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Thai junta bans former leaders from leaving country


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The heat is on.

Mr Prayuth I hope you will finish with the rogue politics in this country once and for all.

Hunting season is opened, and let someone trow the "King of Dubai" from his throne as well.

Doing a great jon so far.

Yo can pack your bag and go back to your country to promote coups, genocide and tortures. Blood thirsty people are not welcomed in Thailand.

If you hate Thais and enjoy seeing women and children being massacred, you can go back to your country (if you legally can).

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The reason they are not allowed to leave is because if they did and went to the UN they would be recognized the Gov. of Thailand there.

Rubbish. The Government stood down pending an election and remained in caretaker mode only. They are not the Government then or now.

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Wouldn't it be better if they left?

Even if you mean all sides of the political spectrum that is a frightening suggestion from a supposedly intelligent western person.

You can't help yourself, can you?

You could help yourself by not making such reactionary statements - why try and focus the attention on me? It was a stupid statement worthy of criticism at the very least.

As are most of your posts of late.

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Wouldn't it be better if they left?

Even if you mean all sides of the political spectrum that is a frightening suggestion from a supposedly intelligent western person.

You can't help yourself, can you?

No he can't, he had laser eye surgery and got red implants

He was looking for a hypnotist at one stage. I think he found one and the guy turned him into a red flag waving vegetable. whistling.gif

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Wouldn't it be better if they left?

Even if you mean all sides of the political spectrum that is a frightening suggestion from a supposedly intelligent western person.

Fabby, weren't you supposed to be at that meeting the military called today? Even your idol Yingluck has shown up.

Could you imagine what would happen if the Military read any of his TV posts ? They would lock him up and throw the key away ! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The reason they are not allowed to leave is because if they did and went to the UN they would be recognized the Gov. of Thailand there.

Wrong and misleading.

Have to disagree here.

Wrong ..... and ridiculous.


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Khun Thaksin could be dead and ten years later people would still be blaming him for something the guy had the intelligence to give the poor of Thailand a vote for there future along with other benefits they could only dream of that is why the Shin family will be loved and adored by the poor. If only the eliitists had realised that first they would not be in the position of always trying to get into Government by the back door, they do not have enough voters to get them in through the front door and that is why they are obsessed in doing everything in there power to bring down a Shin Government. New elections will be held and if it is a democratic vote we all know the outcome 2 years later the opposition will once again make every attempt to bring down the Goverment and we will once again await another coup nothing changes and it never will !

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The reason they are not allowed to leave is because if they did and went to the UN they would be recognized the Gov. of Thailand there.

Wrong and misleading.

Have to disagree here.

Wrong ..... and ridiculous.


How is it wrong? They were voted in, even under a caretaker gov. they were voted in again. The UN does not wear Yellow tinted glasses nor does it believe a Kangaroo court that removes PM's for removing a Police man for not following orders or a PM going on a cooking show. Can't spin that.

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Don't forget Thacksin was democratically elected. A d illegally removed from power.right or wrong, good or bad.

History....get over it....he ain't comin' back!

it's not that he hasn't tried to pave a way for his return, it looks like he's failed again. If Yingluck would have kept the rice program from becoming a scandal, and the car and housing tax discount were better studied, or the K-water project wasn't a scam, or the one tablet per child was successful, or the high speed train proposal wasn't in the mist of the slow train derailing every month, or if Yingluck did something notable or worth mentioning besides from being the first woman PM or her good shopping style maybe the Thai people would have let the amnesty bill slide, but just like her big brother she took advantage of the poor and uneducated, promised them sunshine and rainbow. Now her goons will pay the price, someone will be held accountable, anyone think it will be someone from the Shin clan is delusional. Lets hope that the people of learnt their lesson. People need to know, you are accountable for your actions and democracy is not a free pass to do whatever you want. This coup was unfortunate, but it's a means to an end. Lets hope that the powers that be won't waste this opportunity to make some changes to prevent future crisis like the last coup.

Well put cnxdefyer - Let's hope the red crowd have the guts to read your comment, and the nous to understand it. thumbsup.gif

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Don't forget Thacksin was democratically elected. A d illegally removed from power.right or wrong, good or bad.

History....get over it....he ain't comin' back!

it's not that he hasn't tried to pave a way for his return, it looks like he's failed again. If Yingluck would have kept the rice program from becoming a scandal, and the car and housing tax discount were better studied, or the K-water project wasn't a scam, or the one tablet per child was successful, or the high speed train proposal wasn't in the mist of the slow train derailing every month, or if Yingluck did something notable or worth mentioning besides from being the first woman PM or her good shopping style maybe the Thai people would have let the amnesty bill slide, but just like her big brother she took advantage of the poor and uneducated, promised them sunshine and rainbow. Now her goons will pay the price, someone will be held accountable, anyone think it will be someone from the Shin clan is delusional. Lets hope that the people of learnt their lesson. People need to know, you are accountable for your actions and democracy is not a free pass to do whatever you want. This coup was unfortunate, but it's a means to an end. Lets hope that the powers that be won't waste this opportunity to make some changes to prevent future crisis like the last coup.

I find the fact that you believe she would have been capable of all and any of this, really really funny laugh.png

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Don't forget Thacksin was democratically elected. A d illegally removed from power.right or wrong, good or bad.

...and don't forget he was illegally in power too! having overstayed his caretaker role.

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It seems like this coup is well planned by the Army.

I hope that everything will go back to normal soon.

It is a good idea to keep the former leaders in Thailand.

They misses the last time that Thaksin got away.

This has been planned for a long time, of course.

However, you don't start 'peace' by becoming a secret society, and blocking off world contact in order that your deeds cannot be monitored or seen.

It's understandable to want to locate bent and corrupt politicians running into hiding, but it is a different dish of food when you stop international commuting (between borders, that is), for foreigners who simply want to enter and exit without any malicious intent.

The General would have had many plans in place - depending on which way it rolls. Any military commander would do like so - covering all scenarios. So, yes he had it planned, along with other plans too. It would have been circumstances that made him switch to the present plan - that being, no visible way out of the impasse without intervention. You can try and make two squabbling children shake hands, but if they still refuse, they both get sent to the naughty stair for a time out!

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Khun Thaksin could be dead and ten years later people would still be blaming him for something the guy had the intelligence to give the poor of Thailand a vote for there future along with other benefits they could only dream of that is why the Shin family will be loved and adored by the poor. If only the eliitists had realised that first they would not be in the position of always trying to get into Government by the back door, they do not have enough voters to get them in through the front door and that is why they are obsessed in doing everything in there power to bring down a Shin Government. New elections will be held and if it is a democratic vote we all know the outcome 2 years later the opposition will once again make every attempt to bring down the Goverment and we will once again await another coup nothing changes and it never will !

Are you saying that the poor didn't have a vote until after Thaksin was elected?

... sent from my phone.

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The reason they are not allowed to leave is because if they did and went to the UN they would be recognized the Gov. of Thailand there.

Wrong and misleading.

Have to disagree here.

Wrong ..... and ridiculous.


How is it wrong? They were voted in, even under a caretaker gov. they were voted in again. The UN does not wear Yellow tinted glasses nor does it believe a Kangaroo court that removes PM's for removing a Police man for not following orders or a PM going on a cooking show. Can't spin that.

Samak didn't "go" on a cooking show. He got paid for it AND lied about it in court... while he was PM. How many PM's do you know that have a second job?

... sent from my phone.

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Don't forget Thacksin was democratically elected. A d illegally removed from power.right or wrong, good or bad.

At the point he was removed he wasn't elected. Expired caretaker with too less MPs for a functional parliament.

...... and it was not a big problem for big bro to get elected in the first place! Give your voters some money and they will gladly vote for anybody. I can see how voting is carried on in the village with a 'kind' pressure and sweet talks - even I(!!!) have been asked to vote .... for red shirt's! But I stay out of discussions of political nature when in Thailand for obvious reasons

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Khun Thaksin could be dead and ten years later people would still be blaming him for something the guy had the intelligence to give the poor of Thailand a vote for there future along with other benefits they could only dream of that is why the Shin family will be loved and adored by the poor. If only the eliitists had realised that first they would not be in the position of always trying to get into Government by the back door, they do not have enough voters to get them in through the front door and that is why they are obsessed in doing everything in there power to bring down a Shin Government. New elections will be held and if it is a democratic vote we all know the outcome 2 years later the opposition will once again make every attempt to bring down the Goverment and we will once again await another coup nothing changes and it never will !

Are you saying that the poor didn't have a vote until after Thaksin was elected?

... sent from my phone.

It would seem so and if he, she, really believes it then it shows how far red "Conditioning" can twist the minds of the gullible.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Don't forget Thacksin was democratically elected. A d illegally removed from power.right or wrong, good or bad.

You need to seriously check your information.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The heat is on.

Mr Prayuth I hope you will finish with the rogue politics in this country once and for all.

Hunting season is opened, and let someone trow the "King of Dubai" from his throne as well.

Doing a great jon so far.

How naive can one be. Everything will be rosy and hummy when Thaksin is gone. It is all about the enormous gap between rich and poor. And it ihas been boiling since early -40's. Thaksin is only a pion in the distrasous political game. And now the Army really made it a failed state.

I think you mean "peon" and if you think Thaksin is a peon, then you underestimate him and his influence. True, Thailand would still have major problems even without Thaksin, but he has poisoned Thai politics immeasurably. It is too bad that the poor and disadvantaged of Thailand could not have rallied behind someone more honest and well-intentioned than a corrupt, self-centered, would-be dictator. Maybe some progress could have been made instead of Thailand ending up in its current mess.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Khun Thaksin could be dead and ten years later people would still be blaming him for something the guy had the intelligence to give the poor of Thailand a vote for there future along with other benefits they could only dream of that is why the Shin family will be loved and adored by the poor. If only the eliitists had realised that first they would not be in the position of always trying to get into Government by the back door, they do not have enough voters to get them in through the front door and that is why they are obsessed in doing everything in there power to bring down a Shin Government. New elections will be held and if it is a democratic vote we all know the outcome 2 years later the opposition will once again make every attempt to bring down the Goverment and we will once again await another coup nothing changes and it never will !

Are you saying that the poor didn't have a vote until after Thaksin was elected?

... sent from my phone.

It would seem so and if he, she, really believes it then it shows how far red "Conditioning" can twist the minds of the gullible.

"..... intelligence to give the poor of Thailand a vote for there future along with other benefits they could only dream of that is why the Shin family will be loved and adored by the poor, ,,,,,"

This has been discussed ad nauseam for years.

Do you really honestly sincerely believe his intent was to 'love the poor people and give them a say in national politics.'

Suggest you throw away your rose colored glasses, check some history and come to grips with the underhanded realities of his moves.

Fast forward to today:

1. How many shins in trouble with the law? Just one example, are you aware of the shin family member who was at one stage the leader of the army, and are you aware that we was convicted of seriously tampering with voter registrations / voter lists?

2. The rice scam. Nobody denies that the poor need support and some structured mechanism to get them into a better quality of life. Did the shin rice scams achieve any of that? Have they been scammed and now six months and more after they delivered their rice they are not paid and somebody has silenced them.

Are the poor making serious gains into a better quality of life? No, no and no.

Over to you

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Khun Thaksin could be dead and ten years later people would still be blaming him for something the guy had the intelligence to give the poor of Thailand a vote for there future along with other benefits they could only dream of that is why the Shin family will be loved and adored by the poor. If only the eliitists had realised that first they would not be in the position of always trying to get into Government by the back door, they do not have enough voters to get them in through the front door and that is why they are obsessed in doing everything in there power to bring down a Shin Government. New elections will be held and if it is a democratic vote we all know the outcome 2 years later the opposition will once again make every attempt to bring down the Goverment and we will once again await another coup nothing changes and it never will !

Are you saying that the poor didn't have a vote until after Thaksin was elected?

... sent from my phone.

It would seem so and if he, she, really believes it then it shows how far red "Conditioning" can twist the minds of the gullible.

"..... intelligence to give the poor of Thailand a vote for there future along with other benefits they could only dream of that is why the Shin family will be loved and adored by the poor, ,,,,,"

This has been discussed ad nauseam for years.

Do you really honestly sincerely believe his intent was to 'love the poor people and give them a say in national politics.'

Suggest you throw away your rose colored glasses, check some history and come to grips with the underhanded realities of his moves.

Fast forward to today:

1. How many shins in trouble with the law? Just one example, are you aware of the shin family member who was at one stage the leader of the army, and are you aware that we was convicted of seriously tampering with voter registrations / voter lists?

2. The rice scam. Nobody denies that the poor need support and some structured mechanism to get them into a better quality of life. Did the shin rice scams achieve any of that? Have they been scammed and now six months and more after they delivered their rice they are not paid and somebody has silenced them.

Are the poor making serious gains into a better quality of life? No, no and no.

Over to you

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Have to disagree here.

Wrong ..... and ridiculous.


How is it wrong? They were voted in, even under a caretaker gov. they were voted in again. The UN does not wear Yellow tinted glasses nor does it believe a Kangaroo court that removes PM's for removing a Police man for not following orders or a PM going on a cooking show. Can't spin that.

Samak didn't "go" on a cooking show. He got paid for it AND lied about it in court... while he was PM. How many PM's do you know that have a second job?

... sent from my phone.

SInce the subject of Samak has come up, what a lot of people don't seem to realize is that the man was one of Thailand's most notorious fascists, having been a major supporter of the violent coups and military crackdowns of the 1970's. Yet, this was the man Thaksin nominated as candidate for PM to represent him and his interests. Samak never saw a coup he didn't like until the one in 2006 that overthrew his sponsor. So, there is just a touch or hypocrisy and/or ignorance coming from Red Shirt supporters who cry "fascist" without having a careful look at the movement they themselves support.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Have to disagree here.

Wrong ..... and ridiculous.


How is it wrong? They were voted in, even under a caretaker gov. they were voted in again. The UN does not wear Yellow tinted glasses nor does it believe a Kangaroo court that removes PM's for removing a Police man for not following orders or a PM going on a cooking show. Can't spin that.

Samak didn't "go" on a cooking show. He got paid for it AND lied about it in court... while he was PM. How many PM's do you know that have a second job?

... sent from my phone.

SInce the subject of Samak has come up, what a lot of people don't seem to realize is that the man was one of Thailand's most notorious fascists, having been a major supporter of the violent coups and military crackdowns of the 1970's. Yet, this was the man Thaksin nominated as candidate for PM to represent him and his interests. Samak never saw a coup he didn't like until the one in 2006 that overthrew his sponsor. So, there is just a touch or hypocrisy and/or ignorance coming from Red Shirt supporters who cry "fascist" without having a careful look at the movement they themselves support.

Which is why he wasn't reelected PM after the courts forced him to step down.

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Seems like all the anti Thaksin posters are really happy with the coup as they think the Shinawatra family will finally be thrown in the garbage can. Hate to tell you that a coup or whatever this thing constitutes is the worst kind of disaster for Thailand. I would like to think that we would not tolerate this kind of thing in our home countries. Thailand and it's government doesn't have democracy, nor it is guided by democratic principles or the rule of law. It is nothing more than a sham. The obvious real power lies with the military. They just let the politicians play as long as it does not ruin their own power base and illegal profit centers that they run. Even seen a poor general in Thailand? People should be able to elect their government good or bad and not have it turned upside down my a few losers in the street or the military. I am not defending the Shinawatra's by any means but the people elected a government and the military did NOT support the elected government. They work for themselves not the people. Quite obvious to anyone. So everyone that is happy with this coup should be ashamed.

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