in 100 years time will not forget his great deeds. Lest we forget!

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Now if all those clever, fair, balanced journalists at AFP. BBC, FT and others could only remember that.

Oh, it doesn't suit their agenda so they work " Thaksin ousted as PM by military coup" into nearly as many stories as they do "Thaksin is adored by the rural poor".

CNN as well. It's always "former prime minister living in self imposed exile for charges he claims are politically motivated" I always sit here wondering if the charges are politically motivated and your sister has been the PM for 2 1/2 years, couldn't he have just come back and faced the courts? It's almost like these so called journalists get their information on this subject from Amsterdam.

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I think when we talk about "vote buying" we shouldn't just look at the 500-1000 handouts by voting time. We need to look at a much larger picture: the use of irresponsible populists schemes that bleeds the country dry. Basically PTP takes from the people paying taxes (e.g much of the Bkk middle class) and gives unsustainable handouts to the north and north-east. E.g. the rice scheme scam.

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Hey! These guys did even better than Abhisit!. He only got 98% of the vote, even though he was the only candidate, when the Democrat party allowed 35 of their dear leaders to vote.

These guys win elections as well:

North Korea's Kim Jong-un gets 100% of 'yes' votes in election

Saddam 'wins 100% of vote'

In case you missed it, PTP don't even bother to elect their leader. He owns the bloody party and tells them how to vote.

Are you under instructions too?

I could be wrong, but as best as I remember the people of Thailand elected the leader of the PTP.

Yes you are wrong.

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The caretaker government wanted Martial Law - it is the only way to have elections and stop the PDRC/Suthep/Fake Monk.

This is why Thaksin says its expected............. it was, totally expected. The only way to stop the Judiciary from protecting the PDRC was Martial Law........... now its in the Judiciary are powerless and the army can oversee elections. Was it Martial Law agreed over Skype ?

This is what Surapong said on the 16th of May........


"But they may control the situation to prevent violence by declaring martial law, which is not a coup," Surapong said.

"If martial law is declared, the military will run the operation to maintain security and the CAPO will not get involved. And I believe that if the martial law is declared nationwide, the election can be held."

You think this is an arrangement between Thaksin, the PTP and the army???


They have chopped the balls off CAPO/UDD

The people still have the right to a national strike by the way.

The senate will now be able to appoint a new PM and cabinet with no threats from anyone.

Your silly little quote from the lizard man was nothing but a twisted and spun response to Prayuth's threat of full military force if the violence from the reds using war weapons did not stop after yet another three protesters lost their lives. He wasn't predicting a martial law, I bet he is as shocked as anyone.

I am guessing that the fact the army caught a cabinet minister with a cache of M16s in his car didn't help.

"If martial law is declared, the military will run the operation to maintain security and the CAPO will not get involved"

Nope.... CAPO HQ was stormed and everyone booted out, including Lizard Man.

You are unknowingly celebrating a PDRC victory and you don't even know it.

Boy are we going to have some fun with you in the coming weeks.

Now what am I going to do for my daily laugh with CAPO and Chalem removed from their demands and idle threats from these jokers.

Any curses for withdrawal symptoms. w00t.gif

Don't worry about your daily laugh. Just read the posts of in town, he makes the same noncense statements as Chalem use to.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I think when we talk about "vote buying" we shouldn't just look at the 500-1000 handouts by voting time. We need to look at a much larger picture: the use of irresponsible populists schemes that bleeds the country dry. Basically PTP takes from the people paying taxes (e.g much of the Bkk middle class) and gives unsustainable handouts to the north and north-east. E.g. the rice scheme scam.

You make a good point by pointing out 'the use of irresponsible populists schemes' bleed the country dry, but like so many posters err in continuing to aver that only the Bangkok middle class have had their tax money stolen/misused by Taksin and PTP. There are many small businesses who pay taxes and are equally angry. My little local grocery shop's sole owner told me she is sick of PTP 'eating her tax'. It seems to be a common delusion that all anti PTP are wealthy Bangkok 'elites'.

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Buys elections, buys elections, buys elections. Get it?

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Does he though? According to a recent study the Democrats spend more on votes that PT, confirmed by their own admission. You can ignore reality, but be careful, as reality may not ignore you...

You are simply making this up, I guess you based that in third hand accounts of an interview with Korn a few years ago, but if you can cite this "study" and the Democrats admission, bring it on.

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Good to see him involved. He plays by the rules and wins elections fair and square. 100 years from now his statue will be everywhere.

He would want to duplicate the work of his idol and role model, Ferdinand Marcos, onto the hills of Chiang Mai.


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Now if all those clever, fair, balanced journalists at AFP. BBC, FT and others could only remember that.

Oh, it doesn't suit their agenda so they work " Thaksin ousted as PM by military coup" into nearly as many stories as they do "Thaksin is adored by the rural poor".

CNN as well. It's always "former prime minister living in self imposed exile for charges he claims are politically motivated" I always sit here wondering if the charges are politically motivated and your sister has been the PM for 2 1/2 years, couldn't he have just come back and faced the courts? It's almost like these so called journalists get their information on this subject from Amsterdam.

AFP always say that he was convicted for corruption, often with further words about a politically motivated charge.

All incorrect and very misleading, he was convicted for abuse of power, nothing whatever to do with politics, and the case was heard and the verdict / sentence of 2 years in jail was during the time a paymaster government was in power.

I've twice sent e-mails to AFP asking them to the correct their words. Never any response.

Edited by scorecard
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