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PDRC agrees to end protests and its supporters sent home

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hope they are proud to bring all this to this lovely country... a disgrace they should be ashamed

They scored a partial victory they can home.. this is a disaster for the Shins. You lost get over it.

don't think so... wait the long game

next election reds win... and again.. and again... get over it

Binj, you have never once condemned the red shirt extremists for their killing of innocent demonstrators, including small children, so the disgrace and shame lies squarely with you...!!

Question is...did he condone it though? Or are you just talking out of your ass?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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What the red-shirts are unable to comprehend is that farang don't care too much who is in government as long as they do not rape the country for it's wealth. Some of us pay taxes here as well you know - probably more than you.

Make the consequences of corruption so great that it's not worth it - like lifetime politics bans, hefty jail sentences for the guilty, punishments for those bringing repeated politically motivated legal action, an anti-corruption organisation which is well funded and carries clout and a police force which is independent of political control or affiliation to enforce the rules.

The only people who can object to this are those who want to get a bit of free honey for themselves. Well unlucky for you the General has taken the pot away. Hopefully for good.

If, as you imply, Thaksin "rape[d] the country for all its wealth" how is it that the country did so well economically during his period of government, 2001 to 2006?

I concede that the Yingluck government hasn't been so successful, but at least she was elected! (unlike some people) And earlier governments in Thai history were much more corrupt.

You say "hopefully for good" - so you want democracy to die forever in Thailand?

You complain about taxes - but they are about half what they are in the UK.

It is complete nonsense for you to suggest that earlier governments were much more corrupt. Economists are estimating that approximately 2 trillion baht (2,000,000,000,000) has been lost, wasted, or is simply unaccounted for. That's approximately US$ 60 billion / £37 billion, clearly the greatest fleecing of any country anywhere in the world throughout history.


don't think so... wait the long game

next election reds win... and again.. and again... get over it

Binj, you have never once condemned the red shirt extremists for their killing of innocent demonstrators, including small children, so the disgrace and shame lies squarely with you...!!

Question is...did he condone it though? Or are you just talking out of your ass?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Thank you for your very mature contribution to the debate...!!


What the red-shirts are unable to comprehend is that farang don't care too much who is in government as long as they do not rape the country for it's wealth. Some of us pay taxes here as well you know - probably more than you.

Make the consequences of corruption so great that it's not worth it - like lifetime politics bans, hefty jail sentences for the guilty, punishments for those bringing repeated politically motivated legal action, an anti-corruption organisation which is well funded and carries clout and a police force which is independent of political control or affiliation to enforce the rules.

The only people who can object to this are those who want to get a bit of free honey for themselves. Well unlucky for you the General has taken the pot away. Hopefully for good.

Now he's got the pot had you not considered he might easily be tempted to put his spoon in it! And I suppose you believe Suthep and his cohorts are above such things - The whole machine is corrupt and overhauling the engine us going to be one hell of a job

This is the only country I know where employees of the govt drive Mercedes!!!!!

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Every person who was involved in those protests long after the amnesty bill was stopped is an absolute and utter <deleted>.

Mindless, ignorant, uneducated, selfish <deleted>.

They all stand up at the cinema and go on and on and on about how they love Thailand but they have only a twisted abusive type of love based on nationalism and a complete lack of education based in history and facts.

Enjoy your coup hi-sos' now go back to taking more selfies with your Starbucks, southerners make sure to give all the Bangkok boys a big deep wai before you put that money in your pocket and go back down to enjoy more murder and mayhem sure isn't it all Thaksin's fault anyway?

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The hell they agreed. They had no choice.

Good point,

Confusius say, "Never shoot yourself in foot..."

"better to walk home again..."rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif



hope they are proud to bring all this to this lovely country... a disgrace they should be ashamed

This "lovely country" has been battling it's demons on both sides. Let's hope that a show of force ends it.

don't think so... wait the long game

next election reds win... and again.. and again... get over it

Binj, you have never once condemned the red shirt extremists for their killing of innocent demonstrators, including small children, so the disgrace and shame lies squarely with you...!!

Question is...did he condone it though? Or are you just talking out of your ass?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Thank you for your very mature contribution to the debate...!!

Ditto... Neither side has done a stand up job of cleaning up the mess it has been for almost 10 years now.

Both sides have bad elements, none of them are clean so stuff the personal crap and act as an adult.

This kind of behavior may be able to fly with some of the locals but that's because they haven't reached that maturity yet, but you should know better.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


hope they are proud to bring all this to this lovely country... a disgrace they should be ashamed

They scored a partial victory they can home.. this is a disaster for the Shins. You lost get over it.

don't think so... wait the long game

next election reds win... and again.. and again... get over it

Binj, you have never once condemned the red shirt extremists for their killing of innocent demonstrators, including small children, so the disgrace and shame lies squarely with you...!!

you're lying again - I have been one of the only posters who have consistently over the years condemned violence on ALL sides

go research my posts

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hope they are proud to bring all this to this lovely country... a disgrace they should be ashamed

This "lovely country" has been battling it's demons on both sides. Let's hope that a show of force ends it.

an election should 'end it' when all sides respect it - everyone wants reform - everyone - but it has to be through democracy

anyway hope Army get election date set and protect ALL sides so the process can be fulfilled


Hasn't anyone noticed the large number of pro-yellow posters with under 500 posts and writing Thainglish who attack anyone who criticizes the PDRC in the slightest?

They are watching you -- the last thing anyone needs in this family argument over dinner is for foreign guests to be taking sides over dessert.


Actually before there was an influx of (rumours went paid) red posters with just a few post. So that might even it out a bit. I personally only give credit to people with a long posting history. Taksin is known to have hired PR agencies to make favorable posts on forums.

  • Like 1

Every person who was involved in those protests long after the amnesty bill was stopped is an absolute and utter <deleted>.

Mindless, ignorant, uneducated, selfish <deleted>.

They all stand up at the cinema and go on and on and on about how they love Thailand but they have only a twisted abusive type of love based on nationalism and a complete lack of education based in history and facts.

Enjoy your coup hi-sos' now go back to taking more selfies with your Starbucks, southerners make sure to give all the Bangkok boys a big deep wai before you put that money in your pocket and go back down to enjoy more murder and mayhem sure isn't it all Thaksin's fault anyway?

I have many Thai friends who went to protests, and finally the coup. Its the end of the Shins (for now)

Every one saying that its the hiso's and elite should look at who were protesting.. office workers.. and middle income earners.. why because they are financing the government with their taxes that get squandered and stolen. The reds usually don't pay tax and only want handouts. Not fair in my book that the ones financing the government don't have much to say about it but the ones who don't pay a dime can decide how money is spend.

I would like to hear from reds how to raise more taxes.. remember there are only a few real rich people. Income tax wont help as those rich dont have massive income but wealth. So maybe a wealth tax (I don't like those one bit as its stealing money that has been earned already same as inheritance taxes). Increasing the VAT will hurt the poor a lot as they often also pay VAT. So please besides squeezing the MIDDLE income people dry how do you propose to raise more taxes to help the so called poor ?

Also should people keep paying for the poor when rice farming obviously is not viable. They might have to change what they do.

I am all for a good education for everyone (poor too) that is free so people can help themselves. How about that one ? No stupid tablet deals that are used to hide corruption (easy to steal money on those deals) but really invest in good schooling for everyone. No handouts but making people self sufficient.


hope they are proud to bring all this to this lovely country... a disgrace they should be ashamed

Ashamed that all there protesting achieved the reason for the protest

Thakins puppets have been thrown out

they may be rejoicing for a better Thailand tomorrow

Now lets all get together for a better tomorrow and stop living in the past


hope they are proud to bring all this to this lovely country... a disgrace they should be ashamed

This "lovely country" has been battling it's demons on both sides. Let's hope that a show of force ends it.

an election should 'end it' when all sides respect it - everyone wants reform - everyone - but it has to be through democracy

anyway hope Army get election date set and protect ALL sides so the process can be fulfilled

An election would not end it.. instead of strengthening the checks and balances the PTP has done everything to weaken it. They don't want to change they only want dear leader to come home without facing jail.

Do you really think they would adapt laws against corruption and laws that curb their power and make them have clear budgets (remember the 2 trillion loan they wanted to do outside the books so there was no one checking it ?). Remember how hard it is to get details on the rice scheme and how they kept denying that there was a loss. How they put the rice scheme in the budgets for 0 baht as it would make money (so they could overspend and steal more).

Reforms would never ever come from the PTP if they had won they would have gone on raping the country like before. This was the only way.

Funny thing is before it were the anti government people complaining and now it are the reds .. call it a wind of change.

But best point is.. without Taksin included in the amnesty they would till be in power. So the selfishness of Taksin is what got you this red lovers. All those poor reds that are still in jail did not get amnesty because of him. I for one would not have too much problems with setting those free (extreme cases excluded but that would be hard)


19 coups since 1932 and there are still people blaming Squareface 555555

Sent from my SM-G900T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Every person who was involved in those protests long after the amnesty bill was stopped is an absolute and utter <deleted>.

Mindless, ignorant, uneducated, selfish <deleted>.

They all stand up at the cinema and go on and on and on about how they love Thailand but they have only a twisted abusive type of love based on nationalism and a complete lack of education based in history and facts.

Enjoy your coup hi-sos' now go back to taking more selfies with your Starbucks, southerners make sure to give all the Bangkok boys a big deep wai before you put that money in your pocket and go back down to enjoy more murder and mayhem sure isn't it all Thaksin's fault anyway?

I have many Thai friends who went to protests, and finally the coup. Its the end of the Shins (for now)

Every one saying that its the hiso's and elite should look at who were protesting.. office workers.. and middle income earners.. why because they are financing the government with their taxes that get squandered and stolen. The reds usually don't pay tax and only want handouts. Not fair in my book that the ones financing the government don't have much to say about it but the ones who don't pay a dime can decide how money is spend.

I would like to hear from reds how to raise more taxes.. remember there are only a few real rich people. Income tax wont help as those rich dont have massive income but wealth. So maybe a wealth tax (I don't like those one bit as its stealing money that has been earned already same as inheritance taxes). Increasing the VAT will hurt the poor a lot as they often also pay VAT. So please besides squeezing the MIDDLE income people dry how do you propose to raise more taxes to help the so called poor ?

Also should people keep paying for the poor when rice farming obviously is not viable. They might have to change what they do.

I am all for a good education for everyone (poor too) that is free so people can help themselves. How about that one ? No stupid tablet deals that are used to hide corruption (easy to steal money on those deals) but really invest in good schooling for everyone. No handouts but making people self sufficient.

How about a land tax? Abhisit suggested it when the Democrats were in power but I believe the PTP scrapped it though I could be wrong.

Or a tax on every computer that spells text wrongly. Wait a minute that would affect me personally.


It's a bit of a pain right now, but a 10pm to 5am curfew won't affect most people. Just cut short partying a little bit. Hopefully just for a few days. I'm fortunate in that I have a lot of books to read otherwise the loss of tv programming would be devastating. However, I'll suffer through it. Haven't seen any soldiers about, however I did hear that there are a few around (Chiang Mai).

Have you thought what all this might mean to folk here on their annual holidays.


Maybe 2.5 hrs less time in the bars at night, have to start partying at night earlier, late night movies are out. Not ideal, and hardly a disaster is it? However, I think your point is that if what you do on holidays is stay out all night and go home in the morning, yes, this will cramp your style severely. I hadn't really considered the night club set.


Every person who was involved in those protests long after the amnesty bill was stopped is an absolute and utter <deleted>.

Mindless, ignorant, uneducated, selfish <deleted>.

They all stand up at the cinema and go on and on and on about how they love Thailand but they have only a twisted abusive type of love based on nationalism and a complete lack of education based in history and facts.

Enjoy your coup hi-sos' now go back to taking more selfies with your Starbucks, southerners make sure to give all the Bangkok boys a big deep wai before you put that money in your pocket and go back down to enjoy more murder and mayhem sure isn't it all Thaksin's fault anyway?

I have many Thai friends who went to protests, and finally the coup. Its the end of the Shins (for now)

Every one saying that its the hiso's and elite should look at who were protesting.. office workers.. and middle income earners.. why because they are financing the government with their taxes that get squandered and stolen. The reds usually don't pay tax and only want handouts. Not fair in my book that the ones financing the government don't have much to say about it but the ones who don't pay a dime can decide how money is spend.

I would like to hear from reds how to raise more taxes.. remember there are only a few real rich people. Income tax wont help as those rich dont have massive income but wealth. So maybe a wealth tax (I don't like those one bit as its stealing money that has been earned already same as inheritance taxes). Increasing the VAT will hurt the poor a lot as they often also pay VAT. So please besides squeezing the MIDDLE income people dry how do you propose to raise more taxes to help the so called poor ?

Also should people keep paying for the poor when rice farming obviously is not viable. They might have to change what they do.

I am all for a good education for everyone (poor too) that is free so people can help themselves. How about that one ? No stupid tablet deals that are used to hide corruption (easy to steal money on those deals) but really invest in good schooling for everyone. No handouts but making people self sufficient.

How about a land tax? Abhisit suggested it when the Democrats were in power but I believe the PTP scrapped it though I could be wrong.

Or a tax on every computer that spells text wrongly. Wait a minute that would affect me personally.

Land tax would hit farmers too.. but if you exclude farm area's guess how a lot of the rich owned properties will be labeled.

I am not against land tax or any kind of tax but I don't want the middle class to get hit anymore as they already are hit by taxes. They are the one paying for all the red programs.

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