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Mormons proselytizing in Thailand


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Do you object to people wanting to share their ideas and beliefs and opinions with you publicly? Do you object to discussion between people?

You obviously do...and then you get on a public Internet forum and express your opionion, beliefs and try to engage hundreds of us to discuss them with you.

How is posting your opinion here for all of us to see any different than what the Mormon boys did this morning?

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First, when I was younger, I had the pleasure of teaching a young Mormon girl the joys of the missionary position (pun intended) and a few others as well. She never tried to convert me but did make me promise to be nice to the missionaries I might run into. I continue to keep that promise........................

Obviously not a Mormon. The Mormon religion fobids sex prior to marriagewai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gif

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You really don't need to give any sort of reason or excuse, just a firm "Sorry, not interested" and walk away will do the trick.

Many of them don't walk away after not interested. A few of them don't even walk away when you say it 3 times. It's not like I should have to leave my place and walk away because he never stop

Very different from what I have experienced.

I don't follow the "I should have to leave my place" bit. Aren't you already walking? Just keep on doing so. I really don't think they are going to chase you.

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Yes, they can do that--under stronger laws than those that allow you to throw your opinions around on this forum.

Remember that freedom of religion is guaranteed by no less than the king of Thailand himself, who was instrumental in building this guarantee into one of the constitutional revisions which have lasted to this day.

Freedom of religion and especially expressing your religious views is a highly regarded right all the way to the top. I would respectfully advise stop trying to buck against it.

If you are an atheist, and cannot tolerate those who engage in this right, I would suggest China or North Korea as your next place of residence, where opposition to proselytization is sanctioned by the state.

Edited by Fookhaht
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Yes, they are allowed to do this.

Your handling of it on the second day was provocative. By asking questions -- any questions - and trying to bait you create the impression of interest.

Exactly the same dynamic as with a salesperson.

"Just say no",firmly, leave it at that, and move on.

Whether promoting a religion or selling a product, such people have no desire to waste their time on someone who is not receptive. Just make it clear you aren't and don't engage or prolong the encounter.

Sorry but you are wrong, very wrong. It is not allowed in Thailand, and I do so wish the police would arrest some of them.

What Thai law do you think this violates??

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Yes, they are allowed to do this.

Your handling of it on the second day was provocative. By asking questions -- any questions - and trying to bait you create the impression of interest.

Exactly the same dynamic as with a salesperson.

"Just say no",firmly, leave it at that, and move on.

Whether promoting a religion or selling a product, such people have no desire to waste their time on someone who is not receptive. Just make it clear you aren't and don't engage or prolong the encounter.

Sorry but you are wrong, very wrong. It is not allowed in Thailand, and I do so wish the police would arrest some of them.

What Thai law do you think this violates??

Please refer to my previous post.
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Do you object to people wanting to share their ideas and beliefs and opinions with you publicly? Do you object to discussion between people?

You obviously do...and then you get on a public Internet forum and express your opionion, beliefs and try to engage hundreds of us to discuss them with you.

How is posting your opinion here for all of us to see any different than what the Mormon boys did this morning?

I only listen when i am ,very,very,very,very,Drunk,then i discuss the idea,however i have found the large amount of spittle coming from my mouth,not to mention the staggering,and urination on their trousers,generally makes them feel i am beyond all hope of redemption.

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Do you object to people wanting to share their ideas and beliefs and opinions with you publicly? Do you object to discussion between people?

You obviously do...and then you get on a public Internet forum and express your opionion, beliefs and try to engage hundreds of us to discuss them with you.

How is posting your opinion here for all of us to see any different than what the Mormon boys did this morning?

I only listen when i am ,very,very,very,very,Drunk,then i discuss the idea,however i have found the large amount of spittle coming from my mouth,not to mention the staggering,and urination on their trousers,generally makes them feel i am beyond all hope of redemption.
A definite put-off. Yeesh! Edited by Fookhaht
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Do you object to people wanting to share their ideas and beliefs and opinions with you publicly? Do you object to discussion between people?

You obviously do...and then you get on a public Internet forum and express your opionion, beliefs and try to engage hundreds of us to discuss them with you.

How is posting your opinion here for all of us to see any different than what the Mormon boys did this morning?

I only listen when i am ,very,very,very,very,Drunk,then i discuss the idea,however i have found the large amount of spittle coming from my mouth,not to mention the staggering,and urination on their trousers,generally makes them feel i am beyond all hope of redemption.
A definite put-off. Yeesh!

some of them like it,they are the ones that really worry me.

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First, when I was younger, I had the pleasure of teaching a young Mormon girl the joys of the missionary position (pun intended) and a few others as well. She never tried to convert me but did make me promise to be nice to the missionaries I might run into. I continue to keep that promise........................

Obviously not a Mormon. The Mormon religion fobids sex prior to marriagewai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gif

As do most religions and we know all the believers follow those requirements. biggrin.png


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I think the offended party here is a little bit overreacting.

Although I am not a Mormon, and even consider it a pretty wacky cult, I find most of these young guys are reasonably polite, which is a result of their extensive training before embarking on their missions.

Agreeing with Sheryl, I say "no thanks" and move on. Simple.

In a couple dozen encounters over many decades, I've never had a Mormon team fight against that response.

Edited by Fookhaht
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If you are an atheist, and cannot tolerate those who engage in this right, I would suggest China or North Korea as your next place of residence, where opposition to proselytization is sanctioned by the state.

I have no problem debating religion with anyone being a none believer in religion or a man in the sky, call me an Atheist if you wish, but typically when one presents a rational argument against a particular Religious doctrine, they start calling you a Satanist/communist, you going to h*ll etc..

Religious personages demand a right to express their beliefs, but it seems they don't like people expressing any "beliefs" which differ from theirs...it has to be a two way street

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If you are an atheist, and cannot tolerate those who engage in this right, I would suggest China or North Korea as your next place of residence, where opposition to proselytization is sanctioned by the state.

I have no problem debating religion with anyone being a none believer in religion or a man in the sky, call me an Atheist if you wish, but typically when one presents a rational argument against a particular Religious doctrine, they start calling you a Satanist/communist, you going to h*ll etc..

Religious personages demand a right to express their beliefs, but it seems they don't like people expressing any "beliefs" which differ from theirs...it has to be a two way street

Hang on there, Soutpeel, I was referring to the poster who responds to the Mormons by saying "I am an atheist." Sorry for being ambiguous.

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Most of the Mormon missionaries are totally unprepared to discuss their religion or any other in any depth. They rely on talking to people that know even less about religion than they do.

I was raised a Catholic, but was never very serious about it. I just give proselytizers my usual spiel about, how can the people, all over the world, who were not exposed to Christianity and conditioned into believing something else, be sentenced to hell for all eternity? They always back off.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I had a great friend once (deceaased) who used to play Irish music with me. He was a brilliant computer scientist from a place called Plenty Saskatchewan. I answered his door once and shooed away a couple of Jehova's wtnesses. When I told him he jumped up, went out and retrieved them. What happened afterwards was the most amazing dialogue I have ever had the pleasure to listen to. It turns out my friend had been groomed to become a minister. He had memorized the entire bible, really an unusualy smart person.

He took each Psalm mentioned by the JW gentlemen and went off in a logical tangent that allowed him to prove unequivically that St. John was eating magic mushrooms and had several visit from aliens. He happily picked up on their attemps to divert him with new qoutes and led them on other incredible journeys. I knew he was doing this more to humour me than to offend them. But sadly, they thanked him and left. I couLd have listened to that all night. He said to me afterwards, "Never turn these people away, do you really want to deprive the disabled of their crutch?". I replied at that point there wasn't much left of their crutches to which he responded "oh, get real Liam you're the only one who was listening to me" big grin!

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Mormons that one who make mass married !

Cannot talk with there parents 1 or 2 time every year!

Tell them you cannot join also internet not allowed in there policy!

And then you cannot join Thai visa!

Knowledge is the biggest enemy of them!

Wow! Sandman, pop the top on another Leo and consider this: I think you have the Mormons (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) confused with the "Moonies", of the Unification Church, founded by the late Sun Myung Moon.

These earnest young men in the white shirt, bad tie, and black slacks, are no threat to anybody, and if you say you are not interested, they won't hang around arguing with you. A lot of you militant atheists are fully as obnoxious as the religious people you hold in such contempt. Christopher Hitchens awaits you in Hell, where the clever atheistic sophistry goes on forever.

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If you are an atheist, and cannot tolerate those who engage in this right, I would suggest China or North Korea as your next place of residence, where opposition to proselytization is sanctioned by the state.

I have no problem debating religion with anyone being a none believer in religion or a man in the sky, call me an Atheist if you wish, but typically when one presents a rational argument against a particular Religious doctrine, they start calling you a Satanist/communist, you going to h*ll etc..

Religious personages demand a right to express their beliefs, but it seems they don't like people expressing any "beliefs" which differ from theirs...it has to be a two way street

Fair call too !

While I have you, would you be interested in coming to the church of neverdie, it's located half way down Pat Pong Road, level 2 ?

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Do you object to people wanting to share their ideas and beliefs and opinions with you publicly? Do you object to discussion between people?

You obviously do...and then you get on a public Internet forum and express your opionion, beliefs and try to engage hundreds of us to discuss them with you.

How is posting your opinion here for all of us to see any different than what the Mormon boys did this morning?

Well it's very different. For starters, people come here because it's a forum and forums are for posting stuff and sharing ideas and opinions. You don't come into forums unless you want that.

Suddenly appearing in front of people on the side walk with the intention of trying to push something down anothers throat is something different all together. I don't walk on the side walk for this purpose, I'm going somewhere, commuting. Capiche ?

I did not come here because I was looking for a forum. I got an email from Thai Visa that suddenly appeared in my inbox, and one of the articles it was pushing was about Mormons. I joined just now to ask my question.

I suppose if I didn't want to read OPs opinion I could have deleted the email. Likewise, if he didn't want to talk with the Mormons he could have just kept walking.

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I think the offended party here is a little bit overreacting.

Although I am not a Mormon, and even consider it a pretty wacky cult, I find most of these young guys are reasonably polite, which is a result of their extensive training before embarking on their missions.

Agreeing with Sheryl, I say "no thanks" and move on. Simple.

In a couple dozen encounters over many decades, I've never had a Mormon team fight against that response.

I do agree,even after i pissed on their trousers,which was a mistake and an honest one ,i had a cap on and thought in my rather drunken state,the chaps legs where saplings,growing from the ground,they only muttered between themselves,and forgave me,of course by this stage i was gagging and threatening to vomit,this possibly could have played a part in their descision to give up on me .

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I often wonder the motive behind some people trying to make a fool out of those who have had a spiritual experience.

When I use to do it I must admit I was jealous as I was secretly looking for what they had but I was using drugs to do it.

When I was younger I arrived in Bangkok to be approached by a beautiful Australian woman and her 16 year old daughter who started showing me a comic with pictures of Jesus surrounded by naked women. She said I could come and live with them and they all slept together. Something didn't feel quite right so i went off to the Pink Pussy a go go an got picked up by Noi, a dark, elderly prostitute with one eye, from Buriram. Often wonder what would have happened if I had said yes to the mother and daughter Jesus freaks.

I spoke to a couple of Mormons in Khon Kaen and they were decent guys and I totally respect them for what they do, even if I want to be part of it.

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I think the offended party here is a little bit overreacting.

Although I am not a Mormon, and even consider it a pretty wacky cult, I find most of these young guys are reasonably polite, which is a result of their extensive training before embarking on their missions.

Agreeing with Sheryl, I say "no thanks" and move on. Simple.

In a couple dozen encounters over many decades, I've never had a Mormon team fight against that response.

I do agree,even after i pissed on their trousers,which was a mistake and an honest one ,i had a cap on and thought in my rather drunken state,the chaps legs where saplings,growing from the ground,they only muttered between themselves,and forgave me,of course by this stage i was gagging and threatening to vomit,this possibly could have played a part in their descision to give up on me .

I spent all four years of high school doing charity work in an inner-city "rescue mission." I'll take you on!

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The best solution I always found was tell them your Roman Catholic, even if your not and for some reason they run a mile...don't know why that is..rolleyes.gif

In Canada the Jehovah witness would call I would save the "AWAKE magazine for the Mormons...I would listen to the spew and say...who where the 3 wise men? Later I would say I am a X communicate Witness...saying I have out of body experiences that the group as a group must have...No celebration of Xmas.... I had a ladder with xmas lights that went to the roof in my Kootney home, during winter months the roof had to be shoveled off the excessive snow..well I said this is my spiritual ladder, one can climb up and see the world clearer, but to have someone pushed up the ladder the resistance occurs..similar to religion.

The "Elders" whom are here have a better knowledge in the REAL world..good for them, they speak Thai not like normal tourist...this good out of all this is the young Elders now have a place to come and enjoy in later years this country.

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