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Having a beer with the security guard at my apartment


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Off topic but It seems the OP's subject was about done.

Kasset Tak said: "I have problem separating British English and American English"

....... and differences there certainly are. I hadn't realised just how many until I started using the internet 14 years ago.

Here's an example:

Yesterday I hired a car. The boot was empty, the bumpers were a bit scratched, but it had a good engine under the bonnet and a manual gearbox. I pulled into a garage, filled it up with petrol and blew up a soft tyre. As I left, there were some hot girls on the pavement. I then continued my journey using both dual carriageways and motorways. I saw lots of articulated lorries.

I guess some Americans would have a hard time understanding that smile.png

Here's what I think the American version would be:

Yesterday I rented an auto. The trunk was empty, the fenders were a little scratched, but it had a good motor under the hood and a stick shift. I pulled into a gas station, pumped it full of gas and pumped up a soft tire. As I left, there were some hot girls on the sidewalk. I then continued my journey using both divided highways and freeways. I saw lots of semis.

Your translation is spot on except for the part where you said "auto." We would probably say "car" there also.

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Socially, you are, as a farang, outside the pale. Drinking beer with the security guard on duty simply confirms they are right to judge you as a loso.

Appearances are everything here and fraternising with the lower end of society puts you firmly in the same camp.

Are you a Tefler or just another itinerant?

I feel offended when you compare TEFLER with itinerant!

I have been working here as English teacher for 2,5 years and yes this is my 3 school.

But if you want we can compare "high so" friends. Among my Thai friends I have 3 former MPs (one lost his job last week and one last year when the Dems. walked out), 1 former UN ambassador, 1 Air Marshal, 2 police Colonels, 2 governors and so on. I think they are quite "high so" but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!!

And then I says to the president, I says...

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Maybe it's just me, but regardless of any of the hierarchy stuff, its the giving someone who's working alcohol that I have a problem with, and I suspect other tenants. I'm assuming that you wouldn't be passing a 'cold one' to the bus driver while you're chatting to him on the way home, or the electrician as he's rewiring your bathroom shower?

Just because we live in Thailand, and God knows drink & drugs are endemic, doesn't mean you should advocate it at work

Many is the time I have shared a "cold one" ( sometimes even a warm one ), with drivers, people working, my staff, security , whoever.

What's your problem ??

I can almost see the BKK Post headline.

"Thai Visa outrage as guy buys beer for security guard, whilst Country falls apart "

So why do you feel it's acceptable here? Do you feel Thai's are some how "backwards", or perhaps just stupid?

Are we supposed to answer that? Lol

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Maybe it's just me, but regardless of any of the hierarchy stuff, its the giving someone who's working alcohol that I have a problem with, and I suspect other tenants. I'm assuming that you wouldn't be passing a 'cold one' to the bus driver while you're chatting to him on the way home, or the electrician as he's rewiring your bathroom shower?

Just because we live in Thailand, and God knows drink & drugs are endemic, doesn't mean you should advocate it at work

Many is the time I have shared a "cold one" ( sometimes even a warm one ), with drivers, people working, my staff, security , whoever.

What's your problem ??

I can almost see the BKK Post headline.

"Thai Visa outrage as guy buys beer for security guard, whilst Country falls apart "

So why do you feel it's acceptable here? Do you feel Thai's are some how "backwards", or perhaps just stupid?

Are we supposed to answer that? Lol

You just did.

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