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Compromise is key, says Thai Army Chief


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What the Army should be doing is to declare that fresh elections will be held and all polling stations will be open and guarded by the military.

The political parties will have a chance to broadcast their platforms and policies and then let the people of Thailand decide who they want to run the country.

And while we're at it can we have a Soldier under every table to confiscate the 'bungs', especially in the North where i see it happening every time there is any kind of election. Could also do with close circuit TV monitored by the Military inside the house of every village Poo Yai in the country to ensure fair play everywhere, I could go on but basically free and fair elections in this country when no votes are bought and paid for is but a fairy tale. Soldiers guarding voting stations will not cure the corrupt people who are running the show. Hanging perpetrators out to dry publicly with dirt on their face would do the trick but nobody here has the balls to do it....not even the Army !

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If I put a picture of my monkey on a placard and its position on the ballot and walk up this village with 500 Baht in my hand for each voter then for sure I could get my monkey elected. Why, monkey or people the only thing they are interested in is the 500 Baht. Until this changes the north will continue to control the bought election. It would do no good to post the army at the polling stations as the Taksin payoffs take place long before voting. This has to stop but I don't think it can. They love money more than their country. We are going through another big rain dance!

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Not a good start when acting PM decided not to attend ... shows complete arrigance and a "I do not give a <deleted>" what you say

From picture .. if Thida and Jutaporn where there you can bet compromise is not in their vocabulary

well the acting PM isn't a decision maker. They should Skype in Thaksin or invite Pojaman

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What the Army should be doing is to declare that fresh elections will be held and all polling stations will be open and guarded by the military.

The political parties will have a chance to broadcast their platforms and policies and then let the people of Thailand decide who they want to run the country.

With a sharp eye on attempts for vote buying and other irregularities.

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One side wants elections.

One side does not. Unless certain obscure reforms are incorporated before elections.

How about a compromise brokered by the military whereby all parties that would be taking part in an election agree to have reforms as the main election platform whoever wins?

You mean it will be based on TRUST?

Something like this: :Promise you will introduce reform after you win!! Okeeehhh... I promise. Don't worry.....

Your solution must be the joke of the day. Sorry.

Edited by Nickymaster
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A simple compromise is for the current caretaker government to continue governing while reforms (whatever that means) are being undertaken followed by elections.

This is a win win for both the reforms before elections group and for the Reds as they are still the "government", albeit not having full authority.

Reforms, whatever that means?

Surely that's the whole point. For Pheu Thai, reforms means making the Senate elected, and restoring it's oversight role over the independent agencies. Currently the Senate is half appointed, and appoints the independent agencies who in turn appoint the Senators. Making oversight practically non-existent and making the whole independent agencies a complete mess. Court said they could do the amendments one by one. Only to later impeach hundreds of Senators for voting on the amendment. (!)

For Suthep, who knows what he means by reform, he only came up with the word when pressed for a reason as to why he should be handed power. He's never stated any reforms.

For Democrats, well they had their "National Commission on Reform" headed by Anand last time they were in power. It just delayed the election, never led to anything.

For others, a buzzword they copied off BlueSky, but none of them can define some substance to it, or why it can be voted on by a referendum but cannot be a manifesto at an election.

So what exactly are the parties committing to? And why can't it be stated at election time so the voters can have their say on these magical 'reforms'.

For Suthep, who knows what he means by reform, he only came up with the word when pressed for a reason as to why he should be handed power. He's never stated any reforms.

Thank you for confirming that you have no idea what Suthep and the PDRC want.

For Democrats, well they had their "National Commission on Reform" headed by Anand last time they were in power. It just delayed the election, never led to anything.

Do you know why it didn't lead to anything? I suggest you do some research. Start with Kofi Annan and google and....

Good luck. Do come back if you have educated yourself.

Edited by Nickymaster
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A simple compromise is for the current caretaker government to continue governing while reforms (whatever that means) are being undertaken followed by elections.

This is a win win for both the reforms before elections group and for the Reds as they are still the "government", albeit not having full authority.

IMHO that is where this is all heading. Especially with Khun Prayuth's comments that Pheau Thai are still the caretaker government. Agree it would be seen as a win for Pheau Thai but possibly only short term given that they are being slowly dismantled legally and rightfully by the courts. The turning point for perhaps not Pheau Thai but especially UDD and Jatuporn (if he accepted then also being redundant from the house) would be that if they agreed to reforms before elections and among those reforms being criminals banned from ever running for election again as then that removes Thaksin and his criminal lackeys from the equation. And effectively removes Suthep. Somehow I think the likes of the UDD and the Reds minus Thaksin could be the biggest winner right now if they were to wise up to what Khun Prayuth is offering. Edited by Roadman
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If I put a picture of my monkey on a placard and its position on the ballot and walk up this village with 500 Baht in my hand for each voter then for sure I could get my monkey elected. Why, monkey or people the only thing they are interested in is the 500 Baht. Until this changes the north will continue to control the bought election. It would do no good to post the army at the polling stations as the Taksin payoffs take place long before voting. This has to stop but I don't think it can. They love money more than their country. We are going through another big rain dance!

As part of the Sor Por Kor 4-01 (สปก.4-01) land reform scheme, Suthep gave title deeds to 592 plots of land in Khao Sam Liam, Kamala and Nakkerd hills of Phuket province to 489 farmers. It was later found that members of 11 wealthy families in Phuket were among the recipients. Suthep addressed a huge crowd in his Surat Thani constituency a month before a no-confidence debate and called on his supporters to march on Bangkok in the hundreds of thousands to defend his reputation.[5] The scandal led Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai of the Democrat Party to dissolve the House of Representatives in July 1995 in order to avoid the no-confidence debate.[6] In subsequent elections, Thai Nation Party won a majority, leading to the downfall of Chuan Leekpai's Democrat Party-led government.

Wikileaks diplomatic cables from the US embassy revealed that many members of his own party have long complained of his corrupt and unethical behavior.[7][8][9]

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Comments from America show how little they know about Thailand. The corruption here does not allow a free democratic vote.

This is Thailand and it is totally different. The army are doing a great job of stopping the violence and killing. The downward spiral the country was in has been halted. I think the majority of people in Thailand see the actions by the army as very positive.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Now we're getting somewhere. And Prayuth has given them time to see if they can find any common ground so far. Not long, though. Round number two is tomorrow. Just by holding this meeting and getting all these people together in the same room, Prayuth has shown more success than either Yingluck or Niwattumrong during the last three years combined. It's called leading, and it's called talking.

Don't say only YS and Niwattumrong but also to that ape called Suthep from the South.

This is a simple solution PTP appoints a new PM accepted by the opposition and the DPM is appointed by the Democrat Party. The Shinawtra's and Suthep's are out of the game and as well Abhisit. CTP, CPP and BJP etc are out as well of the game and can regroup for the next election.

To fill the vacuum of the Democrat Party they could move forward Surin, Korn or Supachai. All those people's from UDD that viloated the law should be arrested and put in jail and as well the democrats that backed Suthep. Don't ban them for 5 years but ban them for life.

Of course anybody linked to the Democrats are unable to become PM as they didn't win an election for such a long time but a unity government would be a good option.

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It appears the general is the wisest head of all. He kept his cool and didn't rush into making hasty decisions. Let's not forget that UDD/red shirts militants threatened his daughters/family. Yet he has risen above it. The message is clear. There is still enough time to find the way out of this mess without spilling hectoliters of blood.

Sometimes the best way forward isn't the way anyone would wish for but in this case it may eventuate... finger's crossed.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

First time I have seen thew red witch smiling! Must be because now they can blame the ARMY for not paying the rice farmers.

Don't worry about the rice farmers. They will be taking care well in the very near future by the army and the new government which will still be lead by PTP/UDD..

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What the Army should be doing is to declare that fresh elections will be held and all polling stations will be open and guarded by the military.

The political parties will have a chance to broadcast their platforms and policies and then let the people of Thailand decide who they want to run the country.

BLAH BLAH yeah B:AH B:AH.. talk about beat on! Democracy next right? Wake up!!! What do you think all this is about??? If an election solved the issues why has this been dragging on for over 9 years??? WAKE UP and smell the roses man!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

First time I have seen thew red witch smiling! Must be because now they can blame the ARMY for not paying the rice farmers.

Don't worry about the rice farmers. They will be taking care well in the very near future by the army and the new government which will still be lead by PTP/UDD..

From what bank account or is your calculator broken?

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Compromise - my God whoever thought of that! Amazingly brilliant! In most countries they call compromising a free election - if any of the above commentators think this is going to bring democracy to Thailand they need their heads examined- the people of Thailand are the only ones who can do that through the ballot box not a group of power hungry and financially self serving megalos sitting around a table carving up the spoils.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Impressive poetry next to slings and arrows of outrageous fortunes.

Think of the situation as "The longest journey begins with the first step" and then about whatever happened to that man proclaiming the right democratic attitude was "ask not what this country can do for you, but what you can do for the country" Excuse the poetic license to make it fit.

Edited by silent
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If I put a picture of my monkey on a placard and its position on the ballot and walk up this village with 500 Baht in my hand for each voter then for sure I could get my monkey elected. Why, monkey or people the only thing they are interested in is the 500 Baht. Until this changes the north will continue to control the bought election. It would do no good to post the army at the polling stations as the Taksin payoffs take place long before voting. This has to stop but I don't think it can. They love money more than their country. We are going through another big rain dance!

Wow. Seem you got the solution. Just wondering why the Dem with their wealthy supporters and deep pockets didn't think of it and waste their time and resources staging a coup, re-writing the constitution, protests and lawsuits. Think again.

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If I put a picture of my monkey on a placard and its position on the ballot and walk up this village with 500 Baht in my hand for each voter then for sure I could get my monkey elected. Why, monkey or people the only thing they are interested in is the 500 Baht. Until this changes the north will continue to control the bought election. It would do no good to post the army at the polling stations as the Taksin payoffs take place long before voting. This has to stop but I don't think it can. They love money more than their country. We are going through another big rain dance!

I don't buy it. Both sides use corruption,it does not guarantee a win. The PT wins elections because they have populist policies. Like it or not that is what most of the rural lower income earners want.

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To bad the General did not do this 6 months ago before suthep and that monk killed and hurt many people again

Only have one eye to read do we? What about the other side too? BOth bad. So please, admit it. If not I can understand that you are here to just post rubbish comments

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Army chief.. makes heavy sigh noise then bangs all the heads together... now go away kids and rethink your silliness... come back and we can all discuss it like adults and Be Adults.... and dont expect me to keep coming back like this every few years, you are a pantomime for the world !!

And again we have the USA sticking their ruddy big noses in here. Sure they can and I fully respect them in a lot of ways, but BLANKLY stating that a mitary intervention is not good? This is ASIA. So why do they not do this to CHINA? LAOS, VIETNAM. Hypocrisy at its best!

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If I put a picture of my monkey on a placard and its position on the ballot and walk up this village with 500 Baht in my hand for each voter then for sure I could get my monkey elected. Why, monkey or people the only thing they are interested in is the 500 Baht. Until this changes the north will continue to control the bought election. It would do no good to post the army at the polling stations as the Taksin payoffs take place long before voting. This has to stop but I don't think it can. They love money more than their country. We are going through another big rain dance!

I am in business in Chiang Mai and all people I speak to tell me this is the big issue and the Moo Baan pooey things are the head culprits!

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