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“We support peaceful democratic processes around the world, and hope that our allies in Thailand and elsewhere can find a way to select a unity government based on majority rule,” said Secretary of State John Kerry at a press conference yesterday, contradicting every foreign policy decision made by the United States since 1946. Kerry’s statement was applauded by the PDRC which thanked the United States for “proving its commitment to protecting the will of the people in small countries,” despite decades of contravening evidence suggesting that the US preferred to protect the will of multinational corporations and its own hegemonistic ambitions. Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban blasted the United States for its inconsistency and hypocrisy, accusing it of being a pawn of ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra. “It is inconceivable that the US would ever support the will of poor people in a geopolitically strategic state,” he claimed. “Surely something else, some dark force must be in play, for them to suddenly say something so crazy.”

The American position on the current political upheaval in Thailand has been in the spotlight ever since the People’s Democratic Reform Council led a mob to the US Embassy in Bangkok, to present their official position demanding an overthrow of the elected Pheu Thai government to US Ambassador to Thailand Kristie Kinney. Her subsequent refusal to support the PDRC’s anti-election position angered and surprised the protesters, who expected the US to honor its long partnership with Thailand by continuing to back military strongmen and shadowy oligarchies.

“For most of the 20th century, the US was very clear in its mission to disregard the will of any population that obstructed its own military or economic goals,” said Deetrakul Charaveeyuth, professor of history at Chulalongkorn University. “Thailand was a particularly consistent example of this, with the CIA backing and even participating in several military coups. All this sudden support for pluralism and ideology is just strange.”

Army head Prayuth Chan-Ocha issued a strong statement in response to the US policy, insisting that Thailand would never let its sovereignty be compromised by pro-democratic ideas. “We respect our friends and their right to their own opinions, but Thailand has its own way of doing things and we don’t need to be taught anything by anyone,” he said.

“While we appreciate America’s support, we will remain cautious about their support for our actual voters,” he added.

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Thai soldiers I salute you

America gives you small money and are not the leaders of Thailand

Thailand is a brave modern nation


...and how much money does your country give Mr. Dingleberry


US is a busted flush.

How dare they moralise

With their lousy schools, obscene inequality, racism and cultural vacuum I have no interest in their opinion on anything

....but they have more money than thailand....and you know how much thailand loves money....so I guess all those negatives don't mean squat. Money talks and bullshit walks

Army head Prayuth Chan-Ocha issued a strong statement in response to the US policy, insisting that Thailand would never let its sovereignty be compromised by pro-democratic ideas. “We respect our friends and their right to their own opinions, but Thailand has its own way of doing things and we don’t need to be taught anything by anyone,” he said.
“While we appreciate America’s support, we will remain cautious about their support for our actual voters,” he added.

I believe the highlighted phrase sums up the Thai attitude. It's this closed minded outlook that has kept Thailand's people in the hole all these decades. And as soon as the majority dug their way out, the military and the elite, stomp them back down in it again.

Cheers for the Americans and French and other countries for supporting ideals and expediency.

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As an American let me say to the US Gov't.


Congress has a 9% approval rating, our infrastructure is crumbling, we have millions on food stamps and disability and we all know our country is run by the biggest corporations and banks.

I seriously wish we would have a military coup to take down our authoritarian govt who have trampled press freedoms, SPIED ON ALL AMERICANS ILLEGALLY AND UNCONSTITUTIONALLY and committed a bunch of other hardcore crimes world wide!!!!

I totally agree, as being an american as well. Everything you have said.

I do not agree with the negative comments that come out , like at the top about americans. There are a lot of americans that do not agree with the policies- politics -corporations bs. they come to places like this because they are fed up or they just have to live there. They are good people and are 1 in millions of people under an bs democracy. To generalize about the people about the nation is plain ignorance. I get tired of all the bashing around here at the drop of the hat. It just takes 1 comment and it explodes. Prob half the people havent spent a year in america and met the nice people. Its the stupid ass govt and believe me there are some states I can question as well but nice people all over. The ctry is run by 2 parties with a ton of money. they get elected basicly on financial means, not on what the ctry/people think.

Being an american doesnt mean you have had any kind of considerations or links to the bs they have caused. Believe me, its all the big corporations that make the decisions and wealthy leaders that were hired by their relations and not their education. Every ctry has their bs, and america has a lot. lots of generalizations in these forums.

Sorry for my rant, I get tired of hearing all the bs. Its hard sometimes bc I can relate somewhat bc, J.kerry has no clue. Although then all the haters come out thinking we agree just bc we are americans with what decisions our govt makes.

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Seem to recall that the Americans had no qualms about sending in a para military force to kill and maim students at Berkeley University, interfering in other countries and sovereign states affairs seems to be an American obsession.

Keep your nose out America, your governments track record in S.E, Asia are not the best are they.

Your military aren't bad but the stench of hypocrisy from your administration stinks.

I think you maybe referring to Kent State. I was at Berkeley at the afore mentioned time and vividly remember being tear gassed via helicopter in Sproul Plaza by the National Guard. No deaths. Many arrests. However the Alameda County Sheriffs were shotgun happy.


Seem to recall that the Americans had no qualms about sending in a para military force to kill and maim students at Berkely University, interfering in other countries and sovereign states affairs seems to be an American obsession.

Keep your nose out America, your governments track record in S.E, Asia are not the best are they.

Your military aren't bad but the stench of hypocrisy from your administration stinks.

Not that im an american but you do realise you wouldnt even be here if it wasnt for that relationship .... or for that matter the wests.

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More advice from the World leaders of what ? Financial crisis ? Invasion's ?. Would have thought they've got enough &lt;deleted&gt; of their own internally to sort out before trying to put Thailand to rights. Go away Uncle Sam.


The real reason for cutting off the 10 M aid is because the aid all went to corrupt politicians.....now there is no one to send it to.....so the US will just hang on to it.

  • Like 2

Thai soldiers I salute you

America gives you small money and are not the leaders of Thailand

Thailand is a brave modern nation


Looks like all those training exercises made them efficient. eh?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Very easy to understand why the US would come out against this, they know this could happen to them so they are worried. Just as happened here we have massive looting going on by the govt in the US.

This photo and article on Zerohedge that was just posted explains it nicely!

Thanks for the Zerohedge article...the rich keep getting richer...poor...poorer...somethings gotta give...middle class evaporating...national debt out of control...fiat money laundering...Fed and gov't working together...dismal future for Americans...


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Very easy to understand why the US would come out against this, they know this could happen to them so they are worried. Just as happened here we have massive looting going on by the govt in the US.

This photo and article on Zerohedge that was just posted explains it nicely!


Thanks for the Zerohedge article...the rich keep getting richer...poor...poorer...somethings gotta give...middle class evaporating...national debt out of control...fiat money laundering...Fed and gov't working together...dismal future for Americans...

At least they did not try to convert to the Euro. Talk about disaster....look there.


It's just diplomatic and political maneuvers for US/western public. How many american people know where is Thailand exactly ? I'm not sure Pentagon want to see Thailand fall in hand of China or Russia.

Thailand is a strategic place for US....

Publicly you disapprove, in shadow you approve.... (western diplomacy.)


Seem to recall that the Americans had no qualms about sending in a para military force to kill and maim students at Berkeley University, interfering in other countries and sovereign states affairs seems to be an American obsession.

Keep your nose out America, your governments track record in S.E, Asia are not the best are they.

Your military aren't bad but the stench of hypocrisy from your administration stinks.

I think you maybe referring to Kent State. I was at Berkeley at the afore mentioned time and vividly remember being tear gassed via helicopter in Sproul Plaza by the National Guard. No deaths. Many arrests. However the Alameda County Sheriffs were shotgun happy.

I like the use of para military like Seal team 6 was on call when hippies at Kent State protested. We all know Europe has never had any blood on their hands right!


rucus 7 post # 72

I think you maybe referring to Kent State. I was at Berkeley at the afore mentioned time and vividly remember being tear gassed via helicopter in Sproul Plaza by the National Guard. No deaths. Many arrests. However the Alameda County Sheriffs were shotgun happy.


Thanks for putting me right I was writing from memory and neglected to search for the hard facts.

We English were indeed amazed at those actions at that time

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Here they go again the mighty INNOCENT USA government that needs to learn about freedom of speech and freedom to protest all we need to do is look at the protests over the Vienam war what they did to those people and the black protesting for their rights.

They invaded a small island "Granada" and even had the Cheek to make a movie about it.

Thailand do not need the USA.

  • Like 2

How many american people know where is Thailand

dumb, nonsensical post.

Should have been how many Americans care where Europe is. Asians are OK in our book Europeans are hypocrites always taking the high moral ground when they look at history by the week and not by the generation. Reminds me why we should never intervene in their problems again. Think how wonderful that German efficiency would be in the modern day and age. We would be dealing with a much smarter nation(Germany is the only thing keeping the EU afloat) than the rest of the trash in Europe.

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How many american people know where is Thailand

dumb, nonsensical post.

Not really.... show a map of America to a New Yorker and ask them to point to California... or Ohio.... no clue (or did you not see the TV prog. showing this)... as for other countries... most show total ignorance. So no... not as dumb and nonsensical a post as yours actually lol


Where do you think most of the millions of dollars of aid go Mr Kerry, one of the reasons for the coup is the corruption at all levels of Govt and the rest in Thailand., and most of all the Thaskin regime .

Wonder when there was last an independant audit done by the US into the funds distribution, probably rarely or never.

Mr Kerry if your advisors informed you at all about whats being going on over here for the last few decades you might have a clue.

Farmers up north poor and lied to , funds gone missing, not a straight politian in Thai politics , what do you expect, unity and love , peace man etc.

Grow up !

  • Like 1

How many american people know where is Thailand

dumb, nonsensical post.

It's actually not that nonsensical. Geography isn't exactly known to be the average Americans strong side.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I wish US would end their relationship with Thailand and stop the support. US does not have much benefits fromThailand. Then increase the tariffs on their Thai export products.

The American business community receive privileges that far outstrip those given to people from other nations here in Thailand, and those privileges add up to a significant amount more than US10-15M. I wish I could run a business in Thailand as an American rather than a Brit. If the US were to do as you suggest there would be a lot of potentially very pi**ed off American business people in Thailand.


rucus 7 post # 72

I think you maybe referring to Kent State. I was at Berkeley at the afore mentioned time and vividly remember being tear gassed via helicopter in Sproul Plaza by the National Guard. No deaths. Many arrests. However the Alameda County Sheriffs were shotgun happy.


Thanks for putting me right I was writing from memory and neglected to search for the hard facts.

We English were indeed amazed at those actions at that time

It was at a different time and for different reasons... Unless you are comparing Thakisn to Nixon.

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