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Mormons proselytizing in Thailand


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Gosh, I am just quite surprised at the distain and hate from the TV members over someone's religion. I am not a Mormon, but I have no problems with their church, anymore than Buddhist, or any other religion. I would much rather have more of them in the world that are teaching children good behavior and priciples. I hope we remember that the missionaries are just young kids (barely 19), and don't know any better. Sure, they make mistakes and don't always use the best approach, but like the rest of us did at that age, they will learn. I just say "no thanks".

For me, it's not about DISDANE or hate, it's about being infringed and the repeated attempts about being infringed. Nothing more, nothing less. I use to have a friend in Australia many years ago, he had a long driveway and he would see them coming up the driveway. One day, after many visits from the Mormons and his constant requests for the. to stop decided he would remove his clothing and answer the door in his underwear. After they knocked, he swung the door opened suddenly and said, "You're just in time the swingers part has just started"

Horrified they left and they never came back again.

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Exactly. Who wants to spend eternity with those cranks?

I would love for God to be real and the various promises to be true. But as the only evidence is other people saying it is based on old books written by people who know less about the world that the average 7 year old does now, I see no reason to believe it at all.

Ohhh, I normally agree with you but this time you've made a little mistake.

God is real.

Many years ago I lived in an apartment building next door to him. I never saw him as he always seemed to come home late at night and would always leave too early. I know it was god, because I would often hear his girlfriend scream out at him. It usually happened around, 10-11pm every night, I assumed it was as he arrived home. She really must have loved him and she was always making a thumping sound against our adjoining wall and I would here her reapidly yell, "Ohhh God, you are,so good....ohhhh god, ooohhhhh god". This would normally continue for an hour or so each night and she always seemed to be praising him, glorifying him. So he's DEFINATELY real.

Fancy that! I didn't know you used to live next door to me. But "God" was just her pet name for me....I'm not really Him.

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Exactly. Who wants to spend eternity with those cranks?

I would love for God to be real and the various promises to be true. But as the only evidence is other people saying it is based on old books written by people who know less about the world that the average 7 year old does now, I see no reason to believe it at all.

Ohhh, I normally agree with you but this time you've made a little mistake.

God is real.

Many years ago I lived in an apartment building next door to him. I never saw him as he always seemed to come home late at night and would always leave too early. I know it was god, because I would often hear his girlfriend scream out at him. It usually happened around, 10-11pm every night, I assumed it was as he arrived home. She really must have loved him and she was always making a thumping sound against our adjoining wall and I would here her reapidly yell, "Ohhh God, you are,so good....ohhhh god, ooohhhhh god". This would normally continue for an hour or so each night and she always seemed to be praising him, glorifying him. So he's DEFINATELY real.

Fancy that! I didn't know you used to live next door to me. But "God" was just her pet name for me....I'm not really Him.

Good Lord !

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Some years ago, when walking near Soi 33 with my Thai friend , we were approached by the Mormons. I was not interested, but my friend talked to them in Thai and she was impressed with their Thai language skills. Obviously, they take their missionary mission seriously and learned the language in the USA.

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Kudos to them then.

Unlike the majority of Thai Visa posters, they know that they'll need more that 'god lub you long time' to get by in Thailand.

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You really don't need to give any sort of reason or excuse, just a firm "Sorry, not interested" and walk away will do the trick.

Of course you are right Sheryl, but a bit boring, I like to excite people.

In the rare event someone approaches me normally tell them that I practise Canniblism then I start licking my lips and give them my crazy face. Normally freaks people out a bit.....when they start to run, I start to follow them, just for a little while. wink.png

A bit hard to walk away when they are knocking on your door. A friend said no thank you and tried to close his door. The 'missionary" put his foot in the way. "We haven't finished.' "Yes you have, and If that foot is still there when I close my door, you may end up with a sore foot."

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Whenever I've been approached by missionaries, I have politely declined and they have been polite in return. Most are just kids from the states who are here to do their duty for the church and to make their parents proud of their service to their religion. I've never once had one be pushy or rude which is not to say that some are pushy and rude. I eat at a restaurant at which a lot of missionaries also eat lunch and I must say that these foreign boys speak Thai a lot better than most farang who have been here for years!

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Whenever I've been approached by missionaries, I have politely declined and they have been polite in return. Most are just kids from the states who are here to do their duty for the church and to make their parents proud of their service to their religion. I've never once had one be pushy or rude which is not to say that some are pushy and rude. I eat at a restaurant at which a lot of missionaries also eat lunch and I must say that these foreign boys speak Thai a lot better than most farang who have been here for years!

Learning the language if their victims, is part of the indoctrination process.

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"This country has enough problems without these nutters wandering the streets spreading this nonsense"

Many feel the same way about the Atheist nutters, didn't the Atheist this year begin to open their own places to preach against god? Wouldn't that be considered a form of worship? In my day that would be known as Satan worshiping.

Remember if god is fake it cost them nothing to believe in him, but if god is real what will it cost you.

Next time Atheist or not try not being a nutter yourself and decline with some respect, or is respect also against Atheist satanic religion?

If you are a Atheist you don't belive in Satan, And you don't belong to a relegion if you are an Atheist

Edited by bangkoklasse
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Just politely say no thanks, and send them on their way. There is enough dickishness in the world without adding to it.

You won't mind, of course, if I take it upon myself to correct your minor typo?

A severe dearth of cult-directed dickishness is now affecting many regions of the planet. Please increase efforts to maintain full-blown dickishness when sustaining any direct contact with cult members, particularly such communications contrived to be interpreted as a benevolent invitation. We repeat: All cult-related transmissions are to be expeditiously truncated by urgent application of highly distilled dickishness.

Intelligence reports indicate that high-quality dickishness is the only language that accredited cult indoctrinees can understand—other than their own dreary dogma.

This memorandum is to remain in force permanently, since hell will, indubitably, freeze over thick enough for a buffalo to clomp across, before we manage to rid the Earth of mindless, manic cults, and their destructive, deluded disciples.

Anything to help :)

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Just politely say no thanks, and send them on their way. There is enough dickishness in the world without adding to it.

You won't mind, of course, if I take it upon myself to correct your minor typo?

A severe dearth of cult-directed dickishness is now affecting many regions of the planet. Please increase efforts to maintain full-blown dickishness when sustaining any direct contact with cult members, particularly such communications contrived to be interpreted as a benevolent invitation. We repeat: All cult-related transmissions are to be expeditiously truncated by urgent application of highly distilled dickishness.

Intelligence reports indicate that high-quality dickishness is the only language that accredited cult indoctrinees can understand—other than their own dreary dogma.

This memorandum is to remain in force permanently, since hell will, indubitably, freeze over thick enough for a buffalo to clomp across, before we manage to rid the Earth of mindless, manic cults, and their destructive, deluded disciples.

Anything to help :)

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I view the one god religions as one religion with few reforms.

Judaism -> New prophet & reform -> Christianity -> New prophet & reform -> Islam.

While Mormons add new prophets to their reform, do they at the same time consider all of the previous people who reformed the earlier versions of the religion as their prophets?

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Projection: Possible personal solution: Invite the boys in. Surrender to their pitch. Convert to Mormonism and become a polygamist.

Move to Central Pattaya and rent two three bedroom condos side by side, and then marry five ex-bar girls.

Wife #1 - 60 years old Mamasan who likes you lot. She has go-go bar on Walking Street - brings home 10,000 baht a night. Yahoo!

Wife #2 - 50 years old. The good wife. Cooks for everyone, keeps the house clean. Happy to have good home.

Wife #3 - 40 years old. Lazy and good for nothing, but speaks good Engish and makes you laugh. Sometimes sex.

Wife #4 - 30 years old. Hotter than hell, but a crazy bitch. Send her back to work for Wife #1 - brings in 5,000 baht a night

Wife #5 - 20 years old. Make you happy happy happy all the time.

Squirrel away 100,000 a month and when it gets too crazy, quit the church and run off with your girlfriend to Kho Tao.

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