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Canadian gunshot victim seeks funding to help return to a normal life: Chiang Mai

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Canadian gunshot victim seeks funding to help return to a normal life


CHIANG MAI: -- SPEAKING FROM a wheelchair, a former Canadian teacher laments how stray bullets turned his life upside down last June.

Nicolas Brown, 36, is now paraplegic and running out of money.

"I hope I can get back to work," the gunshot victim said from his rented room in Chiang Mai's Muang district yesterday. But carrying on the activities of daily living now takes him much more time.

"I need help. I want to get back to a normal life," he said.

Brown's name appeared in news reports last year after he was shot at a nightspot in Chiang Mai.

The alleged gunman was a sixth-year student at Chiang Mai University's Faculty of Dentistry.

While the suspect initially paid for Brown's medical bill, he stopped paying months later. He has not offered any compensation either, according to Brown.

In a bid to keep going, Brown created www.gofundme.com to raise funds for himself. His account, which is under the title "Nic Brown - Gunshot Victim In Thailand", has raised US$4,735 (Bt154,000) since January. "Most donors are foreigners," he said. He also created a Facebook page under the name of "Justice for Nic".

On the page, he described himself as the victim of a random and brutal shooting. "I spent six months in a Thai hospital recovering from multiple surgeries and a nasty pressure ulcer on my tailbone that wore down the bone [the sacrum bone was exposed]," he said on the page.

He continued: "I am not one to normally ask for handouts or personal charity, but under these extreme circumstances, and under the advice of those who care, I have decided to reach out to the larger global community for help. "Anything you offer would be invaluable towards easing the extreme duress I am under. All money would go towards medical bills. Thank you very much."

Brown said he held no grudges against the gunman. "All I want now is to have a family and a job. I want to live a simple, normal life.

"I will do my best. But I know things are not going to be easy because my circumstances have changed a lot."

He said he was also worried about his elderly mother.

-- The Nation 2014-05-23

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I understand his concern but would it be better for him to go back to Canada where I guess there are social security and many other things which could help him ? I understand his seek of justice , specially when you got shot , but in Thailand where there is many different kind of justice , one for the rich and one for the others ..... wish him success in his search . all my sympathy.


I know what I'd do in his situation. Even in a wheelchair

Really? What would you do? Enlighten us.

I'd buy him a condo. What do you think??

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civil suit is the way to go, no ?

should i start a website : ineedanewcarhelpmepayforit.com

if he is looking for justice in thailand, he is in the wrong place....

justice does not live here anymore, she moved a long time ago

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I think he has an excellent chance of prevailing and recovering damages in a lawsuit, and should return to Canada for all required medical care while that proceeds.


I met this guy at a taco cart one night in Chiang Mai and was really impressed with his attitude and worldview. Very intelligent, educated young man who was dealt a rough hand and is now dealing with it the best way he knows how. Going back to Canada might be the best thing for you and I, but for him?

He may have a different set of circumstances from us. I wish him the best of luck finding his own way.

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Canadians are afforded the luxury of a wonderful healthcare system and amazing social assistance ... at home.

Really ??

I am Canadian, had a crown from my molar lodged in my lung for 9 months.

The wonderful Canadian health care system did squat.

For those 9 months I was in Canada.

Wonderful eh !!!


Canadians are afforded the luxury of a wonderful healthcare system and amazing social assistance ... at home.

As a Canadian, if this were to happen to me, I'd probably suck it up and go back home (as unpalatable as that may be.)

No sympathy for the e-beggar. There's people out there that really need help.

The man does not give the impression of being an idiot, so one can assume there are things that make going back to Canada not the best choice for him right now, whatever those things may be. Do you know different, or are you just posting out of ignorance ... from home?

Rather than waste time on another useless post, you could perhaps do something useful by going to "http://www.gofundme.com/66ajwg".


Best choice? Hmmm... Have someone else pay said hospital bills in Thailand or have my home country's medical system take care of him. (And probably no transparency with where the money is spent, either...)

Heck he could probably get medical marijuana in Vancouver, too!

Also, given the e-begging, I'm certain he doesn't then have the minimum requisite cash to stay in LOS.

All aside, anyone willing to donate to the cause should be allowed a comprehensive view of all options available to the purported beggar, not just the side the beggar wants to present.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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That is what health and travel insurance is for.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Fine and well if one looks backwards and intends to issue a veiled scolding. However,I think the young man is looking forwards in a positive manner.

Good luck,to him.


Best choice? Hmmm... Have someone else pay said hospital bills in Thailand or have my home country's medical system take care of him. (And probably no transparency with where the money is spent, either...)

Heck he could probably get medical marijuana in Vancouver, too!

Also, given the e-begging, I'm certain he doesn't then have the minimum requisite cash to stay in LOS.

All aside, anyone willing to donate to the cause should be allowed a comprehensive view of all options available to the purported beggar, not just the side the beggar wants to present.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I'm not privy to his financial portfolio, medical bills or cash reserves, therefore I can't be as certain of his financial status as are others. I'm also not interested in his visa status as it relates to his medical bills.

A beggar is a name that does not address the needs of the person and is often used by those who's views of humanity are narrow and devoid of compassion.

One is certainly free to call someone whatever they choose, even if it may be inaccurate as well as crude. One can extend the hand of generosity or use it to degrade the less fortunate with the written word.

When I give, I give freely without any strings or conditions. Likewise, I don't condemn those that opt not to give.

I am blessed with good health, financial security and a believe that people are generally honest and decent.

I'm happy with that.

"Live and let Live"


Well said Benmart, and I salute your positive outlook and illuminated worldview. Sometimes the less well fortunate benefit greatly from a little bit of compassion and maybe even some assistance from others. Whatever that form of assistance comes in, I have a great deal of respect for those that go out of their way to help others.


I hope he gets the money together to sue the ass off this bloke who did this to him. The perp deserves a very long prison sentence and to lose virtually everything he owns.

Alas, its Thailand. Better to plan to go home for the long run.


I honestly can't think of any other reason he has stayed in Chiang Mai other than a civil suit and the hopes of some cash. Am i missing something? You can go home and get free health care and welfare to help you out in your time of need. Why is he still in Thailand?

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Best choice? Hmmm... Have someone else pay said hospital bills in Thailand or have my home country's medical system take care of him. (And probably no transparency with where the money is spent, either...)

Heck he could probably get medical marijuana in Vancouver, too!

Also, given the e-begging, I'm certain he doesn't then have the minimum requisite cash to stay in LOS.

All aside, anyone willing to donate to the cause should be allowed a comprehensive view of all options available to the purported beggar, not just the side the beggar wants to present.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I'm not privy to his financial portfolio, medical bills or cash reserves, therefore I can't be as certain of his financial status as are others. I'm also not interested in his visa status as it relates to his medical bills.

A beggar is a name that does not address the needs of the person and is often used by those who's views of humanity are narrow and devoid of compassion.

One is certainly free to call someone whatever they choose, even if it may be inaccurate as well as crude. One can extend the hand of generosity or use it to degrade the less fortunate with the written word.

When I give, I give freely without any strings or conditions. Likewise, I don't condemn those that opt not to give.

I am blessed with good health, financial security and a believe that people are generally honest and decent.

I'm happy with that.

"Live and let Live"


See, here is an example of the degradation of language stalking as righteousness. Slowly, when words are forced to lose their meaning, any and everyone gets to choose whichever value they want a word to have- it's begging- beggar- pidabatta, alms (giving). If you've never attached a condition to the receipt of money, you've never raised children nor had an irritating relative. The use of the word beggar in no way suggests humanity or compassion deficits; your suggestion of this is downright vile, masked in your lovey doves deportment. You actually assault this other poster with venom though cloak your words in your own profound self awareness. People like you are in fact the most dangerous. You don't have a real point of view, you coopt the words or values of a view that's not organic to you, then ape it.

I'm fairly certain the early dawn throngs of humanity from Bangkok to Kerala don't consider the word "beggar" as "[in]human" or devoid of "compassion" as they share their wherewithal. You double down with a false contrast suggesting by inference that the poster you write in opposition to somehow does not find others "honest" or "decent." Isn't it just possible the other poster in reference concurs with all of these things yet would rather be guarded? After all, his post suggests none of the things about himself that you assign to his character. If you were so great you wouldn't have to work so hard to contrast yourself with the other poster.

"A beggar is a name that does not address the needs of the person and is often used by those who's views of humanity are narrow and devoid of compassion." This is pure nonsense. "...address the needs..." you don't know jack about the needs of the OP- that's the point of the poster you assault. Your post is hatred, pure and simple, packaged as love.

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I honestly can't think of any other reason he has stayed in Chiang Mai other than a civil suit and the hopes of some cash. Am i missing something? You can go home and get free health care and welfare to help you out in your time of need. Why is he still in Thailand?

It takes at least three months to have your health insurance reinstated - I had to pay out of pocket when I went home for a short time. Maybe they will make exceptions, or maybe he can be reimbursed once he gets medical coverage again... We don't really know the details though. Also, he may have better employment opportunities here...?


I honestly can't think of any other reason he has stayed in Chiang Mai other than a civil suit and the hopes of some cash. Am i missing something? You can go home and get free health care and welfare to help you out in your time of need. Why is he still in Thailand?

Healthcare in Canada is funded to a large degree by the federal government, but it is run by the provincial governments. If you are no longer are a 'resident' as defined by Canada Revenue Agency, you may no longer qualify for provincial health benefits. At that point a Canadian may be treated as a foreigner within the system and be expected to pay for treatment.

We all could be missing something here. It is difficult to know the factors at play. As mentioned previously, this is what insurance is for; but good luck in his efforts to normalize his life.


I honestly can't think of any other reason he has stayed in Chiang Mai other than a civil suit and the hopes of some cash. Am i missing something? You can go home and get free health care and welfare to help you out in your time of need. Why is he still in Thailand?

It takes at least three months to have your health insurance reinstated - I had to pay out of pocket when I went home for a short time. Maybe they will make exceptions, or maybe he can be reimbursed once he gets medical coverage again... We don't really know the details though. Also, he may have better employment opportunities here...?

If it's anything like my own country, where we are (supposedly) "afforded the luxury of a wonderful healthcare system and amazing social assistance", there would certainly be no reimbursement for costs prior to the period where coverage was reinstated. I would assume treatment after coverage was reinstated would be covered, though I would have to read up on it to be certain; could be treatment for injuries sustained while without coverage would not be covered, similar to the conditions in most insurance policies.

But I am sure such things are only one of the many possible reasons for why the man has found it best for him to remain where he is at the time being. Some TV-members of course know better, seeing all the details and facts in their magic beer glass.


Thanks to all for the points about how the social insurances are applied. Those are thing that those of us that come from countries without social medicine would not even think of. Awk's post begs another question. This guy was working here as a teacher at the time. Aren't teachers here covered by insurance and/or social security?

I honestly can't think of any other reason he has stayed in Chiang Mai other than a civil suit and the hopes of some cash. Am i missing something? You can go home and get free health care and welfare to help you out in your time of need. Why is he still in Thailand?

It takes at least three months to have your health insurance reinstated - I had to pay out of pocket when I went home for a short time. Maybe they will make exceptions, or maybe he can be reimbursed once he gets medical coverage again... We don't really know the details though. Also, he may have better employment opportunities here...?

If it's anything like my own country, where we are (supposedly) "afforded the luxury of a wonderful healthcare system and amazing social assistance", there would certainly be no reimbursement for costs prior to the period where coverage was reinstated. I would assume treatment after coverage was reinstated would be covered, though I would have to read up on it to be certain; could be treatment for injuries sustained while without coverage would not be covered, similar to the conditions in most insurance policies.

But I am sure such things are only one of the many possible reasons for why the man has found it best for him to remain where he is at the time being. Some TV-members of course know better, seeing all the details and facts in their magic beer glass.


Nice to see all the blaming of the victim here - when did TV become such a nasty place? I hope that this doesn't happen to you, and if it does, you have some sympathy and help from others. The poor guy just happened to be standing in the wrong place at the wrong time.

i must agree, there are some very bitter people on TV….no one knows what will happen to them tomorrow….you could vein a thai bus accident, end up in a wheelchair and really want to stay here...

Think about it, just for a minute….or would you rather go back to your home town in the cold, rain and live in a wheel chair there instead?

Give the guy some credit, he's trying to live under very difficult circumstances


This guy was working here as a teacher at the time. Aren't teachers here covered by insurance and/or social security?

That is a good point.

I'm sure there are some exceptions (e.g., perhaps it needs to be a full-time job), but the employer is supposed to pay a small

amount into the social security fond for each employee. The employee is then entitled to free medical care (presumably there are some restrictions regarding what hospitals he can go to, but not sure about that), which from what I've heard, has quite extensive coverage.

Of course, we all know there are many teachers working for employers who can not be bothered setting things up properly, so no idea if the above applies to this unlucky gentleman or not.


I know what I'd do in his situation. Even in a wheelchair

Really? What would you do? Enlighten us.


Thats the only way justice will be served in this case.

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