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Why does True Visions have the same program on all it's channels?

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Mayby we can expect some movies like: full metal jacket, rambo, band of brothers, the pacific, stalingrad etc etc after a few days when there also bored transmitting the same stuff.whistling.gif

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There's been some mention of some restoration of some channels maybe "this evening", after an original rumor of 4:00 PM came and went.

Currently I'm getting an Army propaganda film/recruitment commercial on all 689 channels of TrueVisions..


Channels are returning Thai FTA + some sports channels. Not checked all

Edit for info am on satellite

Further edit... Sports channels 666 onwards have gone again, honest they were there ! also CNN HD was on briefly but now off


There's been some mention of some restoration of some channels maybe "this evening", after an original rumor of 4:00 PM came and went.

Currently I'm getting an Army propaganda film/recruitment commercial on all 689 channels of TrueVisions..

I saw on FB that the Thai stations will resume this evening. I checked about 15 minutes ago but still not on. Like another poster I want the rugby. Watching by internet at present but much prefer the HD quality from True.


If you have a free-to-air, C/KU band dish TV setup there are some Laotian and middle east channels to watch...a couple with English language.

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6:20 pm My TrueTV is back!

However, the Army is blocking BBC HD (113) - replacing the Beeb with Thai patriotic propaganda.

Little do they know that BBC SD (121) is being shown uncensored. So head to 121 for BBC until they "forgive" the UK.

114 (CNN HD) is not censored, so the Army has forgiven Kerry.

6:26 pm True channels censored again. Silly b@gg@rs


It makes it easier for you. No channel surfing required.

But suspect you know that.

all channels are off the air! you are watching army propaganda numb nuts!



I called True. I was quite cordial and asked if they intended on billing me for the services I am not receiving. I was shocked when they told me they will issue credit for the days service is out.

Typical capitalist attitude, the customer always pays, profits must not be affected. If a service you are paying for is not available for whatever reason, then you should not have to pay, but hey TiT.

TiT? So you mean "typical Thai capitalist attitude."


Don't bother with true. Get UK TV online .. watching Foyles war as we speak.

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

BUT, I am in the countryside and the only choice is TRUE net, if I look Online or streaming movies, TV, I would, get a unbelievable high bill!!! sad.png

Crazy, what to do!? Maybe I drive after curfew time around until the authorities stop me!

Stops the boredom than to! rolleyes.gif


I called True. I was quite cordial and asked if they intended on billing me for the services I am not receiving. I was shocked when they told me they will issue credit for the days service is out.

Typical capitalist attitude, the customer always pays, profits must not be affected. If a service you are paying for is not available for whatever reason, then you should not have to pay, but hey TiT.

TiT? So you mean "typical Thai capitalist attitude."

No, what I mean is if any company cannot supply the service in the UK, and probably other western countries, then they couldn't charge for it, but Thailand does not have the same consumer services. If you read Thavisa regularly, you will have seen lots of occasions when a member complains about some sort of bad service but still has to pay, and the advice given to them is forget it, you won't get anywhere.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Again they are not thinking... I could understand blocking news channels during something like this, but by blocking all programming they are giving all the Thais who normally watch TV all the time nothing to do but get into mischief...

I don't think that many Thai's get the Movie Channels, except the ones in Thai. They are extra and in many hotels, which not that many Thais go to either.

So when you block HBO (English), CSI, or Fox Prime, who are you really blocking out of the picture?


Apparently the free to air programmes are back if you don't use True.

We use True but I don't think the wife has noticed anything. She's been trying every channel from True and CTH for the past two hours!!!!


I called True. I was quite cordial and asked if they intended on billing me for the services I am not receiving. I was shocked when they told me they will issue credit for the days service is out.

Really? I will believe it when I see it.

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If you have a free-to-air, C/KU band dish TV setup there are some Laotian and middle east channels to watch...a couple with English language.

Everything is live here too on satellite TV and IPTV .. It was funny seeing Richard Quest on CNN saying no one in Thailand can see "quest means business"


Oh, snap! I just heard about the coup. Never mind facepalm.gif

PS I thought these coups always happened in October blink.png

What does 'oh snap' mean?


It's just a substitute for 'oh ****, oh s**t, oh d**m'. Gotta watch what you put on here these days

Oh...captspectre and Thaiready--what can I say? Maybe 'hook, line & sinker' cheesy.gif


TrueVisions cable TV in Bangkok still blocked for me. Just the five services logo, now a bit out of focus, and no music, and no scroll.

The associated radio channels appear to remain un-blocked, including BBC.


I called True. I was quite cordial and asked if they intended on billing me for the services I am not receiving. I was shocked when they told me they will issue credit for the days service is out.

Think about it for a moment. And don't get me wrong as I am not a great fan of True, but they are not the ones that have shut down all T V. So if you are looking for a credit I suggest you send your complaint to the army


Some channels are back on my TrueVisions cable, but a lot of channels are still blocked. Evidently they figured out a way to selectively block channels based on some list the Military Junta issued?

Good news, the sports ("spore") channels are back.


What's the problem ? I receive again my favourite channel 124clap2.gif

..but now they cut if again....sniff...sniff...sad.png


At the moment looks like just the overseas sourced channels that carry news are off

Eg BBC CNN CCTV TV5(ch124) CNBC Bloomberg etc thede showing 'Intermission' slide.

Edit to add....on satellite, True standard setup


What programming a person is receiving depends on system they are on, whether on satellite, whether on cable, etc. Like for me, I have a free-to-air C/KU band satellite dish setup and TrueVisions cable to my house. The satellite dish system probably has a couple dozen channels on air, to include the main Thai channels like 3, 5, 7, etc. But last night and up to early this morning my Truevisions cable system has "no" channels....just the picture of the military patches on the screen. Now, I just went and turned on TrueVisions cable and a lot of the Thai channels are back but when checking for channels like CNN, BBC, etc., there was a screen saying "Intermission, Programming Will Return Shortly" or something like that. Now, gosh knows what programming will be on or off air a minute from now.


On TrueVisions cable it looks like only the foreign new channels like CNN, BBC, CNBC, Chinese new channels, etc., are still blocked....just showing an Intermission screen...maybe they'll be back soon...or not. Maybe at this time the authorities don't want conflicting news reporting from Thai news channels and foreign new channels.


Bangkok's best hotels have low occupancy so they are offering great deals and the TV is on at them! Give yourself a break and spend the weekend at a nice hotel! A little room service and all the sports! That's what I'm doing! Monaco F1 this weekend!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


I called True. I was quite cordial and asked if they intended on billing me for the services I am not receiving. I was shocked when they told me they will issue credit for the days service is out.

Did they give any indication when some/all service might be restored?

Champions League, Monaco F1, NBA playoffs, Roland Garos. I have no issues with them blocking news channels - OK I do, but that's a separate issue - but am unclear as to why the Military Junta feels the need to block sports/movie content.

Simplicity my good man, take 'em all out and you've gotten rid of what ever is disagreeable, but I suspect Prayuth isn't an association fan

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