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what is wrong with tesco.


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They sell older staff?

Life sure is tough for senior citizens in Thailand.

Evidently they only sell the ones that smell bad....maybe it gives them more incentive to keep up appearances?

Edited by Lee4Life
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You go to the duty manager and through your wife you tell her to say what you tell her to the manager.

You say, excuse me Sir, I am a stupid Falang that cannot understand this policy and can you please tell me why as you are going to contact the Tesco HQ. it is like trying to buy alcohol out of hours.

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meatboy, on 21 May 2014 - 11:06, said:
chrisinth, on 21 May 2014 - 10:54, said:

Hey meatboy, I feel for you and your missus. Think about popping down to Phits once a week, both Tesco & Big-C do the same down here, but they seem to alternate the chicken availability times so you can buy chicken all day with a bit of pre-planning..............tongue.png.pagespeed.ce.JwCxzAWj6x.png width=20 alt=tongue.png>

Seriously though, the wife does get her chicken at Big-C, specifically the chicken thighs which sell for 49 baht a kilo, cheaper than she can get even at the local market. Tesco have the same price and I think there is a restriction as to how much an individual can buy at one time (possibly 3 kilos?).

The chicken by the way is for her two hairy children (2 x Siberians) which they enjoy with their broccoli when chicken is on the menu.

No joking here.........................20x20xsad.png.pagespeed.ic.5zxzyGiJz0.pn

the store is the one on the opposite side to the mall in korat.so today she has just phoned me to say she has got 6kilo's of leg/thighs from MAKRO you might ask who eats all that chicken our 55lb Alaskan malamute[husky] along with,

brocli,carrot,cauli,biscuit and a fish oil capsule.my beloved he is.

so come on makro let our good looking boy advertise your chicken.

and I am not kidding either.

biggrin.png I know what its like, and am glad to see they (Siberians) are not the only ones eating greens as well as meat; they do love it!

As for the amount they can eat, I understand that as well. Dog is 55lb and the bitch is 70ld. Still, we have found it better to get the meat from the shelves than let them go for the 'free range' variety as they have an extremely high prey drive, I'm sure the same as your own mal/sibe mix Alaskan Malamute.

Edit: Correction, Alaskan Malamute

Edited by chrisinth
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Tesco / Lotus .Yes this is the problem with an overseas company having to take on a Thai partner. They have no idea, Rawai .why do the kids block a whole isle when they replenish shelves, and why not do it at night after customers have finished shopping.New Chalong store . chicken and pork display trays , why do the tongs bend outwards, making it impossible to pick up the pieces.And you have to out through check out to bread department then come back into the store to go through check out again.

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I like Tesco. Never had a serious problem. Sometimes stock is depleted but is always there on subsequent visits. The reason I like Tesco because it is not too big and usually very easy to find products. Makro has better produce and less expensive than even the farmers market. Lots of choice. PLENTY OF CHICKEN BY THE BARREL FULL. So I shop in many places to compare prices ( although I leave it to the wife who is very aware) , to get variety and to enjoy the ambience. I am concerned about wastage but i do not see much food going to the bin so I have never had the occasion to complain.

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I don't understand why anyone would buy meat from Tesco . They keep some of the meat out on display for anyone to put their fingers on . I prefer Tops or Friendship market in Pattaya. At least no customers can touch the meat with their hands.

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The Tesco Lotus Express on Santhtitam Road in Chiang Mai sometimes has a "sale" price on an item to which I am addicted..."Magnum" ice cream bars. However, whenever they do this, the bars have somehow gotten partially thawed and then refrozen, with the chocolate coating broken. This ruins the taste of the product, and may even be unsafe. I have learned to tell from the feel when this has happened, and it has happened too many times.

So, I go to either of the 7-11's on the same street, and, like a previous poster has noted, more often than not the aisles are blocked by stocking bins being very slowly unloaded by the under-motivated employees. They never make any acknowledgement of ones presence or see the need to move so you can get by. Annoying.

As for chicken, there's never a shortage at the local Thai open air market, which seems more worthy of support than "Big" C, T-L, or M.

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No doubt it would do serious damage to their profit margins.

I can only hope they do not go out of business

tesco worldwide is a company losing money right now. Not making profit on stocks! Shares are at a 10 year low.. stories like these and many times half empty shelves make it so, especially when there are many many others just around the corner.

Edited by myluckythai
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what pissed me off at tesco is that everytime I go in there they have changed their aisles around so you cannot find what you are looking for. For some stupid reason they think it will make you buy more but I simply gave up and shop elsewhere now. They never re stock anythng but that is most shops anyway, its just that tesco seem to be really bad at what is is they are supposed to do, I just put it down to the f****wits that are in charge.

Changing products around is Marketing 101. The theory is you will buy more because you see more when looking for your product. I hate it and usually if I can't find what I am looking for I leave.

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Just from observation at TESCO, BIG C, 7-11 and so on .... I think the average Thai worker comes to work, does what someone tells them to do and goes home. Nothing more, nothing less. Even when i was shopping for a cell phone or digital camera, the sales people not two meters away, were gossiping with each other or talking on their phone with to indication they would like to help me. I usually take a few thousand baht and wave it in the air to get their attention. The average Thai working in a store, has no motivation and I don't think they understand that it is the customer who, at the end of the day, is why they have a job. This is not a paintbrush of all because on rare occasion, I have had some very competent sales people in big retailers. Good management starts at the top.

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Frank James, on 21 May 2014 - 16:36, said:Frank James, on 21 May 2014 - 16:36, said:

The Tesco Lotus Express on Santhtitam Road in Chiang Mai sometimes has a "sale" price on an item to which I am addicted..."Magnum" ice cream bars. However, whenever they do this, the bars have somehow gotten partially thawed and then refrozen, with the chocolate coating broken. This ruins the taste of the product, and may even be unsafe.

They probably encountered an electric outage the night before, hence the "sale". Why would they put top-grade products on "sale"?

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Posted Today, 10:07

as my wife shops at least once a week at Tesco's,after this week that will be the last.

doing her weekly shopping which always includes 3kilo of chicken,goes to the counter no have,asks the staff please may I have 3kilo of chicken sorry but you have to wait 90minutes as we sell it at certain times,you got to be kidding,no this is our policy,the wifes patience was running thin before,but as a regular customer to be told you can only buy chicken at certain times of the day that's unusual for me.

so Tesco its 1 customer less from today.

Same for me beer as well, that is why I do not shop for beer in then places, wrong time of the day I think.

Win, live and let live, I say facepalm.gif

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Hey meatboy, I feel for you and your missus. Think about popping down to Phits once a week, both Tesco & Big-C do the same down here, but they seem to alternate the chicken availability times so you can buy chicken all day with a bit of pre-planning..............tongue.png

Seriously though, the wife does get her chicken at Big-C, specifically the chicken thighs which sell for 49 baht a kilo, cheaper than she can get even at the local market. Tesco have the same price and I think there is a restriction as to how much an individual can buy at one time (possibly 3 kilos?).

The chicken by the way is for her two hairy children (2 x Siberians) which they enjoy with their broccoli when chicken is on the menu.

No joking here.........................sad.png

the store is the one on the opposite side to the mall in korat.so today she has just phoned me to say she has got 6kilo's of leg/thighs from MAKRO you might ask who eats all that chicken our 55lb Alaskan malamute[husky] along with,

brocli,carrot,cauli,biscuit and a fish oil capsule.my beloved he is.

so come on makro let our good looking boy advertise your chicken.

and I am not kidding either.

I wanna be your dog! tongue.png

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First of all : Thank you Lotus , Big C ( and carrefour) for covered parking ! Driving around in Thailand in this bloody heat , is driving not from city to city but from supermarket to supermarket. They are an oasis in the desert .

When I first came here Big C was my favorite , then they became much more expensive than Lotus , so Lotus became my go to.

I liked Carrefour the best . Now Big C has taken over again.

Lotus is really goinig the wrong way. Especially in the provinces , not the Bangkok area .

Their website sucks. I want to see the promotions on the web and it is irritating. But it doesn't even matter because the promotions on their site are almost never in the Nakhon nowhere towns.

If Lotus has a local food promotion , you can bet your ass that there is something wrong with it.

Like a poster before , icecream that has been melted and frozen again. Veggies or food that taste "strange",...

Months ago , I let them weigh some vegetables and it weighed too much , so I went to the other scale at the meat station and there it was a lot less. Then they admitted that the scale was off....But I see they weigh and pricd with the bad scale for other costommers &lt;deleted&gt;?

Often prices shown on the rack are different on the checkout, promotions not the right price at check out.

Most of the time now Lotus is more expensive for the same product.

It is quite visible here, Big C parking always MUCH fuller than the Lotus one.

I buy maybe 1/3 or 1/4 at lotus compared to Big C.

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Sir, Take some time and speak with one of the managers. The only one our getting miffed hurts is us. That will cure it. None of us are entitled to special treatment.... though what you're saying is easy to understand. I received similar advise in BKK circa 2009 and the manager actually gave me good discount that wasn't even asked for. In cash. Just start the talk with compliment. Enjoy your day.

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Best not to eat dead birds !

Man is a natural hunter & carnivore. He needs his meat and so does his missis. Rabbit food munchers are simply victims of commercial health crap.

I can't even bring myself to comment intelligently about such a mis-guided (and completely wrong) comment. Natural hunter & carnivore... jeez... read some books and educate yourself before making ignorant comments. Just to get you started though (can't help myself)... every single carnivore produces its own equivalent of vitamin C... has too... humans don't... that's why we get scurvy if we don't get enough. Don't get me started on the length of colon, length of 'eye' teeth, etc etc in carnivores as opposed to humans! And before you make an assumption... no, I am not a veggie/vegan... just an informed eater. Educate yourself mate... much better than making a fool of yourself, and knocking those who have (for whatever reason) decided not to eat meat. DOH!

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what pissed me off at tesco is that everytime I go in there they have changed their aisles around so you cannot find what you are looking for. For some stupid reason they think it will make you buy more but I simply gave up and shop elsewhere now. They never re stock anythng but that is most shops anyway, its just that tesco seem to be really bad at what is is they are supposed to do, I just put it down to the f****wits that are in charge.

Agree with seajae wholeheartedly....Tesco Pin Klao....I detest the place.....many Thai folk dislike it as well.....they openly tell me. Trouble is we have no other choice in the immediate area other than a Tops which is hellish expensive.

There seems to be (at Pin Klao Tesco)...some half brained idea that shelves/aisles must be stripped of stock at peak shopping times and the stock repositioned to other aisles...this happens on a regular basis at this store. Why are they constantly doing this?

I can appreciate that with the introduction of "new" products then shelf space needs some revamping to fit them in...but the whole grocery dept on average once a week...I think not.

Another annoying factor.......why do we have to have 6 or so female "supervisors"...pretty much yelling at the top of their voices into handheld microphones...promoting specials and mustering shoppers to aisles...added in with the "inhouse music"...and co-joined by some lovely promoting yet another whitening cream?

I know where the bloody checkouts are...so do the thai folk...there is no need to shout into a microphone and wave arms frantically.

Poker faced unfriendly checkout staff...this store would take first prize for sure.........Ok I am a "falang" but surely they could respond to my cheerful "Sawasdee khrap" and smile once in a while

Out of stocks (many).......another story.......one day you will see sufficient stock of an item enough to fill an ocean going vessel.....then the folowing week....it is red tagged on the shelf as being out of stock and can often stay that way for a week.

Clothing specifically casual shirts - T shirts - polo shirts........this amazes me (I have politely and courtesly spoken to the manager re this)....the only 2XL item in the store is business shirts.....amongst thousands of the above items......

I have never seen a 2XL sized T shirt in this store.......I am not a big guy by any means..... thai guys are equal to me in size and shoulder width and many are even bigger.

Regularly this store has 10 or 12 racks of SM...sized T shirts on special knockdown prices........what is the message here?

They are constantly overstocking themselves with small sized SM........ignoring the fact that they are having to special out these SM's regularly thus reducing their margins....and not realising why......why? because their customer base are simply not buying them...and probably going elsewhere to purchase 2XL sized T shirts.

The salad bar is cleaned out and wiped down at precisely 4.45pm everyday....Duh!! isn't this the prime time for folk having just finished work to be thinking about the evening meal and perhaps wanting to purchase salad items?

Vegetables....the quality of some of the vegetables in this store is shocking........tired, limp, (often rotten in the core) which you don't find out until you get the stuff home......

No wonder Thais dislike the place.......I am with them on that.

Rant over.......

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About four years ago my wife tried to buy potatoes at Tesco's Rayong. They were green. She called the manager who said that all potatoes in Thailand were green? My wife said that her husband had told her that green potatoes are poisonous. He then said 'is your husband a farang?' On her reply 'yes' he said 'that explains it'. She didn't buy the potatoes.- From the same store at a different time she bought some sausages. When I unpacked them they smelt bad. Instead of complaining to the store (it would have been an 80klm round trip) she phoned the Pattaya Tesco's and was told to return them there. The manager thanked us for not broadcasting the problem, replaced the sausages and presented her with a complementary gift. Now that was the proper action to meet a customers complaint. I don't know about chicken selling times though. Perhaps the chickens wake up at different times around the country.whistling.gif

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